Male Spot 10: Illusionist Sage Arvidell Milagras

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Name: Arvidell Milagras (Arr-vid-el Mil-ahg-rahs); although he tends to go by Arvid

Gender: Male

Reservation Number: 10

Age: 17 during the war; 27 at present

Appearance: Arvid has something about him that makes him seem slightly handsome to outsiders. Whereas his inner circle of friends see him normally, a passerby may take a second glance. Everything about his appearance is dark, from his short black hair, to his near-black eyes. His skin is also a deep olive color, and his brows rest tightly on his face. His jaw is a little too strong for his liking, but he doesn't complain. With a tall stature and mediocre build, he doesn't stand out too much, but fares perfectly fine physically when he needs to.

Personality: People often tend to get along with him, despite the sly look he often throws their way; they simply brush away the fact that he looks like he's scheming their death right in front of them. He finds pleasure in pleasing others with his conversation. They say he can hold the attention of a wild bull just by speaking to it. Of course, bulls are rarely seen in the kingdom, so no one has been able to prove it just yet. Popular amongst a large group of people, he's grown slightly arrogant, though he would never voice his cockiness aloud. He keeps his achievements to himself, preferring to be the humble one on the outside. On the inside, however, his mind is constantly brewing up new ideas. A conniving man, a clever man, and above all, a victorious man, for failure has never come his way. His cunning and deceitful nature tends to triumph the few mistakes he's made.

Where in Castre they lived/are from: Arvid lives in Nighes; he can see the Psycre Ocean through his window, clear as day, though he often travels to Komesen.

Background: In his younger days, he lived as a simple trader, bartering with the mermaids and other citizens he grew to know over the years. His deceit left them wondering who had cheated them, since those trades happened several times a day with all sorts of people. No one suspected him. Then he went off to college, devoted all of his time to his studies. When the army crashed through the kingdom, he was left in shock, and instead of going on with Mathas, he managed to hide away in the college, eager to see if the word of others was true. They were. Some teachers and students had the same idea as him, and remained - but none had the sense to hide. When the army came through, they murdered everyone left in sight, and Arvid heard the screams all night until he managed to sneak through a window and inch his way through the jungles. He calls it a miracle how he found the group again, and kept close to them, growing bonds to each of his fellow students.

Magic: Sage Illusionist

Weapon: He twirls sticks in his hands often, so what would make twirling a dual-ended sword any more difficult? If not that, then the classic archer's too

Greatest Fear: Being left alone, and being in small spaces. His time hiding in the college triggered this, being stuck in a cramped area, in the dark, loneliness pestering him for hours as he heard the cries of others for help. These hours have engraved themselves in his memory, and all he wants is to chip them out. He's afraid that'll do more harm than good.

Deepest Secret: In order to sneak out of the college, he had to take down a single guard that wouldn't leave the room he was hiding in. He killed the man, and pretends that e has no blood staining his hands.

Strengths: He's got a clever tongue, and can trick anyone into doing something they otherwise wouldn't do. Long legs serve him well; he can run pretty fast. He's got charm, so others may be hesitant to kill him off - especially if he manages to dig up blackmail about them, and odds are, he will.

Weaknesses: He's lacking in the muscle department, so lifting things may take time and difficulty. He's horrible at fighting hand to hand, and has never really had to, seeing how he's far too charming for anyone to want to fight him. His inner arrogance may get the best of his decisions.

Family Members: He's unhappily married to his wife, Isolde, and desperately wishes to patch the falling out that seems to be occurring between them. It's difficult, for he only sees her once a week. No children brighten his days - they've tried for years - and no family comes forward to invite him into their loving arms.

Favorite Mythical Creature: Harpy

Vaxon Asherex: "In an odd way, you remind me a lot of my wife. I think the two of you would get along nicely. Though you aren't much of a fighter, you just might survive from your illusions and deceptions."

Kyren Asherex: "You remind me of my mother. I'll be coming for you - too dangerous to be left alive."

Vassti Asherex: "There you are, the Magi I have been waiting for. I'll be watching you very closely. Your deceit and trickery will get you far, I just know it. Trick your way to the top, and then I will sway you to my side. You would be a most valuable asset."

Nassia Asherex: "Hmm. You're kind of cute... I can't wait to see you in action. You're going to add so much drama to the arena, and I just love drama."

Jahad Asherex: "It is people like you that only add to the cruelty of this world. I see you using your tricks and deceits to get far, although, not in a fair way. I've lived around people like you my entire life, boy, and I have no sympathy for you at all."

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