Male Spot 4: Fire Mage Kalen

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Name: Kalen (Pronounced Kay-lin)

Gender: Male

Reservation Number: 4

Age: 22 (12 when the War started)

Appearance: Kalen stands with slumped shoulders and bowed head, he shuffles his feet when he walks, and his hands plunged deep into pockets. You wouldn't think there was much to this boy at first if you met him. He is quiet of speech and of manner, and always looks defeated.

However if you were to look into his eyes, you would see in that blue, a sparkling, fiery determination. One which, could be dimed, but never put out. They shine as his emotions differ, often giving away how he feels.

His body is thin and wiry, his skin, which used to be a sun kissed brown, is now pale, and white. His black hair rumpled and dirty never behaves and is always messy.

No, Kalen is not handsome in appearance in the classical sense of the word, but there is an ethereal quality about him which makes people look twice.

Personality: Kalen is an open book, until you realize it is he who choses which page you read from.

He has changed since the War started and finished, everyone has, but he more then most. He was a impulsive, idealistic, naive and slightly foolish boy: indeed that part of him is still there, it is hidden away but still there.

As the War progressed and he watched his adopted father, his mother and his friend's die he changed from the happy-go-lucky boy, into a morose, silent and almost introvert lad. He feels a great responsibility for everything which happened, even though none of it was his fault.

Kalen is haunted by dreams of the fallen and dead and it often follows him into his reality, voices calling out his name in his head, screaming for help.

He will show either a silent figure, one who never talks or one with a sarcastic foolish nature.

No-one has ever seen him get angry, he hopes it stays that way, for when he does, he almost transforms. He becomes a gentleman killer, never raising his voice. He becomes someone who will not let his enemies die quickly and with little pain. he will show a cold, cruel, and sadistic side which he tries so hard to hide.

Where they lived/are from: Kalen is from the Capital itself, the heart of Casrte, Komesen.

Background: Kalen was a bastard child, his mother was a servant in the "court" of the King Vaxon and his father... Vaxon Asherex himself. He grew up not knowing this about himself as he made friends with a few of the noble children. One of which was a boy called "Arthur" Kalen fell in love as much as a 12 year old could.

When he told his mother about it, she was shocked. Homosexuality was frowned on, well at least where she came from. She tried to beat it out of him and Arthur found him crying his eyes out. When Arthur tried to comfort Kalen, well, Kalen's magic first surfaced when the boy touched him. Fire flooded out of the boy's hands and hit Arthur full in the chest. It almost killed him, and Kalen as the energy fell out of his body I the form of those flames. Kalen recovered first and ran away into the streets.

He spent the next week crying his eyes out, shivering in the cold and trying to survive on his own. He was taken in by an old woman who taught him the ways of the streets. He lived like this, the war started and he fought along with the other Magic users. He saw many people killed in those few years of the War.

When Mathas took the thirty-two children away, Kalen was the last to go. He struck up a conversation with Mathas, and it turned out that the man knew who Kalen's father was.

Kalen nearly killed himself when the magic and energy poured out of him when Mathas softly told him that his father was the one who ordered all the Magic users to be killed. Kalen collapsed into a coma and when he awoke, Mathas was dead and they were living in a cave...

Magic: Elemental Mage: Fire

Weapon they would use: Kalen would either use his mind, or a sword. Although he does rely on his Magic and his weapon aren't very good.

Greatest Fear: To fail and disappoint his family and friends. Although he already feels like he has failed, so he tries to redeem himself and not fail again.

Deepest secret: Who he really is, a prince. That the dreaded and hated King Vaxon is his father.

Strengths: He is alert and very observant, and he is very good at hiding, he hides his very character, who he is...He is used too little sleep and can go for days without food.

Weakness: He tries to see the Good in everyone and is sometimes blind to people's bad intentions. Kalen speaks his mind and does not show respect to ranking. His is troubled with nightmares and voices in his head. He is very bitter

Family Members: He has ever told anyone of his family. His father is the King himself, Vaxon. He hasn't many friends, however his family is the magic users left. He doesn't know if his mother is still alive, he thinks she is.

Favourite mythical creature: When he was a child, he loved the Dragon simply because it was amazing, it breathed fire, it was very powerful and it could fly! It changed as he grew up from a Dragon, to a mermaid, to Faeries. Now it is a Phoenix.

The beautiful bird of fire which rises reborn from their own ashes. It song can move the coldest heart and it's life is never ending. The cycle of life, when the Phoenix dies, another takes it's place.

Vaxon Asherex: "Hah! I never wanted you. Even when you ran around the palace as a little runt. I ensured that no one ever knew your true identity, not even you. But... there is hope for you yet, boy. Perhaps... Perhaps you can be the son that Kyren has failed to be."

Kyren Asherex: "Be thankful you were lucky enough to be spared all of this, kid. But your secret which I've only recently discovered, just made yourself a target. No doubt Father will come after you as well... Trying to convert you to his side. I'll kill you before that happens."

Vasti Asherex: "You're nothing but a disgrace. Your mother did the right thing. I hope you die quickly."

Nassia Asherex: "Ahhh! Phoenix's are so beautiful! I'll make sure there are some in the arena waiting for you, Kalen! Plus, you're handsome! I'll be watching for you."

Jahad Asherex: "Though I never knew for sure, there were always rumors floating around the palace... I am so sorry for what you have been through, but at least you were able to escape it when you did. Focus on your fire magic and your internal spark. But be wary; do not be so open that you easily allow your enemies to read you."

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