Sponsorship Task

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Finally we are here! Before the first task, there is a task specifically so that you can get used to writing in this, you can get used to each other's styles and I can see what you can do. This is the round where you must impress the Royals - even those who are still undecided on whether they even want sponsors. Use their comments on your profiles to help you decide what direction to take your character and what to do, especially if you're trying to impress a certain royal. Keep in mind the comments who sound more like they're interested in you will be ones they're looking out for - ones they're more than likely to sponsor. But don't worry; if they didn't sound interested, there's still a chance to impress!

Here is the task: 

     Write aboutwhat happens when Vaxon kidnapped you. There is a lot of creative freedom withthis. It can take place anywhere you want, and can be an entire battle with Vaxon'sarmy against you and the other Magi, he could have sent assassins to sneak inand kidnap you, whatever you want. The only requirement is that you MUST bekidnapped (obviously or you wouldn't be in the Games). If you choose to, youcan also decide to write about your brief time in prison after you werekidnapped. But, keep in mind that it can't be earlier than the day you were kidnapped and it cannot end any later than being imprisoned. Another words, you're not in the arena yet. That will be task one. Also, if you would like to include any of the Royals in this task, keep in mind that only Vaxon or Jahad would have been with the army when you were kidnapped, so only include them, unless you see or speak to the others after you're imprisoned or brought before Vaxon in the Court (or whatever you decide to do). Chances are, impressing me the most will involve the best characterization of one of the Royals. It will show me not only how well you characterize your own characters, but how well you interpret the ones who aren't yours. Their comments will show you each Royal's unique voice. It also shows me how your character interacts with others. 

Action, emotion, drama, political issues... wherever you want to go with this. It's entirely up to you. 

Word Count:

Because it's only the sponsorship task, and I want to see what you can do, I'm giving you a limit of only 4,500 words. I would advice you to do more than 1,500 because that's showing that you don't really want to do a lot. 

This is fantasy, so use it. There's so much you can do with this. I want you guys to really use your creativity and expand your imaginations with this task. Use it while you can, because the other tasks get more constrictive. This is a perfect task to really show me who your character is before the arena, establish their back story and the life they lived before capture. Show me who they are. 

Due Date:

Since there's a lot of planning involved, I'm giving you guys until January 12th at 6pm central time. That gives you one week and two days to complete it. That should be more than enough time, so don't be late. 

Deaths and Ballots:

Since this is the first task, there will be none this round. 

If you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask :) Remember what Sponsorships are for, and what you need to get them for. Also, remember the rubric and how I judge. 

This round, I'm looking for characterization. There will be two awards given out this round - one to each character. The prizes awarded will be revealed when scores come out. 

Award 1: Characterization - This will be given to the person who's character impresses me the most. Keep in mind what each Royal is looking for. Any Royal who is persuaded to sponsor who doesn't want to (if they're so impressed that they change their minds), just might sway my decision when giving out this award. 

Award 2: Creativity - The person with the most unique and creative idea about being captured will recieve this award. Avoid cliches  and add your on uniqueness and style to it. A small hint is that I'm a lover of plot twists I don't see coming as well as entries that give me the feels. (A good example of this is Once Upon A Time and Game of Thrones. Those are my favorites). Impress me. :)

One last thing to note. No tributes will be voted off this round, so you can relax a bit. You all are safe, as of the next week and two days :)

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