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Kyren frowned, gritting his teeth as he shoved open the doors to the meeting room. Inside, Vaxon was already seated at the head of the table, with Vassti sitting at the table to his right, and Jahad on the left. To Kyren's dismay, Nassia was there, on Vassti's other side. The two looked so much alike when side-by-side. She's a mini-Mother, Kyren thought amusingly to himself.

"Have a seat," Vaxon snapped at him. His eyes shot him looks as sharp as daggers.

As a child, Kyren had often squirmed under that gaze, but he had long since gotten used to it. Now, it no longer bothered him. He took a seat beside Jahad and scooted closer to the table. "What are we discussing?" he prompted. Getting directly to the point meant that the conversation would be over quickly.

"A few of these Magi have potential to serve us. If they impress us in the area, and we deem that their loyalty can be swayed, then King Vaxon will graciously allow them to live," Vassti explained.

Kyren wanted to grimace, but he forced his mouth to stay impassive—just like the rest of his expression. These Magi are already being thrown into a place and forced to kill each other... Now, they're going to be forced to work for my father? Kyren tried to rein in the anger bubbling inside him. Vassti was here, and she could easily pick up on it.

"If they don't, then they will all die," Vaxon said simply, as if he was speaking about which cake to eat at dinner.

"So what are we discussing here?" Kyren questioned.

"The Magi that we think will turn, or have the potential to, will be watched. Each of us will choose one to keep an eye on while they're in the arena. If they do well, as we want and expect, and if they continue to show loyalty to us, then we will assist them," Jahad explained.

The Magi will still die, as if right now. For that reason, each of us will only assist a certain number of Magi," Vaxon sharply added.

"Nassia, sweetheart, which Magi do you want to assist?" Vassti looked at her precious daughter expectantly.

Nassia beamed. "All of the men!"

Vassti and Vaxon both chuckled, as if she had just said the most adorable thing. Kyren wanted to puke. Or gage his eyes out.

"You can only sponsor one my dear," Vaxon stated.

"Just one! But Daddy...." Nassia whined.

He smiled warmly, leaning forward on the table, and gently rubbed her cheek. "Very well. Four. It is the highest amount I will allow you to sponsor."

"Sponsor?" Nassia asked.

"For lack of a better term, yes. That's essentially what this is called," Jahad replied.

Kyren met his eyes, trying to read him. He wanted to know what his uncle thought about this whole thing. You would never condemn any of them to a life serving underneath Vaxon... But he's going to force you to choose, Kyren thought.

Jahad's lips twitched a fraction of an inch. That's when Kyren realized. He's jumping at the chance to help out the poor souls that Father has ruined. To pick up where his own father couldn't.

Kyren refused to think the name of his old mentor. It always brought him too much pain.

"Telex Silverblade, and Jaxon Steele. They're both cuties. Ooh, and Kalix! And Mordzar! I remember him running around here when I was little," Nassia giggled.

"Weren't they all rude to you, sweetheart?" Vassti questioned.

Nassia glared. "Yes they were. But if they please me in the arena, then I'll help them. They can make up for it, and I'll save their lives." She grinned.

Vaxon's eyes shifted to Jahad. "And you?"

"How many may I assist?" Jahad asked his brother.

Vaxon looked at him thoughtfully. "Because you have done nothing but help me with this problem, I'll allow you the same as Nassia. Four."

Jahad inclined his head. "Leovarettan Maverson, the Conjurer Wizard."

Vaxon's forehead crinkled. "He's but a child—not worthy of serving me. How would he be useful to the army?"

Jahad pursed his lips. "Perhaps he's not a fighter. Not yet. But he can be trained. He's a child, and because of that, easily manipulated and swayed to our cause."

Kyren almost smiled but refrained from it. They were all such good liars. Then again, they had learned from the best. Kyren's eyes involuntarily shifted from Vassti to Vaxon himself.

"Very well," Vaxon allowed. "And?"

"Aelia Zephyr, the Air Mage."

"She is a skilled fighter," Vaxon noted. "What makes you think she would remain loyal to us?"

Jahad shrugged. "With the right leverage and convincing, anyone can be swayed."

Vaxon smiled. "Wise words, brother. Wise words."

"Evian Damini, the Water Mage. Both he and Aelia use their magic creatively and unique. They are powerful warriors and will be powerful assets," Jahad said smoothly.

Vaxon nodded. "As for the last?"

Jahad hesitated.

Kyren briefly wondered why.

"Eriswen Faervel." Jahad didn't have to even say her magic—Vaxon remembered her immediately. His eyes darkened, and as usual when he became angry, darkness began to pool around him.

"That sniveling dog! She will be the first to die in the arena!" Vaxon shouted.

Jahad did not waver. "Perhaps, and I understand with the treasonous acts against you, she deserves to die. However, if she could be turned... She would be a powerful ally."

Vaxon snorted. "That little girl wishes my head. She can no more be swayed than any other assassin."

Jahad nodded. "I understand. But she is but a girl. She has friends... For their lives, she might be persuaded to work with you, instead of kill you."

Vassti snarled at Jahad. "Would you have a would-be assassin live in the very place where Vaxon is? Do you want her to try to kill him, Jahad?"

Vaxon raised a hand to silence her. "I'll allow it."

Vassti gaped at him.

"However, you may only help her, if she proves her loyalty to me."

Jahad nodded, inclining his head.

Vaxon's eyes shifted to his wife. "Which four Magi do you wish to assist, my wife?"

Vassti smiled at him. "Chiara Gonzolas. She is deceptive—obviously if she managed to convince us all that she was dead for some time."

Vaxon nodded. "Anyone else?"

"At the moment, no."

Vaxon's dagger-like gaze glared at Kyren. "And you?"

Kyren shrugged. "Eiridan Stormblessed," Kyren blurted. He had no idea why he stated the name, other than something about the Magi's words had gotten to him. He had helped to show Kyren that Vassti still had pain lurking in her somewhere. That deep inside, his mother still existed. Kyren felt compelled to return the favor to him any way he could.

Vassti gasped. "That...weakling? What makes you think he would best serve us here? How would he fill our ranks?"

Kyren smirked. "He may not be a fighter, but he is a healer. On the battlefield even as his fellow Magi were being captured, he was assisting our soldiers. Not only would he be valuable because he is a healer, but he would be the easiest to turn. He's already helped us. It's not a far stretch to say that he would work for and with us," Kyren replied smoothly.

Jahad met his eyes and Kyren read the gaze. Good job.

"And what makes you think he will serve us after his precious Jaeyria is dead?" Vaxon asked.

Vassti smiled. "If Eiridan works with us, she will be easily swayed to as well, for his sake. I will assist her as well then."

Vaxon nodded. All eyes shifted to him. Kyren knew he wouldn't plan on assisting any Magi that he hoped would die, so Kyren prepared to stand from the table and leave the room, as soon as Vaxon dismissed them.

He didn't.

Jahad briefly met Kyren's gaze, just as confused.

"I have also chosen to sponsor a Magi."

Kyren and Jahad both stared at Vaxon in shock.

Vassti didn't seem shocked or even phased at all. Kyren met her gaze, and he wondered what secrets she uncovered.

"My beloved wife has gotten into all of the Magi's minds. While she was questioning two... two brothers in particular, the mind of one caught her eye," Vaxon explained. He gestured, allowing her to explain.

"Sigel Silverblade. I was speaking with his brother, Telex. Though Telex outwardly stated that he would never work for us, that is not what I was there for." Vassti's sly smile that Kyren had grown accustomed to returned to her features.

"You were prying into their thoughts," Jahad stated flatly.

Vassti smiled and nodded. "Yes, I was. Telex genuinely hates us. There is no way he would be swayed to our cause. Ever. However, Sigel is logical and calculating. He had planned on saying something in order to attempt to get them both out of the situation, but his brother's... outspokenness ruined it."

"How do you know that he was not just planning to lie his way out? What makes him genuine enough to work for us?" Jahad asked.

Vassti shifted to Vaxon, who met Jahad's gaze. "He is a survivor. My spies have heard the tales... He does what is necessary to keep he and his brother is alive. His brother is rambonxious and impulsive, even Sigel himself knows and hates this. It is not a far stretch to convince him the only way of survival is with us. I have no doubt that he will turn in time, even against his own brother."

"Isn't that the silver-hair who murdered his own father?"

Vaxon nodded. "Yes. It caused some setbacks, but... He didn't immediately jump to gain his father's position. Too wise to allow his father to live, and yet too foolish to stay. I see a lot of myself in him." Vaxon had murmured the last part so soft, Kyren thought at first that he had imagined it.

He thinks Sigel has the potential to be his second... His heir. The thought shocked him so much, Kyren gasped out loud. Sigel killed his own father, just like Vaxon. And just like him, Sigel did it for his own personal reasons. Not for anything else.

"You are all dismissed. We will hold meetings once the Magi are sent in the arena to discuss what assets we wish to send them, if any. Kyren," Vaxon stated.

Kyren turned his gaze to meet Vaxon's without responding.

"Prepare to leave. Because I am merciful, I will allow you to say goodbye to your family. Jahad, take him there. It's time."

To recap:

Nassia is sponsoring four tributes:

Male 14: Telex Silverblade

Male 11: Jaxon Steele

Male 8: Kalix Leanour

Male 7: Mordzar Malthus

Jahad is sponsoring four tributes:

Female 15: Sheild Wizard Eriswen Faervel

Male 16: Leo Maverson

Female 7: Aelia Zephyr 

Male 12: Evian Damini

Vassti is sponsoring two tributes:

Female 2: Jaeyria Lightwood

Female 17: Chiara Gonzolas

And Kyren and Vaxon are both even sponsoring one tribute.

Kyren is sponsoring Eiridan Stormblessed.

Vaxon is sponsoring Sigel Silverblade. 

Congratulations to all of you, even the ones who didn't get sponsored. Re-read the chapter to know what perks you get because of this. As a result, your character will also get additional help from the royals in the story line for you creative use. 

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