Task Four: Male Entries

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Male 5: Healer Wizard Eiridan Stormblessed

Eiridan crossed his arms with a frown. "What's wrong with you?" he asked Kyren.Kyren glared at him. "Like you care."Taken aback by the unwarranted hostility, he took a step back. The other Magi swarmed around them, preparing for the journey toward Vaxon's stronghold. The air was warm with summer sweetness, and bees buzzed about as butterflies danced on the breeze. The idyllic peacefulness warred with Kyren's angry black aura.He has every reason to be annoyed with life right now, Eiridan thought, sitting down on the grass a few feet from Kyren. He's risked everything coming with us, and his father's likely to kill his wife and kids if he continues on willingly. It'd be enough to make anyone angry.That thought turned his mind toward his parents. They were in Vaxon's grasp too, and for the first time since this started, Eiridan thought about what that meant. Sadness washed over him quickly, and he saw Jaeyria's head snap up across the clearing.He instantly tamped down the sadness, and she went back to work. Her aura was tinged with orange curiosity as she mingled reluctantly with the other Magi in preparation to move out of their camp."I do care... Kyren, what's wrong?" Eiridan asked, keeping his voice level."You, for one thing!" Kyren snarled. "You're always so placid. No matter what anyone does, you refuse to lash back. What's wrong with you? Why won't you hurt other people?""Because it's not right.""You're still healing from your dragon's attack because you chose to let it beat you to a pulp. It would've killed you, but you didn't do anything," Kyren hissed."Well, to be fair, I didn't have any real options. I was weaponless, and you told me the dragon might spare me for submitting. It did, so I don't see how this is—"Kyren cut him off with an aggressive wave. "Just shut up. Save it for someone who cares."Eiridan blinked, hunching his shoulders in shock. Kyren sounded like the jerk he'd pretended to be when they'd first met. It wasn't him. Eiridan knew it wasn't. But something was beyond wrong with Kyren's aura now. Blackness seeped into the usual darkness, choking out all other feelings. He narrowed his eyes at Kyren. "Look, you clearly did something when you tried to keep your father from finding out what you were doing. Is it something I can heal?"Laughing bitterly, Kyren shook his head. "No. You can't fix anything. In fact, the only thing you ever do is make things worse."Eiridan felt the wraith stirring in his mind again at Kyren's nasty words. He crossed his arms, trying to keep it at bay. They really needed to get rid of the wraiths before they went crazy again. But Kyren hadn't explained how to, and Eiridan hadn't gotten any answers from the others in camp. They'd looked at him in confusion and shrugged it off. Perhaps the attack had been specific to them because the others didn't seem to be affected at all."He deserves to be punished for this," the wraith hissed at him.Eiridan started, surprised by its voice. The wraith hadn't spoken to him since the day it forced him to attack Jaeyria. He felt Jaeyria's emotions flaring through their Bond, and her frustration began leaking into the frustration the wraith was fueling in him.He was tired, emotionally drained, and his energy was still dangerously low. Kyren was being asinine and rude for no apparent reason, and he still had to deal with a violence prone wraith on top of it all."What's wrong? Can't handle the truth?" Kyren spat bitterly.Eiridan's gaze snapped back to the other man. Kyren's shoulders were taut with anger, and he was staring straight at Eiridan with an undisguised disgust. Hatred gleamed in his eyes, and Eiridan shivered.He hated how inferior Kyren's words were making him feel. I try everything I know to be kind. I do my best to love everyone, even when they seem unlovable. Why is he attacking me for doing my best to help others? To help him? Why does he hate me for being myself? He felt as though he was being beaten up by the dragon all over again, but this time it was mental and emotional abuse. Kyren and the dragon had both displayed unwarranted ferocity toward him, and Eiridan didn't understand it either time."You know I'm right. You're frustrated, tired, and he's making you feel like garbage. For once, why don't you let yourself lash out? Stop suppressing everything and trying to do everything the kind way. If you won't do it, let me." The wraith slid closer to his conscience, wrapping around it and smothering any misgivings he had.A sudden urge to just scream at everyone and everything over took him. Why do they always treat me like this? I love them, and they hurt me. I try to help, and they beat me up for it. I'm sick of this."That's right... You're tired of it, and you have every reason to be that way," the wraith soothed, fueling the anger even more. "It's okay to be angry. Lashing out would be smart too... It'll teach him that you can't be walked all over like a doormat. Because you're strong, Eiridan. Not weak like he claims. He just needs a little force to see that."This isn't right, Eiridan thought, struggling to think clearly. "I... I... c-can handle it," he stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence between his consternation, frustration, and the wraith's insistent torrent of words."Give him a taste of his own medicine," the wraith prompted."Yeah, sure you can. That's why you look like you're going to cry. Do you want to cry, Eiridan? Am I being too harsh for you? Maybe you're too girly to handle it," Kyren said, laughing. "You're not enough of a man to stand up when others hurt you, so why would you be man enough to handle the truth?""Do it now."That was it. Eiridan snapped. He couldn't hold back the growing frustration and the wraith at the same time. It took over, using his rage as a way to cage him. This time, he couldn't claim that he just lost the fight. He'd given up, at least partially, on being kind and pure."Shut up!" Eiridan growled. "You have no right to treat me like this. I've been nothing but a friend, Kyren Asherex! You can't treat other people like this.""What are you? My mother?" Kyren scoffed, getting up.Eiridan shot to his feet, glaring at the other man. "No. I'm not. I'm also not a girl or a wimp." He stepped closer to Kyren and punched him in the jaw.Pain bloomed over his knuckles, and Eiridan struggled to take control back from the wraith. The problem was that hitting Kyren had actually felt good. He felt horrible for doing it, but the other man had it coming, and for once, Eiridan didn't feel like excusing everyone else's bad behavior. I did try to be understanding, he reasoned. And Kyren's refused my help. He clearly hates me. Another thought warred against that. Maybe he doesn't. He wasn't acting like this before we escaped the arena. Maybe the wraiths did affect him. Either that, or he's just as worn out as I am. He's not really the patient sort, so with everything he's gone through..."Oh, cut it out... You know he doesn't have an excuse," the wraith hissed.Kyren stumbled back, rubbing his jaw. Tan lines of shock mingled with the red anger in his aura. He glared at Eiridan and got up in his face. "Do you have any idea what a big mistake you've made, Healer?" he murmured, suddenly seeming calm.Eiridan wrestled control back from the wraith just in time to get punched in the gut. He doubled over, hissing in pain. His eyes teared up as he fought for breath. "I... You said... I should stand up... For myself," he wheezed. "Now I am."Kyren laughed. "Yeah, I did say that. But guess what? Standing up for yourself is great until you do it when you're facing a stronger opponent."Pain erupted in his legs as Kyren kicked his feet out from under him. His head hit the grassy ground hard, and he blinked back tears, gritting his teeth in frustration. At this point, he didn't need any prompting from the wraith.For the first time in his life, Eiridan wanted to hurt someone else. He was fed up with this nonsense, and Kyren's harsh words were a betrayal that rubbed into his soul like salt in open wounds. It grated and stung, and he surrendered to the irritation, letting it become a full-fledged fire."You know what, Kyren?" he shouted, pushing himself off the ground. "You're no better than your father! I thought you were better. I thought I could help you, even if I'd never be able to reach your father's heart. Well, congratulations! You've convinced me that I can't help you or anyone else in your family. All of you are beyond saving. So good job!"Kyren shoved him as he got up. "Shut up! You don't know anything about me. Every time I turn around, you're spouting nonsense about me being good and having some redeemable traits deep down. You've always been wrong, and I'm fed up with it. I'm sick of you!"Tears filled Eiridan's eyes as he embraced the frustration and Kyren's willingness to provide an outlet for it. "You're a jerk," he snapped, slapping Kyren."Well, you're a weakling. Only girls slap guys!" Kyren retorted, punching him in the face.Eiridan staggered back as blood began trickling down his chin. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jaeyria running towards them. Shaking his head, he glared at Kyren. "Sorry, I didn't know there were rules for what a guy could do when provoked. Is this better?" He slammed the heel of his palm into Kyren's chin, following up with a knee to the solar plexus."Nice," the wraith commented, clapping slowly. "Where'd you learn to fight?"Eiridan grunted. "Mathas made me learn. Now I know why. It was so I could beat up this air-head.""So violent..." It laughed. "Who knew the sweet, shy Healer could snap like this?"He didn't grace that with a response because Kyren recovered from his initial surprise. Kyren shouted, kicking out at him. Eiridan barely managed to avoid the brunt of the powerful blow, and Kyren's heel grazed his side, which was still tender from the dragon. He hissed in pain, but he still kept going.Throwing himself towards Kyren, he took the other man down. They hit the ground with a thud as more and more Magi gathered to watch in alarm. Eiridan glared down at Kyren as he slammed a fist into Kyren's nose. He'd never realized how much strength he possessed until he'd decided to use it. The adrenaline rushing through him made it practically impossible to think about anything besides the fight.Kyren retaliated by trying to wrap his darkness around Eiridan. He succeeded in covering them both in it, but Eiridan just retaliated by siphoning off the energy Kyren was using. Eiridan almost smiled in triumph when he saw the realization in the other man's eyes: this wouldn't be won by using magic.Maybe Eiridan's own energy was low, but Kyren's wasn't, and if Kyren wanted a fight, Eiridan decided he'd just suck the mage's energy dry. It wasn't like he had a reason to hold back now. Kyren had clearly proven that he didn't want to be friends, and Eiridan was sick of trying. If Kyren wanted an enemy, so be it."Take everything you said back!" Eiridan snarled."No. I meant every word of it," Kyren said, smirking.Eiridan punched him again. "That's not an apology!""You're... not... going... to get one," Kyren spat, grabbing Eiridan's shirt and shoving him off.Their positions were reversed as Kyren pressed his fingers tightly into the pressure points at Eiridan's shoulders. "Next time, don't fight someone who's smarter and bigger," he said.Eiridan felt his body going numb as blackness swarmed his vision. His head pounded, and an instant later, there was only darkness.***When he came to, he was in a cart traveling down a cobbled road. It was mid-afternoon, and puffy white clouds soared in the sky above him. Blue patches peeped through them, and birds wheeled high above. Then Jaeyria's face blotted the scenic view out.She glared down at him. "What the heck were you thinking, you idiot?" she hissed. "First of all, Kyren's far more experienced than you. Secondly, you haven't hurt anyone like that ever."He winced at the pain in his torso, ribs, and head. The pain intensified when he tried to talk past his split lip. "I... He said..." Moaning, he tried to get a coherent sentence out. "Kyren's a jerk," he mumbled.Her eyes widened. "Yeah, but how come you're only realizing this now?""Aren't you more concerned about the fact that he beat me to a pulp?" He looked away from her, tears forming in his eyes. Weariness flashed through him, sweeping away his usual calm demeanor.Jaeyria pulled him into her arms gently and pressed a kiss to his neck. "Maybe, but if you think you got it bad, you should see Kyren. Seriously, I had no clue you could hit like that, Eiri. I thought you'd mentally slept through Mathas's self defense classes.""No, I didn't... I liked the freedom the moves gave me. I just didn't like hurting other people. Mathas knew that, and that's why he worked one on one with me." He laid his head on her shoulder, feeling drained and depressed."I'm sorry, Eiri," she murmured, running her fingers through his thick, shaggy hair."I know," he whispered, misery coating his words.They sat in silence for a long moment, watching as the scene went by. The chirp of crickets and cicadas filled the air, and Eiridan watched the lines in the cobble-stone road as they passed behind the cart. The spires of a city rose in the distance to his left, breaking the sky like a row of needle-like teeth. Horses and Magi clopped along behind them and in front of them. He saw a few whispering and looking at them, but he didn't feel like caring. They could talk about the sweet-natured Healer who went ballistic if they wanted.Guilt washed over him then. He shouldn't have done what he did. Just because Kyren was behaving nastily didn't mean that it warranted a fist fight or Eiridan's response. He couldn't believe he'd snapped like that. True, the wraith had instigated some of it, but Eiridan was in the habit of being honest with himself. And if he was honest, he'd wanted to give Kyren a good beating to teach him a lesson. He'd been upset, hurt, and angry besides being tired and worn out. He couldn't recall any other time he'd responded that way to someone, regardless of how he felt, but he chalked it up to the complete disappointment and depression Kyren's sudden change in attitude brought on."Don't feel bad," Jaeyria mumbled, holding him closer to her and kissing the corner of his mouth when he shifted his head to look up at her. "He doesn't deserve your guilt or your compassion.""Maybe, maybe not," Eiridan said, kissing her back. "But I should know better. That kind of behavior was uncalled for."She ran her finger over the ring tattoo on his left ring finger. "He deserved what he got," she answered passively. "I could feel your emotions when he was talking to you... They were feelings of inferiority, shame, and anger. I've never seen you like that before, so whatever he did had to be bad."He shrugged despite the ache it caused in his abdomen and back. "I guess... He called me a lot of names and told me to get lost. Said he was sick of me, and that I always make things worse.""He's lying. Either because he wants to hurt you or because he just wanted an easy outlet for his usual bad attitude. I'd say he got a sight more than he planned on." She laughed quietly.Eiridan grimaced, tracing the outline of the symbols on Jaeyria's palm. "Guess he did, didn't he? I should talk to him." He sighed."No. Leave that moron to himself. He's tied up in the cart a few feet behind us like the prisoner he is.""Prisoner?" Eiridan echoed, eyes widening. "He came with us on his own, though.""Nope. He refused to help us when we told him what we wanted to do. He's sulking now, and he's as annoyed as ever. I don't think now is a good time to talk to him...""I want to apologize.""Why? He doesn't deserve—""I know he doesn't. But I'm forgiving him for what he did. Yeah, he doesn't deserve it, but that's the beauty of forgiveness. The recipient doesn't usually deserve it; the person gives it because they understand that forgiving is better than becoming bitter," he explained. "I have to forgive him for my own sake."Jaeyria shook her head with a sigh. "Whatever, Eiri. Just come back in one piece, and don't do anything stupid."He kissed her gently before scooting toward the edge of the slow-moving cart and getting off. "I won't," he promised, walking stiffly toward the next cart.When he reached it, Kyren was sitting with his back against the slatted back of the cart. He scowled when Eiridan approached. "Back for more, Healer? The first round wasn't good enough?"Eiridan fell into step with the wagon and shrugged. "I came to apologize.""Why? I deserved it, right?" Kyren mocked."Maybe you did," Eiridan conceded. "But that doesn't mean my behavior was acceptable or right. It wasn't, and so I'm sorry.""Don't care.""And I don't know what's going on, Kyren, but you're forgiven for what you said earlier," Eiridan added."Still don't care. I meant it, and I won't take it back.""I'm not asking you to. Maybe you're right, in some ways, anyway. But forgiveness isn't true forgiveness if the other person has to beg for it.""So what?" Kyren shifted to his knees so that he could lean his arms on the low wall of the cart.Eiridan's eyes were drawn to the thick, gleaming chains wrapped around Kyren's wrists and the layers of coarse rope beneath that. "So nothing... I gave you what was coming to you, and I'm not mad. I've forgiven you, and I'm going back to how I treated you before the fight."Kyren shook his head. "Man, you are one stupid guy. Stupid and stubborn. Why don't you get this? I'm not your friend.""Maybe not. But I'm yours.""Says the guy who tried to beat me black and blue," he scoffed.It was true. Kyren currently had a handprint on his cheek, a busted nose, bruised jaw, and an extremely ticked off expression on his face. He was also slightly hunched over, favoring his abdomen, which was most likely bruised. Eiridan hadn't pulled any blows when he lit into Kyren. "Well... Yeah..." He smiled weakly. "Sometimes a friend's got to take action. On occasion, words fail, right?"Kyren rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his bound wrists. "What do you want?""Why won't you help us?""Think about that for a minute. Even you aren't too dense to figure it out," he mocked as Eiridan frowned."Your family?""Great! You're not entirely stupid. Do you want a gold star for the achievement?" he quipped."Not really," Eiridan said placidly. "Kyren, what are you thinking? Is there something you can do to redeem yourself now so that your father won't kill them?""Yeah," Kyren snapped. "I can kill any of you who don't join him.""Uh..." Eiridan hesitated, thinking about that. "Well, that seems a little extreme, but... Okay. The other Magi aren't going to let you go though.""Nope. Good observation, smart aleck." Kyren rolled his eyes.Eiridan sighed heavily, but he kept walking alongside the wagon. "I'm probably going to regret this..." He glanced around to be sure no one was listening.People weren't. They were just minding their own business. The only problem was the cart-driver. She'd hear them for sure, and Eiridan couldn't really prevent that. He tried to figure out what to do, biting his lip.Kyren gave him a grouchy look. "You don't regret anything you've done? Because I'm fairly sure you should with all the dumb decisions you've made."The cart driver looked back at the two of them. "You!" she snapped at Kyren. "Shut up."Kyren shot her a glare and went back to ignoring her. "What idiotic thing are you going to regret doing this time?"Eiridan swung his arms and bit the inside of his cheek, still thinking. "Uh... You know what, keep wondering. I'll see you around."Kyren gave him an irritated snarl and flopped back into his original position against the wagon wall.***Eiridan lay beside Jaeyria, wrestling with his thoughts. He knew his initial belief that he could change or help Vaxon was naïve now. Kyren had proven as much. He still didn't believe that Kyren was the horrible person he was being right now. Something was off with Kyren, and Eiridan suspected that it had to do with his magic eating away at his conscience.He knew Jaeyria would be upset when he told her what he was planning, but he had to tell her. He wasn't about to leave her behind while he went cavorting straight into danger with Kyren. She'd be furious with him if he did that, and he wouldn't be able to withstand the guilt.She stirred sleepily against him as the crickets chirped away, and the campfires grew dim. Their two moons shone brightly above, one red and one silver. Eiridan stared up at them, sighing softly. The balmy breeze swept over them, rustling the leaves of the trees and brushing Jaeyria's hair off her forehead.Faeries darted up, drawn by his strong emotions. One danced close, her glow undulating as she landed on his nose. He crossed his eyes to look at her.A tinkling sound erupted from the faerie, and then she said, "You... You Magi are causing so much trouble."Eiridan stayed quiet, watching her as she rose into the air a few inches above him."You've made our lives miserable. Vaxon's hunting down every magical creature he can find and either destroying or imprisoning them. The Fae are being rapidly eliminated because of you. We thought you were our friends, Magi, but instead you bring us pain!" she tinkled, stomping her foot angrily in the air. "What say you for yourself?"Eiridan was at a loss. What could he say? He didn't know that the circumstances outside of the arena were so bad. "I don't know what to say, but I apologize if we've brought you such unjust treatment."She glared down at him, an angry blush suffusing her pale blue cheeks. "That is all you have to say? Sorry? Don't expect the Fae to join you in your rebellion, Stormblessed. There aren't enough of us left thanks to Vaxon's fury with your kind." Her dress swirled about her tiny legs as she flapped her translucent wings."We never meant for this to happen!" Eiridan said earnestly. "Vaxon has treated us just as poorly as he has you.""Really? Has he, Magi? Because from where we stand, he's let you live. Many of you are still here to oppose him. What of us? He's slaughtered thousands of us within the span of a few weeks while you've been gallivanting about in the arena he created for you.""I'm sorry," Eiridan said, knowing it would do no good.She flew into his face with a chiming scream. "Sorry does no good, Magi! You'll pay for what you've brought on our heads. The remaining Fae have sworn a blood-oath to see you ruined for this.""We're trying to destroy Vaxon," Eiridan protested. "Why hurt us for that?""The Fae can wait until the immediate threat is gone, Magi. We are patient in our vengeance. But know this: the ire of the Fae is not easily gained, nor is it easily turned away once gained. Tell your friends to beware, and you'd best warn them that many of the other magical creatures feel the same about the disaster you've brought on our heads. They too wish to see you suffer for it." The Faerie strutted through the air to land on his forehead. A few of her companions also joined her, and Eiridan felt a sharp tug at his hair.He bit his lip, trying not to laugh. At first, it didn't hurt; it was just amusing because they were tiny, and their tugging was ineffectual. As more joined the first Faerie, however, it actually began to annoy him. The Faeries were flying into his face, slapping him, tugging at his clothes, and pulling venomously on his hair. A few tried to fly into his eyes, and he swatted at them, wondering why Jaeyria wasn't waking up.His hand sent a few of them flying, and they streaked off, flashing with the red tones of indignation. Eiridan continued waving at them, trying to force them off him. It didn't seem to do much, but it kept them from blinding him with their tiny fists or Faerie dust.After a while, they seemed to grow weary, and they flew off with hissed warnings and dire threats. With a sore scalp and tingling skin, Eiridan lay in bitter silence, wishing that everyone didn't want to beat him up.Another pang of uncertainty washed over him, and this time, Jaeyria did wake up. She shifted against him so that she could look at his face. He turned onto his side. Sometimes the Bind between two magical creatures was a curse because it let on too much of what they were thinking. Other times, it was a blessing to have it. This was one of those times where Eiridan wished there was an off switch."What's the matter?" Jaeyria asked, brushing his hair out of his eyes."Jae..." he whispered, taking her hand in his and brushing a kiss across her knuckles. "Why can't things just be black and white? Why do there have to be so many grey areas in life?"She smiled at him sadly. "Thinking about Kyren again?"He nodded. "I think he's just hurting, honestly. Also, his magic is consuming him."Jaeyria took his hand in hers, pondering his Mark. "If it is, Kyren as we know him may be gone.""He's not. He's in there somewhere, but he can't find his way back to the light. He needs someone to overpower the darkness in him. I think..." Eiridan stopped, looking to see if the others were asleep. They were. "We need to help him. He can get us into the castle, Jae. Alone, we'll never get in. Maybe if we agree to help him trick his father so he can rescue his family, he'll agree to help the rebels. He might not be able to do much at this point, but if he can fake loyalty to his father a little longer, we can save both of our families and undermine Vaxon."She smiled at him, running her hands over his chest. "You're certainly losing some of that naïveté. What happened to the man who believed he could change even Vaxon's heart of stone?""He realized that particular notion was ridiculous and decided to focus on helping the people who are still savable," Eiridan mumbled. "And he wedded you, even if it was in an unconventional way, so he feels that he should probably stop letting people nearly kill him.""Well, I'm appreciative that he's learned a lesson," she joked, kissing him. "About time too. I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself, even if you feel like it was wrong to beat Kyren up."He grunted. "Yeah... Well... Are you going to join me in helping Kyren or not?"To his surprise, Jaeyria didn't protest. "Yes. I'll help."He frowned, confused. "Umm... You're not going to argue?"She shook her head. "Nope. We need Kyren, and without him, this whole thing will fail. So we'll leave the group and strike out on our own. Vassti's already offered me..." she hesitated, looking up at him through her lashes."What did she offer you?" Eiridan whispered, stroking her hair."Your life if we turn ourselves in peacefully. She wanted me to spy on the others, but I honestly don't know if I can. None of them trust me. They never talk about their plans in front of me, and even Eris won't talk about important stuff when I'm around. I was never part of the group, and they mostly view me as conniving and deceitful.""Hmm..." Eiridan sat up, and she followed suit, settling into his lap."It's my own fault for wearing so many masks and refusing to let any of them close," she mumbled. "But enough of that. Let's go."She got up and gave him a hand. He took it, wincing as his ribs protested the ill treatment. They made their way to the tree where Kyren was chained quietly. He was still awake, and he watched them through narrowed eyes as they crouched in front of him."Look, we're here to help. I know you won't attack with the Magi because of your wife and kids. I understand because I have family in there too," Eiridan said. "So I'm not going to ask you to do that. Instead, I'm asking you to help us in another way.""Which is?" Kyren muttered, glancing around at the sleeping Magi."I'm assuming, based on your earlier comments, that you'll do anything to keep your family alive?""Yes. Your point? Do you have a death wish? Because you'll be in the way of that goal," Kyren huffed."Yeah, no... I won't," Eiridan said, looking at Jaeyria quickly.She shrugged, and her emotions were those of reassurance and calm."We're going to turn ourselves in," Eiridan said. "It's the easiest way inside the walls, and we'll agree to side with your father. I know that's one of the reasons he let you sponsor me; he thinks I can be swayed toward their side with ease. Your mother's already been in contact with Jae, asking her to spy on the Magi and work with them. Our plan is to trick them into complacency by cooperating. First chance we get, we rescue your family and mine. After they're safe, we help the rebels."Kyren eyed him for a long moment. "Just what makes you think I'll help the rebels after my family's safe?""If you don't, fine. That's your choice. But at least take the shot to save your family. Think about it. If you don't go with us, you'll remain here as a prisoner. You won't be of any use to your wife or kids, and even worse, you'll be at the mercy of a group that would prefer you dead. How long do you think they'll keep you chained up like this instead of finishing you off?" Jaeyria asked, deciding that being blunt was best.Shrugging, Kyren said, "Fine. I'll go with you. But I'm not saying yes or no to helping you. Got that? I may decide not to, and if I decide that, you'd better run." He directed an annoyed stare at Eiridan. "That means you, Healer. You have a nasty habit of coming back for more, even after I've continuously kicked you while you're down."Eiridan tried to lighten the situation and his guilt. "Well, if necessary, I'll give you a good thrashing, and then apologize once you're back in your right mind.""Great," Kyren grumbled. "That's exactly what I need. Another person to beat me up... And anyway, your pretty face doesn't seem to be thanking me for it either."Jaeyria smacked him on the side of the head. "No, it really doesn't. And I'm not thanking you either. I like his pretty face the way it is, so keep that in mind next time you get into a row with him. You'll have to take it up with me if you ruin something permanently."Kyren glared at her. "I'll keep that in mind. Next time, I'll go for something a lot more lethal than his lip," he snapped.Jaeyria narrowed her eyes. "You do that, and I'll make sure you go to an early grave, Kyren Asherex.""Duly noted," he mumbled. "Now get these chains off me."

Male 7: Metal Mage Mordzar Malthus

"Is he awake yet?" a voice asked as if it was looking at a Slyther in a zoo in Komesten. Mordzar's eyes slowly opened. He saw 2 silhouettes sitting across from him. He blinked and rubbed his eyes. He grimaced when he felt a throbbing pain on the back of his head. How did that come to be?" Psssh, he's up." Another voice asserted. This voice sounds familiar! Mordzar blinked again and squinted across from him. Under the pale dawn light, he saw Sorcerer Oakahs sitting on a chair underneath what looked like a small pavilion in the middle of a sea of blue tents in the grasslands. From the corner of his eye, he saw a shape disappear among the tents before he could discern its identity. Scanning his environment, Mordzar's heart leapt as noticed that insignias with snarling wolves over a crescent moon were emblazoned on each tent. The tents must belong to the Lunar Wolves! The Lunar Wolves were reputed to be one of the fiercest of Vaxon's military regiments. Mordzar began to despair. Am I their prisoner?"Did you sleep well?" Oakahs's cold voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He turned and did a double-take as he noticed that Oakahs still had his right hand. I swear I saw Kyren cut it off earlier! Noticing Mordzar staring at his hand, Oakahs smiled and waved it at him."Yes, I am glad you noticed I still have my hand."Oakahs chuckled. "I bet you are dying to find out how this came to be?" Mordzar continued giving his nemesis a confused look. This doesn't add up. Mordzar swore he stormed the royal palace, killed Prandeen, fought Oakahs, and killed his father! Mordzar started to grow weak at his knees and his breathing became shallow. Throne! How did I kill my own father? Mordzar's eyes threatened to overflow with tears." You remember miraculously entering the palace and massacring many, correct?" Oakahs inquired."Of course." Mordzar replied through gritted teeth. The pain in the back of his head was excruciating now. Wait, how did I get it in the first place? Was I knocked out or something?" I am sorry to tell you, but your brief adventure as a rebel fighter never happened."Oakahs grinned."What? What do you mean never happened?" Mordzar shouted, still trying to piece together everything." Alright, let me start." Oakahs got up, cracking his knuckles. One of his attendants, a boy of about sixteen, appeared before Oakahs with a cup of tea. Oakahs took it and sipped it, but spat it out."Don't you know I like my tea warm?!" he snarled at the frightened boy. The boy just nodded."Well, don't just stand there. Fetch me another one and this one better be warm or else I'll feed you to the Akabas!" Oakahs roared after the boy. He turned back to Mordzar. "Ah, yes. What I was saying was that the whole palace siege never happened, it was just a figment of your subconscious once you were unconscious."What is he trying to say?"I'm sorry, but I don't understand gibberish."Mordzar replied." I never expected an imbecile like you to understand psychology."Oakahs sighed. "My point is that you never made it to the palace grounds. A guard had found you alive, but comatose."Mordzar gasped and touched the back of his head. He removed his hand to find some bloodstains on his head. Does this mean that father is still alive?" To answer your question, your parents are alive, but I wouldn't say that they are well."Oakahs explained.Mordzar's eyes widened in shock. How did he know what I was thinking? Oakahs sneered upon seeing Mordzar's dumbfounded look."I can read you like an open book, you know." The sorcerer pressed on. "I was most impressed on how you slaughtered the palace workers, Prandeen, and your father without mercy in your subconscious, though I am sad to say that those people are still alive today.""How did I end up unconscious?"Mordzar demanded. Relief was flooding through him, knowing that he did not commit those heinous crimes."Please have a seat and I will explain."Oakahs motioned to a chair next to him. As soon as Mordzar obeyed, Oakahs continued. "First, let me let you know that you are here as my guest instead of a prisoner. You ask me why, it is because you proved your loyalty to the royal family when you 'murdered' your father. Because you did this,I decided to keep you as a Special War Potential."Mordzar felt sick to his stomach. "You know I would never side with you or Vaxon."He growled. Oakahs just chuckled."You would if you value the lives of your loved ones." Oakahs smiled. "Which reminds me, your friend, the shield wizard, had her life spared because I reported what you were capable of to Vaxon."Mordzar felt a great weight lift off of him. Eris was safe for now. Then, he felt his heart beat spike as he remembered someone." Where are Shurkan and Savirha?!"Mordzar shouted."Moreover, how were you with me in my head?"Oakahs just laughed. "To answer your second question, you can thank a colleague of mine who specializes in dream travel. As for the former-" Oakahs clapped his hands and a Lunar Wolf soldier appeared at his side."Fetch Corporal Malthus-now!" he ordered. The soldier saluted and disappeared."Why are you stalling? Would it kill you to give a straight answer to my question?" Mordzar muttered. Mordzar's eyes then grew thrice their size. "Wait..who is Corporal Malthus? He shares the same surname as me!"'Oakahs's sneer widened. "Indeed, he is of your household." Oakahs's lilacmeyes shifted to his right. Mordzar turned and saw three masked Lunar Wolves in black armor come out of a second pavilion dragging a creature with them. Upon seeing the creature, Mordzar leapt out of his chair. It can't be!"Savirha!" he shouted. The dragon was squirming violently against the chains restraining it as it was brought forth to them. Oakahs got up and gave a sadistic smile to the soldiers."Corporal Malthus, I am glad you can join us. Care for some tea?" One of the Lunar Wolves took of his wolf mask, revealing a man in his mid-twenties with long black hair, black eyes, and a scar over his left eye. Mordzar gasped in recognition. How was it possible!? Corporal Malthus turned to face Mordzar. "Stryker! What is going on? Why are you with the Lunar Wolves?" Mordzar shouted. A thousand questions ran through a flabbergasted Mordzar's head after seeing his cousin. The last time he saw Stryker, he was a cadet in King Leoron's army.Stryker chuckled. " I am surprised to see you as well, Mordzar." Stryker replied while fixing his chainmail under armor as black as night. "Imagine the shame I felt upon learning that my very own cousin is a traitor! Who do you think reported your name to Oakahs?" "You were the one who forced me on the run?!"Mordzar glared at Stryker. The amount of rage he was feeling was intense.How dare Stryker do this to him! Stryker just sneered and held out some metal rod. "I was there that night we raided your foolish master's hideout." He began. " You thought I would not recognize you, no? Well, I saw you flee from Ra'Zaq and immediately reported you to Oakahs. From then on, I searched for you myself hoping it was a misunderstanding and I can kill you myself to put it all under the rug, but unfortunately Oakahs had beat me to you." "How dare you betray me and my family!" Mordzar screamed. He began to charge at Stryker, but Oakahs waved a hand and Mordzar was thrown on his back. "It is you who is the traitor!"Stryker growled. "You all swore allegiance to Vaxon and yet you betray his trust and plot against him! I never felt so ashamed of being a Malthus due to your actions! I am glad I arrested your parents and Myra for your crimes!"Mordzar could barely contain his rage. "I swear I will kill you!" Mira Mord- Oakahs pointed at him and he fell backward before he could finish his phrase."Alright, Corporal Malthus, can you show him the fate that befell his dragon?"Stryker smiled and motioned to a nearby Lunar Wolf. The soldier and his comrade went inside a tent and brought out an object that resembled a treasure chest. They set it down and Stryker opened it. He turned to Mordzar with a grin that resembled one a child gives when he steals candy. Savirha let out a loud snarl and started to fight against the restraints. Stryker then grabbed his rod and poked her with it. Savirha's body convulsed as if she was struck by lightning."Hey, stop that!" Mordzar screamed."Take a look inside."Oakahs pointed at the chest.Mordzar ran over, his stomach filled with butterflies as he feared the worst. His worst nightmare was confirmed as he saw Shurkan's head inside."NOOOOOO!!!!"Mordzar screamed as he fell on his knees. Stryker and Oakahs exchanged smiles as Mordzar continued to scream in agony for his fallen friend."How could you do this!?" Mordzar shouted at the two men." Well, it started when Demarke tried to secede from the rest of Castre in response to the sorry excuse for a rebellion you magi started. This vile lizard"- Stryker nods his head to Shurkan's head- "was desperately trying to save those Demarke terrorists we were deployed to crush, but thanks to the Akaba and Dragonsbane, this traitorous dragon was weakened and I slew him myself!" Stryker beamed in pride. "Impossible! No human can kill Shurkan!" Mordzar screamed. His body shook in grief and pain. " Actually, it was possible thanks to Dragonsbane, which can melt a dragon's scales." Oakahs chuckled. " You should know this Mordzar as it was your father who supervised the creation of this wondrous chemical."Mordzar barely managed to stand on his legs. This was all too much!" The reason you ended up where you are now is because an Akaba overpowered Savirha here." Stryker chimed in. "You fell off and hit your head. Luckily, we had healers nearby otherwise you would have bled out."Mordzar's blood boiled. He noticed Savirha charge an ice-fire, but seeing her mouth muzzled by chains, Mordzar motioned for her to stop. He did not need for her to melt herself from the inside out. After all, she was the closest thing to Shurkan still alive. The pain she was feeling must be immense.Mordzar clenched his fist and glared at Stryker and Oakahs."I swear I will kill you both!" He snarled."You will not if you value Savirha's life here as well as your family."Oakahs asserted. "Stryker, tell him the plan.""We need you to embed with your fellow magi at the camp with Jahad's soldiers in order to report their plans to us." Stryker enjoined his cousin. " I trust you know what will happen if you refuse." Stryker eyed Savirha.Mordzar fell to his knees, cupping his head in his arms. This was all too much to take in. It was either give up his rebellion or the lives of his loved ones. Mordzar began to choke up." I'll do what you want,"he begged. "Just don't hurt anyone close to me."Oakahs smiled. "Alright, now we will transport you near their camp and make it look like you were left for dead." Before Mordzar could question what the sadistic sorcerer meant, Oakahs pointed a finger at him, causing him to black out.He woke, breathing hard. A purple sunset greeted his eyes. He found himself on a cot in an open pavilion and noticed he was surrounded by various magi as well as soldiers clad in chainmail. He must be in the magi camp! He immediately sat up."He's awake." A mage he recognized as Jaxon spoke up. Mordzar stood up and surveyed the crowd."So, what's going on?" he asked.One of Jahad's soldiers stepped over to him." Let me introduce myself," he stated. " I am Sergeant Endan and I am acting leader of this regiment. We are heading north to Komesten in order to sack it, but we have suffered heavy casualties. We are hoping you magi can assist us."" So you are rebels?" Mordzar asked. This may finally be what he was waiting for all his life!"I guess you can call us that, but we are soldiers of General Jahad before he was captured. His lieutenants were all killed, leaving us leaderless and disorganized." Endan replied. "In that case, I would love to join your cause." Mordzar answered."Great! We are getting ready to move north so I suggest you get a move on." With that, Endan turned and marched out of the pavilion with soldiers and magi trailing him. If it was a week ago, Mordzar would have been thrilled to be part of a rebellion against Vaxon. However, he was dreading joining this one just to be a double agent for Oakahs and Stryker. If only there was a way to cheat them both. Mordzar was deep in thought when he felt someone tap his shoulder."Hello? In case you haven't noticed, we are marching north so I suggest you move your butt out if you want to be a part of this rebellion." A voice spoke in his ear. Mordzar turned and jumped in surprise when he saw it was Zentra he was talking to."Zentra? What are you doing here? I thought you said rebellions against Vaxon were pointless. In addition, I am surprised you haven't slit my throat yet. Have you decided killing me is getting old?"Zentra just laughed and playfully tapped his shoulder."Could you at least show some respect?" she grinned. "After all, it was me who found you near the ravine. Besides, killing you is no longer necessary as we are out of the arena and I have no need to end Vaxon's games now." Mordzar stared over at Zentra as if she just morphed into a dog."Are you ok? You are acting unlike yourself." "I couldn't be better. Now hurry up and let's get out of here." With that, Mordzar followed Zentra toward where all the magi were gathered. They were all provided with horses and military rations for the journey to Komesten. Mordzar got up on his black stallion and they set off northbound. Along the way, Mordzar scanned the magi to see if he caught any sign of familiar faces. He was surprised to see Asawake and Evian had survived his attacks under the Shattered Sight. He considered going up to them to ask about their health, but he decided to scrap that for now. After all, they must be mad at him for his rash behavior. He then remembered Eris. Where is she? He desperately searched-"Halt!" Endan had shouted from the front. What is going on? Mordzar wondered. Then a chill ran down his spine. Did he figure out what I am planning?"Sir! Wha"- one of the soldiers shouted, but was cut off by a bloodcurdling screech. Everyone stared up to a vast shape of an Akaba, gray against the purple sky, circling overhead. Mordzar gritted his teeth in rage. I just barely started and Oakahs is monitoring my progress? Before long, the Akaba had seemed to get bored of circling and it flew off."That one must have been scouting our position for Vaxon!" Ashni shouted."In that case, we need to get a move on now!" Endan hollered and urged his horse forward. Mordzar felt like there was a blizzard inside him. Somehow, he couldn't shake off the fact that there was more to come. Throne, how I wish I could just partake in this rebellion normally, he thought wistfully. After about an hour of rough riding, they finally decided to rest on a hillside.Mordzar began to have doubts about the safety of that."Uh, sir?" he called out to Endan. "You sure it's safe to rest in an open area?I mean we are vulnerable to attacks from all sides here." "It is safe, I assure you."Endan laughed. "In addition, we have armed sentinels on duty.""Ok then." Mordzar sighed. He had a bad feeling about this. He looked at the sky and saw the night sky rolling in like an Ezzosian carpet. He then remembered that he forgot something. D'arvit!I need to make a report! He made sure no one was looking and slowly sauntered down the hill. He quickly wrote his report on the rebel's ranks and positions and left it on a rock. He spotted a barn owl swoop down and fly off with it."I hope you are happy with it, Oakahs." He muttered. Why did he have to deal with conflicted feelings? He felt torn inside, helping the rebellion as well as helping crush it. As he headed back toward camp, he heard thundering hooves. He saw a couple of rebel soldiers approach him, their armor gleaming grey in the moonlight."Sir, what do you think you are doing?" one of them asked."I..uhm..was relieving myself."Mordzar lied. D'arvit! Are they on to me?"Really? Well, according to one of your fellow magi, you were sending a report of our positions to the enemy!" the second soldier snarled.What?! Who ratted me out?"I ..umm." Mordzar began, but the soldiers charged him. He had no choice, but to fight back. He used his scythe to parry blows from the soldiers until he began to tire. Time to resort to magic. Mordzar materialized a metal spike, which impaled one of the soldiers and his Destrier. He sent sharp metal shards to the remaining one, causing him to fall of his horse and stain his chainmail with bloodstains."Throne, that must be ten percent of my energy." He muttered. "I guess I had no choice."Suddenly, an owl swooped down and dropped a letter into his hand. Has Oakahs responded already? It turned out to be a letter from Nassia telling him to betray the magi in exchange for the lives of his loved ones. Cursing, he ripped the letter to shreds."As if I am not doing this already." He muttered. Another owl, this one a snowy, dropped him a package. Curious, he picked it up and examined it. Snowy owls are exclusive to Demarke. Oakahs or Nassia couldn't have sent him this. He ripped open the package and saw an icy blue object and a note attached. The note was addressed to him. He quickly read through it and noticed that it was signed merely by: The winter is coming. Mordzar's eyes lit up and his heartbeat increased by a factor of two. Those words resembled the signature of the Demarke separatists! When he finished the letter, he was breathless. The blue object was Shurkan's Eldunari, a dragon's heart of hearts which contains their spirits in the event of their demise. The Demarke separatists had also promised to come aid Mordzar in storming Komesten as a result of Shurkan's dying wish!"I..just..don't know anymore." Mordzar felt a lump in his throat. A whole separatist group wanted to ally to his cause, but here he was betraying his rebellion. What should I do, Shurkan? He wondered.Just do what you have to, Shurkan's voice echoed in his head. Mordzar gasped and looked around."Zounds! Where are you, Shurkan?" he asked, his heart leaping in pure joy.It is my spirit you are listening to.Mordzar sighed. Here I was thinking you were still alive.My body may be dead, but I am alive as long as my Eldunari is with you.Mordzar was going to respond, but he heard a horse whinny and gallop. Startled, he took out his scythe and prepared for another attack, but he saw a feminine form head away from him on a stallion just like his.If I am not mistaking, isn't that the girl you were with when you first arrived at my cave?Mordzar's mouth hung open. Indeed, he recognized Eris. Immediately, he bounded after her and eventually caught up to her."Where are you going Eris?" he asked as he leveled up with her."I have to get Kzaqua and her hatchlings back." She replied. "Or Vaxon will hurt them.""What happened to Ionean?" he frowned. If he recalled correctly, Kzaqua was Ionean's mate. "Vaxon." Eris whispered. Mordzar gasped. Could her dragon be dead, too? "You want to break her out then?" he asked.Mordzar, that was very insensitive! Shurkan berated him."I can't leave them, Mordzar." Eris had tears brimming on her eyes, threatening to fall.Throne! I need to do something. Shurkan, help me!Just tell her that her dragon is alive where it matters. Shurkan replied.Mordzar relayed Shurkan's message to her. As he watched her cry, his heart felt like it was bleeding. The tough, sassy girl he had admired was replaced with a crying, vulnerable girl. He turned his horse to head back to camp when he saw Eris fall of her horse. Immediately, he leapt off of his stallion and caught her right before she hit the ground. Leaping back on his stallion, he kicked its side and sped back to camp, holding a barely conscious Eris."Hang in there." He whispered as he headed to a medical tent and handed her to the healers. He noticed Eiridan among the healers, helping out. He just sighed and stayed in the tent with her.It appears she overexerted herself, Shurkan noted."Will she be alright?" Mordzar asked his mentor, holding his Eldunari in the pocket of his cloak.Of course, she just needs to rest up.Mordzar sighed and began to pace nervously outside the tent."So, you do like her, no?"Mordzar leapt and turned to see Zentra next to him."Yikes! Quit sneaking up on me like that!'Mordzar snapped. "As for your question, I like her as a friend, ok?"Zentra just smirked. "I am sure it is more than that.""Oh, shut up."Mordzar went up and patted her back.Zentra suddenly froze."Do you hear that?" she asked. "Hear what?" Mordzar responded. Then, he heard whistling wind. His eyes widened in horror. That was the sound heard when Akaba are swooping down!"Everybody, take cover!" Mordzar shouted. Piercing shrieks were heard as a handful of Akabas dove down from the sky and attacked the makeshift camp. Woosh! Arrows were flying through the air, trying to pin the reptilian birds, but none reached their mark.Mordzar saw an Akaba swoop down and grab a Destrier in its talons, fly up, and drop it to its death. He saw the rest of the Akaba doing the same. " They are striking the supplies!" Mordzar alerted Zentra. "Of course!"Zentra growled. "They want to cripple us here before an ambush squad arrives!" Mordzar staggered as he realized what she said hit the mark. Oakahs had received his letter!"Come on, let's engage them!" Mordzar told Zentra."Are you insane?"The illusionist sage shrieked, but then a shadow blocked out the moon above them. They both turned to see an Akaba with a wingspan twice the size of the royal palace hover above them. It let out an unearthly shriek as it flew down to meet them. Mordzar cringed as he saw the rows of razor sharp teeth inside the beast's beak." Zentra, I have a plan, but you must cooperate for it to work." Mordzar called over as they both ducked the beast." You actually have a plan?" Zentra asked. Then, she smiled upon seeing Mordzar exasperated. "I'm kidding, tell me your plan." "So you distract the creature with your illusions while I try to kill it.""Fair enough!" Zentra immediately set to work on drawing her runes. The Akaba beat its wings, creating an immense whirlwind which threw Mordzar and Zentra against a nearby tent." How did the illusion go?" Mordzar asked. " I didn't get to complete it." She groaned. Mordzar saw the bird glide toward them.Why don't you distract it while she makes her runes? Shurkan suggested.Good plan. Mordzar relayed it to Zentra."Got it!" she returned to drawing her ruins. Mordzar sent metal shards flying at the Akaba, only enraging it. "It's done!" Zentra shouted. The Akaba turned away from Mordzar and screeched at something that wasn't there. Seeing his chance, he ran and bounded onto the creature's tail. He climbed up to its back when it was distracted and took out his scythe. Strike the back of its neck, Shurkan advised. That is where its weak spot is. Mordzar climbed up the Akaba as it slowly started to notice the intruder on its back. Right when it started to buck him off, Mordzar hacked at the scales on the back of its head, but its neck was too thick for the blades to pierce."D'arvit! How do I puncture it?" Mordzar swore. You have powerful magic at your disposal, Shurkan reminded him. Be creative.He's right, Mordzar thought. I got just the thing. Barely clinging on to the thrashing creature, Mordzar generated a metal collar with titanium spikes piercing the creature's neck. The Akaba shrieked in pain, but then it started to fall limp and slowly plummet to the ground. Mordzar had jumped onto a nearby tree branch as the deadly behemoth hit the ground nearby, flattening some tents. Nailed it, Mordzar smiled before he lost consciousness. Sometime later, he awoke on a cot in the infirmary tent. What happened?You overexerted yourself with your magic, Shurkan responded. But I have to admit, that was impressive."Uhh..Thanks?" Mordzar replied. Mordzar got up to find a quill to report to Oakahs, but then he noticed Eris lying on a nearby cot. Concerned, he headed over, took a seat, and decided to watch over. His heart ached as he saw her thrash and moan in her comatose state. He couldn't help, but fear the worst for her. He solemnly wiped away some of her tears.You really care about her that much? Shurkan's voice rumbled.Of course. She is my friend. I can tell, Shurkan let out what sounded like a dragon's laugh. However, on a more serious note, it seems she is drained from fighting in the arena.Does she have a concussion?Well, it doesn't look like she hit her head anywhere.Mordzar did a double-take when Eris suddenly sat up. A smile began to play across his lips. This is a good sign."Hey Eris," he greeted her. She looked around the place with a befuddled expression."What happened?" she croaked. Mordzar explained everything to her. He noticed her get off the cot, but he quickly stopped her. "Where are you going?" he asked. "You can't leave now, you may have a concussion." She pushed his hand away from her. "I am fine, Mordzar. You should look after yourself." Mordzar hesitated and looked at his reflection through his scythe. Indeed, he had bags under his eyes due to his constant anxiety and stress. "Ok, you can do what you want, but please let Eiridan look you over." He begged. The last thing he needed was for her to end up hurt. When she conceded to that, he got up and left to find some more military rations." Where are you headed?"Mordzar jumped and turned. Kyren was tied to a pole set up nearby, staring at Mordzar with pupils as dark as coal."Kyren! Never do that to me again!" Mordzar snapped. "Anyway, what are you doing out here?""Obviously, I was captured by you magi." Kyren smirked. "Wait...I thought that was only a mummer's farce?"Mordzar asked, skeptically. "Apparently, that has changed for now."Kyren sighed. Mordzar remembered something critical for his rebellion. "Kyren..By any chance, do you know a way inside Komesten without appearing at the gates?" Mordzar blurted. "I know that Oakahs has put the city on high alert for us so I need a way to sneak past his patrols." Kyren just sighed. "Mordzar, if what you say is true, then why should I risk my life to divulge the information. I have my wife and children to worry about and if I tell you something as sensitive as that, Vaxon will execute them.""Hey now, that makes the two of us." Mordzar continued. "In fact, all the magi here have families they want to rescue and if you help us, I assure you that your family will be saved as well."Kyren seemed deep in thought at the moment."Besides, I had to put on a show, too."Mordzar admitted. He informed Kyren about his deal with Oakahs. Kyren's eyes narrowed."You've been giving information to that despicable man??" Kyren growled. "If I was not restrained here, I would have hewn you in half right now!""Woah, woah!" Mordzar cringed in surprise. " How is it different from what you have been doing this whole time?" " This is Oakahs we are talking about!"Kyren snapped. " You do not know what his goals or-"Before Kyren could finish his sentence, there were shouts and screams. Then, Mordzar heard the unmistakable sound of a blister explode and light the area in a sickly green light. Terror gripped his chest when he saw the mark of the Lunar Wolves form from the green flash.Careful, Mordzar. The man that slew me is here! Shurkan warned.I knew it! Stryker and his team must be launching a surprise attack! Mordzar took out his scythe and scanned the area for any sign of Stryker. He heard screams as Jahad's soldiers were being cut down by the Lunar Wolves. Mordzar gasped as he saw several of them having their throats cut while they slept, oblivious to the attack. The smell of smoke, blood, and death was in the air." Mordzar, how much information did you give Oakahs?" Kyren asked sternly. Mordzar turned to answer, but someone slammed into him. He fell back and noticed Endan cornered to a burning tent by wolf-masked man. Mordzar noticed that the man was the only soldier that was shirtless and he bore fresh scars. "I surrender." Endan said, dropping his sword."And I accept your surrender." The Lunar Wolf stabbed Endan through the chest. Endan's eyes rolled into the back of his head and Mordzar knew he was dead the minute he hit the ground. The enemy soldier turned to him and unmasked. Stryker's sneering face stared back at him. "Good evening, cousin." He greeted Mordzar. His eyes then went on Kyren. "Oooh, what do we have here? Prince Kyren, eh?" " Corporal Malthus.." Kyren gritted his teeth. " I never thought I would see you captured by some low-level magi."Stryker advanced toward him. " But no matter, I'll kill you myself and claim you were working with them."Stop him! You can't let him kill Kyren or you will never be able to storm Komesten!Shurkan had a point. Seeing his magical reserves low, Mordzar charged at Stryker and swung his scythe which Stryker parried."You have dishonored the Malthus name!"Mordzar growled. "No, you have dishonored the household for turning on Vaxon!" Stryker snarled. Both of them fought until Stryker disarmed Mordzar and forced him on his back. No! I can't die now! "You are pathetic, Mordzar." Stryker sighed. "I was expecting much more from you. Nevertheless, you did your part well, now we have no use for you."Trembling, Mordzar braced himself and waited for the sword to end his life. Suddenly, Stryker cried out and grabbed his right shoulder, which was bleeding profusely. They both turned and saw Zentra, holding a bloody sword, glaring at Stryker. Stryker's mouth curled into a sinister grin."Well, well. This evening is turning wonderful. What's your name, cutie?" Stryker grinned." You can call me your doom." Zentra started to engage the sadistic soldier. Mordzar slowly got up and balanced himself.Now is my chance!Letting out a scream of fury, Mordzar slammed into Stryker and knocked him over, causing the enemy combatant to lose his sword. Mordzar pinned him down and raised his scythe over a baffled Stryker."Shurkan, prepare to be avenged!" Mordzar swung down his weapon, but Zentra countered it with her own. Mordzar glared at her. "What was that for?" "If you kill him, what would make you different than him?"Zentra countered. Morzar sighed. She had point."Besides, Mathas had said killing a killer adds more killers to this world, remember?"Mordzar nodded. They both were restraining Stryker in chains when four Lunar Wolves appeared." Mordzar, one of your fellow magi told us about you." One rasped. "Prepare to die."What? Who keeps snitching on me? As the enemy soldiers raised their swords, white arrows peppered their bodies. Mordzar turned to see warriors clad all in white appear. His heart leaped in joy as he recognized them."Winter is coming!" he shouted."Winter is here!" one of them responded. The Demarke resistance had arrived to bulk up their ranks!

Male 8: Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour

Kalix had felt regret before, had done things that made his cheeks burn and his head bow, but never before had he felt guilt like this. His previously repressed emotions had come back full force after escaping the dome, guilt most prominent. It infested every corner of his mind, smothering him like blanket; a beast that clawed at his chest, long nails scraping at his chest and gouging strips of his heart and ribs until he felt like any second his body would give out. I killed Eriswen, and I tried to kill Vala. Emotions churned within him, and he paced in a circle, leaving a trail of flattened grass in his wake as he did so. The air around him was heavy and humid, making everything seem slow and sluggish. Around him, he could hear chatter from what was left of the Magi and Jahad's unexpected army.
"Kalix?" A gentle, uncertain voice sounded a few feet from him. Kalix froze, his feet stilling and his body tensing.
"Go away." His voice was rough and ragged, like he hadn't spoken in years.
"Kalix, what's wrong?" Vala's voice was louder, more insistent, and he watched as she crossed her arms. A determined expression crossed her pale face, and worry flared up in his chest. He refrained from checking over, instead glaring at her.
"I want to be alone," he bit out and she flinched at his harsh tone, hurt washing over her features. Kalix couldn't remember the last time he'd told Vala to leave him, always wanting to keep her close, keep her safe. But now, all he wanted was to be left alone, for his sister to simply disappear. Vala's arms fell to her sides, and she stepped towards him. Immediately, Kalix stepped away from her. I don't want you around me.
"Look, I just want to know why you're avoiding me." The corner of her mouth quirked upwards as she added, "It's weird, not having you around, always looking over my shoulder."
"I said I wanted to be left alone," he repeated harshly.
"Why?" Vala's voice had hardened, and she stepped forward again.
I wanted to kill you. I killed Eriswen. I'm a monster. I'm tired of being your brother. Kalix said none of those things, instead looking directly at Vala, locking eyes with her. "I wanted to kill you." The words are even, and far calmer than he expected, like his emotions had been coated in a layer of ice. "I was going to kill you, but then the phoenix attacked." His tone was dull, and he watched as a myriad emotions flickered through her eyes. Shock, disbelief, anger, denial. Silence stretched out between them, long and full of tension, before Vala spoke.
"That wasn't you Kalix. I don't blame you for it; it was Vaxon." Her words were shaky, but full of a conviction that made Kalix feel even worse.
"You should!" He stepped towards her, wanting to shake her, make her understand exactly how he'd felt. Why did she have to be so stupidly trusting? "I wanted to kill you. I wanted to-" he cut himself off, pushing the words down and shaking his head.
Vala stepped back, startled. For a single second, fear flashed in her eyes, and Kalix felt sick. He turned away, closing his eyes. Sunlight hit his face, warming his body. He could hear the sound of footsteps, at first heading towards him but then receding. He exhaled lightly. Vala's words entered his mind, I don't blame you.
He shook his head, laughing humorlessly. "That doesn't matter, because I do," he whispered, the words dying in the wind. He breathed in deeply, trying fruitlessly to get a hold on his emotions, but they still flowed over him, an ocean that threatened to drown him.
Kalix. The word was sharp and unexpected, bursting into his mind without warning, spoken in a familiar voice that made Kalix grit his teeth.
Nassia? Why are you talking to me again?
Because I want your help. Nassia's thoughts were petulant, childish, and Kalix couldn't help the flare of anger that burst through him.
With what? He was certain his anger was easily discerned, because Nassia's answer was uncharacteristically sharp.
Don't snap at me! There was a momentary silence and then, don't forget I could have Daddy kill your sister any minute.
She could die without your help, he snarled back, and immediately regretted it.
Maybe I should let her die then, Nassia responded, suddenly saccharine sweet.
Maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Shock flitted across his mental link with Nassia. Kalix couldn't blame her, the thought had surprised him as well, but now that he had, he couldn't help the small part of him that agreed with it. He shook his head. That's not important. What did you want?
I want you to tell me where you and the other Magi are hiding.
Kalix scoffed. Right. And if I do, you'll let me and Vala go?
Silence, and then, I was going to. But I don't like how you're talking to me, so I can't promise to convince Daddy to let your sister live. But I can convince him to spare your parents if you tell me where you are. And maybe your sister.
You have my parents. The sentence was a statement, not a question, and Kalix felt a sinking sensation in his stomach. For the first time in years, he thought of his parents. His mother, with her dark brown hair so like Vala's, but sprinkled with gray. His father, tall and proud no matter the situation. He imagined them chained in a dark room, terrified and alone.
Well? Nassia's question was impatient, and he shook his head. What was he supposed to do?
Just, just give me a little while to think about it, he pleaded with her.
He got the feeling Nassia was huffing in annoyance before she answered. Fine. One hour. Then you have to tell me where you are and save your parents. Or don't tell me and your sister dies. There was a cool indifference to her words, and then his mind was his once more.
Kalix sank to the ground, his eyes closing. He hadn't thought of his parents in years, apart from the sporadic memory, and he could barely remember what they looked like. And now, they were locked up somewhere with Vaxon, no doubt terrified and in pain. He could see them now, in his mind's eye. Their faces were blurred, but he could imagine them. His mother, small and trembling, fear etched into her face. His father, tall and proud, even in chains, but with terror in his eyes. I could save them. The thought was bright and appealing in his mind. He could save his parents. And all it would take was a few simple words.
And possibly his sister's life.
The decision hung above his head, another burden falling onto his shoulders. Again, his sister's life was in his hands, and the weight of it was crushing. How was he supposed to make this decision? How could he choose between his family? He shook his head, pressing his hands against his face. Damn you Nassia. Damn you for making me choose. Uncertainty and guilt gnawed at him, and he could wanted to scream at the unfairness of the world, to let go of the thin thread of control that stopped him from going crazy. There was too much noise in his brain, and he stood up abruptly. He started walking, head down, letting his feet carry him wherever they wanted as he tried to think about anything other than his family.
Someone walked into him, and he looked up to see Vala. Her expression was tired and pale, and he had stop himself from reaching out to her. Instead, he asked, "Are you okay?"
She glared at him, her eyes burning with anger. "I thought you said you wanted to be left alone," she snapped, pushing past him roughly. Kalix watched her leave, his mouth agape. What had happened? He started to walk after her, but a small voice inside his head whispered,there's no point in going after her. Not if you agree to do what Nassia wants. Kalix's steps faltered, and then he stopped. For a moment, he stood there silently, before starting to walk again, this time away from his sister.
As he walked, the problem of what to do weighed down on him, like he was carrying a horse upon his back. He could tell Nassia where they were, save his parents, but then soldiers would find them, and no doubt Vala would get hurt, if not killed. Why did my parents have to have a second child? Kalix looked up at the sky, noticing for the first time how beautiful it was. A clear, vibrant blue, with no clouds on the horizon.What do I do? he asked it silently, and then huffed quietly with laughter at himself. He looked back at the ground, suddenly twelve years old again and scared of making a decision.
How am I supposed to choose who to save? For a moment, Kalix tried to rationalize his decision, turning his family into mere facts and figures. Two versus one. Old versus young. But each time he dismissed them as number, their faces flashed before his mind, reminding him that they were human, so very human, and so very important to him.
"Gah!" The sound tore from his throat, a guttural exclamation, and Kalix felt tears of frustration prick his eyelids. He knew what his parents would say if they were here, knew that they would want him to choose Vala, but something stopped him from doing everything he could to help her. A hot, angry bitterness that had grown and festered inside of him since the day he'd found out Vala was a fire Mage. The petty envy that he'd spent years trying to push down, smothering with an over the top protectiveness in an attempt to assuage his guilt for hating his sister. But now, his emotions were bursting to the surface and he was no longer able to keep them hidden. He wanted to save his parents.
And the guilt was tearing him in two.
Kalix started walking again, hopelessness engulfing him. Even if he did as Nassia asked, and betrayed the other Magi, there was no guarantee his parents would live.
Kalix jolted out of his thoughts at the words, any thoughts of his family temporarily gone. Cold slithered through his veins at the thought of the green skinned creatures. Zenaries were monsters common to this part of Castre, and while dangerous, easy enough to kill if you had the right weapon. Life stealers, Mathas had called them. Unlike other monsters, who were creatures of the night, these were creatures of the day. They thrived in the heat and sun; it was like water to them. And human life was their food.
More screams filled the air, and he turned towards them just in time to see the a body fall to the ground, a shock of white splaying out behind it as a figure dropped them. Then the figure turned, and Kalix was able to look at it for the first time. It was vaguely humanoid, with a shock of white hair atop its head, contrasting to its mottled brown skin. Six tentacle like limbs protruded from its torso, each long and covered in sharp black barbs. Sharp, wolf-like teeth were bared in a hungry smile, and yellow cat eyes found his. The smile widened, and it stalked towards him. Kalix fumbled for the sword at his waist. As he lifted it a gust of wind blew past him, knocking the Zenarie backwards.
Kalix sent her a mental thanks as he followed the Zenarie, raising his sword. The Zenarie snarled, the sound ripping from its throat as it reached for him. Kalix swung his sword, severing the limb from its wrist, and he let out a sigh of relief. A Zenarie's tentacles were its most important part. They were specifically designed to hook onto a creature's flesh and stay there, draining year after year of its life from its victim. Without hesitation, Kalix quickly cut off the rest of them, a detached sense of satisfaction filling him at the sight of the twitching body parts. Around him, the soldiers and Magi had quickly killed the rest of the small pack. Some of them were already getting rid of the bodies. He could see Vala and Chiara pulling a few of the corpses towards a fire, and he looked away.
Glancing down at his sword instead, he grimaced at the sight of the green blood dripping from his blade. Disgusting. He bent down, wiping the blade clean against the grass before sheathing it once more.
"Kalix!" Kalix started at the sound of his name, raising an eyebrow when he saw Chiara walking towards him.
"What's going on?" he asked, and Chiara ran a hand through her hair, her expression unreadable.
"Jahad's missing. We think Vaxon captured him and took him to Komesen."
"What are we going to do?" he asked her, and her expression went through a whirlwind of emotions before she answered.
"We're going after him," she said, gesturing at their surroundings. "We were in the middle of moving and telling everyone when the Zenaries attacked." Her gaze flitted to the right, and she said, "We're getting ready to leave, but we won't make it anywhere unless Kyren decides to help us." She looked somber at the fact, and for the first time, Kalix realized she looked tired. Like everyone else here, she'd grown up too fast, and hadn't had a transition between child and adult. Then Chiara smiled wanly. "Anyway, I'm going to help with the moving. Hopefully we can get going soon."
Kalix nodded, but she had already walked away. The news she'd brought sent his already messy thoughts into further disarray. Komesen. Jahad was in Komesen. His parents were in Komesen. He was going to Komesen. I could get them out. The thought was a tiny point of hope in the darkness, but it died away once he realized that it was unlikely they'd be able to rescue Jahad from Vaxon, much less his parents. Unless... Unless there's someone who knows how to get us there.
Kalix straightened, a new sense of determination filling him as he began walking through the camp again, looking for Kyren. At last, he spotted him, chained to a tree with familiar looking shackles. The sight made his wrists and ankles twinge in sympathy, although his face remained neutral as he approached.
"Come to gloat?" Kyren sneered, and Kalix felt irritation rise up in him.
He tamped down on it. Arguing wouldn't save his parents. "No." He gritted his teeth, forcing the next words out. "I came to ask you for help." The word help tasted bitter in his mouth, and Kyren smirked.
"And how the tables have turned. I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you though. I have no intention of helping you and the other Magi invade Komesen."
"So you're going to let all of us die? Thousands of soldiers who want to get rid of your father, and the remainder of the Magi?" Kalix asked, trying to appeal to the other's conscience. For a moment, something flickered across Kyren's face, but then it disappeared.
"You're all most likely going to die anyway, with or without my help."
"So you're going to let your father kill more innocent people," Kalix couldn't keep the disgust out of his voice, and Kyren scoffed at him.
"You're trying to tell me you haven't killed innocent people?"
Some of Kalix's righteous anger drained away, Eriswen's body flashing before his eyes. Kyren seemed to sense his thoughts, because a hard smile crossed his face.
"You and me, we're not that different. You think you're so high and mighty, chastising me for not helping you attempt a suicide mission, when you'd do the exact same thing in my position." Kyren's voice was haughty and cold, his posture unbowed even in chains.
"We are nothing alike." Kalix spat. "I don't let people die when there's something I can do about it."
Kyren laughed. The sound was rough and cold, without real humor. "Not even for family?" he questioned.
Family. He remembered Vala's words, when she'd pleaded with him to take Kyren with them. He just wants to protect his family.
"You're not the only one with family being kept by Vaxon," he said. His words were softer, less accusing.
"Of course I'm not. I'm just the only who cares enough about mine to stay away." The dark Mage's voice was hard, and Kalix could tell his words had had little effect. He tried a different tactic instead, resisting the urge to cross his arms.
"I never thought of you as a coward." Kyren's eyes flashed with anger, looking like black holes in a human face, and Kalix felt a chill run down his back at the sight. He stood up, the chains keeping him from touching Kalix, but he flinched anyway. Kyren seemed to tower over him, his features twisted into a mask of unnatural fury that made Kalix want to run screaming for his life. Faint tendrils of darkness appeared on Kyren's face, like veins of black blood. There was something very wrong with Kyren. And it wasn't just his personality.
"I'm not a coward." Kyren's voice was smooth and cold, laced with anger. "I just know a lost cause when I see one."
"A lost cause? Is that what you see when you think of us?" Kalix demanded, and Kyren raised an eyebrow.
"Of course. You all think you're somehow invincible, that a handful of you can take down my father even when Mathas couldn't. You're all going to die, and so are your families." The words were fatalistic and sure. Kalix swallowed, trying to push away the images Kyren's words had conjured in his mind.
"They're going to die if you don't help us. You're right." Kalix said, trying to keep himself calm. He doubted emotion would help him, so he focused on facts instead. "But if you come with us, if you help us, you could save them. Maybe not everyone, but at least some of them," he pleaded.
"My wife and children will die before we even reach the gates. Why should I care if the same happens to your family?"
Dead, they were all dead. Hands clutching at each other, fear evident on their faces. Blood, covering their hair, their faces, the floor. Kalix shook his head, wrenching his mind away from the images. Something inside of him snapped and he moved forward, pinning Kyren against the tree.
"Quit being a selfish bastard and help us!" he snarled. "You think that because you won't help us, Vaxon won't kill your family? How do you know he hasn't already? Or that he'll kill them once we get there because you didn't stop us?" Anger crossed Kyren's face, but Kalix no longer cared. Red blazed across his vision and he let go of Kyren's clothes, throwing him against the tree.
"You Asherexes are all the same. All you care about is yourselves. Why don't you try remembering that you're not the only one with people to lose?" he snapped, before turning on his heel and walking away. If he stayed any longer, he knew that he'd convince Kyren to do the opposite of what he wanted, if he hadn't already. His hands curled into fists as he walked, anger still flowing hot and quick through his veins.
Kalix. A sneer curled across Kalix's face at the sound of Nassia's thoughts. She was the last thing he needed right now.
Where are you and the other Magi hiding?
Where are my parents? I'm not going to say anything else until you tell me.
Several moments of silence followed his words, and he could feel Nassia's irritation when she answered. They're alive. Unless you decide not to tell me where you are.
Kalix's stomach turned, the acidic taste of shame filling his mouth. We're leaving Elloyn.

Male 11: Gravity Mage Jaxon Steele

Creatures scurry across the dewy forest floor. The firelight flickers and casts strange shadows among the sleeping magi. Leo lays beside me, holding Lora in his arms to keep her warm. There is a sneaking suspicion that his motives branch out further than keeping her warm.

Tonight is my night to keep watch and make sure nothing goes awry. Mostly the concern is Kyren. Ever since he learned about Jahad being captured, he's been less than cooperative. No blame can be placed on him for that, though. Not really, anyway. At least he isn't completely soulless. He cares for his family.

"Psst," I use the tip of my worn boot to nudge Kyren awake.

A not too thrilled looking Kyren sits and stares at me expectantly. When nothing comes from my mouth he grunts and says, "He has your family too."

"I know," I sigh. Nassia sent me a letter. It just sort of...magically appeared in my pack this morning. I have to submit to Vaxon, basically, to save the people I love.

"And you're willing to risk their lives?" he asks in a whisper. He points to Lydora. "You know that includes her too, right?"

"She's already almost dead, anyway." My voice is barely audible as my throat constricts. My fingers draw her hair away from her neck and my palm lies flush against her neck. Lora's temperature has been steadily dropping for three days. I can feel her growing weaker as the hours pass on.

"Tell me, then," Kyren continues, "You're willing to let her die? Vaxon might let her live if you surrender to him."

I shake my head vigorously and stare blankly at the ground. "No, no he won't."

"He might—"

"No," I nearly shout. My legs begin to shake involuntarily. Lora moans quietly at the disturbance. I curse at myself for not being more careful. She needs all the rest this world has to offer her. "He won't save my family and he won't save yours."

"That doesn't mean you don't try."

"You're clouded by your own darkness, Kyren. Deep down you know what's right."

"What's right," he growls. "is saving our family."

He's breaking me. Darian is everything to me. I owe her so much. And Lora...I have a lot to make up for with her. Maybe surrendering to Vaxon is the answer...

His form seems to waver in the darkness. Speaking of darkness...

"Kyren, rest. I shouldn't have woken you up anyway."

With the darkness looming inside him, threatening to destroy him, waking him up was incredibly unthoughtful. Not to mention that the conversation didn't even go as planned. I was supposed to convince him to help us. That's not at all what happened...

Kyren goes back to a sleeping position and I rest my body against the trunk of a massive tree. Mom used to tell Lydora and Istories about trees like this when we were little. In her little fantasies, trolls would inhabit the large trees but humans couldn't see them. The inner sap of the trees would help hide them from our eyes.

My lips brush the top of her head. Gosh, even her hair is changing. It's drier and more brittle. Whatever this spell is, Vaxon thought of everything. He's making sure that every part of her dies. It concerns me to think of what part of her he'll take next. Thanks to Vaxon, her happy energy is already gone.

During my travelling I would look for her. I never found her when she was young. I don't believe I ever came across her. Maybe I did and I just didn't know it...

"Should we round everyone up?" Leo asks, rolling his neck around to crack it. The sound makes me cringe.

"I suppose so. We're sitting ducks if we don't move along."

Leo gently wakes Lora by crooning to her. I'm less careful in my tactics.

"Everyone up," I yell. "We need to think about leaving and making some actual progress here."

"Well good morning to you too, sunshine," Kyren says with rasp.

"Oh shut up. I don't want to hear from you right now."

I leave him to wake up as I walk around our little camp out and nudge others awake. It'll take a good twenty minutes to get everyone rounded up and ready to go.

Once everyone is in some sort of wakeful state, I return to my spot beside my sister and Leo. I watch silently as Leo leads her close to the fire. He pulls her into his lap and runs his hands swiftly up and down her arms. I'm scared to think about how cold and close to death she probably feels.

"Kyren," I whisper. He takes a huge bite out of the tender meat of a recently killed gargoyle. When he looks to me with half of the thigh hanging out of his mouth I use my head to motion away from the group of tired magi. With a swift look around, he stands and joins me.

We walk away and stand behind another large tree. Kyren takes another large bite of gargoyle.

"Did you really have to bring the stupid thigh?" I ask in irritation.

"Uh, yeah. Eat and talk," he raises one hand high above the other. "Versus starve and die."

With a roll of my eyes I swiftly take the bit of meat and toss towards a large marshy area. Kyren tosses a hand out and a cover of darkness envelopes the food.

It was a portal. He just teleported the dumb gargoyle back to his hand.

"Really?" I ask flatly. "You don't have much energy left. That's your idea of putting it to good use?"

"Was the plan just to get me away from everyone to insult me in private, or...?" He examines his fingernails as if this is the most boring thing he's dealt with in all his time.

"Oh," I growl. "I can't stand you!"

"Mutual," he says.

Insulting one another isn't going to get me anywhere. At all.

"I thought about our talk."

"Oh?" He uses a smirk to convey his smugness. Even in his cocky little attitude, I can see the darkness in him. I can see it draining him and slowly taking him over.

"Yeah. You have to help them."

"Excuse you—?"

I hold up hand impatiently. "Shut up and let me talk. Is there any way Vaxon could hear us?"

"Eh, maybe. Maybe not."

"Would you please cooperate?"

He opens his mouth and the look of sarcasm plagues his features.

"You know what, no. Don't answer that." I don't think I could stop myself from popping him in the mouth if he responded.

My fists stay clenched tight as a way to reign my anger. It's also a good way to be prepared to knock him out if the time comes to it. "Stay captured. Attempt to escape and let them detain you again. Put on a good show for Vaxon, if he happens to be watching. Just help them in the castle because you can't get away. Make it seem real."

"Why would I do that?" he asks taking another bite out of the gargoyle.

"Because we don't really make an attempt to detain you, yet you're still here. Deep down you want to help us."

Kyren shakes his and scratches his forehead with his thumb. "Stop trying to act like you know me. You don't and you probably won't ever."

"Listen, Kyren," I say. "I have to turn myself in. There's no mask for me to hide behind and pretend. You can at least use the cover of being a fugitive too weak to escape."

"I'm not helping. End of story. My family is more important to me than you or any other magi."

"What about Lydora, huh? You can't pretend you don't like her."

He sighs and his shoulders deflate. He gives no answer.

"She's put herself in danger for you on more than one occasion. I don't think even you are cruel enough to dislike her."

He tosses his arms to the side. "She's a good, sweet kid. Bottom line, though, she isn't my family."

Some of the darkness seems to lift from his eyes. As much as I don't like Kyren, I'm rooting for him. I really do hope he can beat the darkness. In fact, I know he can. It all depends on what he wants.

"I am begging you." I clasp my hands to prove my pleading spirit. "And trust me, this is killing a small part of my pride. Begging you."

"Well, you do pitch one convincing argument," he speaks in sarcasm. "I mean, that part about begging me." He places a hand on his chest in a mocking manner. "Truly poetic. However, we should get going. People are probably starting to miss me." He winks and the darkness settles right back where it came from. Kyren walks off. I have no choice but to follow behind him. Everyone is walking north in the usual cluster.

When I return to camp, I find Lora in a coughing fit. Instead of going over to her like I should, I catch up with Eiridan. I can't bring myself to see Lora in the condition she's in. It's too hard. If I can ignore it, it won't be real.

"Are you sure you can't fix her?" I've spent a lot of my time on our trek trying to find ways to heal Lora. Eiridan has assured me that there's nothing he can do.

"I might be able to come up with some sort of herbal thing to prolong her life. But that would only prolong her pain."

My head shakes. "This isn't freaking right."

"You aren't the only one dealing with this," he reminds me.

"I know. She just seems to be dealing with it the worst. She's too young."

I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I never would've shouted out that she was my sister. I think she would maybe be okay. Vaxon is only targeting siblings. Sick little bastard.

My face scrunches at the realization that his plan is working. My sister is dying and I am very highly considering surrendering to him. I'm falling right into his trap and I don't care. If this trap gives me even the slightest chance of saving Lora and Dar, I'm going to take it.

I glance behind me to check on Lydora. She and Leo are at the very back of our group. I stop walking until they catch up.

I want to ask her how she's feeling, but that seems like a dumb question. She's obviously doing poorly. The closest thing to coloring on her skin is the blood painting her lips. Not knowing what to say, I shove my hands in my pockets.

Feeling useless isn't a feeling I enjoy. My personality is typically outgoing and kind and helpful. Not...this. Not knowing how to help Lora or what to say to her is eating away at me.

The problem is that I don't want to make it seem like a big deal. She obviously knows what's happening. There's no sense in worrying her more.

On the other hand, I don't want pretend like I don't notice it. She might think that I no longer care about her. That isn't the case.

So...that leaves me in this weird middle ground of confusion. Do I mention it or don't I? Do I talk or keep quiet?

"Hey, Lydora." My voice sounds much more even toned than I expected it would. I was expecting something unsure.

"Hi." Her once sweet little tone is now quiet and carries a light rasp. Pain sits on the creases in her forehead when she talks.

I decide that I keep quiet...

"Do you think we'll be at the Capitol soon?" she asks.

"I, uh, I don't know."

Hearing her talk is very hard. Not even in the fact that she's hard to understand. It's mentally hard.

"It shouldn't be more than a day or so," Leo answers her. His arm stays around her for extra support.

"Good," she replies. "Vaxon deserves what's coming to him."

She's so weak...

"I'm sorry. I—I can't do this."

I run towards the front of our convoy and meet Kyren with teary eyes. I will do anything.

"I will do whatever you want," I whisper. "If you help them and let me leave."

"Yeah, okay."

"Nassia told me I have to give up the magi camp. I'll leave tonight and I want you to start hiking northwest. Mostly west."


I shake my head for him to stop. He has to agree with me. This is the only plan I have.

"I'll tell him you guys were heading north when I last left. Of course, you would have to cover ground much faster, but I have faith."

"Why would we change our direction?" he asks.

"Because then I will truthfully be able to tell Vaxon I don't know your location. If he tries to mind read or something to get information, he will then find that I truly don't know your location."

Kyren lowers his lips to my ear. "I'm all for the fact that you're willing to save your sister, but I don't love the plan."

He said he didn't love it. He did not, however, say that he was completely opposed.

"What if you communicate through my thoughts once I leave? I could try and break your family out. Kyren, I am desperate. I think Lora will be lucky to make it another day."

"I'm not agreeing with you and I'm not disagreeing," he says quietly. Surprisingly, no one around us seems suspicious. "If you do this, you risk being alone. I'm not committing to helping anyone."

That's good enough for me. He's at least considering it. Consideration is better than I hoped for, if I'm going to be honest with myself. Besides, I'm technically going to be alone no matter what. The only thing I need him for is to get through the castle to save his family. If he chooses not to help, I'll figure it out on my own and leave his family...

"Thank you Kyren. Truly."

Helping the magi is the right thing. I can't because of Lora, but Kyren can. If he acts captured, maybe Vaxon will still let his family go. It's the best I've got. Plus, if they hike in a different direction, it will take them longer to reach the capitol. That gives me more time to get there and convince Vaxon to save Lora like he said. Hopefully that will give her enough strength to fight when she needs to.


"Do you want crackers or anything?" Leo asks Lydora.

They both sit on a large log the Kyren brought near the fire for her. He's not entirely evil. He helped my sister.

She sits cuddled into Leo's side, still in his shirt. He keeps his arm around her tightly. They've both matured a lot through this experience. Too much. Fourteen year olds should never have to go through enough to mature them like they are. Sometimes talking with them feels like carrying on a conversation with someone my age.

"I'm not hungry."

"C'mon, Lora," he coaxes. "You have to eat something."

"We don't even have crackers," she whines. I have the suspicion that her whine has less to do with the crackers and more to do with her pain.

"I'll conjure some up for you."

Leo begins to chant a spell.

"Don't," she warns him. "You need to save your energy. You're still worn from disabling the shield."

I'm always amazed at her selflessness. She's a truly incredible girl.

I decide to test out my mind communication. It's not something I ever had much use for.

I direct all thoughts to Kyren. He's the only person I need to communicate with. "Kyren."

"What?" He even manages to make his thoughts sound irritated.

"Helping me or not, will you at least keep me company tonight when I leave?"

He's the only person who can know I'm leaving. Without at least being able to send mind messages back and forth, the trip might get incredibly boring.

"Are you sure you want to invite me into your head for that long? We seem to bring out the worst in each other."

"I don't care. Maybe that will keep me somewhat sane through all of this."

"Jaxon," Leo shouts in panic.

My eyes come to focus and I now realize the he and Lora have moved away from the log.

"What's wrong?" I make to the both of them in what I would bet is a record time. Lora is on the ground heavily retching with Leo beside her.

"I—I don't know." Leo's quivering lip is lightened by the flames that match his hair. "She's vomiting blood, I think."

"I can't do this anymore," she whimpers. "I want it to be over."

She throws up a couple more times and it is in fact mostly blood. I use my hand to cover my mouth and stifle the sobs that threaten to make a loud appearance.

Lydora is not going to make it through the night. It's physically impossible. Especially if she doesn't want to fight anymore.

"You're going to be okay, Lora" Leo cries, pulling her close and stroking her head. He isn't reassuring her. He's reassuring himself, if there is such a thing in this situation.



"She's not going to make it." I shut my eyes and take deep breaths, letting night's brisk air tickle my skin. I need something, anything, to calm me down.

"Believe it or not, Jaxon, I really am sorry."

Despite our complete personality differences and clashing, he may not be such a terrible person. He has his flaws...a lot of his flaws. But I have mine too, I guess.

I sink down beside Lora and Leo and pull them into a group hug. Tonight is very likely the last night I'll ever see them.


Once I'm sure everyone is asleep I send my thoughts to Kyren. "Can you distract Aelia when I tell you to?"

"I told you, I'm not agreeing one way or the other."

"Please just talk to her so I can leave."

"Fine," he replies with a curtness that shouldn't be able to translate in thoughts.

My hand reaches into my deep pocket that holds Lydora's old doll. I'm amazed it managed stay in my pocket after everything I've been through. After staring at the old, tattered doll I place it at Lora's feet.

With a careful kiss placed on her cheek, I quietly say, "I love you, sis. I'm going to make sure you live." I look to Leo and sigh. "Take care of her, buddy. She loves you."

"Okay Kyren."

While he engages Aelia in conversation, I sneak away and head eastward. Here goes nothing.


When I wake up, the sun sits high in the sky. My best guess to the time would be...noon. I slept until noon? That's not okay given what all is at stake.

My thoughts constantly drift to Lydora. The thoughts certainly keep me moving forward. This is all for her. I need her to live, even if it means I don't.

My thoughts are beginning to pull me into the dark pit of depression. Everything feels hopeless.

To distract myself, I reach out to Kyren.

"I owe you, Kyren."

"Tell me about it."

The tone of his voice in my head almost seems to be slightly joking.

"Is she okay?"

A long pause. That's the most unreassuring thing in this moment.


"Um..." he says. "She's...her heart is still beating. So that's good."

I shouldn't have asked. What was I expecting? A miracle, apparently. Stupid hope. It's getting in the way of my logic.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, really. It's just the usual, drastic decline. Leo has started to periodically carry her."

I shouldn't have come. She needed—needs—me. Leaving was foolish. What if she thinks I betrayed her now? She doesn't need to feel alone right now.

I'm so stupid! If she dies, I won't be there to say goodbye. I'm not going to be able to tell her how much I love her.

"You okay Jaxon?"

"Not particularly, no."

Kyren sends me a breathy laugh and anger becomes a volcano ready to burst.

"What the heck is so funny? I don't think now is the time to be exchanging laughter."

"Nothing's funny. I was just thinking about how we've miraculously managed a bond where we don't want to automatically beat the other to a pulp."

That aspect is nice. This would be a lonely, lonely trip without him to keep me company.


"Any clue how to get passed a Sirellie?" I ask Kyren while crouched down behind a fallen tree.

Sirellies are very similar to sirens. The main difference is that they live on land instead of near water. Oh andsirellies happen to kill their prey by feasting on their jugular.

"Where are you that you found a sirellie? They're so rare here."

"Yeah, yeah. I suck. I get that. Any ideas?"

"On how to stop sucking? No."

"Kyren," I warn. My patience is out. I can't afford to die at this point. I know I'm close to the Capitol.

"Not the time, okay sorry. Can you get past her?"

"If only I'd have thought of that," I mention sarcastically. "Of course I can't. She's staring right at me, singing that eerily beautiful song of hers. I covered my ears."

"Just run away. Your ears are covered."

"Trying to get me killed off, are you Kyren? Did you forget that I'm her prey? She'll kill me if I run."

Funny story...Sirens are why I don't know how to swim. I was always horrified that one would spot me and lure me in to the rocky shore and feast on my body.

Here's the funny part. Sirens are why I'm afraid of sirellies. It isn't losing my jugular that I'm afraid of. It's that song they sing.

It's haunting and beautiful and scary all at the same. It has possessive properties. If I were to uncover my ears right now, she would have an easy lunch. I wouldn't think twice about approaching her.

It isn't like she's an ugly creature either. The sirellies are prettier than sirens. They have the palest skin and silkiest hair. Small little nubs poke out of the cover of hair.

According to some legends, the horns are what give the sirellies their beauty. It's supposed that they have some sort of charm of sight on them to make them appear more beautiful.

"Throw a rock." Kyren says.

"I'm playing fetch with her, Kyren. I'm trying to escape."

"You are so frustrating sometimes," he exclaims. "They're distracted easily. Throw it and run."

That seems better than my current situation. I don't find a rock, but a blue gem that fell from the Bell Tree overhead. I'll never understand why it's called a Bell Tree and not a Gem Tree.

I chuck the sapphire as hard and as far as I can. When the sirellie turns her head, I make a run for and don't stop until I reach the tree line.


I've been travelling through the back streets of this place for ages. It's been hard to stay unseen by people. I'm not sure what any of them would do if they came across me.

I can tell I'm getting closer to the Capitol. Houses are hardly spaced now. Everything is very smooshed together.


Finally. The thick, indestructible barrier of the Capitol lies no more than half a mile out. The barrier is clear and gives me a good sight of the city.

"I'm nearly there Kyren. Did you make up your mind?"

"I told you, you risk being alone. I still don't know."

Well isn't that just spectacular. Thanks for nothing, Kyren...Hopefully he'll change his mind before I reach the capitol.

Male 12: Water Mage Evian Damini

The atmosphere in the new camp of the Magi was tense, like a bowstring that had been pulled back until it was taut. It was as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something bad to happen. Evian sat with his back against a tree, next to his companion, who was now actually speaking to him. Now that she had started, she seemed unable to stop. He expected that it had been a long time since she had spoken to anyone, and she had a lot to say. He leaned against the rough bark, pretending to listen to her story while his mind wandered.

He didn't mean to be rude by letting his thoughts slip away. It just happened. He was so tired from the events of the previous days. His energy never seemed to have returned fully since they had broken down the wall... He nodded absently at something the girl had said, not even caring if it made sense or not. He was just so tired, and sleep was beckoning to him. Tipping his head back, he let it rest against the tree and closed his eyes, getting lost in the ocean of his thoughts.

Some of the Magi had claimed that Jahad was missing. He wasn't anywhere in the camp, and there was no sign that he had left. All his possessions were exactly where he had left them, and Evian was fairly certain that Jahad wasn't the sort of person who would just leave the group all alone. Of course, there were his guards, but they hardly counted, and plus, they didn't seem to know where he was either.

Something's bound to happen, Evian told himself. Jahad's whereabouts will be revealed to us somehow, and then we'll go and find him. It's simple.

As if cued by his thoughts, there was a sudden commotion in the camp. Evian opened his eyes and snapped his head forward. One of Jahad's guards had bolted into the camp, holding an open letter. The girl got up from beside Evian and jogged over to where the guard stood. Evian achingly got up and followed, his muscles complaining with every step.

"What does it say?" someone called to the guard.

He gulped and began to speak. "It reads: 'I have captured Jahad. You will end this foolish rebellion now if you want him to live. Do not try to rescue him or you will all be destroyed, along with him.'"

Lowering the paper, he said in almost a whisper, "There was no signature."

Evian's hands clenched. There was no need for a signature. It was obvious that this notice came from none other than Vaxon himself. The cruelty was unmistakable.

He cleared his throat and said in a loud voice, "Well, I think it's obvious what we need to do now. We have to go after Jahad."

Silence fell as the Magi contemplated this. Most of them nodded in confirmation. Some simply looked shocked, while others looked afraid or disbelieving. Then, a challenging voice broke through the silence. "Why?"

Evian looked toward the back of the crowd to see Kyren, whose eyes were filled with anger. Nobody else noticed it, but Evian saw that his eyes seemed to be a whole shade darker than their usual blue. His dark magic is changing him, Evian concluded.

"Because," Evian said, responding to Kyren's question, "It's what Jahad would want."

"You heard what he said," Kyren said, pointing to the guard with the message. "If we try to free Jahad, my father will kill him. Is that what he'd want? To be killed?"

Evian had to think for a moment about a retort to this. "No, but he wouldn't want to die alone, knowing that we had been too cowardly to free him, either. Think about it, Kyren. If we give up now, if we end the rebellion, then we'll be playing right into Vaxon's hand."

Kyren's eyes narrowed. "Or would you? Maybe he knows that you all would rather die than leave Jahad in his hands. He very likely knows that you want to rescue Jahad, and he's probably preparing an army as we speak!"

Anger burned in Evian's heart. Why was Kyren so stubborn? "So what?" he shouted. "We just leave Jahad there to die? We have to at least try to free him, and if we die, so be it!"

"This is madness," Kyren muttered ominously. His eyes seemed to get even darker. Without another word, he spun around and walked away from the camp, still going on about how we were going to get ourselves killed. The girl, still by Evian's side, called out to him, but he made no sign of hearing. "Blast!" Evian muttered. "We need him to help us get into the castle."

"Should I go after him?" she asked. "I've been able to persuade him before.

Evian shook his head. "Stay. We need to prepare for the journey to Komesen."

And prepare they did. The rest of the morning passed in a blur as preparations were made. Evian spent most of it pacing, giving orders, resting, and pacing some more. For some reason, everyone was treating him as their leader, simply because he had suggested the mission. Anyone could have done it, he thought bitterly, and yet they chose me, probably the least qualified person to lead them.

At last, the final bag was packed, and a guard came to tell Evian all was ready. They set out around when the sun was at its peak in the sky, and it was expected that they would reach Komesen at the same time two days later. It was slow going, and the fatigue that had stuck on him at the camp seemed to have doubled. His magic energy refused to come back, like something was holding it away. All he wanted was to sleep, but he knew sleep wasn't an option. They had to reach Jahad as soon as possible.

The rest of the day passed slowly, each second weighing on Evian like a heavy burden. Finally, the sun slipped below the horizon, taking its rays of light and covering the world in an eerie darkness. Evian ordered them to march through the night, even though his own muscles screamed in protest. He could hardly keep his stubborn eyelids from closing, and he knew that the others must feel the same way. Still, he ordered them to walk on, not being able to chase the picture of Jahad, chained to a wall and surrounded by thousands of guards, out of his mind.

The night air soon became alive with the sounds of nocturnal animals, come to have their fun. Owls and bats fluttered overhead, and small animals skittered across their path, frightened and put off by the sight of human beings walking in their nighttime territory. Evian watched the moon slowly pass from one end of the sky to the other, only being hidden by the occasional cloud. The stars twinkled brightly, a small bit of reassurance in an otherwise dark world. The creatures in their constellations looked down over them, watching their progress with eyes like no other. It was all eerily beautiful, but Evian was still glad when the first rays of sunlight appeared over the horizon.

As soon as it was light out, Evian called for a rest. He knew that they all needed it. They built a small fire and passed around food, eating in thick silence. Not a word was uttered by anyone, because no one had the energy to speak. After the small meal, Evian decided that they could spare an hour for sleep.

Even though it was light out, rest came easily to the Magi. Only a few minutes after he had made this decision, most of them had fallen asleep. You need rest too, Evian, his mind reminded him. You're no different from any of them.

Obeying the urgings of his conscience, he lay on the bare, flat ground and closed his eyes. No sooner had the lids completely shut then he heard a voice, whispering his name, but somehow speaking loudly. His eyes snapped open, and he stood to his feet. The first thing he noticed was that all the others, who had been laying on the ground a second before, were gone. There was no trace that a camp had ever been here. The second thing he noticed was that there was a man standing where their fire had just been. He was the one speaking to Evian, and Evian would recognize him anywhere. It was the man who was responsible for all this, who had taken everyone's peaceful lives away and caused poverty to reign. Vaxon.

Evian quickly drew his sword and prepared to strike the king down, but he stopped him. "If you tried to kill me now, you would surely die trying. You don't want that to happen, now do you?" His voice was like steel, cold and calculating. "For I am not here to duel with you, puny Magi. I am only here because Jahad favors you."

"I want to make a deal with you." He stopped, looked deeply into Evian's eyes, as if searching his soul, and then continued. "I want you to surrender the Magi to me the moment you reach the city gates. Simply give them up quietly, and I will let you go free."

Evian's eyes narrowed. "And why would I want to do that?"

Vaxon gave a cruel smile. "I have your sister."

Evian's breath caught in his throat. His sister? It couldn't be the girl... He had seen her just moments ago, nowhere near Vaxon...

Seeing the disbelief in his eyes, Vaxon laughed a cruel laugh. "You honestly don't think that frail, skinny lightning mage is your sister? She is weak, much weaker a child than your mother and father could have produced. No, I have your true sister, the one you have been looking for all these years. We've had her since she was born, and I've been waiting for this moment to reveal it to you."

He summoned darkness to his hands. Then, shaping and molding it like clay, he formed it into the shape of a person, a girl. Her face was a perfect replica of his father's, except with feminine features.

"You believe me now?" Vaxon sneered. "If you do not do what I have requested, she will be slaughtered, slowly and painfully, in front of your eyes, and your little army will follow."

Evian stared at him blankly. How could he choose in a matter like this? Either let his sister live, his own flesh and blood, and let Jahad die; or let Jahad live, the man who had been so kind to him in the arena, and let his sister die. "I... I'll think about it."

"I will expect you to make a decision before you reach Komesen, boy," he sneered, "else your sister will be dead."

And suddenly, his eyes snapped open with a start, and he woke up.

The caravan started up again after an hour of rest, and Evian still couldn't get his encounter with Vaxon out of his head. It had been a dream, that he knew, but he also knew that it was real. Vaxon wanted him to surrender the Magi, and he would kill his sister if he didn't comply.

After the dream, his feelings towards the girl had also changed. Before, he had really only stuck with her because he was so convinced that she was the one he had been looking for. But now...

It was foolish, really, he told himself, just wishful thinking. You never even heard her name. You didn't know for certain that she was Ashni, yet you kept her with you just the same. Now, now that you know...

But he couldn't seem to shake her away from him. In her mind, they were friends now, and there was no changing it. He would just have to put up with her for a while, and then...

And then what? Tell her the truth? He didn't want her to know that he thought she was his sister unless she really was, which she wasn't!

How do you even know Vaxon is telling the truth? his brain challenged him. He's famous for his lies. What if--

He was suddenly jerked back into reality by the fact that he had just almost trampled one of Jahad's guards. He looked up to see that they were standing still. "What's going on?" Evian muttered. The girl stood on tiptoes, looking over the heads of the guards. She gasped, and Evian stiffened. "What is it?"

"Kyren" was her short response. Evian could not help the surprise that flashed in his eyes. "He dares to come back here? Does he think he can take us all down single-handedly?"

"Evian, let me talk to him. I might be able to convince him to join us." The girl's eyes were pleading.

"No!" Evian raised his voice. "I highly doubt he's here to negotiate, and I'm not going to put you in danger!" Even though she wasn't his sister, he still had a feeling of protection over her.

"I don't think Kyren wants to kill us," she responded, "just to stop us from going to Komesen. Believe it or not, despite the mask he so often puts on, he actually cares about people. I just need to talk to him."

"Fine," Evian muttered, "but be careful."

She turned and pushed her way through the crowd of soldiers. Evian watched her go, admiring her bravery. She knew that Kyren might want to kill her, despite what she said, and yet she was still willing to go.

She was talking animately to Kyren, arguing her case well. Finally, he turned around and walked back to the group with her. She was beaming, and he was scowling. Evian returned her smile. Their chances against Vaxon had just gone way up.

The night passed uneventful, as did the morning. When they stopped again, no strange dreams from Vaxon plagued his only hour of sleep, but that hour was instead a peaceful hour. Still, the sleep reminded him of the encounter, and pushed him into the chasm of stress again. As they walked, he was lost in his own land of arguments, wondering what to do about the situation. Even though the day was beautiful, to him, the sky was gray and foreboding, looking ahead to the grim decision he would have to make...

He was once again interrupted from his thoughts by a loud screeching. Looking up suddenly, he saw a terrifying sight. It was some sort of creature, but he had never seen it before. The body was that of a snake, with a few things added on: legs, a single bloody arm, and leathery bat wings. The creature's jagged mouth was open, and its teeth were covered in blood of its victims.

The Magi wasted no time in shooting their magic at the beast, but it only seemed to absorb the energy. Evian didn't have much energy to spare to begin with, so he knew shooting at the thing was a lost cause. Quickly, he took out his sword, and advised everyone else around him to do so. Next thing he knew, he was using his aching legs and arms to attack the beast, slicing into its thick, scaly flesh. None of the blows seemed to affect it. Arrows simply bounced off its flanks. We were fighting a losing battle...

Suddenly, the beast was headless. An anguished Kyren stood in the place where its skull had sat the moment before. There was fury in his eyes, and he panted heavily. "Well?" he shouted. "Let's clean this up!"

But Evian barely heard him. Fatigue had come upon him so suddenly that he sunk to his knees. The world spun around him, and he knew that he had used too much energy... The world flickered for a moment, then completely faded to black.

Male 14: Warrior Sage Telex Silverblade

Komesten's Keep

Vaxon sat at a huge table piled with books and papers. Scholars and scribes were huddled in groups waiting to be called on as he shuffled through his files.

The tributes Jahad sponsored were all captured and being held along with his fool brother. Vaxon knew very well that his courtiers thought him foolish not to have seen the signs earlier. He wouldn't go light on his brother. Oh yes, Jahad would pay for choosing the wrong side.

His fool son Kyren had been captured and taken by his sponsored Healer and about seven other Magi. Whether it was a real capture or a fake one, he did not know, but he would find out.

Chiara and Jaeyria were under Vassti's thumb, and he had a few things for her to tell them. Nassia's men would be given the same threat, to give away their position. One of them would crack if not all.

His main concern was Sigel. The man was a survivor, if he sided with the crown he and his brother would live, yes, but what if he decided he could get out on his own? Vaxon relaxed, he would figure out Sigel's endgame.

Telex though, he was an idiot to announce that he had a family. Even now, Vaxon had his Shadows searching for them. It would be hard, Telex had given no inkling to how many children he had, or what any of their names were. But they would find them, Vaxon wouldn't rest until they were found. There was the problem of if they even existed, or if Telex had made them up to win over Kyren. It didn't matter, he would find out soon enough.

Vassti and Nassia walked in, the latter with a large pout on her face.

"Father, is it true that Telex is married?" She asked.

Vaxon smiled at her. "We're finding out my daughter. In fact, I have a way that you can help me with that."

Nassia's eyes widened in sweet curiosity. "How?"

Vaxon stood to stretch his long legs. "I am sending Jindai wolves to each of our sponsored Magi. They will each bear a note from us. Nassia, I would like you to ask your sponsored persons to give you the location of the Magi camp. Do remind them that if they don't, we currently have their families and their lives are also on the line. However, I would like you to let Telex know that we have his wife and children here."

"Do we?" Nassia's eyes grew huge. "Can his wife be killed? Pretty please?"

Poor sweet thing. "No Nassia, we don't have them. If he denies that he has a family, I will know he lied, and if he complies or defends them, I will know they exist, and I will continue the search."

"Then can she die?"

"We'll see Nassia." Vaxon patted her head. "Go write your letters."

Nassia bounced off and he turned to his wife. Her emerald eyes sparkled with interest.

"Shall I give a similar instruction?" She asked.

Vaxon nodded. "Make sure that the threat to the Shadow Sage involves her little Healer. You can make something up for the other."

Vassti looked excited. "I actually have some news about that."

"Pray continue." Vaxon waved impatiently as he seated himself again.

"Chiara has been growing found of Sigel, and I have a growing premonition that he may return her feelings."

Vaxon hummed. "Well then, fate has intervened with our game. One of your sponsored Magi and my sponsored Magi are love interests."

Vassti smiled. "We can let them know that things will go very well for both of them if they comply."

Vaxon nodded. "Be sure before any action is taken."

His beauty nodded and left to write her notes.

Sigel and Chiara... this was actually for the better. If Sigel and Telex fell out, he had no other person to threaten the Plant Mage with. Fortunately, Sigel was more human than the stories allowed, and Chiara would be the next target. Until it was necessary though, he would continue to use Telex. Vaxon put his papers aside and rose.

It was time to go visit his brother and the captured Magi.


They left the cave, Eiridan and Jaeyria keeping a sharp eye on Kyren. They had explained the whole thing, about the rebellion and Jahad with his army.

Kyren had grudgingly given the location of the camp and they set out on the back of Ataris. Much to the dragon's annoyance. Even worse for the scaly creature, everyone had started to refer to him as 'Telex's dragon' instead of the preferable, 'Highness.'

But no one listened to Ataris's moans, least of all Telex. He didn't know why the dragon even stuck with them seeing that they were 'petty mortals.'

Telex had checked under Ataris's stomach to see how old he was, and wasn't too surprised to find that the dragon was an adolescent. He probably stayed with them because he was lonely.

Telex drew runes over Ataris's back and created a metal covering with six seat-like spots for them to keep from slipping off.

No one protested to the plan of getting to the army, and it wasn't long before they were amongst the encampment meeting up with the general.

That's when the terrible news sunk their hopes.

Jahad and his sponsored Magi had been captured.

The general wanted Kyren to take over the army in Jahad's stead, but Kyren was dead set against it. Telex couldn't blame him. If his family was on the line, he would be dead set against it too.

Kyren was deemed a prisoner when he refused and was kept under a kind of army arrest. He would be free to travel with them under surveillance of Magi and guards and would be locked up at night.

Telex assumed that they were going to try and force Kyren to tell them how to siege the gates. He already knew that whatever they tried on Kyren would never work. Whatever they thought they could do to him has already been done, a million times worse, by his father.

Twistedly, Kyren could withstand any measure of threats and torture. His family was on the line, and Telex understood.

Telex wandered the encampment. He hadn't come to terms with Sigel yet. It wasn't the first time his brother had killed to keep him alive, but they never killed the few allies they had.

Apparently, Vaxon had threatened him, but didn't Sigel believe in him enough to know that he could take care of himself? He didn't need Sigel killing friends so his little brother could survive.

Telex made up his mind. He would forgive Sigel, but not yet. He wasn't ready to forgive him so quickly. The procession started, and the army was on its way to Komesen.

The Magi walked with the supply wagons so the ones who were injured or needed to have rests because of their energy levels could be tended to. Kyren was among them, under close watch. He had used up a lot of energy the day before and didn't fight against them, but he was moodier than usual from what Telex could see.

The forest was beautiful, and the normal aura that surrounded it made Telex feel at peace with the world. When he remembered walking on his own, he remembered the lonely feeling of the forests and plains. The way he would talk to himself because Sigel wasn't there to bother. But he didn't feel that now, despite the fact that he had no friends.

He walked in the crowd alone, and yet he was fine with that. He didn't have that empty feeling of needing someone to stick with him. He felt independent.

They walked over plains with grazing animals. Through open woods with gigantic trees and overhanging branches. Pixies flew around, ignoring the army as they went about their daily duties. Some of them frowning at them. An occasional wood fairy would appear to give curious or wicked glazes at the Magi. Dryads would smiled down at them with their wood faces.

Telex's mind wandered, and the trees reminded him of his wedding and how it took place.

"I don't want to hear another word." Sigel brushed Telex off as they rode away from Ellyon.

It was a matter of silent minutes before Telex broke Sigel's rule. He turned his horse around and galloped back to the city, back to the only woman he'd ever truly loved.

He remembered her with her long wavy brown hair falling around her small shoulders, auburn eyes questioning him as she stood in her nightdress.

"Rika, you know my situation. You know that I can't give you a house or the grandest of clothing, but I'll give you the world, my world. Know that if you turn away from me now, you're turning away the only true love you'll ever have. No man will ever love you more than I love you. They might be able to give you a place to sleep, but I will never fail you. I promise you, I will never leave."

The sun was rising, and she seemed to glow in its pink and orange light, shining off her hair and making her eyes sparkle.

She smiled. "Are you asking me something?"

Telex took both her hands in his and fell dramatically to his knees. "I want you to marry me."

Rika's face was red as a rose and her smile reached her ears. "Now?"

"I will wake every vicar in this town." Telex replied.

She bent down and gave him a long kiss on the lips. "Let me gather my things."

They were married by an underdressed and sleepy vicar with Sigel as a witness. They wore travelling clothes, and the flowers Rika held were stolen ones that Sigel had snipped from different yards. But she was so beautiful. They had walked through a canopy of trees with the sunrise glowing about them, pink, orange and purple. Sigel had actually allowed them to spend money in the next city on a wedding room, which was amazing consider that he was... Sigel.

Telex shook the thoughts out of his head. He couldn't drown himself in fantasies.

It was another hour before they halted by a lagoon to refill on water. He had just pulled out his water flask when he heard some commotion behind him.

He turned to find that serval Jindai wolves had appeared. They weren't skinny or insane like the one he'd encountered on his way to Odera.

They were strong and healthy, with message cylinders handing from their necks. They trotted forward to different Magi, a brown one with brick-red streaks approached him and plopped down.

Telex stared at it for a minute before reaching for the cylinder. It was in the colors of the Warrior Sage and the symbol was etched on it along with his name. There was a note inside addressed to him.

Hi Telex!

I'm very mad at you. Why didn't you say you were married? Anyhow, we have your family in a camp. If you want to see them again, you'll tell me where the Magi camp is located. I'm really mad at you, so don't make me kill your wife.

- Nassia

- Oh, and your wolf's name is Zane. You can communicate with me through him.

How did they know about Rika and the kids? There was no way on earth that they could've found them. But they had to have because they knew. Maybe this was a trap. They were trying to see if he would admit to having a family. But if he didn't respond, Rika, Kagami and Hanae were dead.

He wandered away from the rest of the Magi. He had to respond. He couldn't let them kill his girls.


The Magi are located in the mountains surrounding the Arena. If they move I will contact you.

- Telex

They had been in the mountains that morning, so it was partly true. By the time the message got to Nassia they would've stormed the gates, so it would be impossible for him to give her updates.

Telex stuck the note in the cylinder and shooed 'Zane' away.

He sat for a while, thinking about what he'd done when he heard shouts and screams.

Telex headed for the shouting coming from the lagoon. When he reached it, a few Magi and soldiers were lying on the ground, their colleagues surrounding them with bandages.

Telex grabbed the arm of a soldier. "What happened here?"

The man gave him a stunned look. "The- there was a sea serpent. It attacked those who came down here, one of the Magi killed it."

"Is anyone dead?" Telex pushed.

"Not that I know of. Only a few were injured." The man walked away.

Well, at least it wasn't enough to damage the rank numbers, but if they were going to attack Vaxon's keep, they still couldn't afford these injuries.

Telex walked through the people moving around and lying on the ground. *(number)* Magi were injured and the two healers were attending them.

Telex sighed. There was nothing he could do here, and he hated feeling helpless. He was going to leave when he spotted two figures beneath a boulder, it was Sigel and Chiara. Telex frowned, why did she stay with him? Did they know her from somewhere or sometime before the Arena? He still wasn't ready to forgive Sigel, which was rare for him.

But what could he call abnormal now? He was different. Deep down Telex knew it. He didn't feel like Sigel was the only person he needed to protect and follow no matter what. He had made friends and lost them, and he had shared his family with Kyren, something he thought he'd never do. The weight of that secret had lifted off his chest, and he remembered how much his wife and children had mattered to him. He'd forgotten when he was with Sigel, they had run together and fought together, leaving the past behind. Now all of the running had caught up to him, and he remembered that there was more to life than running from it. There was friends and family, things that should be normal to him but weren't, the things that running from Vaxon had taken away from him.

Telex was determined. He was going to return Castre to how it should've stayed, he would save his wife from Vaxon's clutches, and Kyren would get his family back. The living Magi could live in peace again, with real lives. Lives full of family, friends and color, not the black and white of life vs. death that Vaxon had given them.

And Sigel, he could fend for himself, and so could Telex. Verden had told him to cling to the living, not the dead. He'd thought that had meant Sigel, but he had been wrong, Sigel wasn't the only living person on the earth.

Telex was going to take the past back and leave the dead out of it. He didn't know if his brother could do it. Sigel had survived, but Telex couldn't tell what his motives were anymore.

He couldn't trust the brother he'd once known so well.

Telex had thought all this while glimpsing his two deliberations over the head of a woman. She moved, and his eyes widened as he realized that Sigel was slouching against the rock, he was hurt.

Telex sprinted over to where his brother sat. It didn't matter if he couldn't trust his brother, or that he hadn't forgiven him for Myla's death. This was his brother. The one who'd always been there for him, the one who protected him, and helped him survive the harsh world for ten years. The one who scolded him when he did something stupid, the one who didn't tell him to shut up when he went on and on with stupid stories and jokes. The one who warned him against marrying Rika but helped him hide her anyway. The one who was the kind and wise uncle to Kagami and Hanae. That man who was an utter mystery to him, but who he still loved. Because they were brothers.

Maybe it was their experiences, or their teamwork, or maybe it was the bond of siblings who grew together in the womb. But Telex wasn't going to allow Sigel to die.

Blood was covering Sigel's side and his arm sleeve was torn and equally red-drenched. He was also soaked with lagoon-water, his hair matted behind him. Chiara was fussing and checking the injuries, but as far as Telex could see, she had no idea what she was doing.

"Is he alright?" Telex asked worriedly, crouching beside Sigel.

Chiara looked startled. "No, he killed the serpent, but it really drained him, and he was already on the edge of his energy."

Telex pretended to inspect Sigel's injuries as he studied Chiara's face. He felt shock sinking into him. The woman was looking at his brother with a look that Telex knew well. Rika had given him that look many times.

She loves him, or at least likes him... a lot.

Telex felt himself internally gag. Sure, he loved his brother, but he'd never imagined that anyone else would. Especially like that.

"Get Eiridan, these are serious." Telex ordered. He was right, the injuries were deep.

Chiara nodded and ran off, calling for the Healer. Telex placed his hand over Sigel's side. Pain ripped through his side and throughout his lungs, his eye watered as his head pounded and he almost felt blood seeping out of his own skin.

It stopped. And when Telex had shook the pain and dizziness out of his head, he realized that Sigel had pushed him away.

"Don't try... you'll kill yourself... idiot." Sigel's voice was strained and raspy, and he looked horrible. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was full of muck, and half his face was covered in blood. Telex couldn't tell the exact location of the blood flow.

"You punctured a bit of your lung, a rib is broken, you sprained your wrist again and you hit your head pretty hard. Your energy is about...let's see... on zero. What were you doing?" Telex retorted.

Sigel coughed, blood bubbling past his lips, and he made a clumsy attempt to wipe it away. It didn't take a genius to tell that he was on the verge of consciousness.

"What do you think? I tried to save some people, and failed to save two." He coughed more blood after throwing as much annoyance into this statement as possible. "Typical, of course."

"I wouldn't say that."

"Telex," Sigel coughed some more. "I'm sorry about Myla."

Telex was stunned. It wasn't in Sigel's nature to apologize. "Well- I- I forgive you. If you're really sorry." Telex blurted.

A smile crept up Sigel's face. "I am."

Eiridan appeared and began to tend to Sigel's wounds.

Telex walked away. He never liked to see his brother in pain. He moved on to see other Magi talking amongst themselves.

The little group suddenly broke off as something crept from the wood.

Icy fingers touched Telex's spine and he glared at a pack of tigers. They looked starved and vicious as they prowled towards the groups.

They attacked with roars, crashing down on the stunned Magi. It was so sudden and unexpected.

Telex found himself in the middle of a bloodbath. He saw a man get ripped apart, a woman's back stabbed with claws, smashing her to the ground. Telex grabbed for a weapon and only found a tree limb. He swung it and hit a furious beast in the face.

Drawing a rune, he shot arrows at the beasts who tried to attack him. He was just getting the upper hand when someone shoved him, sending him spinning to the side of a huge cat.

The tiger roared and Telex felt claws dig into his face. He screamed and shoved away from the swipes. Stumbling back and holding his face.

The cat pounced on him and Telex was rolling away from the other Magi and the pack, rolling with one of his fears. Telex jabbed the stomach of the tiger, grasping a stick and slamming it into the cat's face.

It growled and Telex was just able to jump from its snapping jaws. He brought his stick down on its head, but it snapped and didn't do much harm.

Telex scrambled up a tree swinging himself up before realizing that this was a stupid idea. The tiger was right on his heels.

Telex jumped from tree to tree until he finally swung down. The huge cat still screaming above. Telex took a moment to create a rune, a huge rune. Sticks and brush gathered in front of the rune that Telex held like a shield. The rune pulsed oil into the objects that spun in it. The tiger jumped, claws outstretched, reaching for Telex.


The tiger was engulfed in a shield of flame as the oiled brush and sticks ignited.

It roared and fell back, body burning it ran off into the woods. Telex snuffed out the fire and took huge gulps of air. His brow furrowed, someone had pushed him into the beast, on purpose.

Why had-

"ACHOO!" Telex's face burned as if it was on fire. And it was swelling fast, his nose was starting to run and his eyes were watering. His body burned with a terrible itching.

He had to get some medical attention before his allergies got out of hand. Telex began wheezing like a two-hundred-year-old man as he stumbled to the medical wagons.

Eiridan stood by one of the wagons healing someone's hand.

"Koff, Eiridan! Koff, koff, I need koff, koff, gasp, koff, allergies! Koff, wheeze."

Eiridan stared at his swollen face for a moment before racing to his side. Telex was doubled over with coughs and itches.

Soon, the snot stopped dribbling from his nose and Telex was able to breathe again. Thanking Eiridan, he moved into position, ready for when they started moving again. He wondered who had pushed him. Really, he hadn't done anything to offend anyone had he? Telex sighed and decided to forget it as the army began to move again.


Telex helped the Magi set up their huge tent for the evening. They had come to a halt when the sun began to set. Jahad had planned for the Magi so each of them received a bag with supplies in it, new clothes, weapons, etc.... There was also a huge tent meant for all of them, a curtain separated the men's side from the women's.

Kyren was held in a guarded prison tent away from them.

Once the tent was up and cots were being set up, Vala Leanour, Kalix Leanour and Atreyu Coen Demarcus announced that a meeting of Magi was going to be held.

The Magi were curious, and the cots were set up in a circle.

"We've called this meeting of the Magi because we all need to come to an understanding." Vala started. "Two Magi died fighting today. That shouldn't have happened, we're strong enough to take down one water snake. But no, the two who tried were drowned in acid and the guy who killed the thing is nearly dead."

Telex swallowed as he thought about Sigel, deranged and bloody.

"And it was more or less every man for himself in the tiger situation." Vala frowned.

Atreyu spoke. "If we're going to storm Vaxon's stronghold, everyone needs to snap out of their little cliques and smell the roses. We can't take him down if we're fighting each other. If we're attacked, you help whoever's next to you. When we attack, the only people who should be dying are Vaxon's men."

"Now, getting into more details. The Magi who were sponsored are being sent messages through Jindai wolves." Vala announced.

"Don't kill those wolves, we may need them." Kalix said quickly.

Vala nodded. "There is a vague idea of who is sponsored, so were going to have our friend Kyren tell us who is really being sponsored."

Heads turned to see the guards bring in a chained Kyren. If looks could kill, everyone in that room would be out cold.

They brought Kyren forward so he was standing in the middle of the Magi.

"When Kyren says who you are and who your sponsor is step forward, unless you're dead." Areyu instructed.

Kyren looked annoyed. "My sister sponsored four Magi. Telex Silverblade."

Yeah Kyren, go ahead and throw the spotlight on me first. Telex grudgingly rose and stepped forward, eyes boring into him.

"Jaxon Steele, Kalix Leanour and Mordzar Malthus." Kyren shifted his weight. "The four Magi sponsored by the High General are currently in my father's prisons. My mother is sponsoring two Magi, Jaeyria Lightwood and Chiara Gonzolas."

Telex's eyes widened. He didn't know that Chiara was sponsored. Kyren wasn't speaking.

"And did your father sponsor any Magi?" Vala pressed.

Kyren's face darkened. "My father sponsored one Magi. Sigel Silverblade."

That was another blow. The Magi, who had been softly whispering to each other, burst into conversation.

"SHUT UP!!" Vala screeched, and all the Magi piped down. "And just to make it clear, we are not showing you the sponsored so you can kill them. Don't touch a hair on their heads!"

Kalix, standing in the sponsored circle spoke up. "Those who have been sponsored have been sent messages. We will read them to the Magi when we receive them to prove that we are not on Vaxon's side. We will also read our replies and explain them to the rest of the Magi."

Telex could see Magi nodding in agreement as his heart sank. His mind was completely blunt as he thought.

I'm in deep shit.


The Magi were all lying on their cots, some asleep and some trying to wipe memories of the Arena away. Telex couldn't sleep despite his exhaustion. He was worried about the siege. They needed Kyren to break in. He was also worried about himself. Someone was definitely after him. Some of his things had been stolen, and the herbal cream that Eiridan gave him for his allergies had been replaced with a cream made from a Ryris root, which Telex was also allergic to. He had also been approached by two people who said that someone they wouldn't name told them that he said something nasty about them. It was getting on his nerves.

He eventually gave up on sleep and went to see if Kyren was awake.

The guards were reluctant to let him through, but they eventually gave in. Kyren was awake, and brooding.

"What are you doing here?" He growled as Telex sat next to him.

"I couldn't sleep. It smells like smelly boots in that tent." Telex replied.

Kyren just sat sullenly, he looked annoyed.

"So, are you going to get this army on the move to siege the gates?" Telex asked.

Kyren shot him a glare. "No."

"Why not? And your family is a lame excuse so don't use it."

There was a small candle lit, and that was all Telex could see Kyren by. But the look the man gave him was so terrible that Telex felt his nerves quake; but he stood his ground and remained calm.

Black mist curled around Kyren's hands and his blue eye darkened into black pits.

"A lame... excuse?" Kyren growled.

"Are you really going to pity party over yourself because your daddy has your wife and kids? That some of the people here Kyren. That's me. We're all in the same boat, your family is just as important as ours, but we're still going to do what's right. You can't use an excuse that we could all use but won't."

Kyren was still furious. His eyes growing darker as the mist expanded and swirled up his arms as well as his hands. "You, shut, up." He hissed. "You have no idea what you're saying. I would die for them, they're not my excuse."

Telex met Kyren's harsh gaze. "Okay, let's go with the scenario that I have no idea what I'm saying. You are willing to kill and destroy anything for your father so he will let your wife live. But it's an ongoing process, your family will never be safe until you take them from Vaxon. You can kill all of us and your father will get to rule in peace again, but do you think he'll let you and your family go live somewhere? He will always hold them against you, the process will only end when they're dead Kyren. If you take them out of his hands and take him down now, he can never use them against you again."

Kyren's eyes dug into Telex. "I have done all I can to keep them alive, I've tried forever to get them out of there, I've tried everything."

"And I'm not saying that you haven't, I am saying that you couldn't. You can only take down your father with the Magi by your side." Telex replied coolly, still trying very hard not to let Kyren intimidate him. "And the same goes for us. We could never get freedom for us or our families by ourselves, only you can help us with that."

Telex studied Kyren. His own darkness seem to be eating away at him.

"Kyren. If you allow yourself to fall into your darkness, you will become worse than your father. He wants that, and if you keep this up, you'll allow it." Telex allowed a bit of plea to enter his voice. "Don't allow it. We're all in this together. I want my family just as much."

Kyren glared at him. "He'll kill them all when we touch the gates." A sneer crossed his features. "If you thinks this concludes with a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."

Telex narrowed his eyes. "We can break into the castle and fetch them before the fighting starts."

Kyren scoffed. "We are tiny men to my father. He will wipe us out with a flick of his wrist."

"A very small man can cast a very large shadow." Telex replied. "And several small men can overcome one big one."

Kyren's eyes were turning blue. "You're living a fantasy. We'll never beat him."

"We will if you stop talking like that. Besides, if we know he'll beat us, we have to also know that we can beat him. What we don't know is what usually gets us killed." Telex replied.

Kyren seemed exhausted, his black smoke disappeared.

"I'll let you think about it. But don't forget that you're not the only one with kids and a wife on the line." Telex left the tent, crossing his fingers and hoping that Kyren snapped out of his brood.

Male 15: Plant Mage Sigel Silverblade

Smoky darkness blew around Sigel, and his spine crawled with discomfort.


Vaxon appeared before him.

"You have a great chance to prove your loyalty to me. I know about the army. I would like you to stay with the Magi, I want information on their movements. Where they plan to attack, when, how, and anything else that might be of use to me. I trust you will fulfil this task. I would also like to know Kyren's every movement, is he a prisoner of the Magi or is he freely involved? Did he take charge of the army? I have faith that you will fill in all the blanks for me."

Sigel didn't understand. "Information about the army, Magi and Kyren."

"Yes." Vaxon nodded. "I am going to send some wolf messengers to the Magi. I will give you a note reminding you of your task, but it will not be a straightforward note. I would not like for it to fall into the wrong hands."

Sigel nodded, though he had no idea what Vaxon was on about.

"If you side with me, you will find that things will go well for you and anyone who is your ally. Even if they are not on my side, such as your brother, I will not execute them under your request. Of course you cannot save all the Magi, but you can save your brother and perhaps Chiara Gonzolas if you so desire."

Sigel felt like a rock lodged in his throat, but he listened.

"If you side with the Magi, it will be very hard for you to gain my trust again. I also have confidence that you know what will happen to your brother if you do not comply."

Vaxon began to fade, the hollowly darkness fading grey.

"Do not disappoint me Silverblade. This rebellion is no match for me. It shall lose, and I believe you know that."


Sigel woke. His head was pounding and his arm had started to bleed again. Chiara was packing her mat, Telex was yawning, and Kyren and Jaeyria were still sleeping. Eiridan was sitting by a fire, cooking something. He looked up and smiled at Sigel; but his expression changed to worry when he glanced at his associate's injury.

Sigel nodded to him, but ignored the concerned stare. He didn't want any bandages wasted, so he pulled his cloak on to cover the lesion. It was his old cloak, he'd found in his bag yesterday.

"Ah, you've woken."

Sigel nearly jumped at the voice, he still wasn't used to having Ksekai's voice speak to him.

"Don't you rest?" Sigel whispered, feeling strange since no one else could hear the ring.

"No, I'm a dragon. I think your head wound is getting to you." Ksekai replied.

Of course, Spirit Dragons didn't sleep. Sigel rose and started to tie up his mat. It was painful, his left knee was killing him and his wrist was swollen. He hadn't told anyone about his wrist, but he couldn't hide the sprained ankle, which was now wrapped up. He knew the pain couldn't be ignored for long.

"Ksekai, how long until the ring works?"

"Two hours. But don't hold your life on it, the ring will not reach its full potential for many hours after that."

Sigel groaned. "What do you mean?"

"Energy seeps into the rings slowly. You'll have a little energy at a time until it reaches its mark, then the rings energy will always be the same. This whole waiting time is just the activation process." Ksekai informed, then added. "You should have that Healer take care of your injuries. It's pointless going on like this."

Sigel shook his head. "No. I'll be fine."

"Are you talking to someone?"

Sigel stuffed his mat in his pack and stood up looking down at Kyren who was sitting on his mat cross-legged.

"I was making some notes to myself, you've probably done the same before."

"Probably, but in my head." Kyren rolled his eyes and folded up his mat.

Sigel remembered a time when Kyren was nice. They were two years apart, but seven-year-old Kyren and five-year-old Sigel had gotten along, they weren't best friends, but they exchanged pleasantries. Kyren had been a very happy and smiley child, bright-eyed and without a scar. He was serious and quiet when he needed to be, but goofy and sarcastic when it was allowed. He and Telex had gotten along terrifically, whispering stupid jokes and making fun of the court ladies' fashion. Verden was the mature one, like Sigel, except he smiled more and was able to stop Kyren and Telex from tearing each other apart when they fought.

Sigel remembered how much the smiling boy had changed when they got back. Fifteen-year-old Sigel and Telex had been a bit disappointed to find seventeen-year-old Kyren serious and sullen. Well, at least Telex was. Sigel still exchanged pleasantries, but they were less frequent, and usually not agreeable. Kyren's bright eyes had dulled to a pool of still water, never moving forward or backward. Verden had tried to get Kyren to speak more often and smile. He encouraged Kyren in his successes and help to lift his spirits when Vaxon was disappointed with his son, which was often.

But then Verden died, and Telex and Sigel were left on the run. Now, twenty-five-year-old Sigel and Telex were stuck again with a twenty-seven-year-old Kyren. The smiling boy and the sullen teen had melted into a hurt and angry man. Sarcasm and arrogance covered the scars his father left. At this point, Sigel wasn't sure if he could ally with Kyren, or even Telex for that matter.

Sigel had waited for this time. The time when Telex would turn away from him, realize that he could make it on his own without his older brother.

Sigel was prepared to accept Telex's forgiveness for the Myla incident, but he was also ready to let him go. He looked to see Telex waking up, stretching his arms out like he did every time he woke up. Sigel realize that a small piece of him had been dreading this, dreading the loss of Telex.

He shook it off.

Their group gathered together after everything was packed and breakfast had been eaten.

"So, what's going on?" Telex asked, looking to Kyren for answers.

Kyren's face was more serious than usual. "Jahad has started a rebellion. As far as I know, he's taken my father's army. They are waiting in an encampment here."

Kyren pulled out a map from somewhere and pointed.

"Where'd you get this?" Jaeyria frowned.

"I made it last night." Kyren shrugged. "Now, as I was saying. We'll meet up with them and the Magi who escaped, then we'll decide when to attack, the army will be on the move to Komesen-"

"So we're in Ellyon?" Jaeyria frowned.

"Yes." Kyren spat. "If you want to get some revenge on my father and overthrow him, then come with us. If you want to leave then make sure you stay out of the way, and watch your back, anyone who is not part of the army will be deemed an enemy."

"We can ride there on Ataris." Telex suggested.

Kyren raised an eyebrow. "Will he let us?"

"Yeah, he'll be fine. I'll make a coating that we can ride on without getting burned." Telex nodded.

"Jahad will be there?" Eiridan asked.

"He should be. He's the one who started this." Kyren affirmed.

"Well we should get a move on then." Jaeyria clapped her hands together.

Telex's dragon wasn't actually willing to take them, Telex more or less told him where to go, ignoring the protests.

Ataris was a Coal Dragon who spoke the Forbidden Tongue. So only Sigel and Telex could understand him. Sigel had a growing suspicion that Kyren spoke the language, but since he wasn't sure, he just didn't speak it.

Telex created the coating and the five Magi plus Kyren found themselves flying over the land of Ellyon. At the dragon's pace, it wasn't long before they found the army encampment, safely hidden.

They landed away from the army, so as not to shock them with the dragon. It wasn't a far walk to the encampment, and when they were affronted by sentries they were immediately ushered to the general. Apparently they were ready to start moving but they had been waiting for Kyren.

The sentries led them to the only tent standing. Some Magi were wandering the premise and stared at them as they passed. Sigel ignored the stares and followed the guards into the tent.

"General. Kyren Asherex." The sentry announced.

The general turned with a relieved look on his face. "Good, good." He waved the sentry away.

"Where's my uncle?" Kyren demanded.

The general's face melted. "I am afraid the High General was captured by your father. He and the Magi he sponsored are being held in Komesen. But he did tell us to go on with the attack if he was captured, we we're hoping that you would take charge-"

"Stop! What do you mean he's been captured?! If he's been captured then this mission will fail! My father knows we're coming." Kyren exclaimed.

Sigel frowned. Kyren was half right, Vaxon would know that they were coming, but that didn't mean the mission would fail. If they planned it right, this might work.

Kyren went into an argument with the general, and in the end, he refused to take charge of the army.

"We cannot allow you to leave here alive if that's the case." The general said sternly.

"You can't attack the castle!" Kyren fought.

"We can do battle it with a good plan." Telex intervened to Sigel's surprise. "You do have a good plan?"

The general turned to Telex. "We will travel until we are within a two day's reach to Komesen, then we'll rest and discuss our plan of attack. Things have been changed with the High General captured."

Kyren was still furious. "Don't expect me to help you with this just because I escaped from my father!"

He stormed out of the tent and the general sighed. "We need him to siege the gates."

"But if he does..." Eiridan started, but his voice trailed.

"Vaxon will kill Kyren's family." Telex finished.

The general sighed again. "Well, we'll be setting out today. The Magi will be travelling with the supply wagons so they can receive medical attention. Renge, show them."

Renge showed them out of the tent to where the supplies wagons were ready for travel. Sigel allowed his bandages to be changed and his wrist wrapped up.

It was hours before the procession got a move on, but Sigel's body didn't feel in too much of a rush. His limp was beginning to annoy him and his hand hurt whenever he moved it. Ksekai was right, the ring gave off a little energy, but hardly anything. He'd exhausted his energy yesterday, and he'd been tired all morning. The energy he got from the ring was keeping him alive and alert. Otherwise, he wished he could crawl into a soft feather bed and sleep for a century.

They walked on. Curious dryads and fairies peeked out at the procession from their trees and flowers. Songbirds preformed their little melodies with a cheery flutter of wings. A few small trolls were seen along the way. The whole scene surrounding the Magi was so normal. There weren't any deranged vampires or mad elves, just the occasional gruff dwarf picking mushrooms.

It was a relief to know that they may have the upper hand in this situation. They didn't have to worry about being attack by masses of mad creatures or the Shattered Sight.

Sigel was still in pain though, and he found his mind wandering to forget the pain. He began to remember when he got his powers, and one of his greatest fears was created.

Twenty years ago

Sigel sat with Leoron VI, Verden and Telex as their fathers spoke with each other. They were in Milvake on a monthly tour of the regions, the king had taken his highest advisors and some had brought their boys with them. Eventually, Leoron III sent the five-year-olds outside to play under the supervision of Nanny Ignacia.

Telex and Leoron rushed to their tiny wooden swords as soon as they could, and Verden sat with Nanny Ignacia. Sigel strolled to a tree and sat under it. A wood was behind them and all sorts of wonderful green smells were wafting through it. He could almost feel plants growing in the ground, feel some wither and die. He was almost inside them.

He was the dryads playing together. He was the leaves of the trees soaking in the light of the sun. He was the branches making music with the wind swirling past it. He was the leaves that had fallen into a cold river, turning with the current down small waterfalls. Sigel was the forest.

The wind, almost like the daughters of air, ran their fingers through his blood-red hair. His flaming eyes were warmed by spots of sunlight streaming through the leaves above him.

He could feel birds hopping on the ground with their tiny feet, looking for food. Then there was another feeling, of a horses hooves thumping the ground.

He opened his eyes to find a horse coming to him from the wood, a chestnut colored beast. It gave him a friendly nuzzle on the arm. A cold feeling crept up Sigel's spine, and he stood, pulling away from the beast.

The horse almost seemed to give him a glare as it approached him again with a gentle nudge, as if it wanted Sigel to ride it.

He backed away from the creature and headed to where the others were. The peaceful feeling of the forest seeping out of him. The horse's eyes appeared angered as it bared its teeth at him, sharp and jagged teeth. A smell of rotted flesh drifted from the horse's mouth. It was a kelpie.

Sigel ran to Nanny Ignacia and the other boys. The woman noticed the kelpie before the boy.

"Oh? You must have escaped from the stables." Nanny Ignacia mused as she reached out to the freak.

Sigel pulled on her skirt. "Don't!"

She didn't seem to hear him as another voice came up. "Nanny, what have ya there?"

It was a tall blonde stable boy, he was new and eager to impress.

"Oh, a horse seems to have escaped." The nanny replied.

"I'll take him back!" The young man nodded eagerly. He came forward and noticed Sigel standing next to the nanny.

"Would you like a ride Sigel?"

Before the child could shout in protest, he was scooped up and placed on the kelpie's back. He felt as if he'd been tied to the monster's back.

"No!" He shouted, but it was too late, the kelpie burst into a gallop, racing back to the wood.

Sigel couldn't jump off, he couldn't move, he couldn't think. The wind rush at him, and all he could do was dodge tree branches. The rancid smell of putrefying flesh and limewater mixed his senses, seaweed was tangled in the kelpie's mane.

The five-year-old didn't want to die.

He felt a violent jerk, and the kelpie was slammed on its side. Pain ripped through Sigel's right side. His screams flew into the air with the kelpie's.

Vines were wrapped around the kelpie's hooves, and sharp, thorny plants were poking it, killing it. Sigel felt more in pain and fatigue as the vines slashed the kelpie, and they eventually went away. The kelpie escaped with Sigel still on its back.

They raced to the marshes, deeper and deeper until they came to a huge lake of water. The kelpie was bleeding and weak, but that didn't stop it from diving into the water with its small prey. The water felt heavy and cold. Sigel couldn't see anything, he could only feel the pressure of death in his lungs and head.

Then he was being pulled up to the surface, faster and faster. He flew out of the water and the hold of the kelpie was cut off. Sigel had smashed into a tree branch and was able to grab onto another limb as he fell back down.

Coughing and gagging, the boy was able to swing himself up so he was sitting on a different tree branch. His hands shook and he shivered, soaked and terrified.

The kelpie had taken its true form as a skinny black horse-like creature with truly horrific features. But that wasn't what concerned Sigel.

The kelpie was caught up in the huge jaws of a lake serpent. Much smaller than a sea serpent, but still huge and more violent.

The snaky monster shook the kelpie in its mouth, blood and pieces of rancid flesh and bones flew about in stringy red globs.

Sigel felt sick, so sick he threw up. Unfortunately, the smell drew the attention of the lake leviathan. It narrowed its eyes at him and swam. Bloody teeth and a large and sharp tongue were displayed as the monster screamed at the boy.

Sigel screamed, and the eyes of the serpent widened as it was pulled down by some kind of lake seaweed. It let out a screech and swung its head into the tree Sigel was in.

He fell towards the mouth of the monster, horrible breath streaming up as its mouth open and shut. He was falling, down to his death.

But then he stopped. The hanging lianas above him had wrapped around his small body, pulling him up and away from the sinking behemoth below.

Sigel had barely remember afterwards how he'd gotten back. According to his parents, he'd been missing for two days before they found him, lying unconscious in a ditch. Ascertained by Healers, he'd been lucky to be alive, in fact, it was a miracle. He'd been completely drained of energy and strength.

He did recall when his parents proudly announced that he was a Plant Mage. He also remembered finding out that he'd nearly killed some of his rescuers with his powers. Apparently, he'd had two seizure-like attacks in which his powers went wild. It left two men poisoned and two Healers injured, one had fallen into a four-day comma from plant poison. Nanny Ignacia had resigned in shock, and had turned to the Silent Ones and Monks for counsel.

Sigel had been very upset by the events, despite the fact that it wasn't really his fault. One night, when he was healed, he'd crawled under his bed and lay on his stomach, thinking.

Then his mother had come in.

"Sigel? Where are you?"

"I'm under here." He replied.

She pulled away the blanket and looked under the bed. "Are you hiding under your bed?"

Sigel shook his head. "No. I was having a moment of philosophy." He tilted his head. "Mother, do you think the reason that monsters hide under the bed is because they are afraid of the normal people?"

His mother laughed. "Come out and get into bed, that's enough 'philosophy' for one night."

Sigel's memory stopped as he realized they were halting. The procession was halting near a lagoon to fill up their water flasks and find some more provisions.

Chiara found him. "Will you come with me to get some water?"

Sigel nodded. "Yes, of course."

Sigel and Chiara were fishing out their bottles when they heard some commotion amongst the Magi. Making their way to the group, they saw huge wolves, all different colors and sizes, all the same species of Jindai.

No one seemed to know what to do. This was probably because the wolves were not attacking, just sniffing the air, and they wore collars. When he looked closer, he could see that they were carriers. The collars had long round message cylinders attached to the front, each were different.

A white Jindai wolf streaked with crimson lines trotted forward and approached Jaeyria Lightwood it sat in front of her and nuzzled her hand. The woman bent and opened the container pulling out a note. Their attention was drawn away from her as another white wolf with gold streaks padded to Chiara.

Four brown wolves walked forward. One with grey streaks, one with silver streaks, one with dark blue streaks, and one with brick red streaks. The wolves approached Mordzar, Jaxon, Kalix and Telex. The sponsored Magi.

Then Sigel realized that a black wolf with green streaks, bigger than the others, was approaching him. It sat before him a cylinder in the Plant Mage symbol and colors attached to his neck. Sigel's name was written on it.

He bent to open the cylinder, the lid popped out and it had Vaxon's seal on it. Two pieces of paper, a pen, and an ink bottle were in the message container. One paper was blank, the other was sealed. Sigel took a moment to look up, those who had gotten a message were reading their letters, and those who hadn't were looking at them with suspicion, whispering among themselves.

Sigel backed out of the circle, no one noticed, Chiara was engrossed in her own letter. He walked out of sight and out of mind, leaning casually against a tree.


I trust you to realize the small army is no match for me. Forget it, but don't forget my warning.

Do not disappoint me Silverblade. This rebellion is no match for me, it will lose, and I expect you know that.

- Vaxon

- By the way, the Jindai wolves are trained to find you and give you messages, reply to me through yours. Command it to go back and it will return to me. His name is Kane.

Sigel studied the letter, the dream-like vision he'd had this morning coming back to his mind. He memorized every word before tearing it up and letting the pieces fall to the ground where the grass dragged the pieces into the earth. It was a typical thing that Vaxon would want. But he'd also threaten someone who wasn't Telex.

There it was. Sigel had grown too attached to Chiara and they knew it. Why had he allowed this to happen? He'd been so careful not to attach to anyone, and when it was critical that he made no attachments, he fell in love.

Sigel's eyes widened when he thought that. Yes he enjoyed Chiara's company, yes she was smart, beautiful and wise, but did he love her? Was that the warm feeling he felt when he was around with her? The feeling that the world was a brighter and better place? That gut instinct that told him that she wouldn't turn on him, she was too innocent and gentle for that, but at the same time, strong enough to make up her own mind.

But what if her innocence was an ersatz? It was usually the things that appeared beautiful shrouded deceit, with a wind of smoke, innocence as light would fall beneath a cloak of darkness. How many times had he drawn prey in with a mask of phenomenon?

When he'd been around her, he thought that his feeling was like he had with Telex, brotherly. Which was still a bad thing, it was against his rules to have that kind of brotherly watchfulness over someone else. But if he was in love with her... that was a million times worse, the more people you love, the weaker you are. He was already treading on ice with Telex. If he and Telex fell out, Vaxon couldn't expect Sigel to protect his brother. But now that Chiara was in the picture...

Sigel scoffed. Here he was, falling for a woman, and not too far back, he'd been trying to talk Telex out of Rika. Had he fallen so far? Or had he climbed higher?

What Sigel really hated about this was the doubt. He'd been through many years, he had many doubts about the world and people around him. But never once had Sigel doubted himself. Chiara had put him in doubt, his mind screamed that it was wrong, but if felt so right.

But he couldn't. He could never safely love her... could he?

"I think that you two should get closer. It would make my life more interesting."

Sigel nearly jumped out of his skin again as a voice popped into his head. "Ksekai! Stop tapping into my mind!"

"I can't help it. Your thoughts are so adorable and funny. No offence of course, to us dragons, all humans have cute and petty minds." Ksekai laughed. Then she paused her laughter. "Oo-oh! She's coming!"

Sigel looked up to see Chiara strolling to him. Her face was tired and worried, but she washed it away and smiled at him. "We should go get some water now."

"You go ahead, I'll be there in a moment." Sigel nodded. She headed off and Sigel found his wolf, Kane. The wolf sat quietly again as Sigel retrieved the blank paper, ink and pen.


Currently the Magi are not in any order. No one seems to know what's going on and this is probably because Jahad is not here to lead them. No attack plans have been made thus far. Kyren is currently a prisoner of the Magi. He has strongly advised against sieging the gates. He is very concerned about his family. The Magi are keeping a close eye on him so he will not go to Komesen and ruin whatever is left of them. He refuses to fight against you for fear of his family's life. Otherwise, the Magi do not trust each other. There has been prejudice amongst them. I will write again when something more interesting comes up.

- Sigel Greenblade

Sigel folded the note and stuffed it into Kane's cylinder. "Go back Kane." Sigel waved.

The wolf seemed to nod before sprinting off.

Sigel sighed. What he'd told Vaxon was technically true, but he'd left out some very important details, and had emphasized on Kyren's refusal to revolt. At this point, he had no idea why he was doing Kyren any favors. Perhaps it would help him in the future.

As far as his last name went, it would probably be a good idea to let Vaxon think that he wanted his father's position. That he was warming up to the idea of siding with the Asherex Dynasty.

He found some Magi and soldiers at the lagoon filling up. Chiara was farther away from them, she was next to... Kyren.

Sigel's brow furrowed. What was she talking to him about? Had Vassti ask her for information like Vaxon had asked him?

Sigel headed for them walking casually when a sudden movement made him jerk his head to his right, scanning the water.

The water rippled and stilled for a moment before a huge wave brought up a long and scaly neck. Out of the water came a roar, high and resounding. A lagoon serpent emerged. Smaller than a sea serpent, but larger than a lake serpent.

Ice cold fear slammed into Sigel, seeping through his soul. A mega-ton of boulders crashed down on his lungs and he felt sick and dizzy. He could see the mangled body of the kelpie, bloody globs of gut-

His gag reflex went off and he had to hold back bile. Lagoon serpents were more violent than any other water snake and this one was going right for its closest victims. Kyren and Chiara.

Sigel's whole being screamed at him to run from the monster. He was injured and his energy was just barely full. Kyren had overdid himself yesterday and was weaker than usual, Chiara was in the same boat, except she had more energy than they did. She could help Kyren.

Sigel stopped at that thought. In that moment he despised himself. Furious, he made himself run toward the serpent.

The lagoon serpent shot acid at Chiara and Kyren as they ran from it. Magi and soldiers from behind Sigel started to make a commotion. Sigel halted and felt lagoon weed wrapping around the tail of the serpent. Growing stronger and larger, pulling the screaming thing down into the muck.

The little energy he had drained, and he felt the serpent's body rip away from some of the roots. The lagoon serpent started to drag towards the ground, a Gravity Mage was pulling the convulsing thing towards the earth.

Acid shot out and the man was engulfed with boiling green slime. What was barely seen of the man was melting as he fell dead.

Free, the serpent dove and was able to snap up a blonde woman in its jaws. Her willowy figure grew bloody and the monster began to shake her side to side, just like with the kelpie.

Sigel created huge vines that shot up and wrapped around the serpent's teeth. It let go of the dead woman and her body was retrieved by other Magi.

The serpent thrashed, poisonous vines diving down its throat, growing and killing. Sigel's vision blackened and he knew that his energy was gone. It was a matter of minutes before he passed out or dropped dead.

The serpent broke free from the vines, but the venom was killing it. Black blood streamed from its eyes and mouth as it thrashed around the beach spraying acid. Sigel wasn't able to move as it swung around and wrapped him in its body, pulling him into the water with it.

It squeezed him and pulled him deep under the water. It eventually let go of him but he was spinning and half-dead. Black blood and acid filled the water and Sigel could feel his skin burning. Not melting because the water lessened the acidic power, but it burned.

His body burned with pain, but then it began to seep away. Death's cold fingers knocked on the door of his soul.

Then light lifted him from the water.


Sigel's memory of what happened was splotchy. But he woke to find himself lying in the back of one of the supply wagons. He felt dizzy lying down, but he forced himself to sit up.

Pain and exhaustion ripped through his body, but he opened his eyes to find Kyren studying him.

"Can I assist you?" He croaked.

Kyren scoffed. "Eiridan was afraid you weren't going to make it, but look at you, sitting up." He ran a hand through his hair. "I was checking on the Magi who'd been injured by the acid. Only two are dead, the rest will fully recover."

"Good. At least these injuries weren't in complete vain." Sigel huffed weakly.

"I thought you were afraid of water snakes."

Sigel internally groaned. His family, the Asherex's, and the Marratton's all knew about Sigel's water-snake phobia. But he denied it.

"I was five Kyren."

"O-kay then, I'll get off here." Kyren moved to leave.

"Kyren wait." Sigel called.

Kyren stopped and sat back down.

"I know your father has your family, but are you going to help the Magi siege the gates?" Sigel asked.

Kyren frowned, his face darkening. "I don't see how it would help me at all. It's not just my family, it's also my uncle. Once I help this rebellion in any way, they're all dead."

"What if we had some of the best Magi break in and free your family, including the High General and his sponsored Magi a few hours before the army came? That way, if they were caught, it would only be a matter of time before all hands were called to the battlements." Sigel suggested.

"Why do you care?" Kyren growled.

Sigel sighed. "I knew the castle top to bottom for a long time, but only you know how much it's changed over the last ten years. None of us can take down the castle without you. Besides, I have no reason to want Jahad, the captured Magi or your family dead. I would like to get as many captives out of there as possible. If we do get in there, I'll also make a deal out of figuring out if Leoron IV is alive."

"My father is more powerful than you know. He'll easily kill them before we get there." Kyren retorted.

"Your father may be powerful, but not more powerful against several Magi including you. I could also write to him saying that you and I are coming to talk to him about getting your family back and keeping my brother safe. While we keep him busy, several other Magi could find and break out the captives. He's under the impression that I'm spying for him."

Kyren stared at Sigel. "Are you?"

Sigel shot Kyren an annoyed look. "What kind of question is that?"

Kyren studied his face, as if looking to find lies. "Considering that I'm talking to you, it shouldn't be such a revelation." He relaxed. "So, you want me to lead the army?"

Sigel hoped that meant he was getting somewhere. "It would be easier to have the army under your thumb. But if you decided to go in yourself without it as a quiet rescue, I would go with you. I can't break in without you."

"And how do I know that if you and I break in that you won't run to my father and get my family and I killed along with the captured Magi?

"Kyren, I have no reason too. I want to restore Castre, that's what I hope to accomplish. I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to make that happen, and if that includes rescuing your family and getting you all out of the castle, I'll do it. I never go back on my promises, you know that."

Kyren studied him, but his face was blurring, and Sigel knew that he would have to lie down soon.

"Don't kill yourself. Get some sleep."

That was all Kyren said before leaving Sigel to fall into the darkness of slumber.


He briefly woke up to find that he was lying on a cot in a tent. Chiara was wrapping a bandage around his wrist.

"What happened?" He asked.

Chiara met his sleepy gaze. "We're in camp for the night, I'm just finishing the last of your bandages so the Healers and doctors can finish up with other people."


She wrapped in silence before he spoke.

"What do you want to happen after the war?" He asked.

Chiara smiled to herself. "I want for all of the Magi to go back to their families, maybe they could all get a nice home and settle down. Everyone could live a normal and happy life, away from this tyranny."

She finished and stood. "Well, that's what I wish and wishes usually don't come true, so I can hope but not expect." She smiled. "I'm going to bed now."

Sigel felt sleep pushing his senses away, but he forced himself to stay awake. "Hey. Remind me to help you build those houses when we win."

Chiara smiled. "I would like that."

"But I'll only do it if you promise me something."


"Promise that you'll live in one of those houses with me." He smiled, remembering something else. "I'll add a bonus and get you all the animals you want."

Sigel never knew if Chiara replied. Sleep dragged him under his consciousness and he had one closing thought.

I love you Chiara.

Male 16: Conjurer Wizard Leovarettan Maverson 

  Eighteen. I counted eighteen people, and that was only if you included myself. "Lydora, how many people do you see?"

Her reply was only a glance in my direction, in which her eyes portrayed the same hopelessness that was weighing down on my heart. We had lost fourteen people in that arena. Nearly half of our original numbers, and I knew we wouldn't all survive the journey to Komesten. I hopped off of the fence post I had been seated on and couldn't help but groan a little bit as I landed. Apparently I had used more magic than my body could supply, and it was hitting me pretty hard.

Luckily, pain was nothing new to me.

We had set up camp only about ten miles away from the arena. Most of us were too weak to travel much further. They sat around in small clusters, and as I passed through, I heard small snippets of conversation. We all seemed to be united on one topic- what do we do next?

They all seemed to have rather different ideas. I heard someone say that we needed to march on Komesten, use a show of power. Someone else argued that we couldn't scare Vaxon; stealth would work better. The only idea that no one suggested was returning to hiding. I think everyone knew that this was war. A few glanced up at me as I passed, and I could sense that their thoughts towards me had changed. I wasn't the little kid that occasionally showed up looking for food anymore. I had survived, and in their eyes, that made me one of them.

I didn't make eye-contact as I passed through. I just grabbed a stick and shoved the end of it into the fire. It quickly caught, and I pulled it out, holding it up for use as a torch. I walked away from the clearing, moving carefully through the forest. I needed a moment to think.

I walked for a long time, or at least long enough for my already weakened legs to begin to hurt. I turned to head back into the camp, and froze as my torchlight fell upon none other than Vaxon Asherex himself.

I thought back to when I'd first met him. When I'd been captured, about a week ago. At the time, he'd terrified me. Now, though, I felt rather as if I was facing a playground bully. His power was imagined, insubstantial. In other words, I wasn't afraid.

I rather liked the feeling.

"You expected Jahad." He said, stepping closer to me, the torch fully illuminating his face.

"I was actually expecting a note from him." I answered. "That is how he usually communicates."

"That's how the traitor kept it hidden." He said, as his expression darkened. "Well, I'm here to tell you that he has been captured. You shouldn't count on his help."

"I never did." I answered my voice weakened though, and his words chilled me.

"I'm going to offer you a choice, Conjurer." He pulled the darkness from the shadows, and the stars seemed to go out, the only light coming from my torch. "Work with me, or a certain Mr. Awetis will pay the price."

My breath caught. He had Soren. I hesitated for just a moment, and then the false bravado I'd had was gone, and the old fear of Vaxon rushed in to replace it. "Why would you want me to help you?" I stalled, still considering my options.

"Jahad said that you would be easy to turn to our side, because of your youth. He may have turned out to be traitorous, but what he said was valid. You will easily learn to go against you fellow Magi, and they won't suspect you."

I made my decision then. "Never. I won't side with you for anything." I hissed, trying to pull some of earlier confidence back into my words.

"I didn't take you for unintelligent, Conjurer. Why is it you insist on taking the side that is losing?"

"I'm not. We will only lose if one of us decides to spy for you. You know this." I added as I realized something. "What you're doing makes no sense. You know where we are, yet you don't attack. You're the one who is afraid, Vaxon."

"I'm not afraid of your band of rebels."

"Well, maybe you should be."

He chuckled darkly. "I'd watch out if I were you, Conjurer. We both know this is a war, and you have a certain pretty, dark-haired Healer you'd rather not see hurt." With those words, darkness enveloped him, and he was gone.

It took all of my self control not to cry out after him, not to tell him that he had better not dare touch Lydora, but I knew that my showing I cared would only make it worse if he did catch her. So then, I knew, that despite what I'd managed to tell myself earlier, I was every bit as terrified of Vaxon as I'd always been.

Back at the camp, I decided not to mention his visit to anyone. It would only create panic, something I knew we didn't have time for. I silently sat down next to a boy with silver hair near the fire. Everyone was here, so I assumed we were having a meeting of sorts, an excellent idea in my opinion. I glanced at the boy next to me, I knew he was one of the Silverblades. They were the only two that I didn't really know, and while I knew that their first names were Telex and Sigel, I wasn't sure which was which. He looked at me for just a moment, before turning back to the group.

"We have to do something." Zentra finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled over us.

"And I think it's fairly obvious as to what." The red-headed Silverblade spoke from across the clearing.

"Is it?" Jaeyria asked.

"Of course," Mordzar answered. "We have to attack the castle. If we all use our magic together, not even the kings army can stand against us." The Silverblade nodded his agreement.

"There is absolutely no way that could possibly work." Jaeyria answered bluntly. "We'd be slaughtered."

I didn't listen to the rest of the argument. It wasn't up to me to make a decision. After all, what did I know? I was a gangly, fourteen year old boy who consistently made the wrong decision. The only think I felt sure of, was that we would accomplish nothing without a leader and the only person who I knew was up to the task, was the only one not sitting at the campfire. I quietly stood and left, making my way towards Kyren's spot under a tree.

"Hello." I said as I sat next to him.

"Good evening." He answered stiffly, not seeming to care much about my presence.

"We need your help." I cut to the chase.

"Well yes, that much is fairly obvious." It was a weak attempt at sarcasm.

"We need a leader." I gestured to the argument that was now growing louder, with the magi even more divided than before.

"You must know why it can't be me." He wanted to help. I could see it in the lines of his face, but he couldn't, and he was right. I did know why.

"Vaxon has your family. They're the only thing keeping you from fighting him. "

He nodded. "Even doing this, allowing you all to capture me, it's putting them all at risk."

"Do you really think he'll spare them? When all of this is over, what do you think will happen to them. I mean, best case scenario he continues to use them as a way to keep you under his thumb." It was an honest question. I felt guilt over Vaxon's abduction of Soren, but I'm not as innocent as I used to be. Submitting to Vaxon wouldn't save him, only prolong his suffering. I guess I must have come off as being impertinent, because he seemed to be annoyed by me.

"At least they'll be alive."

"Until he doesn't need them anymore. Until they become too much of a threat to keep around." Now I was being obnoxious even to myself, but I also wouldn't give up.

Kyren sighed heavily. "I'm not about to say that he's honorable. I know as well as anyone that he's killed more innocent people than he can count. But I can't put my family into that type of risk."

"I can't tell you what to do Kyren, after all, I haven't had a real family to worry about in about ten years now." I pointed out, pausing for a moment. "Vaxon killed them. I was only four, but I still remember the screams."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault. My older brother was a lightning mage. I guess you could say he had it coming."

He scoffed. "Well, don't you know? All Magi deserve death." He said it cruelly, in a clear mock of his father, before his expression softened slightly. "Leo, I wish I could fix all of the horrible things my father has done, but I can't change the past. The best I can do is keep him from doing the same to my family."

"No, the best you can do is stop him for good. The best you can do is to help us stand against him." I stood, having nothing left to say, and then I walked away.


The next morning dawned bright and early, I had gone to bed the night before after I had spoken to Kyren. I hadn't waited up to listen to them take the argument in circles. The exceptions being Telex and Sigel, I knew enough of the others to know that they wouldn't back down.

I sat up slowly, my body felt somewhat better than the day before, but I still wouldn't say I was at one hundred percent. Many of the others had been woken as well, and they were all standing, some were more tense, while others seemed relaxed. I walked over to where Lydora was and I nudged her with my toe. She shifted and opened one eye to look at me. I cracked a grin. "Let's get going Sleeping Beauty." I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me, but got up nevertheless.

The debate was picking back up again, but it has rather lost its fire from the night before. "We couldn't take the palace at our strongest, and some of us are still feeling weak." Eiridan reasoned, probably having been pulled into the argument by Jaeyria, though he was definitely less incensed the others.

"Then why don't you heal them?" Kalix asked.

"Because I-"

"Stop." The words pulled from me, coming out sharply, spurred on by a sense of courage. "We won't get anywhere by arguing. This is war. We stand united, or not at all." I opened my mouth to continue. I had more to say but quickly closed it again when I saw the looks of the others. All eighteen of them were now looking at me, and though their faces didn't show it, I felt sure I'd annoyed them by speaking. My throat became dry, and I swallowed hard.

"He's right." Eiridan said. "We have to stay together. So, I propose we do the one thing that we can agree on, travel to Komesten." He then gave me a strange look, and I couldn't quite tell what he was feeling.

The others murmured assent, and just like that, they had forgotten me.

As I turned away, I nearly ran into Lydora. She stepped away, giving me the same look Eiridan had been shooting. "I've never seen you do that before."

"Do what?"

"Speak up. I mean, I guess I've never seen you around the other Magi, but... Oh, I don't know. You're always so quiet around my parents, I just assumed." She smiled at me.

"Yeah, guess I've decided that I'm not well suited to the shadows." I grinned back. I didn't tell her that addressing the magi as a whole had terrified me or that it was something I'd never do again.


The sun had risen high and the day had grown hot. I guess it could have been worse. Blazing heat was preferable to freezing rain. I snuck a glance at Kyren. He seemed a though he had already forgotten my words to him the night before.

Lydora stood beside me as we walked, but we didn't say much. I mean, what was there to say?

'So, how are the war plans going?'

Yeah, right. I began to fiddle with my fingers, whispering the words to conjure tendrils of smoke, my powers hadn't fully returned, but like a muscle that you have overworked, I could sense it was stronger now.

I don't know how good my magic is in relation to other magi my age- or who were my age. I've never been taught how to use it properly, and I've only done what felt right or what I could scrape from old books. But, if I could convince another Magi to show me...

Verna would have been my first choice, obviously, but she wasn't exactly around anymore. The next best thing was a wizard, even though there weren't any other conjurers, our magic works in a very similar way. I glanced across the group to Eiridan. He would help me, I felt sure of it. I tried to gather the courage to go over to him, and I would have, too. Except Jaeyria was there.

She was rather a different thing than Eiridan, and not one I wanted to get mixed up with. So, I didn't ask Eiridan for help.

Later that afternoon, we stopped for a break. I perched alongside Lydora and Jaxon on a fence post, sipping water. Then a screech rang out. We all stiffened, I slid off of the post, readying myself for a battle.

And then came the fire.

It was rushing through the woods, consuming everything in its path, moving too quickly for a natural fire.

It wasn't.

I realized this as it drew near to me, that it had rather human characteristics. The shape of it seemed to be forming people rising from the flames. Their laughter came in the form of crackling flames. The Ignis demons. I pushed Lydora behind me, though she quickly moved back to my side as she cast me a resentful look.

"Ice," I muttered. "That'll stop it." I quickly moved to the front, aside the others whom were already doing what they could with their various abilities. I gestured to the ground with my hands and began to chant. "Daet et wir trwipo quit en." Stone of ice, walls must form.

It began to happen, the ice spreading along the ground, rising up to counter the demons, a few evaporated on impact, but then they wizened up and moved away, prowling the edges and hissing. The others continued to destroy them from behind my wall, which had now grown to almost my waist. It only took a few more deaths for them to retreat into the woods.

Male 17: Light Mage Aswake Coveni 

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