Task Six: Rankings and Awards

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So I know rankings don't matter anymore, but I figured I would post them in case you all were just curious to see what they were :D


Politics - Eiridan Stormblessed, Aelia Zephyr, Mordzar Malthus. Seriously. High Fantasy Politics at its finest! Enough said!

Theatrical Flare - Lilja Svana, Aelia Zephyr, Eriswen Faervel. Between Eris getting beat up and letting it, then trying to leave just in time for them to be sieged, Lilja being imprisoned, having a trial but not having a trial, feeling grief, attacking Kyren, losing her mind.... and then Aelia with the castle being seiged for months, so food is getting scarcer and scarcer, and then all the battle strategies, and staring a spy squad just to be betrayed by a guy she loves... SERIOUSLY. YOU GUYS. DRAMA. AWESOME.

Deception - Jaeyria Lightwood. I mean, lies piled on top of lies. I mean, even the LIES had LIES. Like I was confused in a good way and I don't even think Jae knew what the real truth was. Seriously. Better than what I was asking for. 

Crapizoid - Jaxon Steele, Lydora Steele, Kalix Leanour, (seriously you guys killed me). 

Kyren Award Part One -Eiridan Stormblessed for shipping him with Aelia.  Eriswen Faervel for shipping Kyren and Aelia. Now, thanks to you guys, I ship Aelia and Kyren so bad it sucks. o.o Because Aelia doesn't, so do you see how this is a bit of a problem? 

Kyren Award Part Two - Aelia Zephyr, Eiridan Stormblessed, Lilja Svana, Lydora Steele, Kalix Leanour, Mordzar Malthus, Jaeyria Lightwood. Pretty much everyone included Kyren in some form. Some of you had him leave, one of you had to convince him to lead, another one LIED and told everyone he was gonna lead when he didn't... so everyone won this (except for Jaxon).

Bonus - Game of Thrones - Mordzar Malthus, seriously... between Kyren quoting Denarys and not to mention the tweak of the Red Wedding (still scarred, by the way...)

Nassia Feels - Kalix Leanour seriously... you made me love a character of my own that I hated... Not to mention gave Vaxon and Vassti a ship moment. Good grief! 

I'll post a chapter announcing the specifics for each character that way you don't have to calculate it (This will be posted after the announcement for who's going straight through to the finals). Remember that if you're in the finals, you won 500 extra words per award you won. If you're not in the finals, then you receive one vote for yourself per award you win. 

Here are the rankings for task six alone:

1. Female 2: Shadow Sage Jaeyria Lightwood

1. Male 5: Healer Wizard Eiridan Stormblessed

1. Male 8: Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour 

1. Male 11: Gravity Mage Jaxon Steele 

2. Female 1: Shapeshifter Sage Lilja Svana

3. Female 11: Healer Wizard Lydora Steele 

4. Female 7: Air Mage Aelia Zephyr

5. Male 7: Metal Mage Mordzar Malthus

5. Female 15: Shield Wizard Eirswen Faervel

6. Male 16: Conjurer Wizard Leovaretten Maverson

Here are the rankings overall:

1. Male 5: Healer Wizard Eiridan Stormblessed [121.6]  

2. Female 7: Air Mage Aelia Zephyr [116.6]  

3. Female 1: Shapeshifter Sage Lilja Svana [113.7]  

4. Female 2: Shadow Sage Jaeyria Lightwood [112.5]  

5. Male 7: Metal Mage Mordzar Malthus [110.4]  

6. Male 11: Gravity Mage Jaxon Steele [109.4]  

7. Male 8: Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour [108.8]

8. Female 11: Healer Wizard Lydora Steele [104.3]

9. Female 15: Shield Wizard Eirswen Faervel [103.1]

10. Male 16: Conjurer Wizard Leovaretten Maverson [91.5]

Congratulations. You all made it to the semi-finals, and these are the final top ten places in rankings. You have each done such a marvelous job, and I've enjoyed reading every single one of your tributes' stories. This is the final rankings, outside of the finals (so first through fifth place still isn't final), but the these are the final overall rankings, so congratulations! WOO. 

Okay, so to help me personally make a decision, I've written out reasons why I would put each of you through to the finals and reasons why I wouldn't. I did this FOR EVERYONE, so don't think that just because I say one positive thing here, I'm putting them through, or just because I say one negative thing with someone else, that I'm not putting them through. I haven't decided anything yet, but I just wanted to tell all of you my reasons for and against each of you. Keeping it even for positive and negative aspects with everyone. More as a way of weighing the pros and cons... to figure out who truly deserves to be in the finals and who doesn't. So here it is, that way you can know not only what I said about you, but other people (to help you decide during voting). 

Female 1: Shapeshifter Sage Lilja Svana  

(Hangwith me here; I have a valid point). Most of the time, your entries are short,mostly because you're just a writer who doesn't particularly like to write andwrite and write a TON of stuff (I call it blabbering, but you know withwriting). It's your personal style to keep things short, sweet and to thepoint. Sometimes, this has caused issues with not including every aspect of thetask that I'm looking for. But after reading this entry, and almost Lilja'sstory coming to a close, I looked at her story as a whole (well I did this witheveryone). Overall, she's the most unique. She's never done anything typicalthat the Magi have. Though this interfered with a few tasks, which is the downside and the only reason why I wouldn't put you through, she still has a truestory. The overall plot still happened, and yet this was her personal story...how she fit in with everything. I would put you and her through to the finals simplybecause of how unique she is. This is a story, one that needs a good ending,one that we all want to read and see.     

Female 2: Shadow Sage Jaeyria Lightwood

Like I said before, you always write to the best of your ability. Not one of your entries was ever lacking. You research, you edit, you make the read as smooth and as enjoyable as possible. You love your characters and that shows through with how well you think everything through. I just... if anyone deserves to be in the finals, it's you. The only downside is that I know I can only have a certain number put through. But I know I can always count on you, and your efforts. No matter what, I always know that your entries will be amazing, and that you will try as hard as you can to write your best. It's trying—it's the efforts that I appreciate the most, and it's the efforts and trying that make the writing even more enjoyable than before. 

Male 5: Healer Wizard Eiridan Stormblessed

Everytask, you always give it your all. You research on whatever the task is about,you write, write, write. You really use up the word count, and you treat thisas a story. Not only that, but the story really comes and feels alive wheneveryou write. It also feels like a true fantasy novel, not an entry in acompetition. You take me on a journey every time I read an entry. Eiridian issuch a different and unique character. I need more every time I read of him. Heneeds an ending, just like every good character does. I don't want to see itend, but as a reader I have to. The only downside is, once again, numbers. Only a certain number can go through, but I hope Eiridan makes it. You also do your best to portray my characterscorrectly and include them, which is also something I truly appreciate everytime. You deserve to be here.

Female 7: Air Mage Aelia Zephyr

Everysingle one of your entries is always written so beautifully. Each one seems tohave a theme of sorts, which adds so much depth and emotion to them, even ifit's not really an emotional piece. It's not just a story, but every entry iswoven together like a hand-sewn quilt and the patterns are so colorful andvivid. Every entry is like that. Like all writers, you've had your bad entries, which is a downside, grammar and stuff being the only reason why I wouldn't let you know, but everyone does. Aelia's story has been so beautiful and it would be a shameto not have an end to it.... like all stories. It makes me horribly sad, but Ithink that you deserve to be in the finals.

Male 7: Metal Mage Mordzar Malthus

You always do your best, not only to tweak in things I knowwe're both fans of, but you always do your best to make me fangirl. Every storyis written to the best of your ability. You always try, and that means morethan anything else in a competition like this: those who try have betterquality and they're entries are much more enjoyable to read than those whodon't. You always give your best efforts, and I feel that those efforts need tobe rewarded... Your entries always feel like a fantasy novel, or just anotherbranch of episode of Game of Thrones, which is something I would love to readin an actual novel. The only downside is that occasionally, you try to hard and the story can get stiff at times. But I always love reading your entries, and I hope you make it to the finals.  Your writing improves every task andyour one of the few that actual take the advice I try to give. I love to seewhen writers want to improve, because when they want to or don't want to, youcan really see it. You TRY and you want to improve, which means that I want youin the finals. I mean, with a cliff hanger like that? How could I not?

Male 8: Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour

Wow.Well, first you've changed so much in your writing; I've seen it. It's matureda lot since you first started. I look at where you started, and how you weresort of just an average writer, not one that stood out, but you were stillreally good, and then the story changed and kept changing and you just keptwriting and getting better and better, until I couldn't have enough and I justcouldn't stop reading. I look forward to reading all of your entries, and thathappened more and more as the competition wore on. Kalix has changed so much,and with his story I can see his entire character arc. The only downside would be numbers: not everyone can go through. But I hope that you do, because you deserve to be there. You're an amazing writer,one who has changed and developed and matured so much. It would be a mistakenot to allow you through. You really deserve to be going to the finals.

Male 11: Gravity Mage Jaxon Steele

Despite how you don't even want to be writing anymore which is the only reason why I wouldn't let you through, you're a writer who always tries. You want to do your best, even when you want to give up. You still handed in a 100 word challenge, just so you could at least hand something in when you weren't inspired for anything. I appreciate effort, and that's all I see from you, is just that: effort. 

Female 11: Healer Wizard Lydora Steele

Well,this is your first time writing in fantasy. I love reading your particularentries, one because you aren't too confident in your writing. Every time yousend me an entry, you and Leo's writer both apologize over how horrible it is,and then I read it and I'm absolutely in love with it. No matter what task is,I can always count on you to throw in some random, unique and yet awesomecreative fantasy twist to it somehow. It's seriously so impressive because Ihonestly don't see how this is your first time with fantasy. Not only that, butfor you to come so far with it... I just wow. It's impressive. Once again, the downside is that you don't really want to be writing anymore, which is why I wouldn't put you through. You really trulydeserve to go to the finals because of how hard you've tried, even in thosetimes during this competition when you didn't want to try, even when you wantedto give up so many times before. You sent in entries when I was about to scorejust because you couldn't stand just giving up. Despite your feelings on this,you kept going and that is why you deserve the finals.

Female 15: Shield Wizard Eirswen Faervel

Every time I read an entry from you, I feel like I'm opening up a novel with a heroine who's strong. Not very many stories include strong female leads these days, but you so. Sometimes it's gotten you in trouble in past entries with realism during fighting scenes, which is the downside, and why I wouldn't put you through because sometimes she's too strong and the fight scenes are unrealistic. But it's also a strong suit of yours in a way too. It makes her unique, and makes her story one that I enjoy to read. One that I want to see an end to. You also try to improve with each task, and you genuinely want to do better, which is something major that I was looking for. Eriswen's story needs an end, so I really want to see her in the finals. 

Male 16: Conjurer Wizard Leovaretten Maverson

You didn't hand in an entry this round, which is why I can't put you through to the finals, but I was really looking forward to reading one. I had high hopes for Leo. He's a loveable character, and I love and adore him. Which for me, is rare because normally I can't get into stories involving kids because it's just not my preference. But you really endeared him to us. Like me, you're not quite confident in your writing, which is why I desperately hoped you would make it to the finals. But you made it to the semi-finals, which is a huge accomplishment and the next best thing!

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