Task Three: Escape

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The spell of Shattered Sight had been cast, but then had been stopped. As the black dragon Odahviin flew out of his cave, Vaxon cursed. 

Jahad had disappeared, along with thousands of his personal guard. 

Vaxon should have known that the Magi would try to escape as soon as the traitorous Jahad had left. His disappearance could only mean one thing:


It was either Kyren or Jahad who had found a way to stop the spell. Vaxon immediately used black magic to appear before Kyren. "My spell was stopped."

Kyren furrowed his eyebrows. "What spell, Father? The one you used to drain our energy? It stopped the moment any magi won their magical item."

Vaxon shook his head, peering at his son, searching for truth or lies there. He gestured with his hand, enjoying the flash of pain that twisted Kyren's face as his wife was held behind Vaxon. "I trust you'll be completely honest with me, Kyren..."

Kyren clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "I don't know what spell you're talking about, other than that draining gas!" Darkness swirled around him, which Vaxon knew meant he was becoming angry.

"Very well," he said. "The Magi are attempting an escape. Stop them. I trust you'll know what will happen if you don't." His eyes darted behind him, to where Kyren's wife was struggling against the knife that was pressed against her throat.

Kyren stiffed at the sight of her blood lightly trickling down her neck, but nodded. "I'll do everything in my power to stop them, Vaxon." Kyren faded away and Vaxon looked out the window, in the direction that the arena was in.

Vaxon was not going to leave the Magi's escape up to chance. 

He had a plan, one that would kill them all for sure.


Vaxon cast the spell called Shattered Sight. It was originally intended to drive you mad, forcing each of you to see the worst in the ones around you, even your loved ones. As the spell continued, it would cause you to fight, kill and slaughter anyone around you without hesitation.

Unbeknownst to Vaxon, Kyren stopped the spell when Odahviin gave him his energy inside Kyren's necklace. 

Jahad has sent each of you a thought into your mind, using magic: now is the time for escape. Vaxon knows the Magi are going to try this, and has sent Kyren to stop them. Here, then is your task:

Break out of the arena. Since it's not really an arena, you have to figure out a way through the biomes, and up the inescapable mountains (refer to the arena chapter for help). Not only that, but you have to find a way to disable the anti-magic shield (also use the arena chapter for help). If any of you read Kyren's entry you cannot steal his idea. You must utilize whatever is in the arena for your disposal, but you must use a combination of your own magic, a fantasy creature in the arena, and supplies to escape. 

KYREN MUST FIGHT YOU ON YOUR WAY OUT. This encounter cannot be brief, and has to be a major part of your entry. Again, you cannot kill him. This time, you can wound him directly, but it cannot be mortal or fatal. At the end, he must go with you somehow, whether he passes out and you drag him, whether you capture him (but keep in mind I will be judging whether you could have actually done that or not), or if you somehow managed to convince him to come with you (again I'll be judging on whether it actually would have worked). 

For the sake of the story line (especially with Kyren), all the Magi will technically be escaping together, but you don't have to include that if you don't want to. (It just makes things easier when I write Kyren's entries). I will choose someone who portrayed the fight and stuff with him the best, and made it the most realistic on how he goes with you to include in his entry for task three. That is just a might. If I'm not impressed, or feeling it with anyone's, then I'll make my own up, or maybe use a combination of everyone's, or the most interesting ones. I might write my own anyway as a plot twist for any of you who are enjoying the story line part of this :) I'm probably going to end up doing that, especially after writing everything in Kyren's entry for task two.

Keep in mind that his encounter with you has to be portrayed correctly, or I will count off points. I will be judging this based off of all the information given in his entry for task two, so trust me, I'll know who read it and who didn't.

I will also take off points if the anti-magic shield is not portrayed correctly either. This is where your knowledge of everything I have written and created is necessary, so if you haven't been reading much of it until this point, you are in trouble. 

ONE LAST IMPORTANT REMINDER: Vaxon DOES have a plan to stop you, so something goes horribly wrong. This can be Shattered Sight continued, or whatever you want, and it can interfere in your fight with Kyren. Overcome it, escape, and somehow take Kyren with you. Remember all the information about him and his family, especially what's mentioned in his task two entry.


Because four more will die in this task, you can kill three in your entry.



Due Date:

February 12, 6pm central. This gives you one week to complete this.

Word count:

I don't want you to feel constrained with this. 4,500 words.


1-2 Because you were the most balloted, you were weakened and wounded from the encounter with your dragons, and you're still heavily feeling the effects.

3 - Because you fell into the middle, you have 500 less words to use. This means that you word count is 4,000. If you use less than 3,000, then you have to at least get that much.

4 - Because you were the least balloted, your due date is now February 11, 6pm central. 6 days to complete this task.


Dramatic Flare – The tribute who includes the most drama and problems with the escape will get this award. I want to see problems and troubles, feels and emotions!

Strategist – In order to escape the arena, you must put your character's mind to work. Whoever receives this award will have to impress me with their way of breaking out of the arena. Remember, let fantasy shine! Magic, creatures, action, drama... All of it combined into one to write an amazing entry.

Shattered Sight - Whoever receives this award will have written that Vaxon found a way to redo the spell.  To win this award, not only do you have to include the spell in your entry, but you have to impress me with it as well. Especially if you still manage to escape the arena while feeling its effects. I want to see you turning against your friends or family, I want emotions, feels, fighting and struggle.

Vaxon's Wrath - Whoever wins this award will have the cruelest, most unique and creative thing that Vaxon did to counter the Magi's escape. 

Knowledge - Whoever wins this award will make me feel as if they really know Kyren's character, his situation, as well as Castre, Vaxon and the situation as a whole. They read his entries and paid attention to details, and included them in his encounter and fight with them. 

Keep in mind that overall rankings shift suddenly and dramatically simply because of the extra bonuses given out to people. If you need to make your overall score higher, then winning an award is the best way to do it. 


Sigel, Vaxon was impressed with your display in killing an ally. He kept Telex's energy from completely running out, but now Telex is in mortal danger. Vaxon has the answer, and the only way to ensure that Telex lives... Is by proving your unfailing loyalty to him. 

Eiridan, Kyren has nothing to give or to offer. He is stuck, and in an extremely dangerous situation. The only thing he can do, is use darkness to show you the letter he read from Jahad. The knowledge that was given in his task two entry has now been given to Eiridan freely and openly - without Vaxon's knowledge.

Jaeyria, Vassti was most impressed with you, but now that the Magi has broken out, she can only do one thing: she sends you a letter with Vaxon's seal, promising Eiridan's safety if you promise to avoid the rebels and come in peacefully to surrender to them. If not, she warns, Eiridan will perish in the ensuing battle. Chiara, she offers the same to you, but instead of Eiridan, she does it with another Magi that you care about. 

Telex you turned on your own brother. Kalix you stayed away from your sister, Jaxon you tried to kill Kyren, and Mordzar fought against Zentra bravely... All of you most impressed her with the encounters with your dragons as well. The Magi are all escaping. She has learned of a spell that Vaxon cast on the Magi siblings, and the ones known with loved ones in the arena. One of your fellow Magi loved ones is dying, but you have a chance to save them, because of Nassia. If she can convince Vaxon that you're loyal to the royals, then she will convince him to save your loved one. Prove your loyalty to them somehow. Nassia desperately wants to help each of you. Telex is the exception to this, because of his brother Sigel. Instead, Telex is the one in mortal danger. To save yourself, Telex, prove your loyalty... Before your brother does. If he does it before you, he will be loyal to Vaxon forever, but you have a chance to spare him of this burden, or save yourself if you choose to be selfish.

Eriswen, Leovaretten, Aelia and Evian, Jahad has gotten you a secret letter written in the Forbidden Tongue (so that Vaxon cannot read it),informing you of the rebellion that he has broken out. He has given you careful instructions on where to meet him if you want to overthrow Vaxon together. Jahad also tells you that Kyren is in on the plan, but that he must pretend to fight you for his family's sake. 

I'm giving you guys creative freedom with this because I didn't want to constrain you so badly with everything, so the details about all this is up to you. 

I know this is a lot to take in, so feel free to comment or PM with questions :)

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