Task Two: Scores and Opinions

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Female 1: Shapeshifter Sage Lilja Svana - 13

WHYYYYYYYY :'( As I was reading this, I struggled to hold back tears... It was so realistic, especially Chanel's death scene and Lilja's feelings throughout the entire thing. It made me think of my own little sister who means the world to me, so I just almost completely lost it. I didn't see any mistakes, and I feel bad because I have no advice to give you, other than I'm looking forward to seeing her change and develop in further tasks. Can I seriously just stop and applaud you for a moment? You have got to be one of the most creatively unique people for making her go to the cave just to bury her sister and not to get the magical item. It was short and brief, but it was filled with realism and emotion, which is what made this such a strong entry. Not that it matters to her, but congratulations. If you want as she's leaving the cave the dragon can give her the item, or if not that's okay too. Just thought you should know that you won it if you want it :) Seriously though, what an amazing job. I was reading that, and so excited when she went back for her sister, but then the shock and surprise that you killed Chanel off anyway... I'm just. I'm so heartbroken right now.

Female 2: Shadow Sage Jaeyria Lightwood - 13

AAAAH. Okay I'm done fangirling. Where do I even start? First.... Jaeridan!!!! Yes they're officially a ship now, and I'm so hoping the kiss at the beginning was real. It started in the middle of the scene, so it felt a little random, but I don't mind at all. Her feelings for him, and the fact that she didn't want him to die was just... ahhhhh. Feels. Also, I must applaud you. You kept to the punishment, but you tweaked it and found your own way around it... Haha. Not only that, but you ended in a perfect spot. Not only is it a cliff hanger, but you never stated whether her plan worked. By the way, I just loved her thought process through this. How she tried several different ways to get the stylus but none of them worked. Then her creative twist with making a shadow dragon and the riddles... gosh that was seriously sooooo unique and creative. I'm dumb because I only figured out a few of those, haha. Anyway, it was so creative. Not only that, but your race building with the dragons literally I just died. So much fantasy to this. It was a long encounter, but the perfect length and I felt like you started and ended things in the perfect places. Your entries are setting the bar of expectation extremely high... Also, how realistic you were with the magical energy levels, I just loved it. As usual I was thrown into the world. But more than that, this time I was living in it. As for notes, I don't have any. Seriously. No mistakes, nothing I have to tell you to improve on. This is a story, and I can't wait to finish reading it!!! By the way... congratulations. The dragon gave you the stylus... willingly!

Male 5: Healer Wizard Eiridan Stormblessed - 13

So. I'm insanely sad and it's all your fault. Once again, JAEIRIDAN FEELS! I ship them so much now... seriously... *ahem* anyway.... The interaction with Kyren was interesting, and so realistic. Sometimes I think you portray my characters better than I do... But it definitely had me fangirling, like I can't wait to write it from his pov... so you got the two bonus points for that. Once again, your race building with the dragons sends my inner nerd on a mind-blown whirl of fangirling. I was struggling to stay in my seat as I was reading his encounter with the dragon. Feels. Seriously, just so many feels. For the dragon, for him, for his pain, for everything he was going through, it was just one big bag of feels. As soon as I finished reading, I just... I frowned and had to try not to cry. Seriously. The development with him here was so strong, it has left me speechless. The deep way that he feels things for people, even his enemies is just... so heartwrenching in a good and bad way. It makes me hurt for him, too, because that probably means that things won't end well for him, and that his huge heart is going to back fire on him someday... But even when the dragon was killing him, he just submitted and took it all, and still felt for it. I just... I'm feeling too much. I have no notes. At all. Keep up the great work, seriously don't change a thing. Unless, of course, you want to be nice and you know... actually not rip out my heart... By the way, he won his item. After all that, seriously he better have! 

Female 7: Air Mage Aelia Zephyr - 13

Seriously. What an amazing entry. I loved the repetitive theme with the song, and how it completely tied in with her flashback. (I also tried not to geek out, because I took choir in high school, so I could hear it in my mind). The conversation with Kyren was so interesting, I fangirled the entire time. You stayed true to his character, despite that he actually had a conversation. I also liked how they walked together. The flashback itself was so interesting... I got the feels for Pastry Man as well, and I absolutely loved seeing a glimpse of her past. This entry was so strong, especially with how well it developed her character. I am still freaking out over the race building that you did... The back history of the ancient dragons? Completely unique and I'm pretty sure no one else actually did a story to go along with how they got here, not only that but names!!! Elements with each one? Your creativeness absolutely blew my mind, and I loved the ironic twist that she's an air mage who faced the earth dragon. That entire encounter was just so enjoyable to read. He was a well-developed character as well, and the creativeness with the way he used earth against her, and the way she used air, and then using the music from the song, and how it tied into everything. That was so creative and unique. As for notes, I didn't see one mistake. You blende her emotions and thought process with the descriptions well, and I felt like you really used the word count to make this have depth to it. Not only that, but you really endeared her to me, and gave her a past, and now she's someone relatable and she feels real. I also see a potential friendship between her and Kyren blooming, which is interesting to read/write/think about. Congratulations she won the ring and the two bonus points for including Kyren and portraying him correctly. Amazing, amazing job and I have to read more! 

Male 14: Warrior Sage Telex Silverblade - 13

I honestly don't even know where to start. FEEEEEEEELS. Because that's always a good place... So there was one line Telex said that cracked me up... "if we do die, I'd rather not be hungry." I literally just lost it. The flashback was just absolutely amazing... beautifully written, and full of feels. My heart seriously just went out to Sigel and Telex, and Verden... I just... aww. I also enjoyed how his fire magic was explained. When he stabbed his brother, I just died, especially when he thought he killed him (I'm assuming because in Sigel's entry he was only hurt, that Telex just believes that he killed Sigel). If Telex continues thinking he killed Sigel, I definitely might lose it. I also really, really loved and enjoyed the conversation he had with Kyren. You portrayed him well, and stayed true to his character, so amazing job, you got the two bonus points. At first, when I read and knew you were going to continue and do the scene in the cave with the dragon, I was worried it would be so rushed, but it wasn't. It was well paced out, and his strategy with sneaking to the item, grabbing it and hoping not to get caught, and then if he did jumping in the water, was so unique and creative and yet stayed so true to his character and personality. I loved it. Congratulations, he won the item! As for notes, I didn't see any mistakes, and I really just enjoyed the entire thing. It was a really smooth read, and although I had the feels the entire time and it was insanely depressing, I felt like you really threw yourself into this one. it was raw and passionate and I could feel some of the emotion coming from it, which was impressive. I seriously have to read more!

Male 15: Plant Mage Sigel Silverblade - 13

So I asked for feels... boy did I get feels. What can I say? I loved everything about this entry. From his thought process to the emotions that you included from him.... I felt like you did a better job of it this task. The creative touch you added with the dragon... wow. I'm so mind blown right now. especially with all the race building you included and a bit of world building too. It was so impressive. Your descriptions were seriously so vivid, at several different points, I cringed. Literally. It was so gross sometimes.... So great job! Sigel and Chiara are SOOOOOOOOO DANG CUTE. *ahem* I see a new ship on the horizon... possibly... in the harbor.... (CHIAGEL or... SIGARA!! Yep I'm going with SIGARA). I absolutely loved the flashback and how you incorporated it and how it fit in with his history and explained so much about him. I also really loved the note from Vaxon. It played an important part in this entry, and I must say I was absolutely shocked when he decided to kill Myla... I was so shocked because I thought he was just going to ignore it. Just... wow. As for notes... I feel completely useless because I didn't see one mistake and I don't know anything that you need to improve on. Just keep up the fantastic writing! Keep up the feels... Seriously. This was an amazing job. It felt like a story, and I'm dying to read more. Also, congratulations, because he won the ring. This is your best entry for Sigel so far. 

Female 17: Light Mage Chiara Gonzolas - 13

SIGARA!!!! Just so you know, that's my new ship name for Chiara and Sigel... *fangirl sigh* they are so dang cute! When she ran away from him crying and stuff, I seriously got so many feels at how she didn't trust him. then the run in with Kyren. Can I just give you a pat on the back for not only portraying my character so well, it makes me jealous, but for coming up with better plot twists with him? Dare I say though, it'll go right along with the next task (hehehe). Okay back to judging *ahem* so your descriptions of the dragon were absolutely terrifying. I loved the entire encounter and interaction, not to mention the race building you did with it. Seriously, I felt like I was right behind Chiara and honestly most of the time I was just cringing to death because I was so scared and desguisted. Not to mention the bodies and... the m-word. I can't even type it... (yes okay I have a phobia... anyway). As for notes... I feel completely useless once again. I didn't see any mistakes, and I wouldn't have changed a thing. I have no idea what to tell you to do better, because this was perfect. Just keep this up and you'll do just fine. Seriously, it was the perfect blend of her emotions and thought process, cute shipping feels with description and world building, with a plot twist from my own character I didn't even see coming, so seriously just keep it up and I cannot wait to read more of this story!! Also, her strategy with healing its blind eyes which overwhelms it.... so unique, creative and realistic... awesome strategy! Congratulations, she got the ring:)

Female 3: Lightning Mage Ashni Damini - 12.9

Overall, goodness gracious this was short, but it was still amazing. I loved reading her pov as to why she's so silent around Evian, not to mention confirmed that she's the one around him. Seriously, though I wanna smack her over the head sometimes because she really needs to just talk to him. Geez. Haha. Okay sorry, back to being a judge not a fangirl. The fight scene with the dragon was interesting. Your descriptions were vivid and I loved how the fact that he's an ice dragon the spewed ice everywhere made the torches go out. I don't know why, but it made it so realistic. Also, the bit with it looking like a statue at first was a really interesting creative twist. Her strategy with the torch burning the dragon was also interesting, and then bam, you throw the twist at me where she hesitates to kill it. As for notes, I didn't see any mistakes at all. What you can improve on though, is your sentence structure and varying the way it starts. I can already see that your strength in writing lies with third person. With first person, you tend to use I a lot, though it wasn't a BIG problem this entry, there were a couple times it almost was overused, so just be careful. It's really good though that you're writing with something that you need work on... What better way to improve? But the ending seriously just gave me the feels.... For her, for the dragon, just feels all the way around. Because of this, and the way that she hesitated to kill it... Yes. Congratulations though because she won the ring :)

Female 5: Illusionist Sage Zentra Oromis - 12.9 

Wow, wow, wow!!!! I loved everything about this entry; it was so amazing! Not only was it very rich with development, but the descriptions and your writing style itself seemed greatly improved. It was a lot of fun and enjoyable to read. Several things she said made me laugh because of her attitude. I'm amazed at how well you can develop your characters and give them both such unique voices completely different from each other. The encounter with Kyren was still as interesting as ever, so congratulations for getting the bonus points with that. The fight with the dragon was so intense. Not only that, but you worked so hard on the development. I loved all the information about the dragon species and the language, and not only that, but none of it felt like an info dump. You included it all in the entry so that it made perfect sense. The addition with the language was unique and creative as well. Her strategy with the dragon egg was... something else. It was sooooo interesting and creative. Not only that, but for some odd reason it made me laugh. Haha. Also, I loved, loved, loved the development you included with her character in this. Finally, you really endeared her to me. Now she has a past, and she's someone I can relate to, root for and now I can understand her motives. The way she thought back to why she hates Mordzar and her thirst for revenge of Mathas' death.... Who wouldn't root for her? I know I do! Also, the only note I have is that there was only one grammar mistake, which I think was just a typo. Outside of that nothing. This entry was perfect the way it is, so keep doing what you're doing! Well congratulations because she won her stylus.

Male 8: Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour - 12.9

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Feels! I have to say that reading the beginning part, where he found the note, read it and made his decision seriously was just one big bag of feels? From his anger, to his guilt and shame, and the frustration, especially the part where he feels like he's being used like a dog... I just... GAAAAAAHHH. You're killing me. I loved, loved, your descriptions of this dragon... seriously. The action was so intense, and I loved his strategy with using his lightning against the chains... that was seriously so creative. The part where he was about to enter the cave and he turned from Vala, and especially the part where he admitted that he would do anything Nassia wanted if it meant he could be with his sister again, I just... MORE FEELS. As for notes, I don't have any. Keep it up! This was the perfect blend of description and emotion from his perspective, along with the perfect amount of magical energy loss and his thought process with how he thinks things through. I only saw one grammar mistake, so wonderful job! And congratulations; he won the ring! 

Male 12: Water Mage Evian Damini - 12.9

PERFECT! No grammar mistakes, nothing I would have changed, you had the most vivid descriptions it was almost breathtaking. I liked the beginning, and his thoughts and emotions about the girl, and how he thinks it could be his sister. I'm sad she didn't tell him her name though :( the encounter with the dragon was definitely interesting. The encounter itself was a little short, so I would have liked to have read more, but that's mostly because it was so amazing I wanted more. I liked how it spoke; you seemed to have put a lot of thought in the way a dragon would speak, and the addition with not actually moving its mouth was a nice race building addition. I really really enjoyed it! As for notes, just a little more emotion from Evian's part next entry, rather than just thought process, but you did a good blend this time with all that you had to include. Congratulations, because based off of what he did, and his strategy with extinguishing the fire, he would have gotten the ring! Amazing job! Keep it up!!

Female 15: Shield Wizard Eriswen - 12.9

Seriously, I am fangirling so hard right now. Whether from the creative idea with the challenge from the dragon, the race building you did with them, how Eris connected with Ionean and he helped her through it, or because of the dragon song at the end, I have no clue. I only saw one grammar mistake, and you did wonders with varying your sentence structure. Once again, within the span of an entry, your writing style improved, which is impressive. The realism about her energy levels was so well balanced out in this entry, my jaw dropped, and you perfectly blended description with her emotion and thought process. You took all my advice, and not only that, but you get better and better with every task. Again, and I feel like I say this a lot, but it's true, this was a story. I was seriously right there with her, feeling as if I needed air. The memories that she lost though were horrible, so I hope she gets them back. The characterization of the dragon she met was amazing as well—she felt like just another character in this world and story. I also loved how you twisted/incorporated Jahad's gift to her. This entire story was so well written and so creative that I'm just so impressed I don't have words for it. Seriously, next entry just keep up the fantastic work. Congratulations, she won the magical item! Also, the dragon song at the end? It was so beautiful, I felt like I could actually hear her singing it... AHH. I need to read more! 

Female 4: Fire Mage Vala Leanour - 12.8

Wow! Seriously, your entries just get better and better. I literally felt like I was following Vala around, right there with her through this whole story. Immediately, I was hooked, and the way her brother disappeared, and how she had no idea where he was, especially the way you described her emotions literally gave me the feels the entire time. Your descriptions were vivid, and I loved the race building you did with the dragon. Not only that, but you endeared the dragon to me, so much so that I got the feels when it died, especially at her sorrow about killing it. The way you described the ash falling from its eyes like tears... I almost cried. Seriously. Just... break my heart. It's okay I don't need it at all... As for notes, all I have is I saw one grammar mistake and one spelling mistake which I think was just a typo. Outside of that, I felt like this entry was one of your best. You included more emotions from her this time, and I really felt everything she did. The way you described her fear and the scene before she walked into the cave was incredibly powerful. I'm so impressed right now. I also felt like you did some great character development with her this time, too. It was amazingly done. Also, the fight scene with the dragon, and the way you described its fire was so vivid, I was watching a movie. Also, the strategy with how she manipulated the dragon's own fire was just... incredibly creative. Congratulations she won the ring from the dragon! Amazing, amazing job! Seriously, keep this up and don't change a thing! I can't wait to read more. 

Male 7: Metal Mage Mordzar Malthus - 12.8

Overall, this entire entry made me smile. It was a continuation of your story... one that still made me feel like I am on this journey with Mordzar, which is exactly what I hope for when reading entries. There were a few grammar and punctuation mistakes, but it didn't take me away from your story at all. I really enjoy the development you're doing with him. The fight with the dragon was interesting, especially the twist with how its Shruken's daughter (sorry if I spelled his name wrong). I thought you portrayed it well, especially hinting around to the idea that the reason she was unreasonable probably had to do with Vaxon. I also got the feels when he couldn't kill her. You did such a great job being realistic with his energy levels throughout the fight, and the ending... nice cliffhanger. I also loved how he didn't know what the gas was for, but how he still felt the effects of it. AND YOU DID SUCH AN AMAZING JOB INCLUDING HIS EMOTIONS MORE IN THIS!!!! YAYYY. Okay, I'm calm. Also... Mordzar's concern for Eris was cute.... I can't help but see a potential ship on the horizon. *ahem* Erismor!!!!! Seriously that has to be the best ship name ever... (just so you know, you both better make it happen...). Anywho, back to being a judge. *straightens tie* hehe. The only thing I would have to be nitpicky about (cuz I have to do this and be nitpicky with everyone), was that the idea that the werewolf guy (sorry I seriously can't remember his name) was mordzar's uncle. It seemed a little out of nowhere... maybe if you included him in a flashback or something, but with the word count I understand not being able to elaborate more on it or explain it further. Plus, it was another twist, so I understand what you're trying to do. I always enjoy reading from you, especially with how often you throw twist after twist at me. Also, congratulations with the encounter with Kyren. I felt like you portrayed him correctly, and its definitely a conversation he would have had (you stay true to his sarcastic snarkiness too)! Also congratulations, his strategy with the cage worked, so he would have gotten the key (although he sort of passed out before he had a chance to grab it....)Amazing job!

Male 11: Gravity Mage Jaxon Steele - 12.8

WOW WOW WOW. You're writing has improved so much. Congratulations because this really felt like a story... a FANTASY story, not an entry. I have no idea what exactly I'm supposed to be judging here because the entire time I was on an emotional rollarcoaster. I know at one part I literally went from having feels about cute ships, to depressed feels, making me hate my own character, (but kept it true to him, so you got the 2 bonus points) and then laughing, all to have sad feels all within a few paragraphs. Your descriptions of the dragon was so vivid, I was right there over Jaxon's shoulder fighting it with him (well I was over his shoulder the whole time, but especially that part). One description made me cringe, and then I had to check my own hands to make sure I hadn't hurt them on dragon scales either. You also did a really good job with his energy levels, not only describing it, and keeping it realistic, but you remembered how it was supposed to be draining and he felt the effects of that. Not only that, but you were so descriptive I was feeling the effects with him (and I have no magic... hahaha). As for notes... what notes? I don't have any! There were a few grammar mistakes and I think like one punctuation mistake, but I hardly even noticed because I was so engrossed and engaged into your entry. I really felt like you had just as much fun writing it as I did reading it, and that's what this is all about. Also, you have nothing to worry about. I can tell you researched and there were several instances where I saw the work you had put into race building with dragons, so amazing amazing job! I'm so impressed (and mind blown right now). I still don't know exactly what this story made me feel because I felt so much! Although, you did mention that he grabbed the ring, which I said that you weren't actually supposed to say that, but with his strategy, the dragon would have died and he would have gotten the ring, so congratulations. Amazing job, keep it up!!!!!!

Female 13: Conjurer Wizard Verna Ningha Ankundinov - 12.8

Wow! This was your best entry thus far. I feel like you finally used your word count, and actually put in effort for this entry. When you did, it really showed in your writing too. The quality was amazing, and it was enjoyable to read. I was hooked from the beginning and engaged. I also feel like you portrayed Kyren exactly right, and it was interesting to read the dynamic between them. I think that including and prolonging the conversation with him was your best choice, as it fit very well with her character and her past. There were interesting dynamics there, and I can't help but feel that there's a friendship blooming that I'm interested in reading more about. Your writing was beautiful and I just love your writing style. The descriptions were concise and vivid, and the dragon scene was entertaining. Not only did I feel like I was right there with her, but your creativeness was really good. I can tell you put thought into this entry. Seriously? Mice... It is the most unusual strategy and by far the silliest, but I feel like the creativeness alone means that she deserves to get the item, so congratulations. As for notes, all I have to say, is continue do to the same thing that you did this entry. Continue to use your word count, and put in effort, and it really shows. Amazing job! I'm interested to read more.

Female 14: Warrior Sage Isanabella Spoolblac - 12.7

Overall, this was a very good entry. It was beautifully written, and I enjoyed how it mostly focused on her thought process and character development. It gave you a lot of time to really include detailed descriptions, so much so that it made the environment around her feel real. The race building you did with the dragon was interesting to read as well, and your descriptions made her feel so majestic and beautiful. I also loved the way you described her energy leaving her, and it was all correct too. Also, I enjoyed the flashback scene; it was interesting to see into her past. I also got the feels about his story, the part where he could live longer by watching the sun rise every day, yet he died the one day he slept in. As for notes, I didn't see any grammar mistakes, but I did mention that you were not supposed to say whether she got the stylus or not, and you did. However, your strategy with politely asking, though it wasn't creative, it is logical and would have worked. So I am allowing her to have the stylus, but I did take off points for not following all the directions.

Female 11: Helaer Wizard Lydora Steele - 12.6

Overall, this was an amazing entry, especially for one you said you had to rush. Seriously. I'm impressed at how different Jaxon's voice is compared to Lydora's, and how your writing style can change for both of them. It was very direct, focusing on actions, and yet you still had a blend of description and Lydora's emotions and thoughts thrown in. Can I hear a LEODORA?!?!?!!? Hehe okay, anyway. Reading the scene with discovering Jaxon was her brother from her perspective was absolutely just.... Interesting and so many feels. Then... the scene with Kyren. I got tears in my eyes. You portrayed him so well, that you gave me the feels for him... AAAAGGGGHHHH like it tore me up inside. I really really enjoyed the fight scene with the dragon, mostly because she has a very direct voice and gets straight to the point of exactly what's going on. It was interesting to go with for her, since she's a healer, she ended up killing it. Also, I liked how you incorporated that dragons was something she heard her mother tell stories about. As for notes, only two grammar mistakes. In the first part of the entry, like when she healed Leo, her energy levels weren't mentioned at all, so I'm not really sure why nothing was drained, even if she does have more because she's a child, it still needed to be mentioned. Overall though, amazing job!

Male 16: Conjurer Wizard Leovarettan Maverson - 12.4

Haha! Awesome job! Once again, Leo's attitude made me smile and laugh the whole way through this entry. There were a few grammar mistakes, but mostly punctuation mistakes... there were a lot of misplaced commas and run-on sentences. I definitely enjoyed the race building, and how you made her such a strong and well developed dragon. I could tell you put a lot of thought and development when you made the dragon. The way he tried to negotiate with her was unique. I seriously got a sense of LEODORA FEELS, which was amazing, and when he read the letter from his loved one, I felt so bad for him and his homesickness. It was well described, so I felt like I was feeling it with him. As for notes, I'm not really sure if he developed any strategy to get the item. Running around the dragon in hopes of getting it, and then hoping it makes him powerful enough to defeat her, sadly, isn't something I could see actually working. You did a good job with the energy levels he used, though, and his idea with trying to appeal to her greed was unique. But sadly, since he ran away and the dragon would likely follow him, unless he can grab it and hide and somehow escape the cave, I don't really see any way that he could escape the cave with the item alive... So I'm going to have to say no, that he doesn't get it. :( This makes me really sad, because I know you're amazing writer. In all honesty, I felt like you could have done better, even given the time frame you had. This was still a great entry from you though, so great job! I still can't wait to read more from you (and from Leo...).

Male 17: Light Mage Aswake Coveni - 12

WHAT THE HECK?!?! What is with that mystery cliff hanger? GAAAHH you're driving me crazy! I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS ALL ABOUT. WOW! You're writing seriously just keeps getting better and better and better, improving with every task, which is what I absolutely LOVE to see. Not only were your descriptions better, clearer and more vivid, but there were less grammar mistakes (still some, but not as much as usual). Your race building with the dragons... Gosh, I felt like I was living in a fantasy world. You also included ALL THREE PENALTY CHALLENGES, so AWESOME JOB! Count me impressed—highly impressed. The flashback... (okay outside of the fact that I was fangirling that you paid attention enough to use a few of my invented races), I was nearly in tears because it was so sad. It was descriptive too, like one of those movie scenes where the bad guys invade and tear up the good guy's home.. (since that's technically what was happening). Seriously, your description of the dragon was beautiful and eerie, and the creative twist with fighting the dragon's children? AHHH. Amazing! Impressive! The fight scene was LONG and awesome, so amazing job! Also, you were very realistic with his energy levels, which also impressed me so great job with that!! As for notes? You had a few grammar mistakes. What you need to work to improve on with your writing now is SHOWING not telling. You don't have to explain things in dialogue with him talking to himself, so instead try actually describing him doing whatever he's "announcing." This isn't something that can take away points, but it makes for a smoother read. Also, with Aswake what you can improve on is showing me more emotion from him. Outside of that, seriously just keep up the good work! AMAZING JOB! Oh and congratulations because he won the ring :)

Female 12: Metal Mage Ogygia Gozo - 10.5

Wow. I'm pretty sure that's the shortest entry I've ever read. I can see so much improvement from your last entry, that I'm actually really impressed. First of all, there were only one or two grammar mistakes in the entire thing, which is impressive all its own. Second, you mentioned her energy levels several times, and they were all realistic. Third, you had her get hurt a few times during the fight, making her character seem more realistic. You took all my advice, which is something I love seeing, especially when I can see the improvement that writer's make. Outside of it being way too short and the scene with the dragons felt rushed, and Kyren's dialogue was a little awkwardly stated, this was a really good entry, impressive actually. Congratulations! She won the item, and got the two extra points for the encounter with Kyren. Even though the dialogue was awkwardly stated, the action and idea itself stayed true to his character. Great job!

Male 3: Space Wizard Centuauri Asterios - 10.2

Overall this was a good entry. I can see your writing improving the more you do it, which is good. That's what I hope for in these competitions, is to see writers improve. I really liked your creativeness with the dragon, especially the unique way it fought. I also enjoyed the legends behind it as well so I'm really glad that you included that end there. In the dream with faun, I really loved your description of the stars too. As for notes, there were several grammar mistakes, and your sentence structure could use a lot of work. What I'm being nitpicky about was that I felt like the encounter with the dragon was too brief, and you did too much build up at the beginning. Next time, I would focus more on the specific task. The dragon fight scene was good, but the encounter itself felt rushed. Also, I mentioned for everyone not to say whether they got the item or not, and you did. And, it didn't really make much sense why he would even need one if he already has a wand, so I was hoping that you would find a way to make him get rid of the wand because it interferes with the story line. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to say no, that he would not have gotten the magical item from the dragon. Also the encounter with Kyren was a little vague and confusing, so I'm also going to have to say that it's not something he would have done. Overall, though, good job.

Female 6: Earth Mage Faignhra Caranee Covei - 7.9

Overall, good entry. I really liked how when the dragon died, it turned into the ring. Your descriptions are getting better, and your writing is improving. As for notes, there were several grammar, punctuation and sentence structure mistakes. Try to work on varying your sentence structure instead of always staring a sentence with the word "I". Varying your structure will make for an easier, smoother and more enjoyable read. As for the task notes itself, there were a few mistakes and unrealistic things that happened in the action... there were two places when the dragon hit itself, which is unlikely. I also felt like you included too much at the beginning, and sort of rushed to included the dragon part at the end of the entry, making it seem like it wasn't really the main focus of the task. Also, I mentioned that you weren't supposed to say whether your tribute got the key, and you mentioned that at the end. There was also no mention of her magic energy levels, when she did a lot of high ranking spells that should have cost a lot, especially with her energy supposed to have been depleted because of the poisonous gas. I'm sorry as well, but I'm going to have to say that your tribute did not win the ring. Good job though.


Male 9: Air Mage Morrow Endelen - 0 

Female 16: Plant Mage Kandi Kinsey - 0

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