The Finals: Male 8 Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour

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Standing in what had been throne room made Kalix's skin crawl with unease. It brought back memories of his mother's death, of hopelessness, of realizing his entire family was gone. And yet, it also held kinder memories, ones that made him smile. This was where Kyren had officially been crowned king, after much persuasion. It was where Aelia's birthday had been celebrated—the first birthday after the war. And now, a ball was happening inside it, celebrating the new alliance between Castre and Bantha, the country of the Velar.

Kalix looked through the crowd, a soft smile tugging at his lips when he spotted Nassia. She was dancing with one of the many guests. Her hair hung in curls, framing her face, while the gold bracelets adorning her arms glinted in the light. The blue gown she was wearing fanned out behind her as she twirled in her partner's arms, and a twinge of jealousy flared through him at the sight. Kalix looked away quickly, the smile dropping from his face. He had no reason to be jealous.

He shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what to do. He had already made all of his introductions, and the few people he would want to speak with were busy. He could see Aelia and Kyren dancing together, and he felt a slight envy at the sight. They were happy together, happy in a way he had never known. And never will, a cynical voice whispered in his head. A soft hand touched his arm, and Kalix glanced up to see Lilja standing in front of him. He nodded politely to her, offering a slightly distracted greeting. She smiled, turning her head briefly to look at the dancing couples. Her hair glinted gold in the light, and when she turned back to look at him, she was smiling cheerfully.

"You seem happy." He let a teasing grin slip across his face. "Meet anyone special?" he asked.

Lilja laughed softly. "No, not yet. It's just, nice. Being here, being able to dance and do foolish things." She paused, and then added, "Not having to run." There was an odd inflection in her voice, and Kalix nodded in agreement. He was... content with things were now. Castre was getting back on her feet, with Kyren's leadership and the help of allies. People still glared at him and whispered about how Magi were evil beings, but years of Vaxon's influence couldn't be overcome so quickly. He'd expected as much.

"I never really thought we'd end up here," he admitted, and the two of them shared a rueful smile.

"It did seem rather hopeless at points," she agreed.

Kalix laughed, but there was an underlying pain to it. "I suppose. But I don't think I ever really imagined Vaxon dying. I always thought I'd be dead before he was." He shook his head, clearing his throat. "Anyway, that's enough of that. We're supposed to be celebrating." He looked over at the musicians, who were nearing the end of the song. He bowed exaggeratedly to her, holding out a hand.

"Would you like to dance?"

Lilja rolled her eyes, but a smile danced across her lips as she accepted. It was only as they started that Kalix realized he hadn't danced in quite a while. His steps were slower than everyone else's, and he could see a teasing smile playing across Lilja's lips, although she was kind enough to not say anything aloud.

When the dance ended, both Kalix and Lilja let out soft sighs of relief, and Kalix offered a small apology that Lilja laughed off. They parted ways and Kalix found himself wandering around aimlessly once more, speaking politely with the occasional guest. Once in a while, he would search the crowd for Nassia, before glancing quickly away once he spotted her. Eventually, he saw her standing by herself and quickly made his way towards her. Halfway there, Nassia caught sight of him, and her lips spread in a wide smile.



"How's your evening been?" she asked, looking up at him knowingly.

Kalix gave a slight shrug as he answered. "You know me, I've never been one for big social gatherings. What about you?"

Nassia smiled, the expression soft and carefully formed as she looked up at him through blonde lashes. "I've been quite busy this evening. There were several handsome men that asked me to dance." She paused, and then added, "But one in particular hasn't yet." Heat covered his cheeks at the pointed gaze Nassia was pinning him with.

After a moment he swallowed, and swept into a deep bow, his heart stuttering in his chest. "Will you dance with me?"

Nassia broke into a real smile as she curtsied, taking his hand. "Of course."

He led her onto the dance floor slowly, grateful that this particular dance was much simpler, and one that anyone could do well. They danced silently, and he almost wished they were talking about something so that he had something to focus on. As it was, he was acutely aware of where their skin touched, and how small Nassia seemed in his arms. Words threatened to tumble out of his mouth, words that he'd swore he'd never tell her. Words that could change everything between them. Don't let her get away without trying. He could hear his mother's voice, and he hesitated. The dance ended before he could say anything, and he exhaled slowly. Nassia raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything.

Despite this, he felt compelled to say something, and "I never learned how to dance properly," was what came out.

Amusement and shock flickered across Nassia's face in equal measure before it disappeared, replaced by a cool and collected expression. "Of course, I should have expected that. I forget sometimes that you didn't grow up learning what I did," she said diplomatically, and Kalix dipped his head slightly, a small smile covering his features. It was times like this that he realized how much time had passed since he met the girl whose most pressing thoughts were her clothes and seeking out possible suitors.

"Kalix, can I speak with you?"

Kalix tore his gaze away from Nassia to look at her brother, his irritation melting away at the subtle signs of concern and weariness on his face. He hesitated, but Nassia touched his arm softly, nodding her head slighting towards Kyren. Kalix smiled, glancing back at Kyren and nodding.

"Of course."

Kyren walked out of the room, and Kalix followed silently. They turned the corner at the end of the hallway, and he realized that they were heading towards one of the council room meetings.

"What's going on?" he asked, and he heard a heavy sigh ahead of him.

"I'll tell you when we get there." The words were spoken with in a tone that made worry trickle through his spine in a cold line. A million different reasons for the words went through his head, each more ridiculous than the rest. At last, Kyren pushed open the door and held it open for him. Kalix walked through silently, raising an eyebrow when he saw that Eiridan and Lilja were also inside.

"Well, this is nice. Are we having a Magi reunion?" he asked sarcastically, and Kyren gave him a hard look.

"Just sit down and listen Kalix." His voice was tired, and Kalix bit off the retort he was about to say. He took the seat beside Lilja, staring at Kyren silently. The king stood a moment longer before slowly taking the seat across from the three of them, running a hand through his hair before he started speaking.

"I'm going to keep this short, I still have to mingle with other dignitaries and nobles from Bantha." He sighed again, and Kalix felt unease curl in his stomach. "As I'm sure you know, I recently forged an alliance between Castre and Bantha. There were... some conditions that were added to the alliance to make it. One of those conditions concerns the three of you." Kyren paused, and Kalix glanced over at Eiridan and Lilja. Both were wearing matching expressions of worry and apprehension.

"The queen of Bantha, Queen Melinda, doesn't trust the Magi. Vaxon was not a popular ruler, even to other countries. They saw him as a powerful and ruthless threat, and he would go into their countries in his search for the Magi. They never understood the exact specifics of why, but it was a common theory that he was building a Magi army. As a result, Queen Melinda has asked me to exile you from Castre. She phrased it much more diplomatically, but that's what she wants. And she has the support of two of Castre's allies." Kyren stopped, glancing down at the table. Kalix could see the way his shoulders were tensed and when he looked back up, tired eyes stared back at him. "I'm sorry."

He could hear Eiridan and Lilja saying something to Kyren, but their words had turned to white noise. Queen Melinda has asked me to exile you from Castre. Exile. The word was a foreign concept to him, something as real and tangible as a brown sky. And yet, the sky had turned brown, because he was being exiled. Ten years of running from Vaxon. Three years of getting Castre back on its feet, and four years of juggling politics, Nassia, and finding his place. Now, after everything he'd been through, he was being exiled from the only home he'd ever known. Because he could produce lightning. Without warning, a hysterical, laugh burst from his throat. The laughter was harsh and devoid of any real humor. The other three turned to look at him, their expressions ranging from worried to confused. He couldn't stop, because there was nothing else for him to do but cry. Eventually, the laughter died away, and Kalix inhaled deeply.

Pull yourself together, he told himself firmly. He pushed down the myriad emotions Kyren's announcement had brought, forcing himself to act calmly. He could freak out later. Kalix looked at his companions. They were staring at him with concern. He shifted his features into an expression of faux calm and then asked, "Where are we supposed to go?"

"Veloka. Bantha. Aketi. You can choose where. Queen Melinda doesn't particularly care as long as there's no more than three Magi in one country."

"What about Nassia?" Kalix demanded. "And Rya and Aelia?" he added.

"Nassia and Rya are family. Queen Melinda has agreed to let them stay. She also thinks that Nassia will find a husband in one of the other countries' leaders and leave Castre soon. And, and Aelia is going to be my wife."

Kalix stared at Kyren in surprise, happiness for the other man warring with his other emotions. At last, he said "It took you long enough. Congratulations." The words came out slow and clunky, but genuinely, and Kyren smiled. Kalix watched in silence as Eiridan hugged him, giving his own congratulations. Lilja lingered behind him, a half strained smile on her face as she did the same.

Kyren looked marginally happier as he said, "We moved the Bonding ceremony up so that you can all attend before you leave. It's two days from now."

"That's great," Kalix said, but his words came out hollow. He exhaled shakily and then stood. "Excuse me," he murmured and Kyren nodded.

Kalix walked back to his room, half in a daze. The words exile and alone and forever swirled through his mind, and his hands clenched into fists. His movements were automatic; his feet leading him towards his room, his hands pushing open the door, his legs giving out as he slid to the floor leaning against the ugly beige colored wall.

Queen Melinda has asked me to exile you from Castre. We moved the Bonding ceremony up so that you can attend before you leave. Two days from now. Queen Melinda doesn't trust the Magi. Each statement felt like a blow to the stomach as Kalix replayed them in his mind. Why? After everything that's happened. Tears of frustration and anger pricked at his eyes, but he ground his teeth together, refusing to let them fall.

Without conscious thought, his hands and arms were covered in shimmering green sparks. For a second, Kalix just stared at them, relishing in the feel of lightning answering to him again. It had been too long since he'd used it, always refraining so that no one was offended or scared or anything else by them. Always putting others' thoughts first, ignoring his own wants or needs. And that had always been him, hadn't it? Anger rolled through him, the sparks coalescing into small bolts of lightning. Beautiful.

For a few seconds, the anger was placated by the sight, but it came back with a force that surprised him. It rushed through him, a river of why and loss and please not again that overrode rationality. Lightning shot forward, hitting his wall and marring the white with an ugly black and brown stain that spider webbed across the wall. Exiled from Castre. Another strike of lightning hit the wall, making identical marks. Two days from now. A third bolt. I have to leave home again.

The anger drained from his body at the thought, and Kalix let himself crumple to the floor again. I have to leave home. Tears gathered in his eyes again at the all too familiar thought. How many times before had he been forced to leave a place he'd called home? Five, six, seven times? More? He'd lost track at some point. And now he had to do it again. Only this time, it was permanent. There was no chance of hoping he could back after a few years. There was no packing up and then changing his mind. There was no Vala to go with him.

Kalix felt his heart squeeze painfully at the thought of his sister, as it hadn't done in a long time. He wished she was here now, wished that she could give him advice. It's not fair. The words were childish even to him, but he couldn't help it. It wasn't fair. There was so much he'd lost already. Why did he have to lose his home and the family he'd started to make for himself too? It's not fair.

"It's not fair," he breathed, his words saturated with anger and grief and the all too familiar feeling of what-if. Tears fell down his face, leaving trails that seemed to sting, hot and fast like liquid lightning. His entire body trembled as he cried silently, each fallen tear a wish that never came true.

Kalix didn't know how long he sat there, weeping for things that never happened and people that were no longer there. All he knew was that when the tears were gone and his face was dry, only a dim feeling of calm remained.


The time before his departure and Kyren and Aelia's Bonding ceremony passed all too quickly and impossibly slowly at the same time. Time had become immeasurable, hours and minutes meaningless as he waited for the day to come. When the day finally arrived, there was a feeling of artificial calm everywhere, including in Kalix. Restless energy rolled through him, and he sighed. A snake of anxiety was coiling in his stomach, and he ran a hand through his hair. He started walking towards Nassia's room; he needed to speak with her in private before he left. When he knocked on her door it opened fairly quickly, revealing Nassia.

"Kalix." There was faint hint of surprise in her tone. "It's good to see you."

"You too," he said quietly. He hesitated, and then asked, "Would you like to go for a walk in the garden?"

Nassia broke into a smile. "I would. Give me a minute?" He nodded and she closed the door. He stood against the wall as he waited. After what must have been several minutes the door opened again, revealing Nassia once more. She'd added a blue shawl to her outfit, along with a small parasol that seemed to be the latest fashion in Castre. Kalix couldn't help the smirk that pulled at his lips at the sight of it, and Nassia sent him a mock glare even as she fell into step beside him. The walk to the gardens was silent, but it was good kind of silence. The type of silence where you didn't feel the need to fill with meaningless words.

There was certain quality to the castle gardens that never ceased to remind Kalix about the good things in life. Maybe it was the sight of so much life, or the beauty of the flowers he passed, or the feeling of calm that seemed to be an integral part of the gardens. Whatever it was, it made a small smile cross his face as he looked around. Eventually, the silence was broken by a quiet voice.

"So, was there any particular reason you came to see me?"

Kalix didn't answer immediately, stringing his words together slowly. "Did Kyren tell you about, about the condition in the alliance with Bantha?"

He heard a soft intake of breath from Nassia, and then she said softly, "Yes."

He swallowed. "What do you think?"

Silence followed his words, and he looked over at her. She was staring at her hands, which were laced in front of her. Her blonde hair hung in a curtain, blocking his view of her face. At last, she said, "I wish it was different. I wish you could stay."

"Me too." Kalix closed his eyes briefly. "Kyren said you could stay here though. That's nice, I suppose."

"I'm not a complete idiot." Nassia's voice held a tinge of bitterness. "I know she only did it because she expects me to get betrothed and leave to go live with my husband."

"And will you?" He couldn't help the slight tremor in his voice at the question. Don't say yes.

"I might." He nodded, unsure of what to say. There was no reason for her to say no. He swallowed. He could hear his mother's voice in his head again. Don't be afraid to say what you feel, to anyone, but he ignored it.



"Why haven't you had- had someone special in the last seven years?" There was something in her voice that made him look over at her; she was staring at him with wide green eyes. He inhaled slowly, the air in his lungs stale.

"There haven't been many girls that caught my attention."

Nassia licked her lips, taking a deep breath. "What about me?"

In that moment, a gust of wind could have blown Kalix over. The ability to form sentences left him, and he stared at the blonde girl in surprise. He knew she was bold, that Jaeyria, Aelia and Lilja had influenced her greatly, but even so her question threw him off guard. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out and he forced himself to look Nassia in the eye.

She looked completely composed, but anxiety swirled within her emerald colored eyes. Words like 'You're important to me' and 'Come with me' clogged his throat, pushing to escape. But he pushed them down, something stopping him from saying it. Nassia looked away, disappointment flashing across her face.

"Nassia." He reached for her arm but then changed his mind, stepping in front of her. "Nassia, I just-"

"You just what?" Nassia's voice had turned cold and distant.

"Will you go to Veloka with me?" He cringed that hadn't been what he wanted to say. You realize who you're talking about, right? She's a spoiled brat Kalix. Vala's voice resonated through his mind, and he tried desperately to block it out, but he couldn't stop it. She'd always influenced him more than anyone else, even after death.

"What?" The words held a faint tinge of disbelief.

"I mean, I'm going to miss you. And I want to see you a little longer," he said slowly, unsure of what he was doing but refusing to admit it, even to himself. Nassia paused to look at him directly.

"That's a long way for someone to go just because you'd miss them," she paused. "I don't want to be there as a reminder of Castre. I want to be there for a better reason." She swallowed. "I like you. Maybe, one day, I could love you." The words were quiet, almost too quiet to hear. "I can admit that. But I want you to do the same if I'm going to consider visiting Veloka." Then she left, leaving Kalix to stare after her.


Aelia looked beautiful, dressed an elegant gold gown, her hair wreathed with small golden strands. Beside her, Kyren was just as well dressed, wearing a black suit that contrasted with his pale skin and fair hair. His hands were entwined with Aelia's, and Kalix watched silently as Kyren spoke, swearing vows of loyalty and love. Each word spoken was so sincere that Kalix was certain every girl was swooning. After Kyren finished his vows, Aelia spoke, repeating the vows with the same amount of love and devotion. Golden lines twined around their clasped hands and wrists, magic binding the two of them together. The golden lines flared brightly before they dissipated, leaving no visible mark on either person's skin. The Bonding ceremony was complete.

Applause broke out around Kalix, and he joined in semi-enthusiastically, smiling up at the newly Bonded couple. Lines started forming around the two of them, nobles and guests eager to congratulate or impress the pair. Kalix stayed in place, searching for Nassia among the crowd. She'd been standing near her brother during the ceremony, but now he couldn't seem to find her. He sighed, moving through the press of bodies slowly. After a moment's hesitation he called out for her, keeping his voice low.


Kalix glanced down to see a young boy staring up at him, his mother clutching the boy's hand tightly as she glared at him. "Yeah?"

"Are you looking for the princess?"

"I am. Have you seen her?"

The boy nodded, pointing behind Kalix. "She went that way."

"Thank you," he said, flashing the boy a quick smile before taking off. Navigating the plethora of chairs and people made his progress slow, but he soon spotted Nassia's retreating form. He increased his pace, calling out for her again. She stopped, turning to glance behind her.

Kalix crossed the distance between them quickly, arriving slightly out of breath. "I wanted to talk about earlier. I know I didn't say what you wanted me to. I'm sorry. I just, I do care about you, I just don't know how to say it right."

Nassia stared at him intently, green eyes searching his face. The silence stretched out between them, a rope starting to fray. Then she closed her eyes, indecision flickering briefly across her face. "I'll ask Kyren if I can accompany you to Veloka," she said at last, and a relieved smile spread across Kalix's face. Nassia touched his arm gently. "I'll come see you before you and the others leave, but I think I should visit with some of the guests now." Kalix nodded, stepping away.

"I'll see you then."

She nodded, a smile unfurling across her lips before she gave a tiny wave and walked away. Kalix followed her example, slipping back into the crowd and making his way towards the food that had been set out. He grabbed a few pieces of fruit, chewing them absently as the people around him moved and spoke in an endless stream of motion and sound. At some point, people started dancing and more food was brought out. He watched with a slight smirk as Kyren and Aelia danced alone, each looking a little embarrassed at the attention, but happy nonetheless.

A few of the guests walked over and attempted to engage him in a discussion, but Kalix was quick to end the conversations. There was only one person he wanted to talk to before he left. He kept an eye on Kyren, waiting for him to be alone, but in the end Kyren came to him. As the king approached, the grim expression on his face told Kalix everything he needed to know.

"It's time for me to leave," he said quietly, and Kyren nodded. Weariness and happiness warred across his face, and Kalix felt slightly guilty. This was supposed to be a day of happiness for Kyren, not one of mourning. He forced a smile on his face, hesitating before he pulled the king into a hug.

"Congratulations on your Bonding," he said sincerely. Then he hesitated, and added, "Don't worry about me or the others, not today. I'm sure we'll all write or something."

Kyren smirked. "Eiridan sure, but I doubt you'll bother with something so mundane."

Kalix lifted a shoulder in response, chuckling softly. "Who knows? Maybe I will. How else will I get all the gossip about what's going on?" He smiled and Kyren laughed. Kalix sobered a little and looked at Kyren directly, letting seriousness tinge his voice. "Take care of Aelia. And Nassia."

Surprise flickered across Kyren's face, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded in agreement, holding his hand out. Kalix took it. They embraced briefly again, and then someone pulled Kyren aside, leaving Kalix to walk to the front of the castle. The other Magi and Nassia were already there, along with three servants who he didn't recognize. Words were exchanged and orders given as he listened silently, doing as the others directed. He glanced over at Nassia, but she didn't say anything to him. They traveled in silence, getting into a large, ornate carriage that would take them to Veloka.

The ride would take them a few days, and he sighed, leaning his head against the side of it. Exhaustion fell over him, but he forced himself to stay awake. His gaze went to Nassia, but she too looked like she was ready to fall asleep, so he allowed himself to close his eyes. He could talk with her after he slept.

When he awoke, Nassia was still asleep, so he stayed silent, reluctant to wake her. The next few days passed in much the same way. Whenever he was awake she seemed to be asleep, but he thought she might be faking it after the end of the first day. Kalix was grateful for it either way; they still needed to talk, and he still had no idea what to say. Time became meaningless again as they rode, and when the carriage finally arrived at its destination his entire body was cramped from sitting for the last three days. He stretched lethargically after stepping out, looking around him with a mild curiosity. Veloka was famed as the most beautiful country in the world, and his surroundings seemed to corroborate that statement. Lush green grass was everywhere, small purple flowers dotting the landscape. Trees were visible in the distance, while a small garden dominated the front of the house they'd arrived at.

The servant who had traveled with him gestured to the small house eagerly, explaining that Kyren had arranged for his housing, but no job. Kalix paid attention distractedly, his eyes focused on Nassia, who was exiting the carriage.

She looked tired, her hair more out of place than he'd ever seen it before, and her dress was crumpled. Stray pieces of hair framed her face, and there was a mark on her face from where her head had laid on her shoulder. She looked beautiful. After several moments, he tore his gaze away to look at the house before him. The small, plain looking building was far from both the castle he'd lived in for the last seven years, and the dirty taverns he would sleep in while on the run. It was, he thought, a bit like his first home, where he'd lived with his parents and Vala. It was his.

"Not exactly a castle, is it?" Nassia's voice sounded behind him, and he turned, smiling.

"No, but I like it."

Nassia considered the building, tilting her head to the side. "It's... quaint I suppose."

Kalix laughed. "You hate it, don't you?"

She shrugged, not answering. He hesitated, and then reached for her hand. She let him take it, leading her into the small house. They explored it together, laughing as they discovered the ugly furniture and dull curtains. Every time Nassia pointed out the differences between the house and the castle in Castre, Kalix was reminded forcefully of how domestic the entire thing was. The laughter died in his throat, and Nassia turned to look at him, concern spreading across her features.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly, and Kalix stared at her.

"I think so." He reached for her hands slowly. They were small in his, warm and soft. He inhaled slowly, steeling himself to give the speech he'd prepared in the carriage. "I didn't want to leave Castre for two reasons. One was because it was the only home I've known, and I've never wanted to go anywhere else." He paused. "The second was because of the people. Especially you."

He hesitated before continuing, and for a split second, he wondered what Vala would think of him. Here he was, practically making a declaration of love to the person who had not only threatened her life, but was the daughter of the two people who had made their lives living hell. Then he shook his head. This was his life. His decision, his happiness. His heart fluttered wildly in his chest as he tightened his grip on Nassia's hands and gently pulled her towards him, giving her ample chance to pull away. She didn't.

"I- I've never had a girlfriend. Or anyone in my life who wasn't family or one of the other Magi until you and Kyren. But I think, I think that," he stopped, wishing he was better at this, at saying what he felt. It's not that hard, just spit it out. He opened his mouth to say something else, but Nassia stopped him, shaking her head. Uncertainty and fear sliced through him momentarily until he realized she was smiling.

"You should stop while you're still ahead," she said quietly, but there was an affectionate fondness in her tone. She stepped closer, tilting her head up slightly, eyes lifting to meet his in invitation and challenge.

Kalix felt his lips curve upwards into a smile, and he lowered his head to kiss her. It was soft and chaste, but he could still feel his pulse racing like he was running for his life. Eventually, he pulled away, but kept his arms wrapped around Nassia. Her eyes were bright, and she was smiling widely. Kalix was sure his expression was the same.

He knew there were still things they needed to discuss, things like what they were and what was going to happen, but they could wait. For now, he just wanted to spend time with Nassia, without worrying about anything. And here, in Veloka, he could.

Veloka could be a new beginning for him. A new country, a new home, a new life. It could be the place where he lived out the dreams he'd had in Castre. His smile widened. Here, he could be himself. Not Vala's older brother, or the lightning mage, or part of the Magi council. He could simply be Kalix. And that was all he really wanted.

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