17: Jedi Female: Adaara Rysh

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This character was made by me :) 

Name: Adaara Rysh

Age: 24

Profession: Jedi Female

Race: Torgruta

Appearance: Adaara has crimson colored skin with white markings covering most of her face. Her lekku are white lined with gray stripes that extend up her montrals. The tips of her montrals are gray. She stands at 5'4 with a slender body most find attractive.

Personality: Once, Adaara was shy and focused solely on becoming a Jedi Knight, serving the Order and obeying all the rules. Once, she relied on the Force and believed in it. Now, it is a part of her she hates, a tool to be used only in the most dire of circumstances. She's bold and outspoken, unafraid to speak her mind. With all she's endured, what more could anyone do to her? She is only afraid for Kanan and their fate, though if they are to die together then so be it. No one else matters to her except Kanan, and if that makes her selfish, then so be it.

Planet they were born: Coruscant

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Coruscant, Tatooine

Weapon of choice: She prefers a lightsaber though she hasn't kept one in years. She'll settle for a blaster rifle, something simple and mundane to hide her urge to use her favorite weapon.

Greatest temptation: She is tempted by many things, the first of which is Kanan. She would do anything for him, sometimes the darkest of which terrifies her. Deep inside, though, she also tempted at the idea of revenge against Kaladin. Protecting Kanan and revenge on Kaladin are equal temptations.

Life goal: Her true goal in life is to live in peace, though Adaara knows as long as the Empire exists, that will never happen.

Background: Adaara was born in the year 36BBY and was an orphan living on the streets in Coruscant's underworld. She and her sister Ashoka Tano were separated at birth, so Adaara took the last name of an old lady that used to feed her until the older woman passed away. At age seven she was rescued by a Jedi Knight who took her under his instruction to help her catch up to the other younglings, much to the Jedi Council's wariness. She became a Padawan learner when she was fifteen years old, just as Kanan turned eighteen and passed the trials. None of the Knights or Masters wanted to teach her, so she remained a pupil beneath the Jedi Knight who found her. Almost a year or so later, he was killed in battle and she was taken under the wing of Kanan as his Padawan. When Adaara was seventeen years old, one of their own, a Jedi Knight she had looked up to and admired, Anakin Skywalker, betrayed them and began killing the Jedi remaining the Temple. A friend of hers, another Padawan learner, posed as Kanan's Padawan and tried fighting Vader, but was quickly killed. Kanan hid Adaara and fought Vader himself, resulting in the loss of an eye, half a lung and both of his legs. Adaara hid the entire time. After it was over, she found Kanan and took him to a medical facility outside of Coruscant. From then on, she renounced her Padawan status and left the Order behind. Since she had only been a Padawan learner far from completing the trials, it is easy for her to hide the Force inside her, keeping the Sith from sensing her Presence.

Kanan still clung to it for a while, but the longer they were wanted by the Empire, the more he forgot about it to. Kaladin, a Sith Inquisitor, never allowed Kanan to forget it, but they were both insistent on hiding Adaara's presence from the Sith and especially the Empire. Over the years, they fell in love with each other and eventually married in secret, knowing their previous vows as Jedi died along with the Jedi Order. When Kaladin discovered their feelings for each other, he kidnapped Adaara and used it to lure Kanan into a trap, resulting in his capture as well. During her time as Kaladin's prisoner, he hurt her in many ways. When all was said and done, she ended up with a child that she knows to be Kaladin's. Kanan is determined to raise the child as his own, even going so far as to always refer to it as his, but deep inside Adaara knows better.

Something happened to her when she was Kaladin's prisoner, something that she hides from Kanan all too easily. She became darker, filled with more hatred than before. Her strongest desire is revenge against Kaladin and killing the child that lives inside her.

The Empire still believes she is only Kanan's wife. She was thrown into the arena as someone who wasn't important, a tool only to be used to hurt and tempt Kanan.

Now, that's all about to change.

Side character: Kanan

Loved ones: A sister, Ashoka Tano.

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