20: Sith Female: Zira

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This character was made by Silvermask_ghost

Name: Zira, formerly Darth Ziran

Age: 27

Profession: sith, though technically she is a rouge sith

Race: human

Appearance: Zira is a human female with slightly tanned skin. She is slightly tall with wiry but muscled frame. Her hair is the color of obsidian and there is no trance of a lighter color in it. Though she is a sith, instead of sickly yellow and red rimmed eyes, she has eyes that are more of a golden color. On a rare occasion some are able to see the original color of her eyes, which are ice blue. To make herself look more fearsome, she painted the designs of a zabrak's tattoos on her face and neck. Two long scars stretch from her bottom lip to almost her right eye from where a Jedi's light saber hit her face. She got the scars and the Jedi lost his life. Now she wears those scars proudly.

Personality: Personality wise, Zira is many things. Being a rogue sith, Zira is naturally aggressive, unmerciful to most and very short tempered. Since she was little she has had the natural instinct to attack and kill because of the way she was treated. She is borderline sadistic at some points, shown when she broke all the bones in a person's hands, arms, legs and feet before killing them. Years of training has blackened her heart and made her almost emotionless. She resorts to the more simple complex form of torture by breaking a person mentally and physically. She very unpredictable. Though she is very dangerous she also has a slightly better side. To a very rare few she is surprisingly protective and caring.Also, being mandolorian, Zira is very stubborn, strong-willed and independent. The one thing that sets her off from sith and Mandolorians, is her outlook of the world and the Jedi. She looks at the world in shades of gray. Zira believes that there should be balance in the force, but the Sith should be the ones that rule the galaxy, not the Jedi. She believes that the Jedi are corrupt for the most part and deny the true meaning of life. Though she hates most Jedi, she does respect a few that are renowned for their fighting skills in battle.

Planet where they were born: Mandolore

Planets where you lived or visited frequently: Tatooine and Florrum

Weapon of choice: her twin red lightsabers though she does like throwing knives and poison.

Greatest temptation: Zira's greatest temptation is her apprentice, Avi and the dream to become a more powerful sith. She does have strong attachments with her apprentice and friend but she also is tired of hiding in the dark and not fulfilling her full potential.

Life goal: Though she is a sith, Zira's greatest goal is not to have all of the power in the galaxy. She just wants to be to her full potential as a sith as well as be respected and never forgotten.

Background: Zira was born to an exiled Death Watch member named Sheetani. Her mother was a very cold and short tempered person and often did terrible things to her daughter. After 15 long years of beatings and torture, Zira finally struck out. Out of anger, she killed her own mother by tearing out her throat with her own teeth.

With no where to go and no money, Zira scurried around the streets of Mandolore, stealing whatever food, money or weapons she could get her hands on. After another year she decided to get off the planet, stowing away on a ship and traveling to Coruscant.

She kept practicing her thievish ways and started a killing spree, killing those that she deemed unworthy of living. By killing the right people, including a Jedi knight, Zira soon found herself a secret apprentice of Dooku. Through his teachings she became a devoted user of the dark side, honing in her raw instincts into practiced skills and abilities. She quickly mastered the use of force lightning and was very proficient in duels. She also learned how to use the force to heal injuries which is an unusual trait for a dark side user. As her weapon, she went down a slightly more uncommon path and used twin lightsabers that were able to connect together to make a double bladed light saber.

Zira trained for a few years under Dooku's wing, learning and adapting to many forms of combat. She also studied, the rouge, Darth Maul's technique of fighting and based her style of fighting on it. Though she never met the zabrak, she secretly admired the male and his devotion to his cause.

When her master died, Zira became angry and upset because she had great respect for him. Not knowing what to do, Zira vanished into the outer rim becoming nothing more than a shadow. For years she remained a shadow, with no one knowing that she even existed. After Order 66, the woman stumbled across a young boy who was a Jedi padawan learner. Instead of killing him, she let him live and took him under her wing as her own padawan.

They lived and trained for a few years and were later joined by a male chiss named Avi who used to be a former slave. Their lives remained peaceful until one day Zira decided to go off and hunt down a surviving Jedi knight. Though she was the first to the kill, an inquisitor soon found them. Afterwards Zira, in rage, killed the inquisitor and then ran. Though she did not get very far and was soon captured by more inquisitors.

Side character: Her faithful companion and friend, a male Chiss named Avi

Loved ones: Her only loved ones are her young apprentice, a human male named Damien and Avi. They mean the world to her, and she is willing to kill anyone that stands in the way of her new family. 

Kaladin: "Ahh. I remember you. You were the one traveling with that blue skinned freak... The only one who put up a decent fight. I shall be watching you closely, my dear. 

Missu: "You and I have more in common than you think."

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