Breakdown of Author's Games

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For those of you who are completely new to Author's Games, here's the breakdown of how this writing competition will work.

EVERYONE (even Author's Games veterans)...We will start off with an audition task. I will tell you what your entry will have to be about and then you write it. When you're finished writing/editing it, then send it in an email to:[email protected]. I'll read all the entries and then out of all the entries sent in, I'll pick the 20 best to be participants in Author's Games: Star Wars. After the 20 tributes are selected, the 20 of them will do a first come first serve selection of the spots available (this will be explained in another chapter later on).

Anyone who's been in an Author's Game before (especially mine) please skip the rest of this chapter unless you want to freshen up! :)

Everyone new to Author's Games, welcome! Here's how they work.

After your spot is selected, which will determine what type of character you have (bounty hunter, Jedi, Sith, trader, etc - this is also referred to as your character's profession) you will each fill out your character forms telling about your character. Each form will have a certain amount of questions you'll have to answer, so don't just immediately start on these without the chapter for it first. When all the forms are handed in, the sponsorship task will begin.

The sponsorship task is basically a task just so everyone can get used to the idea of how this game works. The best writers in this task will be sponsored by me and receive perks to help them out throughout the competition. The others who didn't receive a sponsorship will just continue as usual so always do your best.

After that, task one will begin.

This is where the competition really begins.

Task One will be released and I'll tell you what you have to do, then you'll write an entry FROM YOUR CHARACTERS PERSPECTIVE completing the task. Every tributes' entries will be graded and scored. The best will receive perks, and the worst will be ELIMINATED FROM THE GAMES (elimination will be explained in a separate chapter). Every entry is meant to be written like a short story. Each task will have a deadline that you have to hand in by (otherwise you'll receive a late penalty) and every task will also have a word count that your entry has to stay under.

Task Two will begin with all the people who were NOT eliminated in task one. You'll have a task to write, everyone will be scored and the lowest scorers will be eliminated. This process will continue until there are only THREE tributes left in the finals to determine the winner of Author's Games Star Wars.

If you still don't quite understand everything, DON'T WORRY. I'll continue to post several chapters explaining everything in detail for you and remember never hesitate to ask questions!

Here's a breakdown of all the specific aspects of Author's Games:


These are deaths that your character either does in their story, or witnesses in your story. Most generally, you'll choose to kill off characters that fit within the plot of the personal story you've invented for your character. Remember they don't count against your score if your character is killed in someone else's entry and likewise those who die in your entry aren't penalized for it either. It is strictly story line purposes! Keep in mind that who you kill off in your entries can be different than whoever is actually eliminated in the Games. In order to keep it realistic, I would advise that you keep track of whoever you've killed off (just so you don't accidentally kill a person off in task one then forget and have them alive in task five or something).


Each task, you will receive a certain number of ballots to use. This means that you will select a writer to receive a ballot and they will have some sort of penalty next task based off their ballot-score. For instance, if I'm playing a tribute named Anakin Skywalker and during task one I have three ballots to use. Say I see R2D2 and Lando Calrissian as a threat, I would ballot R2D2 first, and then ballot Lando Calrissian, leaving my last ballot free.

After every entry, there will be a section to list deaths and ballots. This is where you would include the ballots for the writers/characters you see as threats and want to try to hurt. Anyone who is balloted will receive a penalty next task.

Word count:

Like I said before, each task will have a specific word count. You cannot go over this number, or you'll be penalized.

Due date:

ONE point will be taken off your score each time you hand in late. For example, if you handed in late in task one, it will be one point off your score (so if you scored a 13, you would get a 12 for being late). Then in task two if you hand in late again and again got a score of 13, this time you would have 2 points taken off your score, to receive an 11. This will continue each time you're late, so just don't be late! Naturally, I understand stuff in life happens, so if you let me know in advance, I'll probably allow you some extra time after the deadline only IF you talk to me and let me know what's going on.

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