Meet the Gamemakers: Ish Yoth

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Name: Ish Yoth

Age: 37

Profession: Bounty Hunter

Race: Gungan

Appearance: Ish has light peach colored skin, typical for his race. His snout is elongated and his floppy ears reach mid-back. He's constantly seen with a death stick in his mouth, his disruptor strapped across his back and a hat on his head, making his long eyes squished down, as if they're constantly narrowed.

Planet they were born: Naboo

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Nal-Hutta, Tatooine, Coruscant

Weapon of choice: Disruptor

Side character: He found a remodeled Droideka that had also been combined into an assassin droid. Ish decided it would come in handy, so he named it Keed, after his father and has kept it ever since.

Background: Ish never fit in back home. The other Gungans all noticed how different he was; much more serious, a troubled child that constantly killed the wildlife in the ocean around them and in the land above. When he was seventeen, he ran away and murdered several pilots in Theed (capital of Naboo) and stole his starship that he still uses today. From that moment on, he lived for bounties and has never looked back sense.

Tributes he will sponsor: He likes gambling, though he isn't very good at it and has never done it professionally. For this reason, he isn't sure who he's going to bet on. Skills are everything, so he's going to wait to see who has the best skills before making any decisions.

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