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They literally travel the galaxy, accepting job requests from higher-ups who want someone found. Usually, they want this person killed, kidnapped or just want to know the location. After finding whoever they'd been send to find, they deliver that person (dead or alive) and collect the bounty.


They travel the galaxy in various starships, gathering cargo from one planet and sell it on another.


Almost the same exact thing as traders, except they always have hidden, illegal cargo which they secretly smuggle onto whatever planet they're going to, avoiding the law and any and all checkpoints along the way.


They kidnap/capture, buy and sell people for a profit. They're typically very rich, higher-ups, and most often keep slaves for themselves. Slavery has been outlawed, so slavers also avoid checkpoints, the law and anyone working for the Republic.


People who have been kidnapped or captured from their home planet and sold into slavery all over the galaxy.


Simple. They're a member of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, representing entire planets and Star Systems. They vote on all sorts of decrees and laws, answering directly to the Emperor and Imperial agents. 


These are literally just your typical, every day citizens on whatever planet they call home. Think Luke Skywalker before he became a Jedi. He was a Moister Farmer on Tatooine. 


They're Ewoks, Gunguns, Jawas, Wookies or Droids who lived normal lives on their own planet.

Because the Jedi and Sith are special, I'm talking about them in another chapter. 

Whatever profession you choose, keep it true to the profession itself, as well as the Star Wars universe. No gold, only Imperial Credits (or some other form of currency specific to planets in the Star Wars Galaxy). No cell phones, just holograms and communicators and comlinks. 

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