Sponsorship Task: Primitive Male and Female Entries

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Since my husband graciously took it upon himself to fill in both the Primitive Male and Female spots, I'm going to go ahead and post both of his entries together but separate from everyone else. 

15. Primitive Male: Fidget (word count 991, handed in two hours late) 

Fires... Screams... Death.

Fidget woke to find his best friend Skree shaking him vigorously. He sat up too quickly and the whole room spun around him.

"Careful, you Ranx," Skree whispered harshly. "Don't you die on me too." He sniffed back a few tears. A soft whine rumbled in his chest.

The memories of their village slammed into Fidget all at once. He pulled Skree into a tight hug, more for Skree's benefit than his own. Skree began to sob but Fidget found that his grief was too distant for tears, as if his heart refused to accept that they were gone... that she was gone.

Suddenly, the door to their small, gray walled room whoosed open. A strange creature walked in followed by a rolling metal ball. The creature had weird rubbery skin with a large protruding face. Two eyes rose up above his head or would if they weren't being squished down by the largest hat Fidget had ever seen. The creature began to make noises that Fidget couldn't possibly understand. He opened his mouth to say so when the metal ball cut him off.

"My Maker wishes to ask you a question, primitive," it said in passable ewokese. "He wants to know what skills you possess. Can you fight?"

"Who are you," Skree sneered. "How do you speak our tongue?"

"My Maker calls me Keed. He programed me with all the languages spoken throughout the galaxy. Now answer the question or I'm ordered to shoot you." The metal creature raised a limb, attached to it was a weapon similar to the ones the strange white monsters used to slaughter their village.

"We're hunters", Figdet said before Skree could anger the strange machine. "I was the best hunter in our village and Skree helped me many times. I can trap and track anything in the forest."

"Yeah," Skree interupted him. "And he killed twenty of the white monsters that killed our village by himself." Skree face twisted up with smug pride.

"Interesting," Keed said. "My Maker could use someone like you. He requests that you hunt and kill all of the other meatbags that are competing in the games. He will reward you well if you make their deaths painful and brutal."

"Never!" Fidget shouted as he pushed Skree behind him and as far from Keed as possible. "I vowed to only kill what our people needed to survive. You ask us to kill for sport... for senseless pain and suffering. I will not and never will!"

Without hesitation, Keed's Maker pulled a long black weapon from his back and fired at Fidget. Acting on pure instinct, Skree pushed him sideways out of the weapon's path. Fidget hit the floor hard and turned back to look at Skree.

A large black hole pierced its way deep into Skree's chest. As Fidget watched, the hole grew bigger and bigger. Skree's body was slowly turning to ash as the wound spread. In seconds, Skree was nothing more than a pile of blackened bones in a mound of ash.

"No!" Fidget screamed so loud that the lights in the ceiling above flickered and dimmed. He crawled across the cold metal floor to run his hands through the ash that had once been his best friend. The grief that had once been so distant, now slammed itself him, dragging him down into the deepsest blackest bog of pure misery and pain.

All his life, Fidget had lived alone, a free hunter, living his life in the woods that he loved. Then Skree came and changed everything. He brought life and laughter and eventually... love to Fidget's world.

Now, it was all gone. His village... His bride... and His friend.

Alone now with nothing to live for, Fidget reached out one last time to lay his hand upon his best friend's bones. Before his fingers could touch them, a ghostly hand grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

Fidget turned and his eyes grew wide at the sight of his best friend's ghost standing beside him. Skree opened his mouth to speak but no words came. Instead Fidget felt cold, harsh emotions slam against him, feelings of pain and sorrow. Feelings of contempt for the fact that Fidget was alive and he wasn't.

Jerking his hand away, Fidget scrambled across the floor, but instead of harsh metal, soft moss and leaves rustled against his fur. He looked around and saw that somehow he had returned to his homeworld. More than that, he was in the center of his village. The huts were still standing, no longer burnt husks like he remembered. From the doorways of the village, shadows moved and shifted.

One by one, the ghosts of his village stepped out into the twilight in a large circle around him. He stood to his feet as they edged closer and closer. His heart pounded as terror gripped his heart. The emotions emanating from all the ghosts clustered around him were so strong that he began feeling physical pain from them.

Suddenly, everything went deathly silent.

Fidget felt a strong presence behind him and he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, who it was. With dread gripping him with frigid claws, he turned slowly to find the one he missed more than anything in the world. His wife... Lumanna.

Tears flowed from his eyes as he slowly stretched out his hand toward her. But before he could touch her, the ground at his feet began to sink. He looked down to see the ground slowly swallowing him up. He turned his eyes back to her desperately but all he saw in her face was pity and regret... regret for a life that they'll never live and a family that they'll never have.

As the dirt slowly covered his body from head to toe, the ghosts of his village stayed and watched as Fidget was buried alive in the only home he'd ever known.

16. Primitive Female: Ghramba (word count 926, handed in several days ago)

Ghramba jerked awake, panting. Her dreams had been so vivid that it took her a while to calm down. She was just about to call for her father when she realized that something was wrong. Instead of the warm wooden walls of her home, she was sorrounded by cold metal, lit by harsh white light. That's when she remembered, it wasn't a dream.

She was a prisoner of the empire.

The door whoosed open. Standing in the entryway was a creature she'd never seen before. He had large triangular ears and a harsh look on his face. A beautiful blue female stood at his side with an impassive look on her face. He strode in as if he owned the place. He cast a harsh glare over her shivering body, making Ghramba feel helpless and alone.

He sneered at her before making a bunch of noises that she couldn't understand. He growled and shouted even louder. Suddenly, a shiny silver figure walked into the room. Ghramba stared; this was it, a droid. This was her dream come true; to see and interact with strange new technology. She sat up as it began to speak and this time, she could understand.

"Hello, primitive," the silver droid said in shyriiwook. "I am T9-M4 and my master wishes to speak to you. I will translate. He says, 'Kneel before me, slave. I am your new master Agruss of Zygerria.' Personally, I suggest you kneel. He is rather savage and fond of his whip."

Hesitantly, Ghramba pulled herself up to her knees. "What does he want from me?" She asks of the droid. But he didn't answer; instead he spook to Master Agruss directly.

"How dare you question me, you filth!" T9-M4 translated for Agruss directly. "I ask the questions and you answer!" He flicked his whip at her, shocking her and causing her to yelp in pain. "Now, tell me. If I were to bet on you, do you think you'd win or am I just wasting my money?"

"What?" Ghramba asked as T9-M4 translated. "What are you talking ab..." Her words ending in a scream as he struck her again with his whip. He continued to strike her as he spoke to someone outside the room.

Suddenly, he stopped. Ghramba dared to raise her eyes and saw in the open doorway someone she never expected to see. "YY-72B? How did..." She stopped and cringed away as Agruss raised his whip again.

"Hello, Mistress," YY-72B said softly. "You seem distressed. How may I be of service?" Agruss spoke harshly and before T9-M4 could translate, YY-72B answered him directly. Ghramba could only stare in terror as her friend and this monster argued viciously in a language she didn't understand.

Without any warning, Agruss pulled out a small blaster hidden in his sleeve and shot YY-72B multiple times. Ghramba screamed as she felt her heart literally shatter. YY-72B's metal body slammed against the cold deck as tears streamed down the soft fur of her face. Agruss threw his head back and laughed at her pain. He continued to laugh as he walked out of the room, giving YY-72B a kick as he passed.

Ghramba crawled as fast as she could to his body. Sparks flashed and the arid smell of burnt wires filled her nose as she desperately tried to help him. A small panel in his back held an extra set of tools that she used to piece him back together. But the more she tried to fix him, the worse he became. Ghramba watched in horror as wires unhooked themselves and metal fasteners loosened on their own; as if YY-72B was refusing to be healed.

Ghramba sat back as watched as her friend and dearest companion became a warped and twisted pile of scrap. She looked to the tools in her hand as if they had betrayed her and then screamed as they began to twist as well. She threw them as far as she could, hearing them clang off the metal walls around her. They wiggled and squirmed like snakes and began to come back for her.

She jumped to her feet and ran to the door, but it was changing too. Now it looked more like a large hungry mouth ready to swallow her whole. It opened and closed like vicious jaws. She jumped through just as they opened again and sprinted down the hall quickly. As she ran, everything around her began to change in nightmarish ways till she reached what was once the Hangar.

Filled with hideous monsters that used to be starships, Ghramba could only stare in terror as the very technology she once loved now threatened to destroy her. Suddenly, she heard a new sound; one she had heard before. Deep, heavy breaths.

Whosh... Whosh... Whosh...

She turned around and before her stood... him. Darth Vader. He looked the same as he had the day he stole her from her father and she realized that he didn't need to change. Half man. Half machine.

Pure monster.

He brought his right hand up and suddenly a bright red light flared around him with a deep hum. Ghramba knees shook and her heart pounded furiously. He moved faster than she could believe possible and she felt an intense burning pain in her chest. She looked down to see the glowing hilt of his lightsaber pressed tightly to her chest.

He jerked the blade out brutally and spun away. A last, casual backhanded blow took her head from her shoulders and he strode away.

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