Task Four: Temptation

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Sidious felt the alluring tug of the Dark Side, strengthened by his own hatred and anger. Vader's pain and bitterness swirled around him, reminding Sidious of his most wonderful accomplishment. 

Vader's turn to the dark side.

Now, as he stared at the other tributes, he smiled sadistically. He was ready to lure them all in. 


Welcome, everyone to Task Four!

The survivors from Task Three lay on the ground, wounded and exhausted. None of them have had a break, and the past several hours had been filled with nothing but fighting. Stormtroopers and imperial guards hoist you and your companion to your shaking feet and transport you back to the Imperial Star Destroyer. The Force trembles to anyone tuned enough to feel it. They pull you and only you into a room, leaving your companion behind. You step into the main room in the hanger.

Sitting in a chair that swivels around, is Emperor Palpatine himself. Standing beside him, is Darth Vader, both of which have either haunted your nightmares or consumed you with revenge, or both.

As you are forced to your knees in front of them, they both tempt you to the Dark Side. If you aren't Force sensitive, they offer you a grand place to stay in the safety of the Empire, along with any surviving family members or close friends. They offer you your greatest wishes, everything you've ever wanted. 

You must be severely tempted. You can end it on a cliff hanger if you like. The temptation to finally have a place where you don't have to run from the Empire, to have everything you've ever wanted, must be overwhelming. If you're Force sensative, the Dark Side calls to you and you aren't sure how much longer you can resist it. 

The twist?   

In the end, you must deny them. This is emotional and focused on your character's development thus far, their emotions and thought process as they make this crucial decision. They have to be severely tempted and yet deny the temptation in a realistic, believable way. This task is heavy-handed on emotions. If I don't get feels, then you'll score low. If I'm not engaged, you'll score low. NEXT TASK IS THE SEMI-FINALS, so scoring low at this point isn't good.

This is the last task to use any of your sponsorship perks, except for the voting ones. 

Word Count:

3,000. No lower than 1,200.

Due date:

June 6th, 6pm central. That gives you guys almost two weeks. 


You must witness one sadistic death. It must happen at the beginning and it has to be used to throw off your emotions before Vader and Sidious tempt you. It can happen back in your cell, or it can happen when you first enter the main hanger. It has to be gorey and must be some sort of ally. 


You must have at least three but you may have four total. 


Emotional Breakdown - Whoever wins this will have such deep-rooted, wild emotions that their character will have a total breakdown... Feeling as if they can no longer handle anything. 

Sanity - Whoever wins this award will be feeling such strong temptations and emotions that it will feel as if they're losing their sanity. 

True Evil - Whoever wins this award will feel or act as if they themselves are truly evil and yet they must deny Vader and Sidious. 

Twisted Reveal - Whoever wins this award will have some sort of twisted reveal either to or from your character. It can be from them to someone else, from any of the Gamemaker characters to them, or from someone else to them. Either way, it must contribute with their temptation to the Dark Side (or to accept Vader and Sidious' offer). 

Sadistic Tactics - Whoever wins this award will have Vader, Sidious and possibly the other Gamemakers be truly sadistic and utterly cruel to your character. Whatever they do or say is upt to you, but it must be truly sadistic and utterly cruel, and it must completely overwhelm your character to the point of either death, giving up, turning to the Dark side, etc. 

Anyone who wins these awards will receive THREE points added onto their overall score. This has helped and destroyed many of you, so try for these! 

Before I get to the sponsorship bonuses, I'm going to announce sponsorship changes:

Sha'ar is no longer being sponsored by Ezaye; she has chosen to withdrawl her sponsorship. Aevo is no longer being sponsored by Ish; he has chosen to withdrawl his sponsorship. (Due to Aevo's lowered quality of writing). Adaara is going to be sponsored by Jicelli, (due to my husband's impression with her last task).

Sponsorship bonus:

Instead of bonuses, since the Empire no longer wants to help you anymore, I'm going to list out whose sponsoring you and the writers perks you get from them. EACH GAMEMAKER HAS AN EXTRA BONUS WRITERS PERK SPECIFIC TO THEIR PERSONALITIES. 

Jenaara and Kanan - Dasram

Kanan here are the perks you still have:

Save a friend from voting, detailed explanations behind your score, request for personal expectations from, and a hint for next task

Jenaara here are the perks you still have:

All of them: Unlimited word count, save a friend from voting, save yourself from voting, more detailed explanations about your score, request from my personal expectations from you, and a hint for next task. 

You both now have an added writer's perk from Dasram. It is:

Dasram cares about strength. Because of this, he has elected to make you both stronger as writers - you both each get ONE point gain to use on either this task or the SEMI FINALS. You can use it anytime - before or after scoring on either task. 

SulJuuk - Agruss

SulJuuk here are the sponsorship perks you still have to use: Unlimited word count, save a friend from voting, save yourself from voting, request from my personal expectations from you, and a hint for next task. You now have an added writer's perk from Agruss it is:

Agruss loves slaves and controlling others. Because of this, he has elected to make you a more controlling writer - you now have ONE point you can take away from someone else's overall score during this task or the SEMI FINALS. You can use it anytime as long as you use it BEFORE Task Four or Task Five scores are out. 

Yuurei - Missu

 Yuurei, here are the sponsorship perks you still have to use: save a friend from voting, save yourself from voting, more detailed explanations about your score, request from my personal expectations from you, and a hint for next task.   You now have an added writer's perk from Missu. It is:

Missu is a sadist and even a bit crazy. Because of this, she has elected to make you a more sadistic writer - you now have the ability to take away 1,500 words of someone's word count, or to make their deadline two-to-four days sooner. You may choose anyone and you can do this either in this task or even in the Semi-Finals.

Adaara - Jicelli 

Adaara, here are the sponsorship perks you still have to use: All of them: Unlimited word count, save a friend from voting, save yourself from voting, more detailed explanations about your score, request from my personal expectations from you, and a hint for next task. You now have an added writer's perk from Jicelli. It is:

Jicelli is a deceptive politician. Because of this, she has elected to make you a more deceptive writer - you can choose to take away a point from someone, or give someone a point on their overall score during this task or the semi-finals without anyone knowing the difference. 

Mayek - Kaladin

Mayek, here are the sponsorship perks you still have to use:  save a friend from voting, save yourself from voting, more detailed explanations about your score, request from my personal expectations from you, and a hint for next task. You now have an added writer's perk from Kaladin. It is:

Kaladin cares about having the most power. because of this, he has elected to make you a more powerful writer - you can add one point to someone else's overall score for this task or the semi-finals, including yourself. 


Aevo and Sha'ar, because you are the only two tributes who are not sponsored, you may skip writing your entries this task and choose to have a score of 12.5. You must let me know if you're going to do this. This way, you guys aren't left out :) 


Punishment from last tasks ballots:

Yuurei, because you were the most targeted, you must be severely wounded at some point during your entry. It could have happened because of last task, built up over all the tasks together (since they're all only moments apart), or can happen to you this task.  

SulJuuk, Jenaara and Mayek, because you were in the middle, you all have family in the room with you being used against you in some way. If you have no family, then it must be a close friend, even an ally from the Games. 

Aevo, Kanan, and Sha'ar because you were targeted the least, despite your injuries, you must be fully awake and aware during your entry and you must have something happen to cause you to be feeling an intense amount of rage or anger, even hatred. 

Good luck. If I have your guys' sponsorship perks wrong, let me know and I'll fix it. If you guys have any questions or concerns, let me know. 

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