Task One: Monster Arena

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Vader observed the rebels being placed in his carefully constructed arena with vague amusement. He had designed it just like the one on Geonosis, complete with holographic Geonosians roaring in cheer as a crowd. His eyes traced over the old Republic Gunship in the center. He had no idea why seeing the crashed Gunship brought him sheer joy, but then there was also a much, much deeper side of him that felt faint memories stirring at the sight—memories from a different man than he.

"Wonder how those Jedi are going to do," Kaladin commented, eyeing Dasram.

Dasram crossed his arms. "I've fought Kanan enough to know he won't die easily. It's your Jedi I wonder about."

Kaladin huffed. "At least mine is close to giving into the Dark Side. Yours... isn't. Not to mention you also bet on two humans and one's even a slave. How exactly do you hope to win the betting with sponsored tributes like that?"

Dasram rolled his eyes. "It's not always about power or outward strength. Lord Vader will tell you the same. Sometimes strength comes from within." Dasram shifted his eyes to Vader, who said nothing.

Jicelli pursed her lips. "Mere strength does not win all battles. Sometimes it takes a certain... deceptive nature. Verita has that."

Missu cackled. "Deceptiveness? Strength? Listen to you! Power in the Dark Side is all that it takes to win. Without that, you have nothing! Yurrei is sure to pass his test and after he wins..." Her voice trailed off, ending in a soft yet raucus laughter. "... Then I can continue my work on him..."

Ezaye scoffed. "Please. Sha'ar and Sarilea's desire for money make them more adept to winning. Don't you think, Ish?"

Ish shrugged. "Mesa tink desa Ewok gonna win."

All eyes shifted to him before most of them ended in laughter, except for Vader, who simply kept his eyes trained on the tributes below.

Agruss stroked his chin. "Zillah and Sul-Juuk are both resourceful and both have what it takes to win, if they can ever learn their place..."

Though the Gamemakers all had their own ideas about what would happen should their sponsored tributes win, Vader knew that Lord Sidious would never allow any of the rebels to win.


Just as one of the others began to respond, Vader lifted a hand, hushing them all instantly.

Down in the arena below, the doors were beginning to open. Vader felt a rise in the Dark Side of the Force, coming from the horrid monsters deep within.

At last, Vader finally spoke, dragging the attention of everyone nearby. "It's time to begin."


Here is your task:

Orange sand stretches before you as you stand in the center of a circular arena. The walls tower over everything, plump with thousands of Geonosians and spectators to watch. There are twenty tall pillars to which you are chained to. In the center of the arena is an old, crashed Republic Gunship filled with weapons only—no supplies. On the edges of the walls, spaced at even six foot intervals, are large doorways. There are twenty of them, one for each rebel. Out of these doorways appear monsters, all manner of evil creatures you've only heard about in nightmares and children's horror stories. You can't see the one behind you, but you can hear it.

You must include the monster behind you. Feel free to include the others and observe them as they try to eat the other tributes. Make sure that any monster included is from the Star Wars universe and make sure they're described well.

This task focuses on action and description.

Remember, you're not only fighting the monsters, but you have to break free before you get eaten and grab a weapon, along with fighting anyone who gets in your way. This is the bloodbath, Star Wars style. Think of the boss fight in the end of episode two. Remember that the tributes will be fighting each other as well. You are CHAINED to the pillar. You can't do anything until you find a way to break free. Make it realistic—if you're human you probably can't break them by force and you would not have lockpicks with you. If you have the Force or maybe are near someone who has it, use that to your advantage or come up with creative ways of breaking free.

Follow the task, but also make it creative. In the Sponsorship Task, a lot of you only did what I mentioned and didn't add any creative spice to it. Use your imaginations , but remember the writing is focused on action and description.

The twist:

Your side character is chained above the weapons in the center, along with the other side characters. They are in a perfect place to be eaten and you know even if your side character is a droid, they will definitely be useful to keeping you alive. So you must free them as well. Remember that there are other tributes trying to get weapons, tributes that might even try to kill your side characters as well as the monsters too.


Word Count:

2,500. I'm being nice, so use it!

Due date:

March 13. That's two weeks. Don't be late.


You must at least kill or witness at least three people dying but no more than five.


Four. Use it wisely.


Most Descriptive – The person who wins this award will have the most detailed, realistic descriptions of their environment and people. It will give me a clear visual in my head.

Creative Spark – The person who wins this award will have been the most creative with the events that take place in their entry

Monster – The person who wins this award will have the most interesting interaction with their monster as well as describing them the best.

Anyone who wins these awards will receive an extra 2 points added onto their overall score. I promise I won't change my mind this time (like I did last time).

Sponsorship bonus:

Kanan, Dasram knows you could easily break free, so he has not given you any help. Jenaara and Kiernan before you were placed in the arena, Dasram injected you with a special serum that temporarily makes you stronger... strong enough to break out of the chains, but it only lasts for thirty more seconds.

Fidget, Ish has made sure that you accidentally was placed inside human-sized chains.

Virith, Kaladin has given you a Sith's lightsaber, which is on the ground near your pillar. He wants to see if you will give in to the temptation of using it.

Sarilea and Sha'ar, Ezaye has given you two lockpicks, hidden inside a pouch on your belt. Only two. Don't waste them.

Yurrei, Missu wants to see you pass a test. Though she has already given you your lightsaber, hidden in a pouch on your belt, your chains are electrified.

Verita, Jicelli has given you a small droid that is shut down attached to a belt on your hip. Once turned on, it only has a minute before it shuts down, but you'll find it's extremely useful in breaking you out of the chains...

Sul-Juuk and Zillah, Agruss has unchained one of your wrists already... just one.

Punishment from last task's ballots:

Trin, Ghramba, Kanan, Yurrei and Zira, you were all balloted one time last task. Therefore, here is your punishment. Before you were placed in the arena, you were injected with a drug that temporarily takes away your hearing. Another words, you cannot hear the monster behind you.

Remember, failure to use any punishments or failure to adhere to how many deaths you're supposed to witness, will result in punishment next task.

Late entries will have point deductions and failure to hand in will result in an automatic elimination. Remember that in this voting, the bottom two people on the overall score will be automatically eliminated and the bottom five people will go up for voting. Two will be saved and three will be eliminated, resulting in FIVE total people eliminated this Task.

Good luck. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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