Task Two: Space Battle

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Everyone, I must apologize. I thought today was the 26th, but it turns out today is the 25th, so I posted the fallen chapter before voting was officially closed. Both Kanan and Zillah used their sponsorship perks to save themselves from voting, so I decided to go ahead and keep the voting chapter up so that way there is no confusion. Again, I apologize for the mistake, but at least the good news is that we get to start Task Two early!

Ezaye grinned as she watched all the Stormtroopers gather in their places on the asteriods. The rebels were being prepared for the Space Battle and she couldn't help but feel pride that this was all her idea. This is going to work out great, she thought. "What do you think of my space battle, Kaladin?"

Kaladin smirked. "I think its rather interesting, if not a little on the pathetic side. However, it has given me a chance to see if my new... sponsored choice will prove himself."

Ezaye rolled her eyes. "You really expect a trader to be as sadistic as you? Please. At least my choices are both self-serving. I think they're going to do great."

Missu cackled loudly. "Listen to the both of you prattling on. Self-serving and proving themselves. What I've done will ensure that it is my future apprentice who will come out on top."

Dasram scoffed. "Knowing you, whatever you've done is sure to drive the poor bastard insane. At least my choices will have a better chance than any of yours at making it through. So long as their morals don't hold them back."

"Mesa tinks that-a mesa choice gonna win." Ish crossed his arms, nodding his head firmly.

Agruss bellowed, hissing loudly. "You really think any of your choices have a chance? Look how close to death one of mine was and yet... she's still alive. Both of mine will inevitably live and then... then they will be mine."

We will see, cat, Ezaye thought to herself, searching for Sha'ar and Sarilea as they were prepared for the space battle. I know my choices have what it takes.


Welcome everyone to Task Two!

After the battle, you were loaded onto a transport and placed inside a breathing spacesuit, unless you are a race that didn't need it (such as a droid). The weapons you picked up from last task are with you already. From there, you were launched into space in the middle of the asteroid field. Hovering on some of the larger asteroids are small TIE fighters and starships, all without hyperdrives (another words you cannot use these to escape the nebula). Around you are artificial Stormtroopers, firing at you with blasters, inside other TIE fighters and starships all firing their proton torpedoes and regular shots at you. There is a long leash around your waist, connecting you to the main Star Destroyer, but it's length is long enough to float you around the entire nebula if need be.

You must navigate your way through the asteroid field and onto Arena 1's moon, Obstillia, which is two miles away from the asteroid field. You can do it with yourself floating through space, or by stealing one of the TIE fighters or starships on the larger asteroids. This is an epic space battle, aka STAR WARS. Make me feel like it!

The twist? 

You're timed. There is a self-destructing droid inside you that will detonate if you don't get to Arena 1's moon, Obstillia to get the disruptor to shut it down in time. You can choose the time limit, but make it realistic - not plenty of time to get to Obstillia, but not quick enough that you floating two miles through space would be ridiculous. 

This is STAR WARS, so this is where we find out how well you can really do it. Even those of you who aren't fans, you can use references: trust me every movie has one of these space battles! 

Word Count:


Due date: 

April 8th, 6pm central. That's two weeks. 


At least two, but no more than four. The twist is that at least one of these deaths has to be yourself killing them (or accidentally getting the person killed). 


Six. Use them wisely. This really hurts people, so use them, use them, use them!


Star Wars - Whether you use Star Wars references or make the entry feel like a Star Wars movie, either way you'll make me fangirl about Star Wars by feeling it as I read your entry. 

Desperation - Winning this award means you'll get your character and side character into a situation where they're desperate. 

Alliance -  To win this award, you and another writer will decide that your characters will be friends during the entry and have them work together. The catch is that they have to be professions that would choose to work together. If you have two characters, no you cannot use them. This has to be you with another writer. 

Enemy - To win this award, it's opposite of alliance. You will work with another writer and have your characters be enemies and fight during this task. Again, if you have two characters you cannot use them. it has to be you with another writer. 

Anyone who wins these awards will have 3 points added onto their overall score. This really helped people last task, so I would advice you to go for it!

Sponsorship Bonus:

Kiernan, Jenaara, and Kanan, Dasram has placed devices in each of you and your side characters that will eletrocute anything within a hundred foot radius around it when activated. You're to use these to help you get through the asteroid field. You can choose to activate the device in you, or inside your side character or neither. If you choose neither, know that Dasram has set all the devices to activate (on each of you and your side characters) at the same time, within seven minutes if you haven't activated them by then. This includes if any of you choose not to activate yours, you are also causing the others' to go off as well. 

Zillah and Sul-Juuk, Agruss has chained you together to someone superior to you in skill or strength (or social status), giving them the advantage in control. He believes this will help you learn to be slaves to your new temporarily "masters" as well as give you a good chance of getting through the asteroid field alive. This other person with you must be male but it can be anyone you want, as long as they don't get along with your character. 

Verita and Arin, Jicelli has given you both stealth cloaks, placed on belts around your waists. If you have a side character, there isn't one for them. The cloaks will only last for five minutes, which isn't enough time to get across the entire, so use them wisely. 

Sha'ar and Sarilea, Ezaye has given you both jet packs. It only has enough fuel for one mile, not two, so use them carefully. If you don't keep moving forward and you waste time using them during a fight or other situation, the jet packs won't have enough fuel to go even a mile. 

Yurrei, Missu has injected you with a drug that enhances a single negative emotion - whatever negative emotion you first feel after you fully wake up. She hopes this will make your Sith abilities stronger and in turn, your Sith side as well. 

Mayek, Kaladin has given you a large thermal detonator to use to clear the asteroid field. If you use it, lives will be lost. Kaladin wants to see if you're evil enough to do so, just to get through to save yourself. 

Aevo, Ish has started you off inside a starfighter already, but the catch is that you can't get out of it. Not even once you land on the moon (he thought he was helping). 

Punishment from last task's ballots:

Yurrei, Zillah, Kiernan, SulJuuk, Verita, and Jesla because you were top on the balloted list, you will have a shorter word count: 2,300. Don't go over. 

Kanan, Jenaara, Sarilea and Sha'ar, because you were on the bottom of the ballot list, you will have a sooner due date: you will now have to hand in your entries on Apirl 5th

FAILURE TO DO THESE PUNISHMENTS WILL RESULT IN POINT LOSS (it's because I didn't do my punishment that Kanan scored low enough to put him in voting last task, so remember that. I learned my lesson o.o )

Remember that for this task, four people will be eliminated, which means that six will go up for voting. 

Good luck! Don't hesitate to ask if you need to!

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