chans sans and senpais oh mai

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I'm gonna be completely honest here. Yes. Yes, anime has inspired me to study Japanese and I am not ashamed of that. But I'm not a weeaboo, because I don't disrespect Japanese culture and shut out my own.

That being saiiiiddd, there are quite a few terms commonly seen in anime that are acceptable in Japanese day-to-day society. For example, calling your friends or acquaintances "-chan" or "-san" is acceptable. Also, calling people like upperclassmen, managers, bosses, or just anyone older than you by "senpai" is completely normal (and the same can be said for those younger than you, but you would use "kouhai" instead).

This may be a stupid thing to make a whole post about but eh, I was bored as shit and my dear Ale-chan is busy for the day. So I need something to keep me from losing my mind, because we all know she's my saving grace at this point -///-

That's all for now~ *is totally gonna be in a playful mood tomorrow*


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