1K Follower Special

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The Wolfboy studio is shown to be in high spirits as people, familiar and unfamiliar, walk in one by one, including the Nintega All-Stars. The room in use had tables filled with drinks and snacks lined up as a celebration seemed to be afoot. Among one of the many groups stood Shadow and Nintega as they both had a drink in hand and were conversing with each other.

TheNintegaGuy: Man, I'd say that we've got quite the turnout here, huh Shadow?

shadowlight2784: You're telling me. This could give a frat party a run for its money in terms of attendance.

He then turns his head to the left and right as he eyes the whole area briefly.

Shadowlight2784: Sooo... can you remind me again of what we're celebrating exactly?

Nintega facepalms in reply.

TheNintegaGuy: Dude, you don't remember? Jordan's about to reach one thousand followers.

Shadowlight2784: Wait, seriously?!

He checks Jordan's Wattpad and sees that he's only one away from reaching the aforementioned number of followers.

Shadowlight2784: W-Wow...

He sheds a small tear with a smile.

Shadowlight2784: They grow up so fast...

TheNintegaGuy: What?

Shadowlight2784: Nothing, nothing! I guess I was too focused on my PCU to realize this.

TheNintegaGuy: PCU?

Shadowlight2784: Pony Cinematic Universe.

Nintega nods understandably to that.

TheNintegaGuy: Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You're here to help celebrate it, so that's the important thing.

Shadowlight2784: I guess. Is Jordan gonna show up soon?

TheNintegaGuy: Dunno. Let's go find him.

He suggested as they started looking for their blue colored friend in the crowd. It didn't take much searching though as they almost immediately found him. He was sitting by himself while gazing at his phone with the Wattpad app open, a face of worry could be found on him. Nintega and Shadow got closer until they were right in front of Jordan who hadn't noticed them approaching the whole time.

Shadowlight2784: You doing alright there, pal?

His voice snapped Jordan from his trance and he looked up to his two friends that stood before him.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh? O-Oh, yeah! I'm uh... I'm doing just fine.

Shadow and Nintega noticed the tone of his voice as they were able to sense a form of downcast in it.

TheNintegaGuy: That doesn't sound like someone who's happy about reaching 1k followers. Something on your mind?

Shadowlight2784: *groan* You didn't invite the hellspawn, Juni-

He's interrupted by himself coughing all of a sudden as he took a few seconds to wait for it to subside.

Shadowlight2784: S-Sorry. I think I felt my soul temporarily leave my body there for a second from trying to mention... her name. *shudders*

TheNintegaGuy: *chuckles* I see that happens to you too. You're not alone, Shad.

Shadowlight2784: She *coughs* is not a force of nature to mess with.

He said before focusing back on Jordan.

TheNintegaGuy: Seriously though, what's going on?

Jordan puts his phone away and blows out a quick puff of air to straighten his nerves out.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I just... still find it unbelievable, you know? I've worked on these stories for so long and now... now it's all about to pay off.

His friends nod in agreement.

TheNintegaGuy: Yep. You've reached a big milestone here, bud.

Shadowlight2784: One that's been teased since the beginning. It's hard to believe how far you've come from being a simple writer on Fimfiction years ago to here and now.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I know. It's weird to see just how much time has passed since then.

Shadowlight2784: I think it was...2020 when you first came on Wattpad.

TheNintegaGuy: Actually, if you remember Shad, Jordan joined a little bit before I did and I joined back in 2019, so that would mean that both he and I have been on Wattpad for three years now.

Shadow was surprised by that.

Shadowlight2784: You're kidding. It's been that long already?

TheNintegaGuy: Yep. Hard to believe, right?

Shadowlight2784: Not only that, but it's also impossible to believe that I've been here since 2017. Time didn't just fly, it broke through the damn sound barrier and went at light speed!

Nintega heartily chuckles.

TheNintegaGuy: That's definitely a way to put it.

He then looks back at Jordan only to find his friend with his eyes trained on his phone again with the same look he had earlier.

TheNintegaGuy: Jordan, you okay?

His voice made Jordan jump in his seat again.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Y-Yeah, I'm alright. I-I just... need a drink!

He stands up and quickly walks away from his friends who could only stare in puzzlement. Shadow's eyes darted to a table next to the chair to see a drink next to it.

Shadowlight2784: But... he already had a drink right here.

TheNintegaGuy: Shadow... tell me I'm not the only one worrying about Jordan right now.

Shadowlight2784: If that were the case, I'd be completely ignoring the obvious implications. Don't suppose you have a theory on what's got him on edge, do you?

TheNintegaGuy: Not a clue. He was really excited to reach one thousand followers, now he's suddenly acting as if the world's gonna end tomorrow.

Shadowlight2784: Eh, I wouldn't word it like that. This feels more like he just took a test at a school and is anxious about what the results would be.

TheNintegaGuy: That's besides the point. Something's bothering him and I think we should figure out what it is.

Shadowlight2784: I agree, although, how we find out is the real question we should be asking.

TheNintegaGuy: Maybe some of the others know. Come on, let's ask around.

They wade through the crowds of people until they come across a few familiar faces, that being Jordan's samurai friend, UltraKaiFan25, and the Wolfboy All-Stars.

UltraKaiFan25: Oh, hey Nintega, hey Shadow!

TheNintegaGuy: Hey, Jake.

Shadowlight2784: Sup, dude?

UltraKaiFan25: Can you believe how many people showed up?! Jordan really garnered a lot of admiration from his fans!

He pointed out, excitedly.

Sly Cooper: *chuckles* I think a lot would be an understatement, Jake.

Zelda: I do have to agree. It is quite the number of individuals.

Pinkie Pie: I know, right?! Jordy's come such a long way and has made so many good friends!

Shadowlight2784: Yyyyeah... speaking of Jordan... we wanted to ask you something about him.

Jordan's friends and colleagues all changed their expressions to concern when they heard the serious tone in Shadow's voice.

Sora: Huh? Is something wrong with him?

TheNintegaGuy: Well, that's the thing. We don't know what's going on with him. He seems oddly distracted at the moment, like there's something on his mind that's upsetting him. We were wondering if you all possibly knew what that was.

Pinkie Pie: *gasps* Jordy's upset?! Don't worry, boys! Pinkie's gonna-

Her exit was blocked by Shadow who puts a hand on her shoulder and stops her.

Shadowlight2784: Your heart's in the right place, Pinkie, but I don't think we'll be able to cheer him up without knowing what the problem is.

TheNintegaGuy: Exactly. So, any ideas on what the issue is?

Jake and the All-Stars pondered carefully about it for a little bit until they all gave the same disappointed frown.

UltraKaiFan25: I can't really think of anything. Jordan always seems to be in a decent mood whenever we talk.

Pyra: Same with us. It's possible that it's something that he's too afraid to tell us about.

Paimon: Paimon thinks it could be that too. Still, Paimon thinks we should find out what it could be.

Shadowlight2784: *sigh* We'd probably be butting into his personal affairs though. You think he'd be angry if we kept asking?

Pyra then switches to Mythra who now bore a serious frown.

Mythra: Well, do you wanna find out or not? Sometimes, you gotta push a little to make someone spill.

TheNintegaGuy: I guess, but I'd hate to ruin this big event because we didn't respect his privacy. Maybe we should wait until after the party to see what's going on.

Sora: That might be the best thing to do for now. Besides, maybe seeing himself reach one thousand will cheer him up. He's been happy with every milestone he has reached, so I'm willing to bet that he'll be ecstatic when the big 1K is hit.

UltraKaiFan25: Hm, you're right, Sora! Jordan's got a milestone to celebrate!

Shadow and Nintega share one last uncertain glance before they nod reluctantly.

Shadowlight2784: I hope we're doing the right thing by waiting.

TheNintegaGuy: We'll only know for sure by seeing how this plays out.

The crowd they formed dispersed as they each went to do their own thing. Elsewhere, Jordan was standing by himself in the middle of the crowds, still with the anxious expression he showed earlier with Shadow and Nintega. His hands were crossed to the opposite arms and drumming on them with his fingers. Suddenly, yet another familiar face comes right out of nowhere and gives Jordan an oxygen depriving hug from the side, that being his internet little sister, KelseyPrincessOfSamo.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: I'm so happy for you, big bro! It's not every day you reach one thousand followers!

Her enthusiasm wasn't reciprocated however as when she looked up at Jordan, he still remained staring ahead with his look of anxiety. This makes Kelsey end the hug as she now aimed her worried eyes up at him.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: Jordy, is... something wrong?

Jordanwolfboy9743: N-No. Nothing's wrong, Kel. I've just... got a lot on my mind right now.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: What would that be?

Jordan didn't answer her at first as he remained staring in one direction for a long time. His demeanor soon switches however as he donned a somewhat peppier face than earlier, even if it still showed some hesitance, and rubbed Kelsey's head, ruffling some of her hair.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Don't worry about me, little sis. I'm sure there's a certain rainbow haired girl you wouldn't mind hanging out with at the moment.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: I know, but... I like being around you too. And I can see that you're upset about something...

She then sighs right after.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: But... if it's something you really don't wanna talk about right now, then I won't force you. Just don't be afraid to tell me or one of our friends about it, okay?

Jordan gives that a quick thought before nodding his head.

Jordanwolfboy9743: O... Okay. Thanks, Kelsey.

The girl's smile returns to her and she offers her own nod.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: You're welcome! I'll be with Dashie if you change your mind and wanna talk.

She then pulls him into another hug, not a tight one like the kinds she usually gives, but a nice gentle one instead. Jordan gladly reciprocates it and holds it for about ten seconds before they end it as Kelsey skips away to find Rainbow Dash. Jordan chuckles to himself as he watches her leave.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *mumbles* Never change, Kel. Never change.

Suddenly, a loud ringing could be heard through the entire studio as a loud clicking sound came right after. Turning his head to the source, Jordan saw that the counter for his followers had now reached the big number he had been working towards since he first arrived on Wattpad back in 2019: the big 1,000.

With a small twinkle in his eye, Jordan watched with amazement as this big achievement had finally arrived. Then, almost as if on cue, Pinkie appears from out of the blue and hugs Jordan tightly, expelling nearly every ounce of oxygen from his lungs.

Pinkie Pie: Jordy, you did it, you did it, you DID IT!!! YOU FINALLY DID IT!!!

Jordanwolfboy9743: I-I... I guess... I guess I did... didn't I?

Pinkie Pie: Yep! You sure did! Come on! This way!

She takes him by the hand like a small teddy bear and pulls him along like one with great speed only the likes of Pinkie was able to accomplish. A gathering is formed around a podium; a gathering of Jordan's closest friends, allies, and fellow writers. The podium had a large red button with a glass case cover over it similar to the one used on Deal or No Deal. With zero patience, Pinkie runs through the crowd still with Jordan in tow before she places him perfectly behind the podium, leaving him very dizzy as a result.

Shaking the stars from his eyes, Jordan looks to the crowd and sees the smiling faces of those he's come to cherish a lot. Two figures emerge from the crowd, revealing themselves to be Shadow and Nintega who also bore large grins for their friend's big moment.

TheNintegaGuy: Hehehe. I know that this is big for you and all, but I'm even surprised to see this happen sooner than we all expected.

Shadowlight2784: I'm not sure if I can still comprehend just how quick it was for you to reach this point, but at the same time, I'm amazed and proud of how far you've come, bud.

Pinkie then zips into frame, bearing her signature squeaky grin.

Pinkie Pie: You're gonna love this, Jordy! Press that button and be amazed by what we made for you!

She reaches over for the glass cased button and lifts up the case, giving Jordan the go ahead to press the button itself. With a tiny smile, Jordan slowly lifts his hand up in preparation for pushing the button before him. The room goes silent as the anticipation for what would happen next was killing everyone. However, right as the moment was just about to come, Jordan's hand stopped just before it could touch the button. Not sure of what was happening, all of Jordan's friends started to feel a little confused by why exactly Jordan stopped. So much confusion had taken place that one of Jordan's other friends had come up to check on him, that being Heroesfan10009.

Heroesfan10009: Jordan? Bro, you alright?

Murmurs started to spread throughout the crowd as concern for Jordan rose.

Shadowlight9743: Ohhh... wait. I think I know what's going on. He's pausing for dramatic effect.

Shadowlight2784: Uhhh... I don't know if it's that.

Jake was the next to step up and see how Jordan was fairing.

UltraKaiFan25: Jordan... what's wrong?

Next up was Kelsey who bore the same worried look as Jake and everyone else.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: You know you can tell us anything, right big brother?

Despite their questions, Jordan still initially remained frozen until he was finally able to find movement through bringing his hand back and turning around, now gazing at his palm with a longing gaze. Eventually, he was able to say something.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *whisper* I'm... I'm not... sure about this.

His words only made the confusion worse as his friends looked amongst themselves, trying to piece together what he meant.

Jordanwolfboy2784: You're not... sure? You mean you don't want to see what we made for you?

In response to his counterpart, Jordan slowly shakes his head.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *whisper* I'm not... I'm not sure if... if I... if I even deserve to have this.

Shadowlight9743: Whoa, hey. If anyone's going to kill the mood, it's me. *groans* OW!

He yells as his counterpart elbows his shoulder.

Shadowlight2784: *grits teeth* Shut. Up.

TheNintegaGuy: Alright, you two break it up! This is a big moment for Jordan so let's not ruin it with your usual bickering!

Jordanwolfboy2784: Eh, they don't usually bicker. It's primarily between him and Guardian that bicker.

TheNintegaGuy: Same difference if you ask me. Jordan... what are you talking about?

Shadowlight2784: Yeah, you got on Wattpad, wrote books like the rest of us and FINISHED one, I might add, which is a greater achievement than anything I ever did. How do you NOT deserve this?

He asked his blue friend who retracts his hand to his chest.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I just... don't know if I really deserve to have 1,000 followers. Based on how many Nintega, Heroes, and even how many LordStar had before he... left, *sigh* it's... it's pretty clear that people don't seem to like me as much.

Shadowlight2784: Well, I wouldn't say that. If you've managed to reach 1K, I think it's clear that you have an audience that does like you. I don't even have 1K, not that I'm complaining for... obvious reasons.

He frowned while looking off to the side.

Shadowlight2784: It's... not always a good thing to be known by so many people.

TheNintegaGuy: I can agree with that too... but on the brighter side, it does tell you that all of these people clearly support you to the fullest with whatever ideas you put into your books. With the amount of followers I have, it gives me a reason to keep going because I get to please so many people with my ideas. You could say it's my form of motivation and I'm sure in some way it can be yours too, Jordan.

Jordanwolfboy9743: But... what exactly do I have to offer these people? I mean... you excel at keeping the stories very close to canon while also making them ten times more epic and Shadow excels at giving really hilarious meta humor and stories that diverge so much from the originals that they may as well be their own original IPs. But... me, on the other hand? I... don't have anything.

Slowly, he turns away from the podium and goes to step off it only for a hand to reach around and stop him in his place, that hand belonging to Shadow to be exact.

Shadowlight2784: If you really didn't have anything, then you wouldn't have stayed. You would've deleted your account without warning like I did, so I know that deep down, even you know that's not true. In fact, I know exactly what it is you give to people that neither Nintega nor I have been able to give yet. You know what that is?

His question was answered with a slow shaking of the head from Jordan.

Shadowlight2784: Being perfectly balanced...

Shadowlight9743: ...as all things should be.

Jordanwolfboy2784: *sigh* Guys, now's not the time for references.

TheNintegaGuy: No, no! He's serious! Both of them are! The fact that I stay close to canon means people could just come for a simple story based off canon. Shadow gives something completely new and original to those who read... which means Jordan... it's BOTH at the same time for you!

Shadowlight2784: Think of it like this, you get the best of both worlds, originality and canon all mixed together. Like he said, people will go to him for a simple self-insert, people go to me for a breath of fresh air, and people go to you for when they want a little bit of both. We give them options while you give them both all at once; it's hard not to appreciate that.

UltraKaiFan25: They're right, Jordan! Sure, it may have taken longer to reach 1,000, but it shouldn't be something to be ashamed of, it's something to be very proud of!

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: Exactly! Just because you have less doesn't make you any less significant or important than others! We love you, big brother, and we want you to stay!

TheNintegaGuy: And that we can all agree on.

Shadowlight2784: Trust me, bud. It's better to have 1,000 people that truly appreciate you than 100,000 people with 80% demanding you for updates or complaining about story plot or elements that conflict with their fantasies. I think you can vouch for that.

The Wolfboy All-Stars then stepped up.

Paimon: If there are any people out there saying otherwise, then they don't know what they're talking about because you have a reason to be here as much as all of us, Jordy!

Sora: Admittedly, there are times where we feel like we didn't put in more than we could have or that we failed at something, that I can relate to a lot, but that doesn't mean you're not worth it, Jordan.

Sly Cooper: Back when my family line being hunted down by Le Paradox and his band of misfits, there came a point where my good friend Murray felt like he was worthless when he couldn't pull off one certain job, but we reassured him that he's just as important to the team as the rest of us and much like he's important to me and my team, you're just as important to the Wattpaders of CHS as Nintega and Shadow here, buddy.

Zelda: I know at times it may seem like you aren't fulfilling what you were set out to do, Jordan, believe me, I've been there before, but everyone has a purpose, and you just needed to find out what it was.

Pyra: Luckily, we were able to help you discover it.

Mythra then took control.

Mythra: Even if it required us hammering it into that thick skull of yours.

Everybody: Mythra!

Mythra: What? *murmurs* It's kinda true.

TheNintegaGuy: *smirks* We heard that, tsundere~

A tick appears on Mythra's forehead and she raises a hand to clonk Nintega on the head before Shadow's voice halted her.

Shadowlight2784: The POINT here is that a lot of us have had moments where we felt less important than others, but at the end of the day, that's not what matters. What matters is how each of our stories serve as a solution that certain people have with these kinds of fics. We all contribute to a community that loves MLP as much as we do and plenty of others as well. You've done a whole lot more than you give yourself credit for.

He smiles back at Jordan who's spirit looks to have risen if only slightly.

Jordanwolfboy9743: You guys... really think that highly of me?

TheNintegaGuy: If we didn't, we all wouldn't have come here to celebrate your big moment, buddy.

After that, Jordan looked slowly all around the studio at every one of his friends and colleagues who now showed encouraging grins. As of this moment, the sadness he had once felt was dying away and being replaced with... hope; hope for a good future on Wattpad, hope for many stories to share with those around him, hope for many adventures to come.

As these thoughts exploded into his head like fireworks, Jordan's smile gradually returned to his face, now with his eyes glistening with happy tears. A single tear left him as his grin never left his lips for even a second.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Guys... I... I don't have anything else to say other than... thank you.

Another good friend of his, that being NoahhVoidHekka, steps up as well and puts a hand on his shoulder.

NoahhVoidHekka: Jordan, it's great that you're thanking us for supporting you, but honestly, it really should be us thanking you for all of the awesome stories you give us. Your stories never fail to impress us and that is something never to forget.

Shadowlight2784: Also, about Shadow for Savior of CHS... that was just me being butthurt by how the audience reacted to him. I mean, I didn't want to make myself narcissistic or anything like that, but... you know what I mean.

TheNintegaGuy: Hey, it's in the past, buddy, so there's no need to feel bad about it.

Shadowlight2784: Yeah, you're right. Anyways Jordan, if there's ever a moment where you feel insignificant or less valued than others, just tell that side of your brain that's making you think that to go-

Nintega places a hand on Shadow's mouth to muffle the last words he had to say.

TheNintegaGuy: T-To leave! Tell that part of your brain to leave! That's what he was gonna say! *nervously laughs* *murmurs* PG, Shadow! Remember, we're keeping this party PG!

He whispers that to Shadow who remembers right away and nods his head before removing Nintega's hand.

Shadowlight2784: I was gonna say "screw", man!

Jordan takes one more look around at all of his friends as his teary eyed smile never leaves his face.

Jordanwolfboy9743: You guys... are the best.

Just when the wholesomeness seemed to end, it was only added to by Nintega, Shadow, and just about all of Jordan's friends came together and gave him a big group hug. The hug was just what the blue themed author needed as it made the cold feeling he had earlier melt away and was replaced with a welcoming warmth. Sadly, the hug was brought to a close as Pinkie now came up and eagerly grabbed Jordan by the hand and pulled him up to the podium once again.

Pinkie Pie: Come on, Jordy! Press the button! Check out the awesome surprise we made for you!

Her encouragement spurred Jordan on as after he gave her a nod of approval, he raised his hand up and happily brought it down onto the button. The result was a collection of multiple party cannons going off, colorful lights brightening the area, and a giant screen rose from the ground just behind where Jordan stood, making him turn to it. The screen flashes on and begins showing a montage of Jordan's journey to the point he had reached now: from when he started on Fimfiction to meeting Shadow for the first time. From starting The Savior of CHS to collaborating with his buddies, Shadow and Nintega. Every part of Jordan's travels and meetings were shown with the added kick of it being all pixelated much like the classic games of old like Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog, and much, much more, complete with the sound effects as well. However, while this may seem like an end, this was only the beginning as Jordan still wanted to continue bringing joy to others with his writing.

Now with a new sense of clarity, Jordan watched the video alongside his countless friends as the screen slowly faded to black and into a set of credits while a familiar song from a familiar retro game themed movie began to play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The End)


Real Jordanwolfboy9743: Hello, my peeps! Jordanwolfboy here! I honestly cannot thank you guys enough for helping me get to this huge milestone. I know that I give you guys the stories, but at the end of the day, it's you all that show them a lot of love. It's been a heck of a journey for not just me, but for all of us.

Real Shadowlight2784: I can definitely vouch for that. Been on here for almost half a decade, and... not every part of it has been pleasant.

Real Jordanwolfboy9743: Well... not every journey is perfect. They all have their fair share of ups and downs. Still, I think it's important to remember that despite all of the downs, it all served to make the ups even more satisfyingly fantastic. Wouldn't you agree?

Real Shadowlight2784: Absolutely, especially once you and Nintega hopped on.

Real Jordanwolfboy9743: True that. Anyways, you guys are the best and I sincerely hope that I'll continue to entertain you. And for you Shadow, no matter what people say or think, you're a dear friend to me and the same goes for Nintega and the others as well. Never forget that.

Real Shadowlight2784: Hey, you, him, and LordStar are the best thing to come out of my experience on Wattpad. I stuck around because of you guys and as long as you're on here, I'll still be around.

Real Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* Well, I'm glad to hear that, buddy. It's been good, my peeps. I do hope you enjoyed this special. Sorry for taking a while on it as I've been occupied with a lot lately. I'll be seeing you all in the next update and maybe, one day, I'll even reach 2k followers. Fingers crossed for that. Until next time, I'm Jordanwolfboy9743...

Real Shadowlight2784: And I'm Shadowlight2784...

Real Jordanwolfboy9743 & Shadowlight2784: And we thank you for reading. Take care! *walks away*

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