Happy 24th Birthday!!

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The scene begins with both Nintega and Shadow heading up to the top floor of the Savior of Equestria studio via an elevator. Their current goal being to seek out their blue haired friend who had been busy in the studio for quite some time now.

TheNintegaGuy: Alright, what do you think our game plan should be for this one?

He asked his friend who scratched his head with a single finger.

shadowlight2784: I don't know. I haven't really thought this one that far ahead to be honest.

TheNintegaGuy: Neither have I... and that's saying something considering that I possess a lot more creative juices than you guys. Presents, check! Party, check... thanks to Pinkie Pie of course... Music, check! Audience, check! How to surprise Jordan... Unchecked...

Shadowlight2784: Surprise...Wait, that's it!

Hearing his little exclamation caught Nintega's attention.

TheNintegaGuy: You've got an idea?!

Shadowlight2784: You bet your creative juices I do! One word, bud. Misdirection.

Nintega's eyes widened from this and he went into deep thought at this idea before nodding his head approvingly.

TheNintegaGuy: That's actually not a bad idea at all. In fact, it's excellent considering you guys haven't tried it on me yet.

Shadowlight2784: You and I both know the reason for that, pal. First things first though, we've gotta get Dracula out of his coffin, or in this case, studio.

This made Nintega chuckle a little and he was trying to stifle an even bigger laugh which made Shadow raise an eyebrow.

Shadowlight2784: Uhh... didn't think that would tickle your funny bone.

TheNintegaGuy: *snickers* N-No! Saying that makes me wanna call Jordan something as something as soon as we lay eyes on him! *laughs*

He now couldn't help but laugh out loud as the elevator doors finally opened, giving both of them the cue to step out and walk down the familiar hallway to the studio.

Shadowlight2784: Speaking of the birthday boy, he's been cooped up in the studio for God knows how long now. How much do you wanna bet he's worked himself to death?

TheNintegaGuy: Pretty much all of the creative juices that I currently own.

Shadowlight2784: Pfft. As if you have a limited supply of that.

TheNintegaGuy: *laughs* You've got a point there!

The two of them finally arrived at the door to the studio as Shadow knocked a few times upon it.

Shadowlight2784: Jordan? You in there, buddy?

He called, but his blue friend didn't so much as mutter an answer. Both Shadow and Nintega briefly shared a concerned glance before Nintega tried knocking this time.

TheNintegaGuy: Jordan?

His call didn't yield any results either. Shadow then tried opening the door only for it to already be unlocked and not properly closed as it slowly swung open, showing the now darkened interior with one light source, that being Jordan's laptop screen. Through the darkness they could make out the third member of their trio as he had now shown a crazed, bloodshot look in his eye along with a show of disheveled, unkempt hair.

The weirdness of the scene only tripled once they both saw Jordan quickly snap his head to his laptop's screen before going back to its original position. That was the only time though as he had done that a few more times in rapid succession. Shadow and Nintega now felt a twinge of worry for their friend as they entered the room and drew closer to their friend who had seemed to not notice them yet.

Shadowlight2784: Uhh... whatcha doing there, Jordan buddy?

He asked Jordan before he got an answer from him.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I'm attempting to view my work as a fleeting peripheral image so as to engage the superior colliculus of my brain.

He hastily swivels his head back and forth yet again.

TheNintegaGuy: Uhh... we can see that. Hey, let's let some light in here, shall we?

He approaches a nearby window and pulls the blinds up, bathing the room in light before Jordan hissed loudly and hid under his desk to bask in the dark again.

TheNintegaGuy: *muttering* ...Looks like you weren't too far off about that Dracula statement, Shadow.

Shadowlight2784: *muttering* Yyyyyyyeah... now I regret having been that accurate.

He knelt down to Jordan's level as the blue boy was now rubbing the sides of his head with his index fingers.

Shadowlight2784: Jordan... how long have you been staying in the studio?

Jordanwolfboy9743: That depends. What day is it?

TheNintegaGuy: Umm... Wednesday, the 19th of October?

Jordanwolfboy9743: Then I've been in here for about two weeks I'd say.

He answered nonchalantly which made both Shadow and Nintega's jaws drop and smash through the floor.

Shadow & Nintega: TWO WEEKS?!?!

TheNintegaGuy: Jordan, it's not healthy to have been in here for that long!

Shadowlight2784: Yeah, that's something I'd usually do!

TheNintegaGuy: Exac- wait, what?

He shoots a bewildered look over at Shadow who just shrugs.

Shadowlight2784: It's a habit for me.

Nintega stares at him for what felt like a whole hour until he clears his throat.

TheNintegaGuy: Rrrrright. I'm just gonna ignore what you said.

Shadow focuses back on Jordan who still remained under the desk before reaching a hand up and slowly closing his laptop.

Shadowlight2784: Okay, I think you've done enough work for one day, buddy. Why don't we go out for a nice lunch? We've got something to show you anyways, so we'll be killing two birds with one stone.

Jordan gives a quick laugh before going silent and sitting back on his chair.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I think not! I've got way too important things to do right now!

TheNintegaGuy: Like, hiding in your room without any lights?

Jordanwolfboy9743: That's not true. I've got my laptop's light. Just open it back up and-

He tries to reopen his laptop only for Shadow to slap a hand onto it, stopping his friend.

Shadowlight2784: Can't let you do that, Star Fox. *clears throat* Sorry, I couldn't help it. Look, we've got something for you, pal, so it's best that you stop what you're doing and come with us so you can see it.

TheNintegaGuy: Plus, you can certainly use some fresh air.

He sniffs Jordan and recoils in disgust.

TheNintegaGuy: ...and a bath.

Jordan then crosses his arms and frowns a little bit.

Jordanwolfboy9743: And just how do you plan on making me go anywhere?

Right as he asked that question, Shadow and Nintega once again shared a glance, this one being a smirk. The scene then suddenly cuts away to a city sidewalk as Shadow and Nintega push Jordan on his chair through the city as the blue boy is tied to the chair with duct tape.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Let me go! This goes against my constitutional rights!

Shadowlight2784: No, it doesn't.

Jordanwolfboy9743: This is full-on, blatant kidnapping here!

TheNintegaGuy: No, it isn't.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I'm calling Child Protective Ser-

Shadow & Nintega: You're not a damn child!

They shouted at the same time as Nintega slapped more duct tape over Jordan's mouth, effectively silencing him.

Shadowlight2784: *sigh* Finally. I thought he'd never stop.

TheNintegaGuy: You and me both.

Shadowlight2784: Hey, where'd you get the duct tape anyways?

TheNintegaGuy: Oh, I had some left over from last year when I did the same with Neptune on Jordan's 23rd birthday.

Shadowlight2784: Let me guess... Flex Tape?

TheNintegaGuy: Heh, yep.

Shadowlight2784: And let me also guess... no leaks?

He asked playfully before Nintega shook his head with a smile.

TheNintegaGuy: No leaks, Shad.

Shadowlight2784: Good. Hmm, this gives me an idea.

He grabs the top of Jordan's chair and gives it a hard pull, spinning it rapidly in circles and turning Jordan into a mini tornado. Shadow then reaches off to the side and pulls out a bar of soap, a sponge, and a hairdryer before he reaches into the Jordan tornado and begins cleaning Jordan and making him look presentable. After a minute or so, Shadow had finished as he reached up and grabbed Jordan's chair again, stopping him as the guy had now been fully cleaned from head to toe and left fairly dizzy.

TheNintegaGuy: Woah! How'd you do that, Shadow?

Shadowlight2784: When you've been doing stories involving cartoon characters for as long as I have, you tend to pick up a few of their tricks.

Meanwhile, Jordan looked as though he was about to throw up as his face looked a tad green.

TheNintegaGuy: I... think you should leave the cartoon physics to... well... the cartoons, Shad.

Shadowlight2784: Whatever you say, but I make no promises.

They continue toting their friend down the sidewalk until they reach their location which is soon shown to be a sweets shop. They finally remove the tape from Jordan's mouth, giving him the ability to speak again.

Jordanwolfboy9743: There are no words to describe the amount of times I've been violated today.

TheNintegaGuy: Oh, quit being such a baby already. It wouldn't hurt for you to go out and get some sun instead of being held up in your room.

Shadowlight2784: Besides, we've got a feeling you'll really like what we've got in store for you.

Jordan raises an eyebrow.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Um, was it really that important enough that you had to tie me to a chair and drag me halfway across town for it?

TheNintegaGuy: Definitely. Look, just go inside. You'll see what we mean.

He and Shadow release Jordan from his bonds as he dusts himself off with a huff.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Fine, but this'll have to be a quick visit.

He reluctantly faces the front entryway of the sweets shop before drawing closer to it with Shadow and Nintega following close behind.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Look guys, I know that you're looking out for me and I really appreciate that a lot, but I really do have important things to take care of. With me having taken a long time to get these latest chapters out, I can't afford to-

???: SURPRISE!!!!

A sudden and loud collection of voices bellowed through Jordan's ear, sending shock rattling through his body and jolting him into a jump as he screamed and fell onto his butt right afterwards.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The voices shouted again. Regaining his senses, Jordan looks up and gasps at what he sees. The room inside the shop had experienced what you could only describe as Harry Potter Witchcraft as the room had appeared much bigger than the outside. In fact, it was about as large as a whole football field now. Though, that wasn't the direction his eyes were in at the moment as it was currently aimed at the dozens of people standing before him, all of them recognizable. From the Rainbooms to the students of CPA, from Nintega's All-Star's to his close friends and comrades including Soejammy, ilovemybooks2000/Kitty, and everyone else Jordan knew dearly was all there.

To say that the blue boy was in shock would have been the understatement of the century as he was entirely speechless. All that left his vocal chords was an amalgamation of caught breaths and squeaks that didn't even come close to tangible words. Meanwhile, both Shadow and Nintega stood by with big smiles as they helped their friend to his feet. However, right as he got up, Jordan was almost immediately encased in a oxygen depriving hug from both the party planning Pinkie Pie herself and Jordan's online little sister, KelseyPrincessOfSamo.

Pinkie Pie: We hope you like this party we made for you, Jordy!

KelseyPrincessofSamo: We worked all day and night on it because you deserve that much, big bro!

Jordan once again couldn't say a single word due to the crushing hug he found himself. Nintega and Shadow were about to offer their assistance before two more people came up to help Jordan in his predicament, that being NoahhVoidHekka and UltraKaiFan25 who came in his iconic samurai outfit. Kai helped pry Kelsey off while Noahh did the same with Pinkie.

NoahhVoidHekka: *chuckles* Okay, okay, girls. I think he gets the point that we did all this for him.

UltraKaiFan25: Heh, yeah! Still though, this is a special day for you, Jordan buddy!

Finally able to breath, Jordan found himself still flabbergasted by this sudden turn of events.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I-I... I completely forgot that it was today.

He admitted, feeling ashamed for letting something as important as this slip his mind.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I've... I've been so swamped with my writing along with other things going on in my life that I... never noticed.

Rainbow went up to him and lightly slugged his shoulder playfully.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, don't sweat it, big guy. When you've been working as hard as you have, you tend to let a few things like that slip. I mean, that never happens to me, but-

Applejack: *sternly* Rainbow...

She interjected, giving the athletic girl a small glare.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Okay, okay, it happens to me a lot, but my point still stands. Don't be too ashamed of it, dude, because it's a good thing you've got all of us here to help remind you.

Rarity: She's right, dear.

She agreed, approaching Jordan and wrapping a new purple colored scarf around his neck and shoulders.

Rarity: As long as you have such good friends like us, you'll never need to worry about missing something that important.

She then lightly pecked his cheek as Jordan now sported a small smile.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Heh... you guys are the best.

Sci-Twi: Of course we are, Jordan.

Fluttershy: You deserve nothing less than anything amazing.

Sunset Shimmer: Besides, when are we not the best?

She joked, making everyone else laugh. Shadow and Nintega approached Jordan once again as they wrapped an arm around his shoulders and took him through the crowd with the others following closely.

Shadowlight2784: Before anything else though, bud, we wanted to present something really special to you.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *chuckles* What? The near heart attack I just had wasn't the big surprise?

TheNintegaGuy: No way. That was a mere taste for what we have for you.

After a few more feet, some of the crowd dispersed to reveal a small group of people he hadn't expected to see here. There standing before him were four individuals he recognized, that being the plucky Keyblade wielder Sora, the famous Racoon thief Sly Cooper, the legendary Aegis Pyra/Mythra, and finally, the quiet, yet brainy Princess Zelda. All stood patiently waiting before they took notice of the approaching birthday boy as they all were now smiling widely.

Sora: Hey, there he is!

Sly Cooper: Heh, the man of the hour himself.

Pyra: *giggles* Happy 24th birthday, Jordan!

She then switches over to her blonde haired tsundere half who smirks at the blue boy.

Mythra: You'd better appreciate just how much we've done here for you today, birthday boy.

Zelda: *giggles* I'm sure he does, Mythra.

Jordanwolfboy9743: W-What... what are you guys doing here?

His surprised sounding question was met with a bonk to the head from Mythra as he yelped in pain.

Mythra: What kind of question is that, you dummy?!

Sora: Mythra!

He shouted at her which made the blonde girl huff before Pyra took over again and put a gentle hand on Jordan's head.

Pyra: S-Sorry about that, Jordan.

Jordanwolfboy9743: I-It's fine. Not gonna let little Miss Tsun-Tsun ruin this party.

Sly Cooper: Now, that's the spirit.

Sora: Here, this may help. Heal!

He aimed his Keyblade up and used his healing magic to make the pain in Jordan's head go away which it did.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *relieved sigh* Much better. Thanks, Sora.

Sora: No problem!

He replied, giving Jordan one of his iconic smiles. It was now Zelda's turn to say something.

Zelda: So, do you really not know why we're here?

She asked Jordan who scratched his head confused.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Does... this have to do with that announcement I made some time back about you guys?

Sly Cooper: Close, but it's not just about that.

Sora: You see, ever since then, we've been thinking about how we're going to make your All-Stars unique aside from just having a different cast.

Pinkie then came up and joined the conversation.

Pinkie Pie: It took us a little while, but we believe we came to a decision!

Jordanwolfboy9743: And that would be?

He asked, waiting for the answer.

The Wolfboy All-Stars: By adding a new member!

All Jordan did was blink a few times from puzzlement.

Jordanwolfboy9743: A... new member?

Pyra switches back to Mythra as she groans and facepalms to herself.

Mythra: Jeez, you are so hopelessly clueless sometimes!

The Wolfboy All-Stars: Mythra!

Jordanwolfboy9743: Hang on, hang on. There's going to be a new member of the Wolfboy All-Stars?

Sly Cooper: Going to be? We already got a new member, pal.

Jordanwolfboy9743: Then... who is it?

The second he asked that question, he felt someone tap on his shoulder and he turned to see who it was only to see no one, at least, no one that stood out. He then felt a tap on the shoulder again, this time it was followed by a girlish giggle. He looked around again only to be met with the same result. Puzzled, Jordan scratches the back of his head before a small head unexpectedly leaned down in front of his face.

???: Boo!

Jordan was startled once more as he stepped back, still in shock. Now hovering in front of him was none other than the mascot of the game he had found himself recently playing; the one, the only... Paimon!

Paimon: *giggles* What's wrong, Jordy? Weren't expecting to see Paimon, were you?

Jordanwolfboy9743: I-If I did, I wouldn't be surprised to see you here.

Paimon: Heh, fair point! It's true, though! Paimon's the newest member of the Wolfboy All-Stars!

Sora: We figured that you'd not only get new friends, but also some backup emergency food just in case.

He joked, making the small white haired girl stomp the air and glare back at him.

Paimon: Hey! That joke's already gotten old at this point!

TheNintegaGuy: *chuckles* Come on, Paimon. It's practically a running gag at this point, so you should be used to it.

Neptune: *chuckles* He's got a point there.

She agreed while approaching Jordan and the others along with the rest of Nintega's All-Stars.

Twilight Sparkle: I mean, just look at us. We always poke fun at each other sometimes.

Sonic: You know it. You know how many nicknames I've got for Mario here?

Mario: *sigh* Too-a many to-a count-a.

Joker: And let's not all forget the nicknames Twilight's accumulated over the years.

Twilight Sparkle: *groans* Don't remind me.

They all laughed while wiping a few tears of joy away.

Paimon: *sigh* Paimon guesses that she sees your point. Still, if Paimon is gonna be anything, Paimon should be the world's greatest guide!

Neptune: Eh, more like the world's most annoying pipsqueak personally for me.

Her comment made Paimon fly into her face with narrowed eyes.

Paimon: Hey! At least Paimon doesn't fantasize about pudding all the time!

Her comeback makes Neptune narrow her eyes right back at the fairy girl.

TheNintegaGuy: I mean... she's got you there, Nep.

Neptune: Oh, shut up, Nintega! You're supposed to be on my side, remember?!

TheNintegaGuy: Uhh... since when exactly?

Neptune: Since forever, that's when!

She whurls back around to face Paimon as a jolt of electricity coursed through their eyes in a stare off. Before things could get more heated, both Sora and Joker had to step in to pull them back.

Joker: Alright, alright, that's enough, you two.

Sora: I agree. We're here to celebrate Jordan's birthday, remember?

Both girls give each other one last glare before sighing simultaneously.

Paimon & Neptune: Fine.

Shadowlight2784: Now, what do you say we all get ourselves some cake?

His suggestion resulted in nods of approval from everyone as both Kai and Kelsey burst through the crowd and grabbed both of Jordan's hands.

KelseyPrincessOfSamo: Come on, big brother!

UltraKaiFan25: Yeah, bud! You've gotta see just how big the cake is! Pinkie really went all out with this one!

As they started pulling Jordan away, one thought went through his mind, one that made him shed a small tear of joy.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *thinking* I'm... I'm so lucky to have such a great group of friends like this.

However, as he thought, the memory of one certain person came into his head, making him sigh silently to himself.

Jordanwolfboy9743: *thinking* Lordstar... wherever you go in life... you'll always be a dear friend to me... no matter how much time passes.

With that thought out of the way, the festivities commenced as everyone chatted, played games, and enjoyed each other's company merrily. The camera slowly pans upwards to the sky and stops right before Paimon flies into view, waves at the audience, and disappears from sight.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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