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For March, we're bringing to you noxiousheart!

Q: Of the stories you've written, which one is your favorite?

A: If this includes my ongoing works, then it would be The Evil Bind. There is so much I love about my book already, even though it's still a work in progress. I love the mystery, the interactions between the characters, the characters themselves and their gorgeous appearances; most of all I love my vision for my story—I really believe that it'll be one of my better executed works I've written so far. My characters are those I try to create with as much depth as possible so that readers are able to connect with them and understand why they behave in certain ways. Adding them to my mysterious plot is bound to keep you turning the digital pages, or scrolling if the reader prefers.

Q: What was your inspiration for it?

A: The Evil Bind was actually inspired by Greek Mythology, especially pertaining to the gods and goddesses. I really am intrigued by their history and thought maybe to revolve a story around them, but with a twist of course. I like to write in a way that'll keep people guessing as well as to get readers to tap into their emotional side — and that's what I'd like for The Evil Bind to do.

Q: How do you plan out your stories?

A: When I get an idea, I usually write it down; not always immediately but only if I see it as a potential story that I know I can develop further. Afterwards, I begin to work on the plot. Sometimes I think of scenes then write them down, otherwise I think of what I'd like to see happening and make a note of that. The charterers are next—I design them, choose their names, create their appearances and their personalities. As for writing the stories themselves, I don't actually plan it out. I just write and feel the flow of my work. However, I usually write down the main plots of what I would like to happen and develop my story so that it would fit those plot points in. It usually works out and it makes me so happy that I can write exactly how I envisioned it in my mind to happen. My work isn't always smooth sailing either, there are times when I get writer's block that I have to overcome. And when I do... it's like a beast has been unleashed because everything just pours out again.

Q: What genre do you feel is your best genre?

A: Definitely mystery, fantasy and some paranormal. I love the thrill of trying to figure out things in a story and extraordinary beings. I want to bring that same excitement to other readers and hopefully they'll find it as thrilling as I do.

Q: Do you have a favorite author on Wattpad? If so, who? What story is your favorite?

A: I sure have more than one and can't seem to choose a favourite:

* —> She's With Me series

* —> Cupid's Match series and Devil's Inc series

* —> Storm and Silence series and The Robber Knight series

* —> The Bite series

These would be my top favourite authors. I simply love their works and the way different emotions are respectively brought out from me.

Q: What do you hope your readers will like best about your stories?

A: This is a really deep-thinking question. Honestly, it's not something I often think about since I mainly focus on trying to put my best forward. But I would have to say that I hope readers like that I try to leave a meaningful message in my works. I hope that they can find it and connect with it to show that they're not alone in the world; that their issues are not irrelevant. I want to be able to let people know that there are others who are going through the same or similar situations as them. It's me trying to give a voice for those who can't always speak up for themselves. As a single person, I can't address every issue in the world but hopefully with me starting to bring a voice, there will be others who might be encouraged to do the same.

Q: Do you have a message for your readers?

A: Don't be afraid to share that little bit about yourself to the world. Essentially, that's what writing entails—showing the world a little bit into your mind. There will be critics (some mean, some helpful) but don't let them hold you back. If what they say has truth then heed their advice and make the necessary improvements and move on; the only person stopping you is you. You're your own support when no one is around. You have to believe in yourself and what you can achieve.

About the Author

Q: What is the message of Out Of The Ordinary?

A: To know that no matter how difficult your situation is, that no matter who has given up on you or who has left you to fend for yourself, there will be someone who understands you and who will Iove you for all that you are. Not only that: I am saying that there is a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark your life may seem. You just need to keep on fighting for yourself and for any loved ones. Your life is precious so don't let anyone take that away from you, not even yourself.

Q: Is Moana a real place in South Africa?

A: No. Moana is a place I completely made up for the purpose of my story, whereby I have complete free range to add what I want and where. However, I know that I mentioned Canal Walk and Sea Point, and I think maybe the V&A Waterfront too— these are real places located in Cape Town. Canal Walk is a shopping mall with a cinema and fast food restaurants inside and the V&A Waterfront is similar— as it has many shops too and a cinema— but is near the water where you can go for boat rides, there's also a small stage outside and a Ferris wheel. Sea Point is simply an area in Cape Town that is near the ocean.

About the Story

Out of the Ordinary is a realistic and startling look into not only the effects of a broken home, but also into mental illness. Follow Chase and Mia as they find, not only themselves, but each other through alternating chapters. Find this captivating story on our Classic New Adult reading list!

Q: This story has two main characters, Chase Taylor and Mia de Silva. What's your favorite thing about each one?

A: Chase Taylor: I absolutely love this boy. I think he's one of my most adorable characters I have created so far, despite his troubled past he didn't turn out so bad. What I love most about him is the support and understanding he has for Mia. At first, it might not seem like he wants anything to do with her but when he becomes more involved than he intended, he doesn't sway easily from her— he's completely drawn to her. Sure, there was one time he ran away which led to an emotional and traumatizing event but he didn't leave when he realized how bad it was. Chase stayed and I love him all for it. Mia da Silva: She was honestly one of the most complex and challenging characters I have ever created so far. But I enjoyed developing her and grateful for the experience. I absolutely adore how she is wired differently. In my book, she would seem "crazy" as Chase saw her. Her behavior and thought processes were not what you would expect to often see and I really liked that I could create that. It brought for a different atmosphere in my work. Maybe a little humor too hehe.

Q: Are any of the characters based off of people you know?

A: None of the characters in my book are based off anyone I know. I created all of them purely from my imagination. It wasn't always an easy thing to do since I had keep up with their personalities throughout the book and made sure that what they said or did aligned with the way I had created them.

Q: What inspired you to write Out of the Ordinary?

A: Ultimately, I wanted to write something cute. After reading a couple of books I had this urge to create something that readers would find refreshing from what readers would usually find on Wattpad. I wanted something different and knew that I couldn't simply write a plain story either. Any work that I create tends to be heavy and serious, though I try to lighten it somewhat so that your chest won't continue to ache as you read. So with wanting to write something cute, I also wanted to bring in a realistic aspect readers would be able to connect with (I would say what the aspect is but that's the surprise of my book).

Q: What is your favorite scene? Why?

A: This is a tough one! I love so many scenes in my book, especially since I tried to make it as cute as possible. But my all time favourite is when Chase is on his way to save Mia from drowning herself. I tried to create as much emotion as possible in order to get the reader to fully immerse themselves in the severity of the situation. I wanted the make my readers cry—to let them have their hearts drop to their stomachs. I know that sounds a bit harsh, and maybe doesn't put me in such a good light, but I want people to understand how serious suicide and having a mental illness is. If I'm being honest, I did cry a little while writing it because I know that there are people out in the world who are struggling and I hate to see them succumb to their inner demons. In this scene as Chase successfully saves Mia from the clutches of the ocean; it shows people that it's not the end—that they can keep on living. That there is so much to live for. The end isn't always the answer you're searching for and it's okay to seek help if you need to. Don't shut those who want to help you out.

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