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Q: Of the stories you've written, which one is your favorite?

A: My favorite right now is my story "Dr. Serial Killer || Dr. Psychopath." The story is about Jimin, a member of BTS, as a psychiatrist. The rest of the BTS members are young brothers who are sent to him for care, but Dr. Park (Jimin) isn't at all who seems to be.

Q: What was your inspiration for it?

A: It stemmed from a dream I had, and also a few songs by a singer named Skitz Kraven who sings about being a serial killer. Horror and thriller has always been my favorite genre to watch and also read, so it has also become my favorite genre to write about.

Q: How do you plan out your stories?

A: I usually try to think of main scenes that I want to happen and then try to build around that. I also like to wait until I know how I want the story to end before I start writing it, because knowing how it ends helps me plan it out from the beginning. I try to make scenes transition well together. 

From the Author

Q: How do you handle harsh criticism?

A: When it comes to harsh criticism, it's best to just ignore it. Wattpad is a huge platform with millions of readers and I understand that not everyone is going to enjoy my stories. If someone comments something harsh I just don't reply and take it with a grain of salt. I do my best not to let negative words affect who I am as a writer. Now, that's different than if it were constructive criticism. If it's constructive and helpful, I always take into consideration what someone has to say to help me become a better writer.

Q: Do you have any new stories in the works?

A: I have several. Most of them are still being drafted, but I do have longer stories in the works for other members of BTS. I also try to update my readers with new one shots as often as possible.

Q: Are you in any other fandoms besides BTS?

A: Of course! I'm a huge Swiftie and was blessed to be able to attend her Eras Tour! Lately I have also become a big fan of youtubers, the Sturniolo Triplets, and have really gotten into their content and joined their fandom as well.

Q: What is your least favorite genre to write?

A: My least favorite to write is romance and y/n. I actually am in the middle of attempting to write a dramatic romance that is a Jin x Y/N book, just to try something new, but to be completely honest I am realizing that it's really not my thing so the updates have been pretty slow. In the future I still also want to try a Jungkook x Y/N romance but we will see. Maybe the plot for that one will be better, only time will tell.

Q: Do you prefer to write one-shots or long novels? Why?

A: I prefer to write one-shots because I can get the entire story done in one chapter. I am also aware that the majority of my readers prefer one-shots because it's a quick storyline and read for them. Writing a longer novel is a lot more difficult for me because sometimes it's hard for me to flesh out an entire plot, and I am also really bad at updating a book on a regular basis so sometimes updates take literally forever because I get writer's block and start to lack motivation.

Q: What was the first story you ever wrote on Wattpad?

A: The first story I ever wrote on Wattpad is my story "Not What We Expected."

Q: What inspired you to start writing BTS fanfictions? And mainly hurtfics/sickfics?

A: Well, I love BTS and wanted to read fanfictions about them but it was really hard finding what I wanted. Many stories focused on romance and y/n, etc... but I really just wanted to find some brotherly love stories which felt like they were few and far between on the platform. I decided if I couldn't find what I was looking for, why not write it myself? So I hopped on here and decided to start writing stories I knew I'd like and come back to read. I mainly started writing just for myself, but found that others had been looking for the same thing all along and they started reading my stories and supporting me. I feel like hurtfics/sickfics are the best way I can write to express their brotherly bond, and I also just love angst.

Q: Can you give any spoilers about any upcoming stories?

A: I am not sure when it will be out, because I am putting a lot of work behind the scenes into this one, but one of my next stories (after finishing a current one) is going to be a book focused on possessed Jungkook. I think my readers are looking forward to that. I don't want to give too much away but I will say it will be very emotional. 

About the Story

Jung Kook is being abused by his manager, and is determined to handle all of the pain, fear, and anxiety on his own. Namjoon realizes what's going on and realizes he needs to help him. Can he rescue him before it's too late? Find out in The Hands That Hurt Us in or Featured reading list!

Q: What inspired the subject?

A: I am not completely sure what inspired it, I guess part of me just wanted to create a scenario where the older BTS members were placed in a situation where they had to protect the youngest member, Jungkook. It's always heartwarming to see how they take care of him, so writing a book in which he is hurting made it an easy scenario to showcase their love for the youngest member of their group.

Q: What drew you to make Jung Kook and Namjoon the main characters as opposed to other pairings?

A: I wanted Jungkook to be the main character because for me, he's the easiest to make the center of a story. Him being the youngest of all the BTS members makes it easier to write about the other members being protective over him. As for Namjoon, he has quite a big role in the story because he's the leader of the band, so a lot of responsibility rests on his shoulders. I wanted to showcase his emotions and reactions as the leader of the group, especially finding out one of his members is being hurt by their manager.

Q: What is your favorite scene? Why?

A: My favorite scene would probably be when Namjoon starts to question why his manager, Shik, is so adamant about not getting new CCTV cameras put into the building. This is when the story begins to shift for the better and Namjoon really starts to question Shik about his motives, which raises concerns and questions for Namjoon. This is really when the story starts to turn, because Namjoon starts to suspect the very person who is causing all of these problems. 

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