Comethazel vs Lightray112

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???: Hello there! Welcome to the world of pokémon!

He sticks out his hand for a handshake

Oak: My name is Oak! People call me the pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some people, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. For example there is a trainer who is currently on his way up Mt. Silver to confront a very strong Pokemon trainer who even bested the Elite 4 and their champion multiple times. I would like to see how those two would fair against each since they are both champions of their own regions.

[Scene Change: Top of Mt. Silver]

Here on Mt. Silver is the home of many strong pokemon due to them being able to combat the harsh temperatures and weather.

Faintly at the top of Mt. Silver a person wearing a coat can be seen climbing the mountain.

And wouldn't you know he made it to the top

A man grabs the ledge of the top and pulls himself up and lays down on his back after nearly exhausting himself completely trying to climb a somewhat dangerous mountain

???: *huff puff* Finally I made it up the this mountain. *huff puff huff* I hope this guy up here exists otherwise I will be pissed that I got sent on a wild goose chase.

The man dusts of any remaining snow from his pants and begins walking forward but soon stops as he sees a figure in the distance.

At the edge of the cliff is a man with his back towards the newcomer, he seems to be taking in the beautiful view from the top of the snow mountain.

???: Hey you there!

The man turns around and we can see his attire more clearly. He was wearing a black short sleeved T-shirt, a red vest with a white collar and white short sleeves, a pair of white free runner shoes, blue jeans, black fingerless gloves, but his most prominent feature was his red and white baseball hat

???: Are you the trainer they call Comet?

A smile then goes on Comet's face

Comet: Why yes I am, my full name is Comet Hazel but every calls me Comet. Now before I ask what brings you here on Mt. Silver I'd for you to tell me your name.

The unknown trainer puts a hand behind his head and rubbed it for forgetting on introducing himself.

???: Whoops sorry 'bout seems I forgot to introduce myself. Well my name is...

The unknown trainer removes the hood from his coat and revealed his blonde hair

Light: Light Ray but my friends call me Light or L

(AN: I had to make the reference it was to good of an opportunity to pass up)

The trainer now named Light smirks and pulls out a pokeball that is currently in travel mode

(AN: or whatever that shrunken mode is called)

Light: And I have come to battle you Comet, I've heard you were one of the strongest trainers out there and I can't wait for our battle to begin.

Comet's smirk grows as his hat shadowed his eyes as he too pulls a pokeball.

Comet: Alright Light I accept your challenge and I can already tell it's gonna be a good fight since you made it to the top of Mt. Silver. *he pushes the button on the pokeball as it then grew to the size of his hand* Are you ready?

Light then pushes the button on his pokeball causing it to expand in size to fit his palm.

Light: I was born ready

*play music now*

The screen then splits showing an up close of the two champions as they then threw out their first pokemon at the same time

Comet: Charizard I choose you!

Light: Mandibuzz I choose you!

Turn 1

Light: *thoughts* Damn he's starting with Charizard, this may not end well if I don't take it out fast

Light then pulls out Mandibuzz's pokeball

Light: Mandibuzz return.

Light's Mandibuzz seemed a little confused on why he wanted to swap out already but it didn't want to question it's train so it went along with whatever plan thats going through Light's mind. After returning Mandibuzz Light pulled out another pokeball.

Light: Simipour I choose you!

Meanwhile while that was happening Comet called out his command

Comet: Charizard use Dragon Dance!

Charizard follows it's trainers orders

Charizard's Attack rose!

Charizard's Speed rose!

Turn 2

Comet held his arm in what looks to be a fist pump before tracing his finger over a rainbow crystal on the right glove

Comet: Let's bring the heat! Charizard mega evolve!

Charizard's Charizardite X is reacting to the Key Stone!

Charizard has Mega Evolved into Mega Charizard X!

Comet: Now Charizard use Dragon Claw!

The Mega Charizard's claws are now surrounded by a neon green aura and it begins to charge at Light's Simipour at rather fast speed

Light: Simipour dodge it!

Simipour tried to jump back from the first slash of the dragon claw which was successful but then Mega Charizard appeared behind Simipour and slashed the second dragon claw into Simipour's back knocking the sea monkey away a couple of feet

(Light's Simipour lost 80% of its health!)

Light: You're good but not good enough! Simipour use Hydro Pump!

Simipour shot a fast and large stream of water from it's mouth.

Comet: Charizard dodge it!

Before Mega Charizard could attempt to dodge it the stream of water made contact with the Mega Charizard's chest. And because of the type advantage Simipour had over Mega Charizard the hydro pump caused major damage.

(Charizard lost 79% of its health!)


Light's Simipour restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 3

Comet: Charizard use Dragon Claw again!

The green aura surrounds Mega Charizard's claws again and immediately slashes Simipour in the air before flying up and slashing it back down into the ground creating a snow cloud.

(Light's Simipour lost 27% of its health!)

The snow cleared and Simipour's eyes were now swirls meaning that it is unable to battle.

Light's Simipour fainted!

Light then returns Simipour to it's pokeball

Light: You did great buddy so rest up for now. Now then Flareon I choose you!

Turn 4

Comet: Charizard use Dragon Claw!

(AN: Dragon claw was all I could really do since flare blitz wouldn't have done shit to simipour and I feel like Flareon would've taken less damage)

The green aura once again surrounds Mega Charizard's claws and before Light could say anything the Mega Charizard slashes Flareon like it was nothing.

(Light's Flareon lost 87% of its health!)

Light: grr Flareon use Superpower to finish off Charizard

Light's Flareon then gains a blue aura around itself and charges at Mage Charizard.

Comet: Charizard fly up to dodge it!

Mega Charizard then gained the high ground but wasn't fast enough to dodge Flareon's attack. The attack hit Mega Charizard in the stomach hard.

(Charizard lost 20.3% of its health!)

As Flareon landed on the snowy ground it began to feel the drawbacks of using ultra instinct I mean superpower

(AN: I can't be the only one that thinks the aura that superpower gave during the anime looked like ultra instinct)

The opposing Flareon's Attack fell!

The opposing Flareon's Defense fell!

After taking a blow like that Mega Charizard reverts back into normal Charizard and collapsed then and there

Charizard fainted!

Then for an odd reason Light's Flareon started to breath very fast it was then that Light made a mistake he forgot to take the poison orb off of his Flareon so now it was badly poisoned!

(AN: I'm guessing that's how he got poisoned cus Charizard X didn't have an poison based attacks or abilities)

Comet: Rest well Charizard. Now then Volcanion come on out!

Light is astonished seeing the steam mythical pokemon

Turn 5

Comet: Volcanion finish Light's Flareon with Steam Eruption!

The top of Volcanion's ring split revealing that they were just two arms holding each other.

A blue light can be seen from the arms before two streams of scalding hot water is shot from the two arms at such speed that Light's Flareon couldn't even react to it. The blast of hot water created a small steam cloud to form around Flareon

It's super effective!

(Light's Flareon lost 13% of its health!)

Once the steam cleared the two trainers could see the Flareon unconscious in a circle of melted snow and ice.

Light's Flareon fainted!

Light: You did your best Flareon so rest up. Alright then let's do this Tropius!

Turn 6

Comet's thoughts: Tropius is a grass and flying type and usually volcanion would be fine since he is a fire type but also a water type I'd rather not take the risk

Comet then pulls out Volcanion's pokeball

Comet: Volcanion, come back!

He then pulls out another pokeball

Comet: I know how you like to fight Volcanion but I must not let my guard down. Come on out and show how chilling you can be Cryogonal!

Light: Quick Tropius use Substitute!

Light's Tropius put in a substitute!

(Light's Tropius lost 25% of its health!)

Turn 7

Comet: Cryogonal use Rapid Spin!

Comet's Cryogonal then begins to spin at a very rapid speed before launching towards Tropius but was blocked by the substitute

The substitute took damage for Light's Tropius!

Light: Tropius use Toxic!

Tropius then spit a dark purple blob at the Cryogonal

Comet: Quick Cryogonal dodge it!

Cryogonal moves to the side quickly and avoided the attack

Turn 8

Comet: Again Cryogonal use Rapid Spin!

Cryogonal the launched at Tropius but the substitute blocked the attack

The substitute took damage for the opposing Tropius!

Light: Tropius use Leech Seed!

Tropius swung it's tail and a bunch of seed land on Cryogonal

Cryogonal was seeded!

Cryogonal's health is sapped by Leech Seed!

Turn 9

Comet's Thoughts: Damn I need to get rid of those seeds fast

Comet: Cryogonal use Rapid Spin one more time!

Cryogonal then used rapid spin with the same results only this time the seeds were knocked off it

The substitute took damage for the opposing Tropius!

Cryogonal was freed from Leech Seed!

Light: Tropius use Toxic!

Tropius then spat another dark purple glob at Cryogonal only this time it hit. Weakening Cryogonal severely!

Cryogonal was badly poisoned!

Cryogonal the took out what looked like a piece of an apple and gave it a small bite.

Cryogonal restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Cryogonal the flinches as it began to feel ill

Cryogonal was hurt by poison!

Turn 10

Comet: Alright Cryogonal time to get rid of that substitute, use Freeze-Dry!

Cryogonal began to glow white before the white came of of Cryogonal in the form of a small ball but the ball then made a beeline towards Tropius but of course the substitute was hit instead but this time the substitute was destroyed

It's super effective!

Light's Tropius's substitute faded!

Light: Tropius use Toxic!

Tropius then sends another glob of purple at Cryogonal and it makes contact but it wasn't affecting Cryogonal

But it failed!

Light: Hey how come toxic didn't work on your Cryogonal?

Light asked in confusion as a smirk grew on Comet's face

Comet: You seem to have forgotten Light that toxic doesn't work if the target is already been hit with toxic.

Cryogonal took another bite of the apple

Cryogonal restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Slight coughing could be heard from the Cryogonal

Cryogonal was hurt by poison!

Turn 11

Comet: Cryogonal finish Tropius with Freeze-Dry!

Rinse and repeat except there was no substitute to save Tropius this time

It's super effective!

(Light's Tropius lost 86% of its health!)

Tropius then fell to it's side with spiral eyes

Light's Tropius fainted!

Cryogonal took another bite off it's apple

Cryogonal restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Cryogonal's coughing become more heavy

Cryogonal was hurt by poison!

Light: Damn your good Comet but the battle isn't over yet! Cone back out Mandibuzz!

Turn 12

Comet's thoughts: I believe it would be a good idea to switch out Cryogonal that way it can be used for later and the toxic counter will restart when I bring it out

Comet: Cryogonal, return!

Comet then throws another pokeball

Comet: Go! Muk!

Light: Mandibuzz use Knock Off!

Light's Mandibuzz slams into the Muk with hope to knock off it's item as well as do decent damage

(Muk lost 24.2% of its health!)

[Muk's Sticky Hold]
Muk's item cannot be removed!

Light was confused on why Muk didn't lose it's item but them facepalmed remembering that Muk's ability stops it from losing it's item

The black sludge that Muk is holding onto begins to recover it

Muk restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 13

Light's Thoughts: This maybe trouble but good thing about this match up is that I have the speed advantage

Light: Mandibuzz use Foul Play!

Light's Mandibuzz flies into the air before charging towards Comet's Muk as the Mandibuzz is surrounded with a fire like dark aura.

(Muk lost 34.8% of its health!)

Comet: Muk use Gunk Shot!

The slime pokemon spat a black liquid at Mandibuzz

Light: Mandibuzz dodge it!

The Mandibuzz flew to the side at the last second, causing the attack to miss

Light's Mandibuzz avoided the attack!

Muk restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 14

Light: Mandibuzz use Foul Play again!

Same as last time

(Muk lost 33.2% of its health!)

Comet: Muk use Gunk Shot!

The Muk spat another black liquid only this time it connected

(Light's Mandibuzz lost 39% of its health!)

Mandibuzz's breathing starts to quicken

Light's Mandibuzz was poisoned!

The Mandibuzz took a bite out of an apple that's in one of it's talons

Light's Mandibuzz restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Muk restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

Mandibuzz winces in pain

Light's Mandibuzz was hurt by poison!

Turn 15

Comet: Muk use Shadow Sneak!

The Muk then sinks into the ground and charges towards Mandibuzz at extreme speeds and as it was about to reach the Mandibuzz the Muk jumped out of the ground at Mandibuzz.

But because of the type of attack Shadow Sneak was it barely did jack shit

It's not very effective...

(Light's Mandibuzz lost 5% of its health!)

Light's Mandibuzz use Roost!

Mandibuzz lands on the ground amd began to have a white aura come off it before disappearing as well as some of it's wounds

Light's Mandibuzz restored its HP.

(Light's Mandibuzz loses Flying type this turn.)

Muk restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!

The Mandibuzz began to feel ill

Light's Mandibuzz was hurt by poison!

Turn 16

Light: Mandibuzz finish Nuk off with anothet Foul Play!

The bird hit the Muk with the attack causing it's eyes to spiral

(Muk lost 32.3% of its health!)

Muk fainted!

Light's Mandibuzz restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Mandibuzz began to cough

Light's Mandibuzz was hurt by poison!

Comet: Alright let's go! Kingler!

Turn 17

Light: Mandibuzz use Toxic!

The Mandibuzz spat a purple glob that made contact with the crab

Kingler was badly poisoned!

Comet: Kingler use Swords Dance!

Kingler then used swords dance by using the dance of it's people

(Skip to 1:33) (AN: I had to)

Kingler's Attack rose sharply!

Light's Mandibuzz restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Light's Mandibuzz was hurt by poison!

Kingler was hurt by poison!

Turn 18

Light: Mandibuzz keep using Foul Play!

The dark flaming bird collided with crab sending it into the air and causing it to land on It's back

(Kingler lost 83.8% of its health!)

Comet: Kingler get up and use Agility!

Comet's Kingler jumped off it's back before it began running in a small circle before coming to a stop with a white aura surrounding it

Kingler's Speed rose sharply!

Light's Mandibuzz restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Soon the bird and crab were staring at each other before the kingler collapsed

Kingler was hurt by poison!

Kingler fainted!

Light's Mandibuzz was hurt by poison!

Comet: Come back out Cryogonal!

Turn 19

Comet: Cryogonal use Freeze-Dry!

The floating snowflake shot a white beam at the Mandibuzz's chest causing it to cry out in pain from the attack

It's super effective!

(Light's Mandibuzz lost 48% of its health!)

Light: Mandibuzz use Foul Play!

The bird attacks the snowflake with it's darkened fire but it did decent damage since the attack was a dark type

(Cryogonal lost 35.9% of its health!)

Cryogonal restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Light's Mandibuzz restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Cryogonal was hurt by poison!

Light's Mandibuzz was hurt by poison!

Turn 20

Comet: Cryogonal finish Light's Mandibuzz off with another Freeze-Dry!

Another white beam collided with the bird, shooting it out of the air and causing it's eyes to swirl

It's super effective!

(The opposing Mandibuzz lost 15% of its health!)

Light's Mandibuzz fainted!

Cryogonal restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Cryogonal was hurt by poison!

Light's thoughts: I need to finish this fast that Cryogonal has the type advantage against my last two Pokemon! I got no choice but to bring out my queen in this game of chess

Light: Come on out Vespiquen!

The wind began to pick up

[Light's Vespiquen's Pressure]
Light's Vespiquen is exerting its pressure!

Turn 21

Comet: Cryogonal use Freeze-Dry!

The snowflake shot the beam hitting the queen bee pokemon directly

It's super effective!

(The opposing Vespiquen lost 46% of its health!)

Light: Vespiquen finish Cryogonal off with Attack Order!

The queen bee shot a bunch of bees from under it's honeycomb bottom

(AN: Don't take that out of context)

The bees began to knock the snowflake around before slamming it into the ground. Because of the previous attacks and toxic the Cryogonal was down for the count

(Cryogonal lost 27.5% of its health!)

Cryogonal fainted!

Light's Vespiquen began to chew on an apple

The opposing Vespiquen restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Comet returns Cryogonal to it's pokeball and gave Light an excited smile

Comet: I have to say you are an exceptionally fun opponent but O believe it's time for these games to end

Light then returns the smirk

Light: Oh yeah then let's go my Vespiquen versus your Volcanion! Secret weapon versus Secret weapon!

Comet was still before he began to chuckle

Comet: Heh you thought Volcanion was my secret weapon? Oh no he isn't my secret weapon bit rather a different pokemon is.

Light had a shocked look

Light: And what pokemon is that?

Comet pulls out a peculiar looking pokeball. It looked custom made with a theme of ice.


Comet threw the pokeball into the air and it opened. Once it opened the wind began to howl from the pokemon's chilling power.

Light had to cover his eyes briefly before uncovering them as his eyes then widen with shock at the pokemon infront of him

Comet: Articuno!

The wind continue to howl from the pressure

[Articuno's Pressure]
Articuno is exerting its pressure!

Turn 22

Comet: Articuno use Freeze-Dry!

A beam of white shot from Articuno's mouth at such extreme speed that Light could barely keep up with ad the beam made contact with his Vespiquen

It's super effective!

(The opposing Vespiquen lost 48% of its health!)

Light: Vespiquen use Toxic!

Vespiquen spat a purple glob at Articuno but the bird flew out of the way before making contact

Articuno avoided the attack!

The opposing Vespiquen restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 23

Comet: Articuno use Hurricane!

The ice bird began to flap it's wings at a fast rate causing a small tornado to form and go after the Vespiquen

Light: DODGE IT!!!

The Vespiquen flew up and barley avoided the attack

Light's Vespiquen avoided the attack!

Light: Vespiquen use Attack Order!

The queen bee shot smaller bees at the ice bird but the Articuno took it like a champ even if it was a critical hit

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

(Articuno lost 20% of its health!)

Then the Articuno began to peck at an apple thats in it's talons

Articuno restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Vespiquen restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 24

Comet: Articuno finish Light's Vespiquen off with Hurricane!

The hurricane came at the bee only this time it couldn't dodge out of the way in time. Tossing the bee into the air before it collided with ground causing a small snow cloud to form. Once the cloud receded Light's Vespiquen can be seen lying down with spiral eyes

It's super effective!

(Light's Vespiquen lost 24% of its health!)

Light's Vespiquen fainted!

Articuno restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Light: This is it, all or nothing, come on out Leafeon!

Turn 25

Light: Leafeon use Swords Dance!

The Leafeon then proceeded to use the swords dance ability, feeling itself get stronger

The opposing Leafeon's Attack rose sharply!

Comet: Articuno use Freeze-Dry!

The Articuno may have been slower than the leaf fox but at this moment right now it was still stronger. The Articuno shot a white beam at the Leafeon. The Leafeon screamed in pain as the beam made contact with it. Light's Leafeon can barely stand.

It's super effective!

(The opposing Leafeon lost 79% of its health!)

The Leafeon began to chew on an apple that was wrapped around it's tail.

The opposing Leafeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Articuno restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 26

Light's Thoughts: Damnit I need to draw out this battle so that Articuno can no longer use that ice type attack

Light: Leafeon use Synthesis!

The Leafeon closed it's eyes as a green glow surrounded it as almost all it's wounds disappeared

The opposing Leafeon restored its HP.

Comet: Articuno use Freeze-Dry!

The Articuno blasted the Leafeon again only this time it didn't do as much damage

It's super effective!

(The opposing Leafeon lost 70% of its health!)

The opposing Leafeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Articuno restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 27

Light: Leafeon continue to use Synthesis!

Same as last time

The opposing Leafeon restored its HP.

Comet's Thoughts: Damn this is getting us nowhere...unless...

Comet: Articuno use Toxic!

The Articuno spat a dark purple glob at the Leafeon causing it to weaken

The opposing Leafeon was badly poisoned!

The opposing Leafeon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Leafeon was hurt by poison!

Turn 28

Light: Leafeon use Knock Off!

The Leafeon charged at the Articuno and upon contact the Articuno lost it's leftovers

(Articuno lost 47.7% of its health!)

The opposing Leafeon knocked off Articuno's Leftovers!

Comet: Articuno finish this battle with Freeze-Dry!

The Articuno charged up a white ball of energy before that ball shot at the Leafeon causing a massive explosion to happen. Once the snow cleared the winner was decided as the Leafeon's eyes swirled

It's super effective!

(The opposing Leafeon lost 64% of its health!)

The opposing Leafeon fainted!

Comet won the battle!

Light: Dangit I lost but that was a great battle!

Comet: Definitely, you had me on the ropes there! Hey if you ever want to battle again then hit me up on your PokeNAV.

Light: Alright then see you next time Comet!


AN: WHOOO BOY I finally finished the first part! I wasn't expecting it to take so long but it did and I'm just glad to have it done but anyways if any of you want to fight me in a match and be put into the story then PM me and I'll see what I can do as we all fight in the good old randomizer until then this has been your host Comethazel and I will see you all in the next part


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