Prologue: This isn't Texas...

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(A/N: This is a non-canon story to the yandere story timeline just FYI)

Date: November 21st, 2020

Location: Somewhere in Northern Texas

The scene opens with a small snow blizzard blowing around a dual interstate road with about 2 to 3 inches of snow on the sides of the road. Then the noise of a grumbling engine is heard in the distance as a black car drives by the scene at a somewhat fast speed through the blizzard. The car in question was a 1968 dodge charger R/T.

Inside the charger were two people dressed up in warm clothes as it was the winter season outside and the temperature wasn't very high.

???: So Alpha, where are we going?

Alpha: I told you Tom, we are going to my place for Thanksgiving.

Tom: Oh okay.

These two people are Wattpad authors and they met each other after reading each others stories and finding out that they have a lot in common. They have been friends for a while now and decided they would meet each other for thanksgiving. But so far their trip wasn't going well as the snow storm was getting worse each mile.

Tom: Why did you decided to drive this old charger from my house to your house?

Alpha: Well, I am just different I guess.

Tom: Oh, I see.

Alpha: And besides if the two guys I watch on Roadkill drive old cars in the snow and come out alive, I can do the same!

But as they kept driving along it became harder and harder to see further ahead as the snow was coming down very hard now.

(Like this...)

Alpha: Geez it's really coming down now.

Tom: and here I thought it didn't Snow this much in Texas.

Alpha: at this rate we'll have to go very slowly in order not to run in to anything.

Tom: yeah, good call I Kinda don't want to die so soon.

Meanwhile on another world...AKA, You know, Remnant...

(Alpha: You really want me to write this Tom?)

(Tom: *Drinks Sprite* Yes.)

(Alpha: Alright)

(A/N: BTW: this takes place in volume 7)

In a certain cave where lots of dust was being mined there was a big huntsman and huntress team clearing out the mine in order to use it for another purpose. But as one of the grimm monsters were making their way to the huntsman and huntresses it knocked over a large piece of dust that was mainly sliver with gold lining. But as it was knocked down to the floor it then started to shake on its own and formed a very bright light. 

Back to the Authors!!!...

As Alpha and Tom continued through the heavy snow storm the weather had no intention of letting up as it just kept downpouring like no tomorrow. Tom was on his phone scrolling through discord seeing if anything was new happened, Alpha meanwhile drove the car carefully as he didn't want to run into any surprises. 

Alpha: Hey Tom?

Tom: Yes?

Alpha: You know we write stories that crossover with RWBY right?

Tom: Yeah, what about it?

Alpha: What do you think would happen if we were on Remnant?  

Tom: Well to be honest, we could have prevented a lot of things.

Alpha: Like?

Tom: Killing Tyrian, Watts, Cinder, maybe Lionheart and kill Jacques Schnee and just arrest the others and use the lamp to get the answer to kill Salem.

Alpha: Well, that's quite a list.

Tom: I know it is, but its what we could have done.

But what the two didn't see ahead of them was a bright white light in middle of the road blocking their way. They didn't see it until it was too late.

Alpha: What the F-

In a instant the black charger just vanished into thin air, without a trace of it being there. But where it had gone was a place where the two authors would recognize. 


In the dust mine cave the bright light then spit out the dodge Charger from earlier as it then came to a panicked stop. As it stopped the light down to where the dust had disappeared into nothing.

Alpha: WHAT THE F***!

Tom: What? What Happened?

Alpha: Were not in a blizzard anymore....

Tom: Really? *Looks around* Where are we then?

Alpha: I... don't know... a cave of sorts?

As the two authors were confused Toms stomached started to act up and in a bad way as he looked at his legs squeezing together.

Tom: Crap... I need to piss.


Tom: Hey, if a man has to go, he has to go!

Alpha: Are you not freaked out that we are now somewhere in a unknown cave?

Tom: Do you want me to piss in your car?

Alpha: GET OUT... NOW. 

Tom then got out of the charger and then started walking to a more private place to do his 'business'. Alpha meanwhile turned off the engine to save fuel and started reading one of his books in his Wattpad library. 

Back to Tom...

After walking a distance from the car Tom found a rock and started doing his business with no one around. But While doing his business he started humming to one of his favorite country songs.

Tom: All my Ex's~ Live in Texas~ 

Just as he finished he then heard loud thumping noises not far from where he was.

Tom: What the hell?

Tom then zipped up his pants and went to see what was causing all the noise not far from where he was. But as he got closer he then heard voices that sounded Familiar to him for some odd reason. As he hid behind a rock that gave a good view of a big area where he saw a group of people that made him feel very confused.


 Team RWBY

Team JNR

And Qrow...

Tom: The hell? Why do these guys look familiar?

He then saw the giant ice monster go down and die by the hands of the people that were attacking it. Tom then realized that the people he was watching were from the web series RWBY and that he and Alpha were now on Remnant soil. 

Tom: Oh god, don't tell me...

But as he was about to finish his sentence he backs into a column of rocks and ice and makes it fall to the ground. Toms eyes then widen in fear as the group then turned and saw him standing there looking at them.

Meanwhile... With Alpha...

Alpha: Man, where is Tom? He is sure taking a while to pee.

But as he said that he then heard his friends voice in the distance getting closer.

Alpha: About damn time. 

Alpha then started the Big 426 cubic inch hemi V8 as he then rolled down his passenger side window and saw Tom running towards him holding onto his hat. 


Alpha: What's he running for?

Alpha then looked past his friend and saw a group of people chasing after him like he was a criminal or something.

Alpha: Holy-!

Tom then jumped into the passenger seat through the window with his feet still dangling out the door. Alpha then floored the gas petal to the floor causing the car to jump forward as it then sped down the mineshaft. 

Alpha: WHAT DID YOU DO??!!??

Tom: I don't know! I was taking a piss and I saw these people fighting a giant monster and they saw me and started chasing after me!

Alpha: Well, who were those people anyway?

Back with the hunters group...

As the group saw the unknown man jump into a black car of sorts and drive away the group then saw the same guy trying to get his legs back in the car.

Ruby: Who was that?

Clover: I don't know but we better go after them, they might be apart of somebody we don't want to deal with.

Harriet: Well then we better capture them.

Clover: Me and Qrow will try to cut them off, the rest of you block the exits.

Back to Alpha and Tom...

In the car Tom was then loading his M1911A1 that he had in his concealed holster in his jacket, among others. 

Alpha: Pulling out the gun already huh?

Tom: Hey, in Texas we always use our second amendment. 

Alpha: No argument there. *Pulls out a M1911A1 also* Its for protection.

Tom: Damn-- WATCH OUT!!!!

Alpha then slammed on the brakes as the charger came to a stop and the two saw Qrow and Clover blocking their way out. Alpha then shifts the Charger into reverse and starts backing up only to be stopped Elm, Vine, and JNR blocking their way back. The two then realized they were trapped.

Tom: Oh God were surrounded!

Alpha: Its like the battle of the bulge all over again...

Tom then was about to stick his body out the window to shoot clover when Alpha stopped him.

Alpha: TOM NO!!

Tom: We have to do something!

The scene then shows the car shaking around a bit as the two authors fought over the pistol and Tom accidently fired out his window causing the bullet to ricochet of the walls and stop just under the car.  The two then stopped after that.

Alpha: You done?

Tom: Yeah.

Clover: Both of you step out of the car with your hands up now!

Right as he said that the floor underneath the Charger then started to crack until the floor then gave way and the car then fell from the where it was.

Jaune: Uh.. did that just happen?


As the car landed the two stopped screaming and looked around and saw that they were in another part of the cave. 

Tom: DRIVE!!

Alpha then shifted the car into first and floored the gas petal as the big hemi V8 roared getting the car up to speed. But as they Drove off the group jumped down the hole as they saw the two drive away. 

Clover: Harriet, they are heading your way, stop them!

Harriet: Roger that.

The two authors kept driving deeper into the mine hoping they wouldn't run into the others but, luck wasn't on their side. Alpha then saw Marrow, Harriet, and team RWBY just ahead of them blocking their way once again. But Tom had already had enough and decided to take things into his own hands.

Tom: Alright that's it! Time for a detour!

Tom then grabbed the steering wheel and yanked it to the right causing it to go down another tunnel which had a bored up exit to the outside. 

Alpha: Tom what are you doing!?!?!

Tom: Living the dreams man! Living the dreams!!

Alpha: Let go of the wheel!

Tom: Hang on to your butts!

Alpha: Oh god...*Shuts his eyes*

The Charger then crashed through the boards and hit the make-shift ramp sending the car up in the air a few feet before landing back on the ground without any issues. Alpha then opened his eyes and saw that everything was fine and sighed.

Alpha: Well, that was a thing.

Tom: Yeah it was!

It was then Alpha punched Tom in his right shoulder.

 Tom: OW! What was that for?

Alpha: For almost getting us killed! 

Tom: But we didn't die, did we?

Alpha: Maybe not, but when I'm driving you don't distract the driver! Okay?

Tom: Okay, Okay... now where the hell are we?

Alpha: I don't know, it doesn't look like Texas that's for sure.

Back with the hunters group...

Team RWBY watched as the black muscle car drove off into the distance away from the mine while Harriet was talking to Clover.

Harriet: They just hit the ramp...

Clover: Great, now we got two unknown people driving somewhere and we don't know who they even are.

Marrow: Well, maybe we'll find them again sometime. I mean we know what they are driving right?

Ruby: That's true, but where are they heading?

Back with the authors...

After a while driving on a snow paved road the two authors hadn't seen any signs of life anywhere no matter which direction they looked. It was starting to look like they would have to sleep in the car with nothing other than their clothes to keep them warm. 

Alpha: Tom we have been driving for hours.

Tom: Yeah, I can't find anything on my phone because I don't have a signal.

Alpha: Nothing? Not even one bar?

Tom: Nothing, the signal is dead. 

Alpha: That's just great, could this day get any more strange?

As they came over a hill Tom then saw something in the distance which made him freak out.


Alpha then slammed on the brakes again as he came to a stop just over the hill.


Tom then steps out of the car and takes a couple of steps forward as Alpha followed suite now seeing what Tom was seeing. 

A giant floating city in the sky!

And a moon that was broken into many pieces.

The two authors stared in awe at what they were seeing right in front of them as a bunch of questions were surrounding their minds.

Alpha: Where the hell are we?

Tom: I can tell you two things: 1: This isn't Texas, and 2: We are not from this world.

(A/N: buddum chhhh)

Alpha: Ugh... Did you have to say that?

Tom: What? Just because I wrote the book doesn't let me have the right to say it.


Well that's it for the prologue of this story! 

Big thanks to Knight-tom for helping me write this story!

I always had the thought of... what if me and Tom were in RWBY V7/8?

Anyways let me know your thoughts on this story! I will be update my first RWBY x WW2 book soon! 

Stay tuned for more!

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