25: When school ends

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"Fuck yeah, bitches!" Winston yelled, half hanging out of Theodore's car.

"Dude, are you wearing a seatbelt? Oh my God, Autumn, is he wearing a seatbelt?"

"Barely," she answered, reaching into the backseat and threading her fingers through the back loop of Winston's uniform trousers. She gave a quick yank and Winston fell back into the car.

"Yeah!" Winston yelled, unfazed. He remained mostly in his seat, but he still stuck his head out of the window like a puppy. The boy had the biggest grin on his face as the wind and sunlight kissed his skin. He was as happy as could be.

'He's ecstatic."

"No idea why," Theodore said. "We're just on our winter break. We have a whole term until we graduate. I can't imagine how happy he'll be once we get there."

She peered over her shoulder at their friend, a small smile on her lips. Winston ducked his head back in a moment later, his fingers rubbing against his tongue.

"Guys, I just swallowed some nasty shit," he said. "It had wings. Wings."

"Maybe it'll fly right back up your throat and you can burp it out. Tasty."

Winston reached over and swatted the back of Theodore's head. "Don't be fucking rude. This is a serious matter."

"Okay, okay," Theodore said, unable to hold back his laughter. "How about we grab some burgers?"

They turned at the next intersection and started heading towards the diner Autumn had shown them. It was a secluded little place a few blocks away from the main streets of town, but it was a treasure.

As soon as they were inside, the three chose a booth at the back and sat on the rough seats. They had been busted open a couple of times, but the owners used duct tape to patch it back together. It didn't have the most impressive decor, but it was the food that really mattered.

"I'm in heaven," Winston groaned after he took the first bite of his monstrous meal. "This is the perfect way to celebrate our freedom."

"I wouldn't really call it 'freedom'. I still have assignments to do," Theodore said, thinking of the essay he needed to start.

"Yeah, I have to do catch up notes for when we take our exams at the end of the year."

"Freedom," Winston repeated, ignoring his friends. "I'm going to sleep in every day and watch a shit load on Netflix and eat burgers here whenever I have cash. You'd think working at Macca's would turn me off from this crap, but it doesn't. I mean, look at this thing. It's got the perfect bun to patty ratio." He lifted his food to demonstrate his point. "And these chips? Incredible. Not to mention the aioli is good enough to kill."

Theodore grinned and mock-whispered to his girl, "He gets really excited about fast food."

Which earned him a quick kick in the knee. 

"Who doesn't get passionate about this stuff?" Winston said defiantly before devouring the rest of his meal. 

They spent another hour at the diner, just talking even though their food was long gone. Eventually, they had to leave so Theodore pulled out his wallet from his back pocket. 

"Dude, no way." Winston grabbed his backpack and sifted through his things.

"Shut up," Theodore answered. "My treat."


The way he said his name made Theodore hesitate. Winston was bravery, he was strong, he always put up a fight. But it was moments like these when his voice quietened where he showed true courage.

"Please," he said.

Please, you've given me a home when I lost mine, was left unsaid.

Please, you've given me encouragement and pride when I didn't have any, was left unsaid.

Please, you've given me not only friendship but a family too, was left unsaid.

Theodore swallowed, slowly closing his wallet and placing it back in his pocket. He nodded once and Winston smiled gratefully before producing some cash from the front pocket of his backpack.

And even though the exchange was unspoken, Autumn still heard every word. 

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