34: What wasn't said

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Theodore had to work a late shift at the supermarket on Thursday night. Helen had taken the car and she wasn't going to be finished with work until early morning, so he waited until midnight bus came around. He was incredibly grateful that he was on his winter break and didn't have school in the morning.

The bus stopped at the end of the street, so Theodore travelled by foot all the way back to his house. The night air was crisp and cool, the sky filled with stars dancing around a full, bright moon.

It was tranquil, beautiful, comforting.

Until he went deeper into the neighbourhood and Autumn's house came into view.

The entire house was lit up, despite the hour, and the front door was left open. A moment later, Autumn's mother burst through, carrying a large gym bag.

Without hesitation, Theodore picked up the pace until he was running. He was running down the road, the dim streetlights guiding his path. His heart was hammering so hard he could barely hear his laboured breathing.

Everything was happening so quickly.

But as soon as he stopped right in front of the car parked outside the house, time froze. As soon as he saw Autumn wheeling out her luggage, everything came to a shattering halt.

She looked at him for a brief moment before she ducked her head and walked straight towards the running car where her mother was waiting.

"Autumn," he called.

"I'm sorry," was all she said, tears in her eyes. She opened the boot of the car and hauled her things inside.

"Wait," he said, gently taking her hand. He was trying to keep his tone calm, but he couldn't help the rising panic in his throat. "What's wrong? Where are you going?"

"I'll call you, okay?"

"Are you hurt? Can I help you?" Theodore's head was a mess of questions, tangled up like sticky spaghetti. He tried picking this thoughts apart but each time he tried, he got lost. "Do you need money? A place to stay?"

"Theodore." Autumn pried his fingers from hers. He hadn't realised he had been gripping onto her from fear and desperation until she let him go. "I'll call you."

He was panicking, his heart speeding up to an impossible rate. Sweat was gathering at his hairline and his hands were shaking. His breath was jagged and inconsistent, and no matter how many times he inhaled, he still felt like he was suffocating.

Theodore so desperately wanted to do something. He wanted to yell, wanted to run after her. But he was completely and utterly frozen.

So when Autumn got into the car, all he could do was watch her drive away.

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