45: When dinner's served

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"Would you like some salad, Mikey?"

Mikey looked up, half way through shovelling a hefty fork-full of spaghetti and nodded. Mikey was sweet. He had sandy curls which were mostly well groomed except for a longer piece that fell across his eyes. He wore a rosy blush that dusted across his cheeks and freckled nose that had a golden reflect and made him glow. His eyes were kind and hid behind circular glasses but they lit up bright when he looked at Winston.

"Now, I don't mean to brag, but I do make some above average salads," Helen said as she scooped an outstanding array of colourful vegetables onto a small plate for Mikey.

"Helen, you're too modest," Winston said, waving his fork around in her direction. "You make the best salads."

The corners of Helen's lips twitched upwards. "Well, I think it's all in the dressing. And funnily enough, you don't need to drown the salad to enhance the flavour. That, and it doesn't include iceberg lettuce. It is just a tasteless excuse for a vegetable."

"Let's stop beating around the bush," Theodore cut in. "Or should I say 'beating around the vegetable patch'? How did you two meet?"

Mikey smiled. "Funny how we're talking about vegetable patches. We actually met on my strawberry farm."

"That's so beautiful!" Helen said.

Followed by Theodore's, "There's a strawberry farm around here?"

"It's my grandmother's pride and joy, that strawberry farm. As soon as all her kids moved out, she began working on it. We have an annual event where we invite people to the farm to pick and purchase your own strawberries."

"That sounds like it came straight out of a fairytale," Theodore said.

The tips of Mikey's ears turned pink as he gave a bashful grin. He must have remembered something through because he then turned in his seat to rummage through his backpack. A few seconds later, he turned back, a large glass jar of jam in his hands.

"We make a lot of jam with the left over strawberries, so I brought some with me."

"This is perfect! We can have tea and scones after dinner," Helen said, taking the jam to coo at it like it was a newborn baby.

The conversation at the table was light and Mikey was extremely polite. It didn't take long for Theodore to adore him.

"You know, I am surprised you haven't been itching to sneak out for a smoke," Helen said to Winston when dessert was laid out on the table.

"Oh, believe me, I have. More than ever. But I am trying to quit."

"Really?" Helen said, her eyes watering. She pursed her lips into a smile so that they wouldn't tremble.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm young so I might as well make the most of my life, right?"

"That's really great, man! I'm happy for you." Theodore meant every word. He wanted nothing more than to see his best friend thrive.

"Thanks, Theodore." Winston turned to the other end of the table. "Helen, stop looking at me like that. I don't want to cry in front of my boyfriend."

Helen rushed to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Oh dear," she muttered to herself As she fumbled around with a tissue she had pulled from her sleeve. "How about I clear up these dishes and get some dessert and tea ready?"

Mikey stood with his plate. "I will help you."

Helen was pleased to have a helping hand so she didn't argue. Together they cleared the table and disappeared into the kitchen. Theodore could hear her complimenting Mickey's earrings.

"I like him," Theodore announced.

"Good," said Winston, his cheeks a sweet pink, "because I like him too. I'm glad this dinner has been good. Mikey was really supportive when I explained how he'd be meeting my family, but the dynamics were pretty unconventional."

"Has he met Dion and Elaine?"

The mentioning of Winston's biological parents made his expression turn sour. "No. If they can't accept me for who I am, then they don't get to be a part of the special things in my life. Mikey wasn't as unfortunate when he came out to his family. They're super Catholic and Mikey was worried they would be uncomfortable with the idea, but they were really supportive. They've actually invited me to go to a barbecue lunch at their house."

"They sound pretty great already," Theodore said, but then Winston's face suddenly turned sour, as if he had just drunk expired milk. He knew exactly what his friend was worried about. "You're going to make a good first impression."

"But what if I don't? I really like Mikey, Theodore. I want his family to too." Winston chewed on his lip, his eyes unable to focus on anything in particular. His gaze shifted from one piece of furniture to another, the lines creasing his brow becoming increasingly deeper.

"Then I know you'll make a good second impression. Or third or fourth or fifth. Opinions can always change. Besides, I know for a fact that you're a good person and they will see it too."

As soon as Theodore finished speaking, Mikey and Helen came back into the room with assorted biscuits and various types of tea. They spent the rest of the evening indulging in sweet treats and light conversation. Helen scolded Theodore for exclusively eating the cream centres of the biscuits, but even she was in too much of a good mood to give him even a small tap on the wrist.

Life was slowly falling back into place.


Hi loves!

Hope you're ready for weekly uploads! I wrote five chapters today so I am set for a few weeks. I am determined to complete this story in 2020! Also be sure to follow my instagram (lovelylivvi) because I have some sweet treats coming soon as we prepare for the Confessions About Colton release! It is a private account currently but I accept all requests. DM me to let me know you're from here and I can follow back xo

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