lvi. she is his solace

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CHAPTER FIFTY SIX - 🍂 ୧ she is. . .
his solace ও🦌

RAVEN'S CONFESSION HAD FILLED Remus with a mixture of happiness and trepidation. His love for her had grown steadily, and now that she shared those feelings, he should have been overjoyed.

However, deep down, he couldn't shake off the weight of his reality. He was a werewolf, and with that came a litany of dangers, both for him and those around him.

As the two embraced, a nagging sense of unease lingered in the back of his mind, overshadowing the joy of the moment.

Remus held Raven close, his arms encircling her in a tight embrace, trying to push away the thoughts that threatened to taint the moment.

He wanted to savour the feel of her body against his, the warmth of her touch, and the comforting beat of her heart against his chest. But he couldn't completely silence the inner voice reminding him of the perils his condition brought upon their relationship.

He buried his face in her hair, inhaled her scent, and whispered, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Raven pulled back slightly, looking into Remus' eyes with unwavering determination.

"Yes," she said emphatically, her voice strong and sure. "I want this. I want us."

She placed her hand on his chest, feeling the steady hum of his heartbeat beneath her palm. "I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to face whatever comes our way together. Nothing you are or become will change how I feel about you."

Remus' heart swelled with emotion as he heard Raven's words, her certainty and unwavering love for him washing over him like a soothing balm.

He covered her hand on his chest with his own, holding it tightly against his heart. His voice was a low murmur, laced with both love and concern.

"You make me feel like the luckiest man alive," he said softly. "But it's not just about us. My condition, my circumstances... they could put you in danger."

Raven smiled gently, her expression a mixture of tenderness and determination.

"I know," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "And I don't care. I'm not afraid of the challenges that come with your condition. I'm afraid of losing you."

She pressed closer, her body moulding against his, her arms tightening around his waist. "You're worth it, Remus. You're worth any risk, any danger."

Remus closed his eyes, holding her closer, his grip on her tightening almost reflexively. Her words echoed through him, filling his chest with a mixture of joy and fear.

"You may think that now," he whispered against her hair, "but the reality is far less romantic. The full moon, the transformation... there are things you can't comprehend, things that can..."

His voice trailed off, the warning hanging in the air between them like an ominous shadow.

Raven pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, her gaze steady and unwavering.

"I may not fully understand everything," she admitted, her voice soft but resolute. "But I want to be there for you, through the good times and the bad."

She reached up, gently cupping his face with her hand and caressing his cheek with her thumb. Her eyes locked onto his, unwavering and filled with love.

"I trust you, Remus. I trust your judgement and your ability to fight against your condition. But more importantly, I trust us."

"Remus," Raven began, her words gentle yet resolute. "No matter what you turn into, be it a troll or an ogre, know that it won't affect the way I feel about you. It's not your physical form that defines you, but rather your character and the person you truly are inside."

Remus' expression softened as he listened to Raven's words. Her acceptance and reassurance eased the weight on his heart, though the concern remained there.

"You make it sound so simple," he murmured, his voice a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. He took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. "But the realities of my condition... they're not as straightforward."

Raven squeezed his hand reassuringly, her gaze never wavering.

"I know it's not simple," she acknowledged, her voice calm and steady. "But it's a part of who you are, and I accept that. I accept all of you, including the complexities your condition brings."

She paused, choosing her next words carefully. "There will be difficult moments, I'm sure. And I may not always understand or fully grasp the challenges you face. But I promise, I'll be here, supporting you through it all."


Remus found himself haunted by the uncertainty of the future, his thoughts consumed by the possibilities of things going wrong. Despite the progress he had made in his relationship with Raven, he couldn't shake off the nagging doubts.

His transformations remained a constant source of concern, especially as he envisioned life beyond graduation. He knew he couldn't keep using his childhood home as a sanctuary for his transformative nights. As much as he loved his parents, he yearned for independence, to give them the space he believed they deserved.

The notion of continuing to use his parents' home for his transformative nights nagged at Remus's conscience. While he cherished their unwavering support, he understood the burden it placed upon them. Despite their repeated assurances of their willingness to accommodate him, he couldn't bear the thought of adding further strain to their lives.

"I can't keep inconveniencing them forever," he muttered, his voice laced with unease. "They deserve their peace, especially after all these years."

James, walking beside Remus that afternoon, spoke up, "Mate, just like I've said before, I'd be happy to support you after graduation."

Remus rolled his eyes in response, "And just like I've said many times before, I don't want to burden you or anyone with that."

James chuckled, a teasing smile on his face. "Ah, Remus, always the self-reliant one. Can't you just accept a little help now and then?"

He gave Remus a playful nudge. "It's not a burden, you know. We're mates; we look out for each other."

Remus sighed, torn between gratitude and stubbornness. "I know, I know," he muttered, a weary smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I appreciate it, really. It's just... I don't want to rely too much on others. It doesn't feel right."

"But it's okay to lean on others sometimes, you know?" James countered. "No man is an island. We all need help sometimes, and that includes you, you stubborn git."

Remus couldn't help but snort at James' remark, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips. "Oh, and now I'm a stubborn git, am I? Coming from THE James Potter?"

He tried to maintain a veneer of nonchalance, but the truth was, the thought of depending on his friends was tempting.

James feigned shock, clutching his chest in mock offence. "James Potter, a git? Never!" he exclaimed, bursting into a laugh.

He nudged Remus again, his expression turning serious for a moment. "But seriously mate, you don't have to shoulder everything on your own. We're all here for you. It's what friends are for."

Remus let out a long exhale, his resolve wavering. He knew deep down that James was right. Relying on his friends didn't make him weak; it could help ease the burden of his condition.

"Yeah, yeah, you make a fair point," he conceded, although the words were tinged with a hint of reluctance. "I just don't want to become a charity case for anyone."

"A charity case?" James repeated, his expression becoming serious. "Is that what you think you'll be? Remus, listen to me. You're not a charity case. You're a friend, a part of our family. We care about you, and we want to support you. It's that simple."

Remus looked away, his gaze fixed on the horizon as they continued walking. He knew deep down that James' words held truth, but the ingrained sense of self-reliance made it difficult to accept help so readily.

"I know," he said quietly, his voice laced with guilt. "I don't doubt your intentions. It's just... difficult for me to accept help. Old habits die hard, I suppose."

James observed Remus, sensing the internal struggle he was going through. It was clear that years of carrying this burden on his own had instilled a sense of independence and self-reliance that was difficult to shake off.

"But it's time to break those old habits, mate," James said earnestly, his tone gentle yet firm. "We're not asking you to do this alone anymore. We want to be there for you."

Remus sighed, feeling the weight of James' words. He stopped walking, turning to face his friend with a mixture of reluctance and resignation.

"You make it sound so simple," he murmured, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "But it's easier said than done, isn't it? Breaking old habits is hard. Especially when they've become a part of who you are."

James chuckled awkwardly and ran his hand through his hair, feeling a pang of recognition. "Ha, I couldn't help but feel like that jab was aimed at me," he said with a sheepish grin. "You're right, it's true. I'm the epitome of someone who takes their sweet time breaking habits, and it took Autumn to finally shake me out of that groove."

Remus managed a crooked smile in response. "Oh, you caught onto that, did you?" he teased. "How observational of you."

He chuckled softly, his gaze turning reflective. "But you're not wrong. You've had your fair share of stubborn moments. Autumn has changed you."

"She's done wonders for you, actually," Remus continued, a genuine smile spreading across his face. He playfully tapped James' shoulder. "You've become marginally more considerate and less of a total git."

James rolled his eyes in mock irritation. "Only marginally, hey? You wound me, Remus," he joked, feigning offence. But then his expression softened, and he gave Remus a lopsided grin. "But seriously, mate, it's thanks to Autumn. She's got the patience of a saint, I swear."

Sirius sauntered up to the conversation, sporting a comically exaggerated expression. "Moony my friend," he interjected, feigning concern. "Should we be concerned? Seems you're handing out compliments to someone other than your own girlfriend."

James chuckled, shrugging nonchalantly. "Ah, but you see, complimenting her best friend's the real MVP move. Points guaranteed."

Remus couldn't help but chuckle at Sirius' playful entrance. "Sirius, always one for theatricality," he replied, his tone dripping with mock seriousness.

He rolled his eyes at James' comment. "Yeah, because Raven will swoon over me complimenting her friend rather than her."

There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice, but it was tinged with the lighthearted banter between them.

"Oh, come on, Moony," Sirius chimed in, his smirk growing wider. "A little friendly flattery goes a long way. Trust me, I'm an expert at charming the ladies."

James snorted, giving Sirius a playful shove. "Ha! You're an expert at charming yourself, mate. And the only person you truly succeed in charming is yourself."

"Oi, Potter," Sirius retorted, feigning offence as he puffed out his chest. "You doubt my charm skills? I'll have you know, I can charm the pants off a Hippogriff if I set my mind to it."

James raised an eyebrow, an amused glint in his eyes. "Oh, really? Perhaps we ought to test that theory sometime. You, a Hippogriff, and a wand. Should make for an interesting spectacle."

Remus chuckled, enjoying their banter. "Alright, calm down, you two. We don't need any Hippogriff charming today, please."

He took a step closer, joining in on the light-spirited conversation. "Besides, we all know Raven wouldn't fall for any of your charm, Sirius. She's immune to your nonsense."

James interjected, "Can't forget Autumn and Lily. Those three were immune to Sirius's charm then, now, and always."

Sirius feigned a wounded expression, hand over his heart. "Merlin, you wound me, boys. My charm is unparalleled, and you know it."

He let out a dramatic sigh. "Alright, fine. So the three loveliest ladies in our circle might be impervious to my charm. But mark my words, there are still countless others out there susceptible to my irresistible allure."

James chuckled, a smirk playing on his lips. "Keep telling yourself that, Sirius. Denial is a strong thing."

Remus chimed in, adding to the playful banter. "Face it, mate. Your charm only works on yourself, and that's a generous assessment."

At Remus' words, Raven intervened, "Ah, is it that time already, where we discuss Sirius's charms?"

Remus rolled his eyes in a playful response, while James sighed.

In turn, Sirius couldn't curb his grin, his gaze on Raven and an idea in mind. "Hypothetically," he began, "if you weren't with Remus, would you have been swayed by my flirting?"

Raven tilted her head and flashed a grin, "Of course, I would. Even Lily and Autumn would, without a doubt."

Hearing this, Remus and James looked simultaneously horrified and disbelieving.

As if on cue, Lily and Autumn appeared, chiming in with perfect synchronization, "I would," confirmed Lily.

"Absolutely," concurred Autumn with nonchalance, shrugging her shoulders.

Sirius' eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and triumph, while Remus and James stared open-mouthed at their girlfriends.

Remus looked absolutely flabbergasted. "You lot are joking, right?" he managed to utter, his voice tinged with disbelief.

James, still in shock, added, "I can't believe what I'm hearing. My own girlfriend, charmed by Sirius's nonsense? "

Sirius couldn't contain his glee, a smug grin plastered on his face. He winked at Remus and James. "Told you, lads. I've still got it."

Meanwhile, Lily and Autumn chuckled, finding amusement in the boys' flabbergasted reactions.

"You boys forget," Lily teased, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm, "Sirius is irresistible."

Autumn chimed in, a sly smile on her face. "I mean, who wouldn't fall for those sparkling grey eyes

Lily grinned," also that charming smirk?"

Raven smirked," And the lovely hair?"

Remus and James exchanged a despairing look, their expressions a mix of shock and irritation.

Remus groaned, running a hand through his hair. "You lot are unbelievable. I thought you had better taste than that."

James pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to compose himself. "I can't argue with the physical aspects. But you really find his personality charming?"

Sirius feigned offence, placing a hand over his heart. "My charm extends far beyond my good looks, lads. I have an irresistible personality too."

Remus snorted, shaking his head. "Irresistible, more like insufferable."

The three girls chuckled, enjoying the interaction immensely.

"Oh, come on, boys," Autumn teased. "You can't deny that Sirius has a certain charm about him."

James groaned again, clearly not enjoying the conversation. "Please stop feeding his ego. He's going to be unbearable now."

Sirius flashed a smug grin, soaking up the attention. "Admit it, lads. You're all just secretly jealous of my charm and effortless charisma."

Remus rolled his eyes, clearly unconvinced. "Jealous? Of your inflated ego and relentless flirting? Oh, absolutely."

Sirius feigned a wounded expression, placing a hand over his heart. "Oh, Moony, you cut me deep. Don't pretend like you're not secretly impressed."

Meanwhile, the girls exchanged amused glances, thoroughly enjoying the banter.


While Remus was frequently distracted from his brooding thoughts related to his insecurities, such as his lycanthropy, his relationship, and his close friendships, he could never shake away the constant feeling of self-doubt that seemed to cling to him persistently.

Remus believed he had mastered the art of concealing his worries, but he had underestimated the keen observation and unwavering support of his friends. They saw through his facade and, every time they spotted the hint of melancholy, they took it upon themselves to lift his spirits.

James, with an unyielding passion for quidditch, would go to great lengths to persuade Remus to give the sport a try, extolling its virtues and how exhilarating it could be.

Sirius, ever the self-assured one, would often engage in playful banter, drawing out Remus' confidence to buoy his own ego.

Peter sought Remus' wisdom, engaging him in discussions ranging from academics to any topic under the sun.

Autumn found common ground with Remus through their shared love for literature, engaging in lengthy discussions that spanned hours on end.

Lily, focused and studious, often tapped into Remus' knowledge to enlist his assistance in tackling academic pursuits.

Throughout the days when Remus found himself lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts, his friends became his anchors. They skillfully navigated their interactions, knowing precisely when to divert his attention and when to offer a shoulder to lean on.

However, amidst their collective efforts to uplift him, it was often Raven who proved to be the most effective.

Her ability to pull him back from the brink of brooding despair was almost unparalleled. Whether it was through a warm embrace, a gentle touch, or a witty remark, she possessed an intuitive understanding of his inner turmoil, and her approach always seemed to work wonders.

She had a profound source of comfort and grounding influence for him. Her unique ability to shift his focus and pull him out of his thoughts was unrivalled, leaving an enduring impact that resonated long beyond any temporary distraction.

Over time, Remus began to rely on Raven's presence in subtler ways. When his thoughts spiralled into a whirlwind of self-doubt and despair, he found himself unconsciously seeking her out. Whether it was the subtle comfort of her hand in his, the silent reassurance of her gaze, or the soothing cadence of her voice, his body yearned for her closeness in those moments.

Though Remus had never explicitly expressed it, the pattern of his actions spoke volumes. He had learned to recognize his own subconscious cues, moments when he would find himself gravitating towards a specific place knowing that it was where he would find her. These unspoken, instinctive urges allowed him to navigate the complexities of his emotions without explicitly acknowledging his need for her.

Throughout their conversations, whether mundane or profound, Remus noticed how his body would subtly lean towards her as if magnetically drawn to her presence. His heart rate would elevate slightly when she smiled at him, and a sense of ease would wash over him whenever her hand casually brushed against his, even momentarily.

There were times when he would find himself seeking her gaze, hoping to catch a glimpse of understanding in her eyes. When she looked at him with gentle concern, he often found it difficult to put into words the maelstrom of emotions welling inside him. Instead, he would offer a reassuring smile, hiding the depths of his vulnerability beneath a veneer of composure.

As much as Remus longed to open up to her and reveal the storm of insecurities and doubts that brewed within him, a part of him held back. He feared that articulating his struggles might burden Raven or shift the dynamics of their relationship. He didn't want to be seen as weak or needy, and he was terrified to lose the closeness they had built.

So Remus settled into a pattern of silent reliance on Raven's presence. He found comfort in her unwavering support, but he never fully voiced his emotions or admitted the extent to which he depended on her strength. In some ways, it was a form of self-preservation, a way of safeguarding their connection from the potentially destabilizing power of his insecurities.

Despite his resistance to openly acknowledge his dependence, Remus couldn't hide the subtle, unconscious displays of his emotions. Like a compass pointing north towards her, he found himself gravitating towards Raven in subtle ways. Whether it was sitting closer to her during classes, seeking her company during moments of downtime, or lingering in her vicinity when surrounded by others, his body seemed to move at its own will.

Sometimes, when the weight of his thoughts grew too heavy, he would find himself absentmindedly tracing the patterns on his textbook or fiddling with the quill in his hand. It was as if his fingers longed to mimic the delicate touch he yearned for—a soft press of hands, the brush of a finger against his cheek, or the embrace of her arms encircling him. The urge to reach out and initiate contact always lingered just below the surface, but he restrained himself, fearful of overstepping boundaries.

In the company of others, Remus would catch himself stealing glances at Raven, studying her every move with a subtlety he hoped wouldn't be noticed. His gaze would linger on her, taking in the details of her expression—the quirk of her eyebrow as she listened, the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, or the gentle tilt of her head when she was deep in thought. It was a silent admiration—a secret fascination that he kept hidden behind a facade of nonchalance.

During moments of silence, when the hum of conversations around them seemed to fade into the background, he would find himself listening to her voice. The soft timber of her words, the soothing rhythm of her laughter, and the way she said his name—these nuances had become ingrained in his memory. He cherished the sound of her speaking his name, relishing the way it rolled off her tongue—a private melody that comforted him and stirred something deep within his soul.

Raven stood as Remus' pillar of stability and comfort, offering a safe refuge from the turmoil of his thoughts. She served as a steadfast anchor, grounding him in moments of inner chaos and providing a steady presence to which he could cling. Her impact on his emotional well-being was profound, creating a sense of security and solace that only heightened his sense of attachment to her.

Lily, perched between Sirius and Peter, whispered to them, her voice carrying a touch of amusement. "I thought James possessed a distinct look when he's smitten, but Remus might outshine him tenfold."

Sirius, ever the astute one, gently clicked his tongue, correcting her with a smile. "Ah, but you are mistaken, Evans," he chimed in, his tone filled with a knowing gleam. "James is bold and vocal in his love, while Remus embodies it in silence, his affection running deep yet unspoken."

Lily chuckled softly as Sirius provided his astute observations. "Yes, I suppose you're right," she conceded. "James has always been the unabashedly vocal one."

Peter joined in, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Remember those grand gestures he would make? It was almost embarrassing, but he never held back."

"He always wore his heart on his sleeve," Sirius agreed, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "But Remus... he's a different kind of romantic."

"Remus' love is quieter, more understated," Lily added, her gaze drifting towards Remus and Raven once more.

Sirius nodded, his expression sobering slightly. "Remus doesn't need grand gestures or flashy displays of affection. He's the subtle kind of lover, showing his devotion through little things, like how he always listens to Raven speak or remembers her favourite book, or steals glances when he thinks no one is looking."

Peter chuckled softly, his gaze fixed on Remus and Raven as well. "He's always had a knack for those little, thoughtful gestures. It's almost like he speaks an entirely different love language."

Sirius smirked, his eyes glinting with both amusement and admiration. "Yeah, James may be the king of grand gestures, but Remus is the king of meaningful, intimate moments. He makes you feel loved without the need for big productions."

Lily smiled fondly, nodding in agreement. "So, you would say Remus' love is like a slow burn. It may not be as fiery or outwardly passionate as James' love. But it's consistent, steady, and profoundly deep?"

"Exactly," Sirius chimed in, his voice filled with admiration. "Remus is the kind of guy who shows his love through quiet, heartfelt moments—a gentle touch, a sincere compliment, or a thoughtful gesture. He doesn't need to shout it from the rooftops. That's just not his style."

Peter chuckled, a soft, knowing smile tugging at his lips. "Remus isn't the type to lavish you with gifts or shower you with over-the-top declarations of love. But when he loves, he loves with his whole heart. Every little thing he does, every word he says, carries a depth of emotion. It's like poetry in every glance and gesture."

James, who was listening in, made a face and interjected, "Alright, I was here for the compliments for the both of us, but now you guys are just spoiling Remus. It's time to shift the attention to me. I deserve some recognition too!"

Lily rolled her eyes jokingly, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh James, always seeking the spotlight. Can't handle not being the centre of attention for a moment, can you?"

Peter chuckled, shaking his head amusedly. "James, the moment someone praises Remus, you're threatened. Relax, mate. There's plenty of praise to go around."

"Yeah, James. You're not the only romantic here," Sirius teased, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "We're simply appreciating Remus' more subtle, profound expressions of love. You know, the ones that aren't as obnoxiously loud as yours."

"Hey, my love language is loud and proud!" James protested, feigning mock outrage. "Why can't I get some credit for all my charming, and may I add, irresistible, gestures and declarations?"

Peter patted James on the back soothingly. "Nobody's doubting your way of showing love, James. But Remus has a different style. He's the quiet, introverted, deeply emotional type."

"Oh, you all love to mock the loud lover, don't you?" James huffed playfully, pretending to sulk.

Lily couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. "We're not mocking you, James. We're just admiring Remus' more subtle approach. There's beauty in his quiet devotion, you know."

"Beauty, pah," James scoffed, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite his mock pout. "My love is beautiful, dramatic, and unforgettable. Remus might have his quiet gestures, but I have the fireworks."

"Fireworks that can sometimes burn people along the way," Autumn said jokingly, causing a look of defeat to cross James's face. However, Autumn quickly followed up by patting his cheek saying, "I didn't say it was a bad thing".

James let out a mock exaggerated wail, clutching his chest dramatically. "Oh, Autumn, the betrayal! You're supposed to be on my side."

Peter laughed, nudging James good-naturedly. "Maybe you should tone down the drama a notch, mate. Before you set something on fire."

"Oh, come on!" James protested, still feigning hurt. "My love is not fiery enough for you?"

Sirius chimed in, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Fiery is an understatement, Prongs. Your love is more like a raging inferno ready to engulf the entire castle."

James let out a fake cry and dramatically slumped onto Autumn. She just chuckled and affectionately pat his head, as the rest of the group burst into laughter.

"Oh, woe is me! My love is too grand, too passionate for this world," James bemoaned, his voice dripping with exaggerated melancholy.

Peter chuckled, shaking his head amusedly. "Merlin, James. You're ridiculous."

"Ridiculous, you say? I prefer the term passionately expressive," James shot back, still draped over Autumn.

Meanwhile, Lily couldn't hold back her laughter. "Passionately expressive? Is that another word for obnoxiously loud?"

"Obnoxiously loud? Or vividly endearing?" James retorted, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Sirius raised an eyebrow, a sly grin plastered on his face. "Oh, so now 'obnoxious' becomes 'endearing' when it comes to your grand gestures?"

"Hey, my gestures are not obnoxious, they're memorable," James protested with mock defensiveness.

Peter snickered. "Memorable, eh? You sure it's not because people remember how embarrassing it was?"

"Embarrassing? Or unforgettable?" James retorted, still clinging to Autumn.

Lily rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips. "Unforgettable is a polite way of saying painfully embarrassing, James."

James clutched his chest dramatically again, pretending to swoon. "You wound me, Lily! My grand gestures are tokens of affection and love!"

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