lxix. the weddings

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CHAPTER SEVENTY - 🍂୧ the. . .
weddings ও🦌

IT IS NOT UNCOMMON FOR INDIVIDUALS to have multiple weddings during their lifetime due to various reasons. One of these reasons is that familial ties are spread across regions around the globe, making it challenging for all loved ones to attend a single ceremony. As a result, people may plan separate weddings to ensure that their cherished family and friends can participate in the joyous celebration, regardless of any geographical constraints.

Although James and Autumn were fortunate to have their families residing in close proximity, they still encountered numerous hurdles that made a single wedding impractical.

The decision to have two separate weddings, one for close family and the other for friends, was a practical and strategic move. The war had imposed a sense of urgency and uncertainty, and having one large gathering would not just be dangerous but also impractical.

Thus, James and Autumn decided to divide the celebration into two. This way, they could ensure the safety of their family and friends, and also give each event the attention it deserved. It was a plan born out of necessity and love, a reflection of their commitment to each other despite the precarious circumstances.

Consequently, it was always part of their plan to have two separate weddings: one for their close family, and the other for their friends, a decision that was non-negotiable in light of the dangerous and unpredictable situation around them.

With the decision made, James and Autumn began the process of planning both events. They started with the first wedding, which would be intimate and small and on Autumn's birthday, which fell on Halloween

The first wedding was intimate, taking place in a quiet hospital ward where the only guests were their parents. The ceremony was short and simple, but brimming with an undercurrent of affection and happiness. The room was tastefully decorated with a few autumnal touches, such as fall leaves and bouquets that added a warm, cosy atmosphere.

The exchanging of vows was a poignant moment. Both James and Autumn were emotional, but they managed to keep their words simple, yet filled with deep meaning. The rings they slipped onto each other's fingers were just as meaningful, symbols of their unwavering commitment and devotion to each other.

Their parents - Fleamont, Euphemia, Aurelia, and August – watched on with misty eyes, their faces beaming with happiness and pride. It was a moment they had all been eagerly awaiting, a promise of new beginnings amidst the turmoil and uncertainty of the world.

Despite the simplicity of the wedding, it held a special kind of magic. The love and contentment in the room were palpable, creating an intimate and heartfelt setting that would be one of Autumn and James' most precious memories. The first part of their plan had been successfully executed, laying the foundation for the next celebration.

In the months following their first wedding, James and Autumn began the preparations for the second one. Unlike the first wedding, this would be a celebration, involving all their friends. They chose a beautiful and remote location in the Scottish highlands as the venue, a place that offered scenic beauty and also a sense of security from the chaos of the war. It was planned at first to be at the safe house, however, Autumn and James decided to invite Mary, Marlene and Dorcas, so the change of the venue was preferred, due to the safe house being kept hidden from outside their close friend group.

On March 27th, a special day that happened to be James's birthday, the couple commemorated their second wedding. In contrast to their previous wedding on Halloween, where they had silently considered themselves married to their parents, this particular ceremony was their official declaration of wedlock.

In a makeshift tent, Autumn was surrounded by her friends—Lily, Raven, Mary, Marlene, and Dorcas—who were helping her with her makeup and dress, creating a heartfelt atmosphere of female companionship.

The atmosphere in the tent was a mix of excitement and anticipation. The bridesmaids, the five dear friends of Autumn, surrounded her, each helping in their way. Lily, ever the detail-oriented one, took charge of Autumn's makeup, carefully applying eye shadow and a dusting of blush. Raven, with her innate elegance, fussed over the delicate lace of Autumn's dress, smoothing the material and tightening the bodice.

Dorcas and Marlene, both known for their warm and spirited personalities, were in charge of securing Autumn's hair into an elaborate updo, securing the strands with pins and clips, while Mary, ever the calming presence, ensured everything went smoothly, providing reassurance with a gentle squeeze on Autumn's hand.

The room was filled with the soft murmurs and whispered advice of the friends, each one offering their unique skills and a reassuring touch. Autumn, in the midst of it all, felt a sense of kinship and belonging. The women who surrounded her were not just friends, but sisters, bound by friendship and loyalty that had withstood even the harshest trials.

While the women were busying themselves with the bride, James stood on the other side of the tent, flanked by Remus, Peter, and Sirius. He was surrounded by his groomsmen, their nerves and excitement evident. The room was filled with an undercurrent of anticipation and male camaraderie.

Remus, with his steady and reassuring presence, helped James adjust the lapels of his suit, making sure each detail was perfect. Peter, though quiet and nervous, provided a grounding presence, his presence a constant source of comfort. Sirius, ever the charismatic and boisterous one, tried to alleviate the tension with a lighthearted comment or two, as he handed James his tie.

The room echoed with the sounds of the men's quiet chatter, their voices a contrast to the high-pitched buzz from the opposite side of the tent. There was a sense of unity among the groomsmen, not just because they were standing up for their friend, but because they were all part of something bigger - a unity formed in the face of adversity and a bond strengthened by their shared history.

As the sun slowly set and the final preparations were made, James stood in the centre of the tent, his eyes fixed on Autumn's side. His heart was filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, the prospect of being married to the woman he loved was both exhilarating and daunting.

Sirius, chosen as James's best man, observed the rising anxiety on his friend's face as they prepared for their second wedding. Despite it being their second union, Sirius sensed the gravity of the situation. It was not just a wedding this time, but a public declaration of his love for Autumn and her transformation into Autumn Potter.

With empathy in his voice, Sirius advised James, "I know you're probably feeling overwhelmed, but try to relax. Take deep breaths, and calm your nerves. Remember, I'm here with you every step of the way."

James forced a smile, taking a deep breath. "I'm trying, mate," he said, his voice betraying a hint of his anxiety. "Just...this feels different, you know?"

Sirius nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I know. But you've got nothing to worry about. Autumn loves you, and you love her. That's what this is all about, yeah?"

James exhaled, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I know," he said, his voice steadying. "I just...I love her so much. I want everything to be perfect for her, you know?"

Sirius clapped him on the shoulder, a reassuring grin on his face. "Trust me, Prongs. It will be. You're marrying the love of your life, and trust me, she will look stunning in her gown. Just wait until you see her. You'll forget all your nerves then."

James chuckled, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Yeah, you're right," he admitted. "Knowing her, she'll probably be a vision. I just...I don't want anything to go wrong. I just want today to be perfect for her."

Sirius offered a supportive smile. "And it will be, mate. And even if something doesn't go according to plan, remember—it's you and Autumn's day. Focus on that, alright? Forget about everything else and just enjoy the moment. You deserve it."

Peter, straightening his appearance, interjected, "Hey, Prongs, remember when we used to prank them back in school, and it was actually all because you wanted Autumn's attention?"

Remus chuckled and added, "Or how about those drawings you've been carrying around with you all this time, the ones she made for you?"

Sirius then chimed in with a mischievous smile, "And we can never forget the countless hours you spent perfecting that pumpkin tart recipe, trying to replicate her late grandma's pumpkin pie?"

James laughed, the tension in his face gradually fading as he remembered the past. "Yeah, you lot had to remind me of all that, didn't you?" he said, the corners of his mouth lifting into a genuine smile. "All right, okay, I get the point. Everything's going to be fine. I need to stop worrying and just enjoy this day."

Remus smirked, patting him on the back. "Now you're getting it, Prongs. Just focus on the joy of marrying the love of your life, and let us worry about the rest."

Peter nodded in agreement, then asked, "When you had your first wedding, how did you feel?"

James thoughtfully pursed his lips before responding, "It was special, it was still a significant moment. Our first wedding was small and meaningful to our families, but this one... it's with all of you, my lifelong friends. We've been through so much together, and you're all a major reason why I'm here, marrying the love of my life."

He looked up at his best mates, a meaningful expression on his face, "It's different, yes, but more."

Sirius, who had seen his best friend in various states over their years of friendship, could tell James meant every word. "We're honoured, mate," he said, giving James' shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "We're not just witnessing your wedding, we're part of it, as we always have been. We wouldn't want to be anywhere else today."

Remus, with his quiet and perceptive nature, added with a smile, "James, this is just the first step on the rest of your life with Autumn. But it's one that we're all going to be there for, just as we've been there for you so many other times."

Peter, not wanting to be left out, chipped in with his usual cheerful demeanour. "We've been through hell and back together, Prongs. There was no way we were going to miss your wedding, no matter what."

James chuckled, touched by their words. "You guys... I'm the lucky one, you know that? I don't know what I'd do without the three of you. I don't think I'd even be standing here without you lot by my side."

Sirius grinned. "Well, don't forget about Moony's calming presence and Wormtail's endless patience," he reminded, "Not to mention the fantastic ideas I've given you. You'd be nothing without us, Prongs."

Remus rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "And don't forget who had to deal with your pranks when they'd go wrong," he quipped.

Peter chimed in with a smirk, "And who had to clean up after you when those pranks involved a whole lot of mess?"

James couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, alright, you've made your point," he conceded. "I'm nothing without my loyal, long-suffering friends."

On the other side of the tent, the girls were busying themselves with Autumn's preparations. Raven stood before her best friend, their hands clasped together.

With a mix of joy and nostalgia, Raven confessed, "You know, I always knew I'd be at your wedding, but being here now, it feels like a dream come true. I can't believe it's real."

Autumn smiled, tears brimming in her eyes. "I know what you mean," she replied. "I still remember all those days when we were kids and we'd dream of our future weddings, talking about our perfect dresses and handsome grooms."

Raven let out a soft chuckle and replied, "Yeah, we kind of put those dreams on hold when we first arrived at Hogwarts, didn't we? We were just completely captivated and enchanted by the magic and wonder of the Wizarding world around us."

Autumn nodded, her smile tinged with bittersweet memories. "It was like a whole new world, full of possibilities and wonders beyond anything we could have imagined," she explained. "Suddenly, our childhood dreams of a big white wedding seemed small in comparison to the wizarding world's adventures."

Raven's gaze lingered on her best friend, sensing the complex emotions in her voice. With a mixture of honesty and reassurance, she said, "But even as we embraced new dreams and experiences, I always had faith that I would be standing here, witnessing this special day, witnessing your wedding. And I must admit, I never thought the boy who was so rude to us back on the train during our first journey to Hogwarts would end up being your future husband."

She gave Autumn's hand a gentle squeeze, offering her unwavering support.

Autumn laughed softly, the memory of their initial encounter on the train bringing a warm smile to her face. "Oh, James was a piece of work back then, wasn't he?" she mused. "It's hard to believe that the same boy who was such a git to us on the train ended up stealing my heart."

"Sometimes, it seems almost...unbelievable," she murmured. "Who would have thought that that arrogant, cocky boy would turn out to be the man I'd fall in love with, the one I'd want to build a life with?"

Raven let out a quiet laugh, a knowing smile on her face. "Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it?" she pondered. "Fate has a funny way of bringing people together in the most unexpected of ways."

Autumn nodded, a feeling of profound contentment washing over her. "It does," she agreed. "And looking back, despite all the challenges and hardships we've faced, I wouldn't change anything. Every up and down, every struggle, it's all led us here, to this moment."

Raven gently held onto Autumn's hand, her voice laced with a pang of regret as she whispered, "I just wish... things could have been different with Elliot. It would have been perfect if our friendship hadn't collapsed, and if he could be here on this special day."

As Raven's words hung in the air, Lily, who was adjusting Autumn's bouquet, quietly glanced up, her eyes meeting Autumn's. A glance of guilt passed between them, knowing the truth they had been hiding from Raven and it weighed heavily on their consciences.

Autumn's heart ached at the mention of Elliot and the unspoken truth. She shared a meaningful look with Lily, a silent acknowledgement passing between them before looking back at Raven. Her voice was laced with sadness and regret. "Yes, I do too. It's a shame how things ended, and I wish it could have been different."

Raven's expression grew sombre, a mixture of sadness and longing. "It's sad, isn't it? How something so meaningful could end so bitterly...?" she murmured, her voice trailing off, her eyes downcast.

Autumn closed her eyes, the guilt gnawing at her heart. It seemed the weight of their unspoken truth was casting a shadow over this joyous occasion. "It is sad," she admitted quietly. "But life has a way of... altering everything. We can only move forward and cherish the friendships we have now..."

The girls were quiet for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. The weight of their guilt and missed opportunities hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the celebration. As they tried to push these thoughts aside and focus on the present, a voice on the other side of the tent broke the silence.

"Hey, you lot, are you ready in there?" Sirius' voice boomed from outside the tent. "James is nearly ready to burst a vein from the nervous anticipation."

Raven chuckled, forcing a smile as she moved to open the tent flap. "Yes, we're ready," she called back. "Though I think it's more James we should be worried about than ourselves."

As the tent flap opened, Sirius poked his head in, a playful smirk on his face. "Oh, good," he teased. "I thought you were having an impromptu dance party in there, and we were just being left out."

Lily rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "You know us girls, always having our secret parties," she quipped. "Now, go back out there and keep James from doing anything stupid."

Sirius chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. "As you wish, ladies," he said with a wink. "I'll keep an eye on Prongs. Wouldn't want him passing out from excitement on his own wedding day."

With that, Sirius disappeared from the tent, leaving the girls alone again. The light-hearted moment had helped to alleviate some of the heaviness that lingered in the air. Raven turned back to Autumn, a small smile on her face.

She tried to brush aside the earlier sombre feelings, focusing on the present. "Well, guess we should finish up," she said, her voice somewhat strained. "Let's make sure, you look perfect for your future husband, huh?"

Autumn nodded, trying to match Raven's demeanour. "Right, right," she murmured, though her eyes betrayed a touch of melancholy. As the final preparations were completed, and the voices of the groomsmen and their friends outside the tent grew louder, it was almost time for the ceremony to begin.

The air outside the tent buzzed with activity. James paced anxiously, his nerves more obvious now. Sirius, Remus, and Peter tried to keep him calm, their banter aimed at distracting him from his anxious anticipation.

"Mate, would you relax?" Remus chuckled at James' incessant pacing. "You look like you're about to run a marathon, not get married."

Peter chuckled as well. "Yeah, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were more worried about this than facing a horde of Death Eaters," jokingly.

James shot a half-hearted glare in Peter's direction, but it was more out of good-natured teasing than anything else.

Sirius placed a hand on James' shoulder, trying to reassure him. "James, pal, you've got to calm down. You're about to marry your dream girl. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment, alright?"

James let out a deep sigh, trying to steady his nerves. "I know, I know," he said, running a hand through his hair. "It's just... I've been waiting for this day for so long, and I don't want anything to go wrong."

Remus gave James a reassuring pat on the back. "You're worrying for nothing, James. You're about to marry Autumn, the person you love more than anything. Nothing could possibly ruin this day."

Peter nodded in agreement. "Yeah, man. You two are perfect for each other. Just focus on the love you share and don't worry about the rest. You're about to embark on a lifelong journey together."

The air filled with anticipation as Marlene, Mary and Dorcas walked out of the tent. Marlene jokingly commented, "It's not much of a crowd," causing the guys to chuckle in response.

As the three girls moved forward and took their place at the front, the guys knew it was a sign that Autumn was about to appear soon.

A hushed silence fell over the small gathering as they waited for Autumn to appear. James could feel his heart racing, his palms sweaty. He stood with his groomsmen, waiting for the moment when he would see his beloved.

Sirius, standing beside James, glanced over at his best friend. He knew better than anyone how much this day meant to James, and he could see the mixture of excitement and nervousness on James' face.

"It's almost time, Prongs," Sirius said in a low voice, clapping him on the shoulder. "Just think, in a few moments, you'll see your bride. And you better not pass out when you do."

In their previous wedding, Autumn had worn her mother's dress, but this time, it was her own special wedding dress, something James had eagerly anticipated seeing. The significance of the dress went beyond its design; it symbolized the journey they had been on and the love that brought them to this moment.

The sound of music began to play, signalling the beginning of the ceremony. Everyone turned their gazes in the direction of the tent, waiting for Autumn to make her entrance. James felt his heart in his throat as he looked on, his anticipation almost overwhelming.

Lily emerged first, holding her wand gracefully. With a wave, she conjured a beautiful array of flowers that bloomed with the essence of October and March, symbolically representing the two months in which the couple had their weddings.

The magical blooms cascaded down the aisle, adding a touch of rustic charm to the already beautiful surroundings. The petals danced through the air, creating a carpet of colour that led all the way to the front. James' heart skipped a beat as he recognized the significance of this display.

The sight of the flowers magically brought to life, filled him with a sense of awe. It was as if nature itself was celebrating their love, weaving together the essence of their two weddings into one beautiful spectacle. He glanced over at the groomsmen, seeing the looks of wonder and happiness on their faces as they, too, took in the magical scene.

Raven held tightly onto Autumn's arm as the duo stood behind the tent flap. The anticipation was palpable in the air as Raven asked, "Are you ready, Autumn?"

Autumn took a deep breath, her voice holding a mix of excitement and nervousness. "As ready as I'll ever be," she replied, a hint of a smile on her lips. Her heart was pounding in her chest, a mixture of joy and anxiety flooding through her.

Raven squeezed Autumn's arm gently, offering a reassuring smile. "You're going to be fine," she reassured her friend. "James is out there, and he's just as nervous as you are."

Autumn chuckled softly, the mention of James' nerves bringing a bit of humour to the moment. "Well, I hope he doesn't pass out before we even get a chance to say 'I do,'" she jested, a sparkle in her eyes.

Raven laughed quietly, shaking her head. "I'm sure he'll be fine," she said with a sly smile. "And I'd bet Sirius will catch him if he does start to swoon."

Autumn's smile widened, imagining the scene of Sirius catching James if he did, in fact, swoon. She could almost hear the banter and teasing that would follow such an event.

Raven gave Autumn's arm another squeeze, her expression turning more serious. "Seriously though, you look absolutely radiant," she said sincerely. "James is a lucky man, and he knows it. All you have to do now is walk out there and make it official."

Autumn's nerves faded slightly as she heard Raven's words, a surge of confidence filling her. "You're right," she replied, her voice steady. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

Raven grinned, her eyes shining with excitement. "That's the spirit," she said as she drew open the tent flap, allowing Autumn to step into view.

As Autumn walked forward, a collective gasp echoed through the wedding party. James' breath caught in his throat as he saw her for the first time in her wedding dress. She looked radiant, the very embodiment of elegance and love.

The dress, crafted delicately in a mix of lace and satin, hugged her curves and cascaded down to the ground in a soft, shimmering train. The fabric seemed to catch the light, almost making it appear as if it was woven from threads of starlight.

Autumn's hair was beautifully styled in a side braid, adorned with a delicate flower crown that echoed the blooms conjured by Lily. Her exquisite bridal bouquet was a mix of autumnal blooms, completing the image of a bride who was every inch the essence of a fairytale princess.

As Autumn walked down the aisle, a hush fell over the small gathering. The guests, their gazes fixed on the bride, could hardly take their eyes off her. It was as if her very presence transfixed them, and nothing else mattered in that moment. Even the groomsmen, so used to her company, found themselves a little bit in awe.

James' eyes were fixed on Autumn, unable to look away from the sight before him. He could barely form a coherent thought...

His heart raced, and his breath caught in his chest. Everything else seemed to fade into the background, and Autumn became the sole centre of his focus. He could see the love shining in her eyes, the happiness radiating from her. In that moment, he was struck by the realization that this was it — the woman he loved more than anything, walking towards him, to become his wife.

For a moment, Autumn held her breath as her eyes caught a glimpse of Elliot standing there. However, due to some charming spell, he was invisible to everyone else but her. Seeing his smiling face, Autumn nearly teared up, her emotions overwhelming her.

James, watching Autumn, noticed the brief flicker of emotion that crossed her face. He couldn't see Elliot, of course, and assumed it was simply a moment of bridal anxiety.

Seeing her eyes well up with tears made his heart constrict, and he gently squeezed her hand in a gesture of reassurance.

"Hey, hey," he whispered, his voice filled with concern. "You okay, love?" he asked, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress.

Autumn smiled softly, blinking back the tears. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice a little shaky. "Just... a bit overwhelmed, that's all."

She glanced over her shoulder, where Elliot was standing, but only she could see him. His presence, though unseen to everyone else, gave her a strange sense of comfort amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

James studied her for a moment, his concern not fully abated. But he knew this was a day of great emotion, and it was normal to feel a bit overwhelmed.

He gently squeezed her hand again, offering a small, supportive smile. He had no idea about Elliot's presence, only seeing Autumn's slightly misty eyes and the hint of a secret in their depths.

The officiant, standing in front of the couple, watched the exchange between them with a gentle smile. He had seen countless weddings and knew that emotions often ran high.

Clearing his throat to regain their attention, he began the ceremony, his voice soft. "We gather here today to celebrate and support the union of Autumn and James in the bonds of matrimony. They are overjoyed to have you here and greatly appreciate your presence on their special day.

James and Autumn turned towards the officiant, their hands still clasped. Autumn's heart was still a little fluttery, but she took a deep breath and focused on the words being spoken.

As the officiant continued, the guests listened intently, their eyes shifting between the couple and the words being spoken. There was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the magic words that would bind James and Autumn together for life.

James felt a strange mix of nerves and excitement. He was acutely aware of every little thing - the way Autumn's hand felt in his, the scent of the flowers, the way the sun was setting through the leaves and casting a dappled light on them all.

It was as if time was both standing still and hurrying forward all at once. Every word the officiant spoke seemed to resonate with the very core of his being.

Autumn, too, felt the same rush of emotions. Her heart was in her throat, and she clung tightly to James' hand as the words washed over her. She was simultaneously lost in the moment and hyper-aware of every detail.

The way the groomsmen looked, their eyes a mix of happiness and anticipation. The way Lily and Raven were standing, their faces beaming. The way the sun was shining down through the trees, warming her skin and bringing a soft, golden light to the proceedings.

As the officiant came to a pause in the script, he asked, "James, do you solemnly swear to stand by Autumn always, to place your trust in her, to encourage her journey and inspire her dreams? Do you pledge to listen intently, laugh often, and hold her close, cherishing the unique bond you share? Furthermore, do you commit to open and fearless communication, appreciating both the common ground and the differences that enrich your relationship? Will you be her faithful friend, lover, and devoted companion, supporting her lovingly for all the days of your lives as her husband?"

James smiled, his heart full of emotion as he spoke those heartfelt words. His gaze firmly locked onto Autumn, his eyes reflecting the depth of his love for her. He declared with unwavering certainty, "I solemnly swear, I do. I take you, Autumn, to be my wife. I make a solemn promise to love and cherish you, through all the ups and downs, in times of sickness and in health, whether we are rich or poor, until our lives come to an end."

Autumn's eyes shone with happiness, her heart swelling with love as she listened to James' words. The strength and sincerity in his voice touched her deeply, reaffirming her belief in their love and the journey they were about to embark on.

The officiant directed their attention to Autumn, and inquired, "Do you solemnly swear to stand by James always, to have unwavering faith in him, to encourage his journey and inspire his dreams? Do you pledge to listen intently, laugh often, and cherish closeness, all the while fostering open and fearless communication? Furthermore, do you commit to appreciating both the similarities and differences that shape your bond, promising to be his steadfast friend, devoted lover, and trusted partner for all the days of your lives as his wife?"

Autumn's response came without hesitation. Her voice, steady and full of conviction, echoed the sincerity of her feelings. "I solemnly swear, I do. I take you, James, to be my husband. I promise to love, honour, and cherish you, through all of life's complexities - in sickness and in health, in abundance and in simplicity, through the tranquillity and the tempests, till death do we part."

The groomsmen and the girls all watched with smiles and misty eyes as James and Autumn pledged their hearts and futures to each other. Sirius, Remus, and Peter stood slightly behind James, holding back the wave of emotions threatening to overtake them at the sight of their best friend marrying the woman he loved.

The officiant, with a wave of his wand, released a warm, soft light that enveloped the hands of James and Autumn, illuminating their wedding rings as their vows were blessed with magic.

"Autumn and James, you have exchanged promises of love, devotion, and commitment. By the authority vested in me by the Magical laws of marriage, I hereby pronounce you as husband and wife. I present you to the world as Mr. and Mrs. Autumn and James Potter." He declared, a smile playing on his lips. "You may now kiss the bride."

The moment the officiant said these words, James couldn't wait a single moment longer. He released Autumn's hands and, with a gentle motion, pulled her into his arms, one hand resting on the small of her back. Looking into her eyes for a brief moment, he saw the sparkle of joy that mirrored his own. Then, with a smile, he leaned down, capturing his new wife's lips in a soft, yet passionate kiss.

The groomsmen cheered and applauded, joining in the jubilant celebration. Lily and Raven exchanged grins, tears threatening to fall from their eyes. Even Sirius, Remus, and Peter, who had been making a valiant effort to contain their emotions, joined in the applause, their eyes slightly misty.

The whole atmosphere was filled with the magic of the moment, a beautiful blend of joy, love, and warmth that filled the air.

Autumn, wrapped in James' embrace, felt a surge of emotions as he pulled away from the kiss. The cheers and applause from their friends and family echoed in her ears, adding to the overwhelming feeling of happiness. She looked into his eyes, seeing the love and joy mirrored in his gaze, and smiled.

"You're officially my wife now," James murmured, his voice a mix of awe and happiness. "Mrs. Potter." He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering against her cheek.

Autumn's smile widened at the sound of her new surname. Mrs. Potter. It sounded perfect like the missing piece of a puzzle finally clicking into place. She couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as she repeated it aloud. "Mrs. Potter," she said, the words feeling sweet on her tongue. "I like the sound of that."

James chuckled, clearly relishing the sound of it as much as she did. "I like it, too," he agreed, his eyes soft as he looked at her. He gently pulled her a little closer, his arms wrapping around her. "It suits you. You're every bit as beautiful as a Mrs. Potter should be."

Autumn laughed, gently swatting his arm. "Are you calling me beautiful or are you just buttering me up because I'm officially stuck with you now?" she teased, her tone light and playful.

"Can I be doing both?" he asked innocently, a cheeky grin on his face. "I mean, you're stuck with me either way, might as well lay on the compliments, right?"

Autumn pretended to ponder this, a mock-serious expression on her face. "Hmmm, I suppose you do make a good point there," she admitted, trying to hold back a smile. "Very well, Mr. Potter. You may continue with the flattery."

James and Autumn's lips met in a tender and meaningful kiss, sealing their bond as husband and wife. As they broke apart, they turned and walked arm in arm toward their friends, ready to celebrate their marriage in the company of their loved ones.

The groomsmen, Lily, Raven, Mary, Marlene and Dorcas cheered and clapped once again, their hearts full of joy and love for the newly married couple.

The joyous atmosphere was tangible as James and Autumn made their way back down the aisle, their faces aglow with happiness, their hands still clasped together.

Autumn discreetly glanced to the spot where Elliot had been standing, but she found he had vanished. In his place, a single flower remained. With a gentle touch, Autumn reached down and lifted the flower, and uttered a muted thanks to Elliot, the words carried subtly on the breeze.

The others, noticing Autumn's brief moment, saw her pick up the flower. They assumed it was simply a moment of sentimentality; they could not know the true significance of it. James wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her against his side, blissfully unaware of the secret exchange.

As they rejoined the wedding party, Lily sidled up to Autumn and James. She noticed the flower in Autumn's hands and raised an eyebrow.

"What's that?" she asked, keeping her voice low to maintain the intimacy of the moment.

Autumn glanced down at the flower, a small smile on her lips. "Oh, it's nothing," she replied, her voice casual. "Just a little memento."

She didn't elaborate any further, opting to keep the memory of Elliot's presence to herself for now.

Lily, despite her penchant for digging out the truth usually, decided to respect Autumn's privacy for once. Besides, with the wedding festivities in full swing, there was plenty to focus on without prying into her best friend's secretive flower. So, she simply smiled, linking her arm with Autumn's.

The wedding party moved deeper into the clearing, where a large tent had been erected for the reception. The air was filled with the sound of laughter, cheerful conversations, and the clinking of glasses as their friends toasted to the newlyweds.

photo cred: lilta-photo (deviant art)

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