xv. the moment on the train

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CHAPTER FIFTEEN - 🍂 ୧ the moment . . .
   on the train ও🦌

ON THE FINAL DAY OF THEIR FIFTH YEAR at Hogwarts, the two friend groups found themselves, once again, separated on the return journey home, as they occupied distinct sections of the train.

The Marauders proceeded to sit, together as usual, at which point, the four, of the other group settled themselves into a separate compartment.

As the hours of the train ride passed, both groups of friends unknowingly dispatched a member, from their midst, to search for the trolley witch, in hopes of acquiring some treats.

After being delegated to fulfil this task, Autumn and James, from either group respectively, set out to search for the same person. However, their paths crossed in an ironic, and unexpected manner, as the two of them, were the ones to walk into each other.

"Can't get enough of me, Rivers?" James, standing against a wall, watched as Autumn approached, as she navigated down the path.

With the beams of the sun, passing through the window, and illuminating him, he was rendered a striking figure, and for a short moment, Autumn froze, as she beheld this stunning sight.

However, she was quick to shake her head and offer a playful, amused, smirk. When she opened her lips, to utter her reply, she responded, "I should be asking you that. I was walking down an empty hall, and you were just standing there."

James leaned his head against the window, and directed his gaze, towards Autumn, as he inquired," So what brings you out here?"

Autumn tip-toed, as she observed the trolley, witch, who was being swarmed with students, from various others, who were interested in getting their share of treats," Treat run,"

James followed her gaze, in the same direction, as he also spotted the trolley-lady, and he responded," Ah, well, we might be here for a while."

James offered a gesture, which requested for Autumn, to stand by, as he himself, had already adopted a position, leaning his back against the window. He proceeded, to wave her off, when she tried to continue walking further up the line, and suggested that they should occupy the same, waiting spot.

As the two of them waited, in the line for the trolley, Autumn chose to pick up, where they had left off, the game of twenty-one questions. "Third question, when is your birthday?" she asked him, with a smile, as she awaited his response.

James, whose head had been resting against the window, looked over to her when she enquired about his date of birth, and he promptly responded," 27th of March, you?"

Autumn then went ahead, to utter a reply," 31st of October."

The Gryffindor's brows raised, and he had a noticeable look of surprise on his face, as he came to recognize Autumn's date of birth," Wait a minute, you were born on Halloween?"

Autumn, who had been amused, by the way he sounded, and was quite pleased to have evoked this reaction, responded with her own, amusing comment," Yes, fun fact, at least. My parents are quite fixated, on the fall season, you know, all the festivities, celebrations, etcetera. Me being born on Halloween was all the merry to them."

It seemed that their banter, about the upcoming celebration, had piqued the curiosity of the young Gryffindor, as he moved, away from the window, to fully face Autumn, and pose a question to her." So that's where the name came from, huh?."

Seeing that the queue for the trolley-lady, had shortened, but not disappeared, completely, and thus, they would have to wait a little while, he decided to continue their talk," Now, fourth question. I would like to know, what is your one favourite thing about me?" he playfully smirked.

Autumn was taken off guard, by the personal nature of the question, but did not allow her, an embarrassment to deter her from providing a suitable response. She maintained her composure, and thus, as she provided a verbal response to his query," If I were to choose, it would be that you make me feel at ease simply by being present. Which is perhaps, an odd thing, for someone that is usually quite apprehensive like me, to say, but it is the truth."

As the answer that was provided, left the Gryffindor stunned and speechless, for a short moment, he was unable to reply to her, as he tried to process the meaning of her words.

James, who knew, that he could be very egotistical, and was more accustomed to being praised, rather than having the tables turned, had been somewhat taken aback, by Autumn's response.

Realizing that he had been rendered speechless by her answer, he slowly began to recover, and his face, began to light up, with a playful smirk." Oh, wow, really? " he responded.

The Gryffindor continued to express a grin, as a hint of embarrassment, crept into his expression upon hearing Autumn's words. Feeling flustered, at being complimented, for a trait of his, which he never knew was valued. From experience, he was often an annoyance and hearing he was able to make someone feel comfortable and coming from her?

As the Gryffindor regained his composure, and continued their game of twenty-one questions, he opened his lips, to speak, as the smile on his face, became a tad more fond, and had transformed into a soft, amused grin.

He directed his gaze towards her," I will also choose the first that comes to mind. The way you make me want to learn more and more about, every detail of your life."

The world seemed to go quiet, as the two locked eyes, and a moment of stillness descended between them. It felt, to both of them, as if the time came to an abrupt pause, as they both were rendered lost, in the eyes of the other.

The world seemed to freeze, at the moment, and it was as if everything was a still image, all sounds were deafening, and all actions ceased to exist.

James, whose gaze remained fixed, continued to look at her, his look becoming, slightly more, intense, as he did so.

The pair remained in silence, and only the sound of their breath was heard.

The duo, who were previously entangled in the web of their stares, had been abruptly pulled back into reality, by the voice of the trolley-witch.

The two of them had simultaneously turned their heads, towards the elder witch, as she had spoken, "Anything off the trolley, dears?" and the pair, once more found themselves, being transported back to the present, where time was no longer frozen in a still image, and the world around them, was back, in full motion

After the moment, they shared, in which they had been lost in each other's gaze, the pair, who were still a tad embarrassed, by their sudden time-stopping moment, proceeded to retrieve the sweets from the trolley lady.

James and Autumn, waved goodbye to each other, before making their way, back to their respective groups, with the items, they had purchased.

Within the two groups of friends, the two of them appeared to have said, something that left their respective friends, with quite the surprise.

James's friend group, along with Autumn's friend group, were puzzled, as they both, exclaimed," I think I..."

At this point, they both, paused, to take a breath, and seemed to have, uttered the same words, as they both stated," I think I might..."

It almost seemed as if the two of them, were sharing the same sentiments.


The Hogwarts Express was soon arriving at its destination, Kings Cross Station. Students were seen disembarking from the train, in groups and as individuals, as they went about their tasks, of saying farewell to their friends.

This was primarily, for those students who were in their final year; however, some of their friends continued to bid their lastbyes, even though the next year was not far and they knew they would get the chance, to meet again.

James, who had been attempting, to search for, Autumn, amidst the crowd, was eventually successful, in finding her. She was currently occupied, in saying her final farewells to her friends, and as he located her, he continued, to observe, from a distance.

Autumn, who did notice the feeling of his gaze upon her, managed, to spot him, despite the distance which had existed between them.

When he mouthed the words, "I'll send mail," she, in response, nodded her head, with the promise to stay, in correspondence, through the use, of communicating through mail.

Both of them decided to, engage in the process of waving, at one another, before parting ways.

The pair, now once more departing, and parting ways, were clad in a smile on each of their lips, a smile which showed that despite the fact they had to go their separate ways, there was hope in the air, for their future correspondence, which they had promised, and for further encounters, once the new school year had started.

As Autumn, who had been about to move, on her way, out of the station, was caught off guard, by the sudden call, coming from her father.


As she looked up, she was able to spot both her father and mother, standing alongside, one another; the former of whom, was seen excitedly, waving, to her, while the latter was seen shaking her head, with a small smile on her face, at her husband's antics.

Autumn, who had been called out, by her father's voice, had immediately moved towards him and proceeded to be engulfed in his embrace.

He proceeded to lift her up, as he spun her around, several times, in a manner, which was quite similar to the one he had enacted previously, when she, had been much smaller.

Her mother, who had chosen, to keep a hand on her husband's back, for support, kept smiling, as she saw her husband engaging in this activity, without seeming to bear any exertion.

Autumn Rivers, who never felt a sense, of embarrassment, when engaging with her parents and their public display of affection as she had grown to love and appreciate, both her mother and father, deeply.

They had experienced, some difficulties, previously, in accepting their daughter's magical capabilities, but were eventually able, to accept, that it was a large part of her life, and a path, to which she would adhere, and the young girl, had appreciated their efforts, and their attempt, to comprehend her and her new world; as she proceeded, to tell her parents, about her events, that had transpired, throughout the course, of the previous year.

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