xvii. autumn, raven, elliot & lily

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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - 🍂 ୧ autumn, raven . . .
   elliot & lily ও🦌

JUST LIKE EVERY SUMMER, before and since they met, and throughout the time, in which they had come to become friends, the trio had spent half of the time of their vacation, with one another. The arrangement, usually consisted of the three of them, spending their stay, with Elliot, as his family owned a rather large residence.

The family, known as Winters, was a well-known, pure-blood family, within the wizarding community, who had quite a history that had been documented and was well-known within society. They, likewise, held, similarities to the Potter family, in regards to being branded as blood traitors, because of their connections, to the muggle world.

The family had been well-known, for their knowledge, and ability, in the field of curse-breaking; which had been passed down, from one generation, to another.

Elliot, however, was the sole individual, amongst his family, who did not wish to, uphold their generational legacy. This decision came from, Elliott's rebellious nature, and though his family, were originally not in support of his choice, they eventually decided, to allow him to follow his own desires regarding his career.

Elliot decided to lean closer to Autumn, as she sat beside him, in the living room, while watching Raven, speak to his family member, with a noticeable level of enthusiasm. He did this, with the intention of expressing, an amusing, and perhaps, ironic discovery, to his friend.

He whispered his words," Ya know, despite my best not wanting to deal with my family and their jobs, it was futile, because one of my best mates is interested in becoming a curse-breaker."

Autumn had let out a small chuckle, in response to her friend's words. She then continued to read, through the letter, she held in her hands, with a degree of focus and concentration.

Elliot then asked her an inquiry about, the specific content, of the piece of mail, which she held so carefully. He began by asking," Is that a letter from James?"

Autumn lowered the letter, that she was reading, and then held it out for Elliot to see. Once she had done this, the latter was able to view the writing, which was placed on the bottom of the piece, of mail. The message, which James added was: "Please deliver the information, that Sirius is now my brother, as he had run away from home, and my family, adopted him".

"Why is he writing like that?" Elliot began to chuckle, as he noticed the formal manner in which James was writing the text, to the bottom of the piece of mail, which Autumn, had revealed to him.

She then replied as she rolled her eyes at her friend. She also let out a sigh, as she expressed," I made a joke that him writing a certain way, made no sense, so this is a result, from my jest."

Elliot decided to stare, at his friend, as he replied," You must be a demon, what did he even say the first time?" in relation to the actions she had performed, regarding her joke.

Autumn, then followed, with additional information, upon his request," He essentially rambled on about, such an abundance of unrelated subjects, that I couldn't make sense of any of it."

Autumn then seemed to reflect on the exchange that she had had with James, as she appeared to be in thought, whilst shaking her heading." I had thought that he would be aware of my attempt, at humour, however, he kept writing in such a formal manner, afterwards," she muttered to Elliot.

Elliot, made a statement, in regards to the fact that Autumn, and Rave, were generally, the people, she exchanged letters with." This is actually your first time dealing, with writing to people, besides Raven and me, which you don't do often, though, you should. If anything, you should simply tell James, that you were joking, before his brain explodes, over the situation."

Raven now, approached the duo, having been engaged, in conversation, with the other members of Elliot's family, for some time.

"But it's funny thinking about James sitting at his desk, trying to make sense."

As she now entered into the living room, her voice filled, the air to speak to her friends, who turned their attention, to her.

As the duo of Autumn and Raven chuckled at Elliot's comment, the latter expressed, the frustration, he had been feeling, as well as some concerns about what, he would encounter, when the time, to return back to school, would arrive.

He stated," You two are a menace. I really don't want to start the new school year, with James, speaking in a different manner, which could potentially lead to him becoming, even more, insufferable."

Elliot appeared to have changed, the topic, to that of Raven. He began in a rather curious, and potentially, shocked manner: "Anyways, its a surprise my family didn't whisk you away, Rave,"

He said this, as he watched, as Raven, walked over, to Autumn, who, at the moment, was handing her, the letter, she had received, from James.

Raven let out a rather expressive, rolling of the eyes, as she took a seat, within the armchair, on the opposite side of the couch. She then made a statement, which carried, a hint of both, certainty, and a hint, of unwillingness" Your parents and sisters did ask if I wanted to join them, but no, we have our rules. It's our time, maybe next month I will."

Elliot now brought up the idea, which was a rather enticing one, as the possibilities, would work, out perfectly, for the two of them." You know, it can be a win-win situation. You can go stay with my family, and I can stay with yours."

Raven then grumbled, as she made a statement, about the potential way that, Elliot would be treated if he were to stay with her family." They'll probably make you take them, to see anything magic-related. Thoughts and prayers for your sanity."

The trio made a decision, to go out walking, for their adventure, to explore, and see what was going on, near the neighbourhood, that Elliot lived in. As they walked, they noticed the unique, and fascinating, ways in which, anything, and everything, was occurring.

The atmosphere of magic, all around, presented them with a sight, that could be admired, and that Raven and Autumn seemed to agree upon; it was most certainly a spectacle.

Raven was now asking Autumn, a specific question." So we'll be picking up Lils, next week right?"

Autumn then responded, as the three of them, continued to walk the sidewalk." Yeah, she said it was torture where she went. Apparently, her older sister got engaged and her family went to visit her sister's fiance's family."

Raven appeared to hesitate, as she attempted to complete her sentence." Ah, right, the sister that.."

However, she did not continue, as she seemed to hold a rather negative, feeling towards Lily's sibling, who had been calling her unpleasant terms, due to learning, of her capabilities, with magic.

Elliott, remembering the harsh treatment, and hurtful insults, Lily had faced, from her sister, due to her being a witch, was filled with anger, and a sense of concern, for his friend. He was the only one, who had siblings, within the group, which meant, that he had reflected on, how dreadful, the situation must have been, for Lily, and the fact, that he was not capable of altering this circumstance, made him feel even worse.

Autumn had posed a rather intriguing, and curious, question as her friends suddenly went quiet." Has Lily ever mentioned anything towards, regarding Snape? I cannot help but feel as though, it's been harder for her now, because he was there for her, when she really needed somebody when she wanted to be away from her sister."

The pair both shook their heads and Elliot spoke," Nope, my letters to her were just asking how things were going,"

Raven suddenly stopped, in the midst of their movement. She now, wore a rather mischievous smirk, which expressed her, seemingly correct, perception, regarding the true intentions behind, the letters, he had written. She then asked him," Oh, really? So, your letters to her, hadn't included, something, slightly more personal?"

Upon seeing that he, also stopped walking, and turned around, he could see, that both, Autumn, and Raven, had halted behind him.

He then posed a rather examination, in which he sought a clarification, on the other about, his recent exchanges, with Lily." Are you trying to assume that something is going on, between the two of us?"

After taking, just a moment, for understanding to arrive, Autumn smiled, as her mind began to process. She then asked," Ohh! Eli, do you like Lily?"

Raven, upon observing Autumn, and her slow understanding, gave her rather interesting, looks, which contained, an air of disdain, as she seemed to think the latter was being rather incredible.

She was not alone, in this observation of course, as even Elliot seemed to have the same impression on his face, as he thought, about the situation with Raven's perception.

Elliot, approached Autumn, as he walked over, with the intent, to pat her in a comforting manner. However, he was met with, her blank stare, and he soon found this humorous." Oh you poor thing, I worry about James' sake in the future."

Autumn, then seemed to display a rather teasing, smirk, as she suggested a possible course, of action, should her friends keep this up. She made the point," Keep it up and I'll have to send mail to Lily and Remus about you two."

The duo, after staring at, her for a brief moment, then decided to go chase after her, which was most certainly motivated, by her comment.


One week, after their initial agreement, was the time, in which, the trio had decided to go pick up their friend, from her family. The three of them arrived at her place, and then Lily introduced them to her family. Lily's parents seemed to have felt a sense of joy, when they met, the trio. However, the same could not be said, for her sibling and sibling's fiance. They had acted, in an openly hostile manner, when the three made their appearances.

The quartet, after leaving the Evans, household, had moved on, as they had planned, to the home of Autumn. They had decided to spend, at least a day here, first, before continuing their trip, to the house of Raven, and finally, to Elliot's.

As the group stayed together for the few weeks set aside, for this event, they seemed to have felt, as though, they had made a new connection with Lily, in which, they knew much more about the person she was, when compared to previously, where, they had only known, a minor amount, of information, regarding her.

During the few weeks they had spent, alongside one another, the group had gained a rather intense curiosity, concerning a rather specific circumstance. They realized, that Autumn, had exchanged letters with James, almost every single day, which caught their attention, and they sought to know, the contents, of said letters.

As she continued to receive letters from James, on a continuous basis, she knew that the teasing, from her friends, directed at her, would be inevitable. This in turn made her more interested in hiding the letters she received, in order to keep, the details, of their contents, a secret.

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