Birthday Planning

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Mum asked me "What would you like to do for your birthday this year."

"I hadn't thought about it." I reply instinctively.

"It's only a week away"

I told her I'd let her know tonight and headed off to meet Summer to do some more badge sales before school.

At lunch I mentioned to the seasons it was my birthday next week and asked what we should do.

Winter went cold and silent. Summer suggested a dinner followed by a sleepover.

"Maybe we could go roller blading how many friends can you invite!?" she then added as an afterthought. 

"Not sure I don't think mum wants to spend a fortune as next year will be expensive." I replied

"I think roller blading sounds good" Winter interjected.

"Perhaps we invite some of the guys and maybe the softball team and whoever else you want. Tell everyone its $20 a head and we can get some pizza delivered and it will cost your mum hardly anything." Summer continued.

"It would be even cheaper if you're mum picked up the pizza" Winter threw in.

"Sounds like a good plan and then afterwards you two can come to my house and we'll have a sleepover" I eagerly suggest.

"Let's see if your parents agree then" finishes Summer.

I couldn't wait till tonight so I sent a text to mum putting forward our proposition.

Mum thought it was a wicked idea and even agreed to picking up the pizza. I think because that meant she would be able to come. My mum and I were close so I had no problem with her being there and she would surely get a few Kodak moments for her albums.

We decided to invite the school softball team as well as the Wolves. None of us having boyfriends we went with the safe option and invited a few of the guys from the football team and the guys that were going out with the girls from softball.

We emailed invitations to everyone we had addresses for and I had just printed out enough to hand out to the rest. Summer printed out few more.

"Why'd you do that" I said perhaps a little too harshly.

"We'll you never know we might err when writing on them or we may have missed someone." she nonchalantly added "Better to be safe than sorry"

"Are you up to something" I say inquisitively.

"Who me?; never"

"Now I'm worried"

"I'm only joking" she closed with as we started to move off.

I wasn't sure that there wasn't mischief on her mind but I couldn't see any harm that could come from it. So I let the matter drop.

We handed out all the invitations over the next two days and most had verbally rsvp'd that they were coming and would text my mum in confirmation.

The next day Johnathon Coleman the head of the athletics team and his friend Ben Davies came up to our table at lunch. "Hey Autumn; I hear you're having a party and I haven't got your invitation yet"

The cheek I thought to myself. Just because your 192cm of man meat with clearly defined muscles without any flexing, a five o'clock shadow in the morning, cute mousey blonde hair, blue eyes that could melt any girls heart, a chiselled jaw that's firm and strong and not to mention the most sought after guy in the school in his final year; but before I could process anything to banter, I hear Summer responding "I have your two invitations here; sorry we couldn't get them to you earlier."

"Well thank you Autumn" they said in unison with more than a little exuberance as they accepted the invitations from Summer

They walked off high-fiving yelling out back to us that they couldn't wait.

"Looks like someone's happy" Winter said as she watched the two boys walk off.

"Yes" I responded as I saw a cat got the mouse smile bridged across Summer's face.

"Did you plan that" I say looking directly at the cat.

"Honestly no" she retorted "but let's just say I'm happy and claiming dibs" she closed.

"Interesting; well dibs it is then and let the games begin" I finish as we all started laughing.


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