Hypoglycemic Divide

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Sky's p.o.v.

Jobs were split up, I got hunting, and boy did I need a break. Since Jet, tensions have been high between the siblings and they fight over everything. I'm glad I'm an only child for a change, but Aang does make an adorable pretend brother.

I was having luck too. I found a yummy looking bunny and lots of fruit and nuts so we didn't have to depend on our bagged provisions.

I made sure to do up Mr. yummy as I dubbed the bunny away from camp for Aang's sake so he couldn't tell what he was.

The great divide was coming so I knew a large kill would be a bad idea, but a one meal bunny was perfect.

In my humor as I skipped back to camp I hummed "Here comes Peter cottontail." In a happy mood arriving as Sokka and Katara were arguing about there jobs.

"Sky your back.", Aang says.

"Yo little bro, what's the issue this time?", I ask.

"Katara's not bringing good fire wood and Sokka's not doing the tent right.", he whispers and I giggle.

"Maybe you should suggest they switch jobs.", I say smirking as his eyes light up.

"Hey guys instead of arguing about how to do each others jobs why don't you just switch jobs.", Aang says as the two siblings shrug and switch jobs. "Good idea Aang.", Katara says as me and Aang share a knowing look.

"That's my job, saving the world and solving disagreements.", he says smiling "But it was Sky's idea."

Soon our tent is up and food is served. Thank gosh they switched jobs cause Katara's fire would never get hot enough with just that kindling she had.

Then next morning me and Katara were looking over the gorge, admiring it.

"It's so pretty.", she says.

"Well get on the bison and admire it from above, we're on a schedule.", Sokka says.

"Race ya up the bison.", I tease him smirking.

"Hey if you think your taking the tour guide you got another thing coming.", shout's a pompous looking man running our way.

"Ohh a tour guide, sounds informative.", Katara says.

"You can have him, we don't wanna go through there anyways.", I say leaning on Sokka who nods in agreement.

"Oh hey your friends are here." and I point as the group from the other tribe arrive.

And cue incredibly annoying argument as I pull out my earplugs from my bag, that I was glad I still had. I couldn't put my finger on it but I was forgetting something important about the divide episode. So much so I ignored half the discussion among the two groups and the tour guide and then I remembered as Aang said he'd guide the groups through and they'd leave there old and sick on Appa.

We have to spend a day and a half or more or less with no food in the gorge. And I'm hypoglycemic. Not that anyone knew but I am so screwed. Maybe if I conserve energy I'll be ok. But I doubt it. I have a bag loaded with fruit on Appa, so I can do something if I have help when the reaction happens after I'm out.

But If I keep Aang company I won't get any of the food the tribes sneak in. But Aang kind of needs the company.

Man how do I explain this to the Gaang. As we enter the valley I stay alert as I mull over the issue and watch out for the wall crawlers. Wait if I can keep the guide from getting hurt maybe we'll be out early.

I keep an eye on the pudgy guy as he yells when the creature grabs him. Time to unveil my new water bending trick.

I take my water bending stance and I blood bend the stupid creature making it scream when it can't move.

"Sokka, get the earthbender down, I don't know how long I can hold it!", I shout as he runs up and with a few tribe members pulls the earthbender loose. and to safety as Katara and Aang fight the other creature.

I lose my grip on the ticked creature when some idiot knocks into me but another creature grabs me instead of the earth bender.

"Sky!", Sokka shouts knocking me lose as the creature grabs him and he panics as I jump on the creatures back using an airblade to slice off said appendage holding Sokka before jumping off as the creatures run off freaked.

"Thanks for the save.", I say

"Back at ya.", he replies as we pant.

"Are you hurt?", he asks

"I don't think so, you?", I reply.

"I'm good.", he says as we approach the waterbender checking out the earthbender.

"His arms hurt he won't be able to earth bend.", Katara says as the old man starts to panic about dying in the valley.

I walk up to the old man crouch to his level and slap him hard startling him out of his panic and echoing.

"Panicking never solves anything. ", I say looking at him firmly "The only way we'll get out is if we stay calm and work together."

The two tribes begin to argue and even Aang is getting fed up.

"How do I get them to listen?", he says.

"Oh I can get there attention.", I say then I raise my voice in an authoritative tone "Shut your flipping traps!"

"Wow thanks Sky.", Aang says as I step back by him.

"Your welcome.", I say.

"Ok zhaos are going down the right zhangs the left now!", he says as they do as there told.

"Good job, work on that authoritative tone.", I say giving him a thumbs up as the water tribe siblings approach.

"Hey guys see if you can find out why there fighting.", he says.

"And keep in perspective, each side is biased to what they think it is. It's probably something dumb.", I say "Usually is. I'll hang with Aang. Cool I rhymed."

Me and Aang air bend above walking between the groups as we travel we chat.

"Thanks for keeping me company Sky.", he says.

"No prob lil'bro.", a say smirking. "Oh and by they way, you do know they both most likely have food anyways."

"Naw , I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.", he says smiling.

"Just don't be surprised.", I say.

I ignore the fact that my stomach's growling as we trek.

The tribes eventually make camp and me and Aang sit and chat and tell stories to pass time.

In the morning I can feel the beginings of my sugar drop as we walk through to the exit meeting up with the siblings who are now arguing over who was right of the tribes as I face palm.

Next it goes to an insult war between the tribes and siblings.

"Hey guys harsh words never solve anything.", Aang says "Action does."

"He's right harsh words don't solve anything.", says one tribes leader.

"Action does." says the other as the tribes start fighting.

"No go back to yelling.", Aang says.

"I'm sorry Sokka I was stupid.", Katara says.

"Me too, I just sided cause they fed me.", he says.

"Aang lets blow these hot heads apart.", I say as we airbend the parties apart spilling said food.

"You guys brought in food, you mean we're stuck in this valley cause you couldn't go the day without a snack!", Aang shouts "I can't believe Sky was right. Hey is that an egg custard tart."

"She's right a lot Aang.", Sokka points out as I nod forcing back the discomfort from my low sugar knowing the adrenaline rush is coming and so are the scorpion crab spider things. I just hope I can ignore it long enough to eat.

I watch and then the crawlers appear and everyone is forced to fight together for survival. I airbend some back, Aang then bags some food and hops on a crawler and demonstrates how to wrangle a crawler. I grab a food bag and distract one as Sokka gets on ours and I hop on behind him grabbing on to him. I hold on to Sokka firmly as we crawl out as I feel the dizziness set in.

Sokka's p.o.v.

I have to admit it was nice having her arms around my waist when we crawled out of the pit. She was looking a little pale today, and in a bad way though. Once out we through the food in the valley and the crawlers went after it. Sky stood by me as Aang spoke to the tribes about the story they were fighting over. I was half listening to Aang as I noticed Sky wasn't focusing and was out of it slightly. Come to think of it she was leaning more weight on me then normal and I bet if I moved she'd fall hard.

"What luck you were there.", Katara says.

"You could call it luck.", he says "Or as Sky called it good storytelling." I put an arm around Sky to offer support just as she dropped into the seizure, out of focus as I knelt by her.

"Guys, somethings wrong.", I say as she starts to panic and I can tell she doesn't see me at all.

What's wrong with her?", Aang asks.

"I don't know, she's never done this before.", Katara says.

"Sky calm down, what's wrong.", I say talking calmly as I stroke her hair pulling her shaking body into my lap.

"Sugar.", she says shakily.

"Maybe she needs something with a lot of sugar.", Aang says.

"On it.", Katara says running on the Bison and pulling the fruit bag.

"How's she gonna eat it though she's shaking, if she chews it maybe she'll choke.", I say

"Juice is water.", Sky says as Katara and my eyes light up.

"On it.", she says as she waterbends the juice out of the fruit and into Sky's mouth slowly, and the dual bender slowly swallows and after what seems like a long time her shaking starts to slow, and her heart starts slowing as her body calms down. She starts to blink and I can tell her focus is coming back in as I stroke her hair. She's still shaky as she closes her eyes and leans into me.

"What happened to her?", Katara says as Sky calms more but her body's still shaky.

"It's called hypoglycemia.", She finally says shakily "The sugar in my blood got to low. "

"Why didn't you tell us?", I say.

"Thought I'd be ok, haven't had an episode in years.", she says leaning into me "Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, you couldn't help it.", I say hugging her.

"He's right.", Katara and Aang say together.

"I'd hate to be a bother but I'll be okay if I eat a bit more before we proceed.", she says.

"Your never a bother Sky!", I say as I realize my own heart is slowing its pace to beat in time with hers.

"I'm just glad your gonna be ok." And as I hold her Katara passes me a peeled fruit which I feed her by my own insistence.

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