The party and the headband

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Sky's p.o.v.

I was currently in a red fire nation long skirt with pants under and a tank top style shirt with a scarf covering my braided hair, as we looked around the village for some food to eat. Poor Aang the only veggies are in the trash, so I'll have to remember to forage for other things better.

Well when I can. Sokka's still acting weird and the only time he leaves me alone is to pee or dress and bath right now.

I'm trying hard to be patient, because me almost dying is pretty upsetting, but I feel smothered. "Sky how's your head feeling. I think I have a bunch of dried fruit if your sugar's low again.", he asks me for the hundredth time as I smile and wave him off as he takes my hand again and our fingers twist together.

"Is there any non meat here?", Aang asks as we look for some chow.

"Sorry Lil Bro but I'm afraid this town won't have any non meat. We'll have better luck in other towns.", I say leaning my head on Sokka's shoulder as I rub his head. It's so fuzzy now that he's got hair.

"May as well face it Aang even the meat eats meat here.", Sokka adds. Soon he wanders off as we get some food saying he'll meet us at camp as we check out the village.

Back at our lovely camping cave we have a nice fire going as I practice bending sparing with Toph, while Sokka watches us and Katara paces.

It's amusing and we taunt each other incessantly.

"Dodge this Queen Bee!", she shouts as I use air bending to dodge using water bending to draw water from the air making snow balls and pelting her as I laugh.

"How's that Mole girl.", I shout as she dodges a few before flinging me air ward raising a pillar from the ground but I slow my drop with air bending as I turn my snow into water that turns dirt into mud and fling it at Toph "Time for a mud mask."

At which she busts out laughing at her face mask as I land and we break into a laughter fit only for Sokka to come over and throw me over his shoulder.

"Hey I wasn't done with her.", Toph says annoyed.

"Ya I wanted to draw a face in the mud mask.", I say giggling.

"Sky you still need time to recover.", he says firmly as I pull water from the air and Toph grins as he walks away with me from her as I make more mud. "I'm just making sure you don't over do it. You've trained enough for one day" As he puts one hand on my but to keep me steady and one around my legs.

"Sokka I love you but if you don't give me back to Toph she's gonna hit you with the worlds biggest mudpie", I say grinning as Toph starts to raise the mud up.

"I'll give you to the count of mud to give her back snoozles.", Toph says grinning evilly as I feel Sokka's muscles tense. That's one thing the cartoon got wrong, and I'm glad. Sokka actually has some really nice muscles and the best part his hair's grown in all the way. Looks better this way. Good thing he's muscly too or his shoulder would be a lot bonier where my stomach is.

"Hey how about you three stop playing around and we go find Aang!", Katara asks.

"He's fine, he got picked up by a truant officer cause they think he's skipping school.", I say giggling "He'll be back soon. And Sokka you can put me down now."

"But your so fun to carry.", he whines.

"If you don't I'm gonna have Toph Earth bend your legs into the ground and tickle you until you puke.", I say "Well after your mudpie."

"I'm in.", Toph says

"Of course you would be, when'd you start taking Sky's side so much.", Sokka asks.

"When I realized she was more fun then both of you.", she says.

"Well I'm gonna wait outside for Aang.", Katara says stalking out just as me and Sokka are coated in mud making me start laughing my head off. Eventually after a hefty tickle fight and me and Toph bending us clean Aang eventually returns.

"How was school.", I ask smirking as he goes into how much fun he's having and wants to go tomorrow and uses a secret river entry to bribe Sokka into saying yes. Thankfully like most nights me an Sokka are the last ones awake. We'd moved to sit outside the cave to listen to the waves and enjoy the stars as I sat between his legs leaning my back on his chest as his arms are wrapped around me as we watch.

"You know it seems like just a few months ago I was wishing on stars just like these.", I say smiling "Who'd know I'd end up here."

"I never did ask what did you wish for?", he asks.

"To find my place. My whole life had just crashed around me. My dad was dead, tribe abandoned me, and everything I'd worked for had gone down the drain. I'd lost my direction.", I say.

"Then I'd say you got your wish.", he says taking my face with his hand as I shift so our eyes meet and his fingers are now in my hair. "Cause I can't picture you anywhere but with us." as his other arm shifts and his eyes seem to darken before he kisses me deeply as he pulls me to him as my arms move and wrap around him enjoying the feeling of just being us for a few.

It's the first time we've been able to be like this since the boat. Eventually we separate for air as our heads press together.

"I love you Sokka.", I say breathlessly but he only answers with a kiss.

We spend the evening a little longer exchanging words and kisses before we eventually go to our own bed rolls for the night.

Sokka's p.o.v.

Aang was at school again as I watched Sky while she practiced her bending. Thanks to my sis she's been recovering from her wounds well, but I still worry she's gonna do something crazy. But the fact that she's not worried about anything currently is a nice change. She's actually sleeping instead of worrying about what she knows. I have to admit she looks cute in the fire nation clothes, but I wish that scarf and braid to hide her hair weren't needed. She was actually gonna cut it off but I fought it tooth and nail.

I'd recently found the ribbon for Sky's engagement necklace, but I have yet to find the right stone. I want it to be one of a kind like the girl I'm gonna give it to. She's been really patient with me lately, too. I know I'm being overbearing and she's trying to be patient but I need to give her space. I surprised she hasn't knocked me upside the head.

Soon Aang returns and needs us to play parents at which Sky helps me with my fake beard which I love but she keeps giggling at it.

"What don't like it.", I say trying to kiss her as she giggles

"Nothing against facial hair but that thing tickles. Maybe a short goatee or somethin.", she says giggling "With that thing your like those mountain men back home."

Thankfully the meeting with the principle was short and he was satisfied when I threatened Aang. I kind of wish Sky had played my wife instead of Katara but she doesn't blend in well. Not with her color changing eyes and blonde hair.

Upon returning to camp sky had a pot of hot water ready, because she said it's the only way this beard won't be stuck.

And surprisingly she makes quick work of the beard as Aang starts to talk about what happened.

"So we should leave now.", I say.

"No I wanna throw them a dance party and give them a little taste of freedom. ", Aang says as Sky watches us argue amused, which tells me she knows something.

"Well what's Sky think?", he says smugly.

"Sounds fun.", she says smiling "And it's a very good idea Aang. All these people know is the propaganda there government gives them. "

Soon we have a large party going as Aang starts teaching dances to the fire nation kids and even has Katara come out as Sky hops up.

"Come on Sokka it looks like fun lets join in.", she says holding her hand to me with a sweet smile.

"Oh no I don't dance.", I say.

"I'll show you, trust me.", she says with a pleading look at me and I realize I'm doomed as I cave into those eyes swirling with love and excitement.

"Are you sure about this?", I ask as we get on the dance floor.

"Sokka, your a warrior and naturally light on your feet. You'll be fine.", she says as she whispers in my ears and then slowly directs me as she teaches me how ,which she was right. I did pick it up quick as we danced and twirled. The best part about the dance she was teaching me was I had the woman I love in my arms, and it was like it was just us as the sweat glistened off her body as she'd abandoned her scarf and some small strands of her hair escaped it's braid. The sight made my heart speed up.

I could pick up other guys in the room talking about us and they were envious of me as I danced with the "Exotic Beauty" as they called her making me happier as my heart swelled cause for now, She's mine.

All to soon the authorities arrive and we have to sneak out the back as we slip out using Toph and Aang's earth bending to escape out the back and fly away on Appa.

"That was an awesome dance party Lil Bro!", she says patting Aang on the back.

"Yea who knew you and Sky had such fancy dance moves.", Toph says.

"Ooh I got this one, I did.", Sky laughs leaning into me.

"That was amazing Aang.", My sister says catching his cheek.

"Yes Flamio my good man flamio.", I say clapping before I lean over to Sky "You can teach me to dance with you anytime."

"I may take you up on that, it's nice to have a partner who can keep up with me.", she says her eyes twinkling as she pecks my cheek.

Oh ya, I'm so gonna marry that girl some day.

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