The Serpent's pass

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sky's p.o.v

I leaned against Sokka as we went over our maps as we discussed the routes to Ba Sing Se. I was trying to feel positive but I'm not aloud to tell my future knowledge and it's frustrating. Stupid spirits. I let out a quick sigh as we discuss the serpent's pass. It's not like it matters we'll end up going that way anyways.

"Sky that's the fifth time in the last hour you've sighed. Are you sure you don't need rest, maybe your still tired.", Sokka says.

"No, I'm just mad and frustrated at the stupid spirits. It's frustrating when you can't change the future or can't tell some one so you can cause a stupid spirit's tied my hands. I knew Sokka, I knew they'd come for Appa. I just wasn't enough.", I say studying the map "And there's more big crap like that and worse coming up."

The water tribe warrior grabs me and makes me look at him, as his gaze meets mine

"Hey, it'll be ok. I know you did everything you could , and I'm just glad your safe.", he says looking at me "Look even without the futurey knowing stuff your still an amazing friend and have been a big help. I don't know what but you've already changed on your own, but I have a feeling we'd of been in a lot more hurt without you here. You saved my life on more than one occasion."

I chuckle cause he has no idea about the shirishu trap, or the money I've made and been adding to the bags secretly by singing in the fishing village and the fire nation village. I smirk at him, he always knows what to say to me it seems "You have no idea Sokka."

"Why am I not surprised, one of these days you'll have to tell me.", he says

"Some day.", I agree as water lands on our maps.

"great just great , you got water all over our maps, and one of them is over a hundred years old.", Sokka grumbles.

"I got this one babe.", I say water bending the water off of them smirking.

"Thanks Sky.", he says.

"So which route are we taking?", Aang says.

"The serpant's pass.", I say as we roll up our map as a couple come up the road.

Then as expected we run into the couple and escort them to the secret ferry dock, where Toph threatens the annoying lady as I watch for the pregnant couple which I can't find. I was so hoping to keep them from losing there tickets.

"What ya doin.", Katara asks me.

"Trying to spot that couple , I lost track and I had a feeling if I don't they'll lose there tickets.", I say as I continue to scan the crowd.

"Avatar Aang you have to help us.", shouts the man running our way.

"To late again, I never did figure out how they lost there tickets.", I say sighing as Katara rubs a circle on my back and looks sympathetic.

"Looks like we're taking the pass after all.", I say shaking my head in irritation as Aang talks to them and then tries to convince the lady while Sokka talks to Suki. I feel a sinking feeling as I watch her flirt with him as he acts oblivious.

"Don't worry Sky he's and idiot, but he loves you.", Katara says placing the hand on my shoulder and I set my hand on it gratefully

"Thank's Katara." , I say "Just focus on Aang though, he's taking Appa hard and your the only one who can pull him out of this." and she nods.

"Thanks Sky.", she says as she goes over to our Avatar whose in one of multiple grief stages bouncing between happy and unfeeling.

Soon we're entering the pass, and Suki has joined us. Now I love Suki, but oh joy she's a possible cannon love interest for Sokka, the only thing I have on my side is no one wrote who Sokka married and it never came up in Legend of Korra. That and he is currently my boyfriend now.

"Wonder why it's called the serpant's pass.", asks Katara.

"Ya I expected it to be more windie like a serpent.", Sokka says

"Oh that's due to the giant sea serpent in the water.", I say looking up as everyone looks at me.

"Giant sea serpent.", Sokka whines, as the ground breaks but I catch his arm yanking him up.

"I'm ok.", he says and I smirk .

"We've got worse things to worry about in 5, 4, 3 ,", and a fire ball flies at us "Duck!", I say knocking him down as Toph puts up a rock wall to

defend us.

"Thanks Toph awesome job!", I say and she grins.

"Sky be more careful you could of been hurt.", Sokka scolds as we run from the fire nation.

"Excuse me for not letting you get incinerated!", I say rolling my eyes once we're clear we find a spot to camp for the night I avoid the stupid cliff but Suki tries to and Sokka freaks and makes her move. But Suki gets annoyed with him. Gosh I need a walk, as Katara gets mushy with Aang, and Sokka freaks with Suki some more, I roll my eyes. I go ahead a little ways along the rocks away from everyone trying to see if I can spot the serpent.

I watch the water carefully from the other side of a rock hoping to spot the creature. I remember when I used to surf with my dad, as I watch the water. I wonder if I should head back , cause Suki will kiss Sokka . I shove down the feelings as I picture someone else kissing Sokka. I check the area out trying to find an alternate pass with no luck.

I head back slowly taking a flanking route over the rocks knowing only Toph will catch my approach.

"I'm sorry Suki, but I'm in love with Sky. She's crazy, smart, brave, and an amazing hunter. If it weren't for you I wouldn't of fully realized how great she is. ", I hear Sokka say as I hop on top another boulder.

"Oh well I'm sorry, and your right she seems nice, where is she?", she asks.

"Knowing her she's coming up with some crazy scheme.", Sokka says as I smirk.

Sokka's p.o.v.

"Actually handsome I was scouting.", comes my girlfriend's playful tone from the top of a rock looking down at us.

"How much did you hear or see?", Suki says.

"Enough, but I knew this was gonna happen ahead of time, I have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised at the outcome.", she says cocking her head cutely as her green and blues swirl in her eyes that I love to look into before she jumps off the rock using her airbending to soften her landing in front of us.

"So what did you learn scouting?", Suki asks uncertain, doubtful sounding.

"That there isn't a easier way.", Sky says looking at Suki .

"Sure you weren't spying on your boyfriend.", she says.

"Yup, already knew this talk was coming, the only difference is Yue hasn't turned into the moon.", Sky says "I was prepared for any consequences of it. Including that you would kiss him, and confess."

"I knew it you had to be there the whole time.", Suki says but Sky nodded her head. Wait she sad Yue wasn't the moon.

"Toph how long was I on that boulder!", Sky shouts

"7 minutes.", Toph shouts "Not long, she was off for a while." as Sky holds her hand pointing Toph's way rolling her eyes.

"Point proven.", I say "Besides Sky doesn't lie, she holds to a honor code." which earns me a smile remembering our many late night talks when I've asked about her tribe and home.

"Well get some rest then guys we're gonna have a blast getting through the pass.", Sky says sarcastically meaning code for it's gonna be a pain in the but and possibly dangerous.

"Wait up Sky I'll help you with your bed roll.", I shout running after her taking her hand as I think of what Sky said. Shoot she was prepared that I was gonna accept Suki's confession. She was probably scouting preparing herself for me to break up with her. "And Sky, you don't have to worry about any other girls, no girl could come close to as amazing as you are." as she looks at me.

"Your pretty amazing yourself Sokka ,don't doubt that.", she says kissing my cheek making me blush.

The next morning we started towards the pass only for it to be under the water.

"Katara , Aang can you help me part the water.", Sky says and the other two nod as the water parts. " Sokka, Suki, stay close to the couple and there daughter and keep an eye out for the serpent." Is it wrong to find Sky in command mode hot. As we pass through I do see something moving in the water.

"Did you see that Suki?", I ask

"Aang, you and Katara take the front, I'll take the rear in case the serpent attacks.", Sky says letting us pass her as the serpent jumps through at us but Toph''s wall comes up to block us as Sky watches it. "Run! I'll try and slow him down."

As Sky pulls out a rope and some how lasso's the serpent getting on it's back as we run along while the bent water starts to come down.

"Help I can't swim", Toph shouts as Suki swims out to her and grabs her while I watch for my girlfriend in horror as she rides the serpent.

I watch as Sky shoots out of the water on a spout then uses her staff to fly our way as the angry serpent goes the other way and my girlfriend lands in front of us.

"Sky that was amazing!", Aang says excited.

"Still not as scary as bull riding.", Sky says smiling soaked to the bone as the pregnant lady groans.

"The baby's coming.", she says.

"Now can't it wait!", I shout.

"Um, you can't exactly keep a baby in when it's ready to come. It's kind of like if you have explosive diarrhea after you eat some bad fish.", Sky says "Only ten thousand times more painful due to pushing a watermelon out a hole the size of a grape."

"It'll be ok, I've helped gran gran deliver hundreds of babies.", Katara says

"I'll help you Katara.", Sky says as Katara gives orders.

"Are you sure Sky?", Katara says.

"Ya a girl in foster care went into labor and I had to deliver for her cause help took to long." Sky says firmly

Three hours later and one pass out by me, and the baby was here. The baby looked so squishy but as Sky held it, her eyes full of affection, while handing it to the mother I couldn't help feeling warm at the sight of her holding a baby.

Sky slipped out while Aang and Katara visited with the parents alone and I found her washing her hands up.

"Hey.", I say and she grins at me.

"Hey.", she says.

"Is there anything you can't do?", I say

"Throw a boomerang.", she says smirking

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