chapter 4

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The scene shows of Tsireya Aonung and Rotxo diving in the water because they were gonna teach YN Kiri Tuk Lo'ak and Neteyam how to learn the of a Metkayina

Neteyam: come on

Lo'ak: whoo

YN Lo'ak and Neteyam jump in the water as Kiri and Tuk jump after them YN felt the cold water touching his skin he never really had any swimming experience

YN Lo'ak and Neteyam started following Tsireya Aonung and Rotxo as Tuk hold on to YN on his back as they continued swimming YN saw Tsireya look up at them smiling they continued following them until Tuk tap on YN shoulder and pointed up meaning she needed to breathe YN swim up along with Neteyam and Lo'ak and they catching their breath

YN stick his head underwater and look at Tsireya while she was doing sign language

Tsireya: {swim together with us}

YN look at her with a confused look since he never really got used of sign language he try it but he never good at it then Tsireya signal that to come on

YN Lo'ak Neteyam and Tuk took a deep breath and they were underwater following Tsireya and her brothers again but they needed air again

Aonung: {what's wrong with them}

Rotxo: {those guys are bad divers even the demon wearing black is a more bad diver}

Tsireya: {stop they're learning and his name is YN}

YN Lo'ak Neteyam and Tuk stick their heads underwater and they saw Tsireya Aonung and Rotxo swimming to the surface

Tsireya: are you alright

Tuk: you're too fast wait for us

Tsireya: just breathe breathe

Aonung: you are not good divers maybe good at swinging though trees

Tsireya slap on the back of his head

Aonung: Ow

Lo'ak: come on brk

Neteyam: we don't speak this finger talk guys we don't know what you're saying

Tsireya: I will teach you

Rotxo: where's is Kiri

Tuk: Kiri

Aonung: who

Rotxo: Kiri where is Kiri

Tsireya: did you see her

YN took a deep breath and he goes underwater and he started searching for Kiri he swim through a little cave and he spotted Kiri swimming and he saw her smiling and he smiled too


The scene shows of Aonung clicking his tongue calling for something YN was by Neteyam and Lo'ak and he sees those creatures again

Aonung: there are ilu if you want to live here you have to ride

That was gonna be difficult since YN really learned how to ride a ikran since he didn't need to become he's got wings but here he's gonna have to learn how to ride a ilu even though he can't make a bond but it's worth a shot

YN watch Lo'ak going on a ilu and he was instantly throw off it since he was going really fast as YN started laughing silently

Aonung: what's so funny demon

YN writes on his notebook

Note: oh nothing just laughing because of Lo'ak getting thrown off a ilu and also I'm mute and that looks easy for me

Aonung: how you're not even Na'vi

Note: but it's worth a shot

YN goes over to ilu and got on it

Tsireya: how are you able to go without making the bond

YN slowly place his hand on the ilu head and pet it to let it know he's friendly the liu purr and he gives Tsireya a thumbs

Tsireya: hold here

YN hold on a little handle

Neteyam: you got this bro

Lo'ak: yeah show them

YN took a deep breath and he started going fast the liu goes underwater YN holds on tightly making sure not to be thrown off he started getting the hang of it and then he swim back to the group and goes to the surface and making the liu slash Aonung in the face making everyone laugh


The scene shows of YN in a Circle with Tsireya Kiri Lo'ak Neteyam and Rotxo as they were learning how to breathe

Tsireya: breathe in

Tsireya took a deep breath as everyone followed along

Tsireya: and breathe out

Everyone breathe out

Tsireya: imagine flickering a flame you must slow down your heartbeat

Tsireya place her hands on YN chest making him blush a little

Tsireya: breathe in

YN took a deep breath

Tsireya: breathe from down here and breathe out slowly

YN did what she said and breathe out slowly

Tsireya: YN your heartbeat is fast try to focus

YN nodded and continued then he sees Neteyam Lo'ak and Rotxo laughing he gave a look then he saw Kiri who had a jealous look

The scene shows of everyone on ilu's and they were swimming around having fun and they swim to the surface YN shakes his head as water flys off his head

Tsireya: you are learning to breathe


The scene shows of YN with Tsireya sitting down a rock he was taking deep breath and he was learning the way of water

Tsireya: the way of water has no beginning and no end

The scene shows of YN and Tsireya in the water and she throws a seashell in the water as it started to sync

Tsireya: the sea is around you and in you

YN started taking a deep breath and he goes underwater and started swimming down following the seashell

Tsireya: the sea is your home before your birth and after your death our hearts beat in the womb of the world our breath burns in the shadows of the deep the sea gives and the sea takes water connects all things life to death darkness to light

YN caught the seashell and he looked up and saw how deep he was down underwater he saw up top was the sunlight and the silhouette of Tsireya and he started swimming to the surface and made it up showing Tsireya the seashell in his hand

Tsireya: you did it

The scene of shows of Lo'ak Neteyam and Tonowari building something together

Tonowari: work together like brothers you're building a house you're building your village you're building a family

The scene shows of Jake and Neytiri walking together on the beach while it's night and they hold hands

Jake: it was time to learn time to heal

The scene shows YN and Tsireya swimming together and they swim to a big air pod Tsireya giggled and she ulul as it echoed YN smirks and he whistled and it echoed YN and Tsireya laughed together then YN moved some of Tsireya wet hair behind her ear and she giggled

The scene shows of Kiri Tsireya and Tuk together underwater Tsireya grab a jelly like creature and attached it to Tuk back

Tsireya: {it gives breath underwater}

Roanl was grabbed seashell and she saw Kiri controlling little tiny glowing fish as she hide behind a piece of coral then she noticed something she saw YN on one knee as other sea creatures were surrounding him

Ronal: (thoughts) you are a interesting one human

To be continue

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