Book 1 - Healing: Chapter 5 - Fight

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Claire's P.O.V.

"You're getting better... but you can't bring yourself to fight... not even to defend yourself!"

"I'm sorry, Master Azuled... but I can't."

I then ran off before he could hurt me trying to get me to fight.

As I was running to the arena to see Max and the Zukis, I bumped into some rather scary-looking people.

"Where you going, girlie?" one of them asked. I tried to run past but they grabbed me.

Why do people have to be so strong?

Help... please...


I saw flashes of fire and I felt the grip on my arm go away. They had let go... but why?

"Justin! The getaway! Now!" a female voice said. Next thing I know I was on a platform of something... rock maybe... and the rescuers were making their escape... wait... I heard Justin...

"Max?" I came to my senses and saw four smiling faces. The Zukis and Maddie. I saw Cara and Justin's faces turn to panic and then Cara turned to look at Justin.

"Can't you go any faster?!"

"I'm trying!"

Next thing we know we're flung off the rock platform and into an alley of sorts.

"No more running, kids."

I saw Cara's eyes dart around. She was looking for a water source. Her eyes landed on my satchel and I nodded, letting her know I had water in it.

One of the three threw a huge fire blast at us, but Cara extinguished it with water from my bag. Max and Justin then started to fight the others as Maddie turned her back at the battle and was looking for another escape route. I mean, she doesn't seem to be very violent and can't bend, so of course she'd be looking for another way.

I then saw Justin and Cara flung back and into Maddie, who fell on her face.

I saw Max attempting to fight the three off, but I know he won't last.

Come on, Claire...

Just this once...

Next thing I know, the three are running and I'm just staring at my hands. I look up and find Max staring at me with an astonished look and the other three are just coming around.

"Claire... did you just... water-bend... and fight?"

"I... I did..."

There was a bit of silence... and then he hugged me.

"Yay! I'm so proud of you, Claire!"

"Y-You can put me down now..."

He put me down and winked.

"That was a close call, right?" He then pat my head with his hand. "And we're okay... all thanks to you, Claire." To this I couldn't help but smile.

"Max, could you stop complimenting your girlfriend already?"

"Wait, what? I knew you two were friends but I didn't know you were THAT close."

"We're not, Maddie. Cara's just exaggerating everything like she always does."

We then got on the rock platform again and zoomed off to the Zuki Trio's next match in the arena, Maddie and I getting the best seats in the house.


Claire's first actual fight!


By the way, who should I make art of in this AU?

Let me know in the comments!

Also, who should appear in the arena that we know next?

Find out soon, but comment your thoughts!


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