A Very Dark Message

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The Next Day


During the night I swapped with Pestilence again since I personally want to see everyone's reaction to what happens next. As I expected my team and RWBY were called in for a mission to see why a village went dark. Surprisingly other teams were called in as well like Cfvy and Jnpr along with other schools. Is this from fear from my history of attacks or did the survivors already let everyone know what happened. We arrived at the village with everything the same as last night but with no fire. I look around and everyone was shock and at a loss for words. The bodies are still hanging on pikes and blood everywhere. After we all land everyone begins to look around for any survivors.

Ruby: "W-what happened here?"

Phase: "T-this is h-horrifying."

Elizabeth: "Everyone stay close to each other." As we look around I felt a voice enter my head.

Coco: "Master did you do all this?"

"Yes is it too much for you?"

Coco: "People are hanging with their organs out this is to much for everyone."

"Then you might not want to be near the only survivor when we find him."

Coco: "Why?"

"Trust me you don't." She leaves my mind and begins to continue looking around. I continue my search as well and run into a familiar face, literally. I hit the floor and hear her voice for the first time in weeks.

Neon: "F/N? It is you!" She gets up and hugs me out of nowhere.

"Hey Neon been a while hasn't it."

Neon: "Yeah and it's refreshing to see a familiar face."

"Where is your team?"

Neon: "About that....." She had a smile on her face as she rubbed her head. "I lost track of them."

"Well you can stick with my team until we find them."

Neon: "Oh I would gladly appreciate that. I can't really handle any of this on my own." With that I lead her to the rest of my team and Rwby. While we searched the village we also search for her team. After a good look around we meet up with team Cfvy and Jnpr.

Nora: "Who could have done this?"

Jeanne: "It's absolutely horrifying."

Coco: "I have an idea who." After she said that Velvet looked pale while fox and yatsuhashi looked a little uneasy. Orias walks towards us after hearing Coco speak.

Orias: "Who?"

Coco: "He called himself Pestilence. He was the one who nearly killed us."

Ironwood: "How do you know it is him."

Coco: "He was brutal when he fought. He wanted us to lose hope and the will to live so he targeted Velvet 'cause she feared him more."

Blake: "How did you guys get out of that?"

Velvet: "F/N came and was able to hold him off."

Blake: "Hold on your team didn't stand a chance against one person but F/N was. No offense F/N you were decent at fighting but not that good."

"I mean you aren't wrong."

Neon: "He saved me from on of those flying creatures as well. I think he took two out. Be awhile so I forgot."

"Took one down single handedly but had help with the second."

Orias: "How did you improve you fighting F/N?" I see everyone look at me as I think.

"No idea. It just felt natural." At that moment some rubble began to move and a hand reached out.

Ironwood: "Survivor everyone help me get him out!!" Everyone nearby started to dig the survivor out. As he was mostly set free I personally lifted him out of the ground when I released him he fell to the ground hiding his face from the others.

"Hey you alright?"

Huntsman: "Who's there? Who are you?"

"I'm F/N a huntsman in training at Beacon academy."

Huntsman: "Beacon.... Where is Orias is she here I have a message for her."

Orias: "Right here. Tell me what happened here."

Huntsman: "He just walk right on in from the front. He didn't try to sneak in he just walked right in. A lot of huntsmen came in and surrounded him. He took us all out quickly and effortlessly."

Orias: "What else?"

Huntsman: "He summoned an army of creatures to attack the village sparing only the children. After a while Grimm began to appear and made everything even worse." He began to tear up as he said more of his experience. "Our auras didn't protect us from any of his attacks. He tore most of us apart with his weapon in one blow."

Ironwood: "Why were people hanged on pikes?"

Huntsman: "He said those were huntsmen who were cowards and tried to flee to save themselves leaving the village to it's fate. The ones who were easily killed we're eaten by the creatures while the ones who were left we true warriors who fought to the end and deserve to be buried properly." I look around and see everyone in utter shock and disbelief of his story.

Orias: Why did he spare you?"

Huntsman: "He wanted me to tell everyone what happened here and what everything means. Though he said it wasn't for free."

Ironwood: "What's that supposed to mean?" He looks in the direction of Ironwood's and his face went completely white.

Huntsman: "He tore my eyes out General. He fucking tore my eyes out!!" He began to cry as everyone was sick to their stomach after witnessing what happened to them. The despair was absolutely strong and felt great. "Orias he wanted me to give you a message." Orias leans in closer to him of course I'm still able to hear him clearly. "He said this was an offering to Salem. Who the hell is Salem what are they?" Now it was her turn to turn completely pale at his words. Her despair had a greater feel than anyone else here.

Ironwood: "Everyone we are leaving and taking this man to a hospi..."

Huntsman: "Wait I feel something."

Orias: "What?"

Huntsman: "I-I can hear his v-voice."

Ironwood: "What is he saying?"

Huntsman: "You have out lived your usefulness. I'm grateful you delivered the message. Pity, you deserve better than the fate I have left you in."

Yang: "What's that supposed to mean."

Huntsman: "I don't kn...." He began to cough up a black liquid from his body. His eyes, ears, and nose began to leak out the substance as well. "O-orias w-whats h-hap-pening to m-me?" His body began to contort and every joint in his bones, minus his head, bent in multiple ways with a loud snap and crack everytime. He was in complete agony and no one could even process what was happening.

Ironwood: "Jake can you help him?!!!"

Jake: "I'll try!" Jake rushes at him and his hand begins to grow bright white and he grabbed onto the huntsman, using his energy to what I assume to be cleansing him. The contorting began to lessen and the black liquid began to dissapate. After a good minute his body returned to normal and he layed on the ground slightly relieved.

Huntsman: "Thank you kid."

Jake: "Anyti..."

Huntsman: "To bad your too weak to stop what happens next." Before anyone can react he exploded in an instant. His blood and guts flew everywhere and everyone's reaction was different. Though one things for certain many are gonna need some therapy after this.


This marks the end of the first volume of the book. I'm not gonna make a sequel book for one reason.....

All volumes will be uploaded to this very book and will share this same title. This means that this book is entering a small hiatus since I have other books that need more attention. By doing this I can focus on other books. Also would you guys prefer for me to write future chapters on the side while writing my other books and update it all at once? This was a short chapter and ended on a tame cliffhanger I would say, wouldn't you agree? Let me know what you hope for in the next volume.

PS: Don't know if I should change the into and outro music gonna think about that during the hiatus.

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