Dead Zone

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I walked through the hallways and towards the library when I began to think of the events on Menagerie.

"I'll have to speak with Blake. Despite being under my control she still cares about her family. With Menagerie being uninhabitable she'll be worried. I'll have to be there for her. I couldn't ensure their safety, they might have died... I hope they are fine."

I began to rub my chin when I ran into the most hated orangutan in the school.

"Watch it..." He began to shout though once he realized it was me.

"Not in the mood Winchester." I said walking past him and his team. They quickly moved to the side avoiding my path.

"Yeah... Sorry my mistake..." He said.

"I'll let it slide this once." I said as I walked past him. My phone began to ring from an emergency broadcast.

Menagerie is now uninhabitable over a mysterious mist lingering in the area. Numerous Faunus are now homeless and fleeing from the island seeking refuge. Menagerie is hearby classified as a Dead Zone due to the reports of the Most causing pain and suffering to all who breath it. Many Faunus even killed themselves believing that is better than the pain they were suffering.

"Fuck..." I mumbled.

"My love..." Xuria spoke. I glanced up as she stared at me, "What happened..."

"Pestilence is gone and your brother..." I began. She gazed at me her eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"Did you..." She began.

"No he's alive... He's just under your father's control... Well his body is." I said. She backed away and looked away.

"I... I need to be alone for a bit. I'll... I'll be at the orphanage." She said walking away.

"Xuria." I said running after her. I was able to grab her hand, "If you need to talk..." She grabbed my cheek and caressed it.

"I don't blame you... It wasn't your fault that he was captured. It was mine, I just need some comfort." She said.

"I can help." I said.

"Thank you... You're so kind to me... I keep falling for you." She said kissing me for a second, "I'll be back, just let me be alone for a bit."

"Okay... If you need anything." I said.

"Yeah I'll call you... Blake probably needs some comfort. She might be needing you more than me." She said.

"You're right, but I'll do anything to comfort you." I said.

"I know." She said and walked away.


I made it to Rwby's dorm and knocked. The door opens and Yang greets me.

"F/N... I..." She began to retract from fear.

"I'm here for Blake... I'm sure you heard the news." I said walking in seeing Blake in tears as she gazed at me. Ruby and Weiss sat with her trying to comfort their teammate. She ran up to me and embraced me.

"My parents..." She cried.

"I know... I know... I'll find them and make sure they are okay." I said, "Yang close the door."

"Y-yes sir..." She complied, "I'll wait outside.." she mumbled and exited.

"Master is that..." Weiss said.

"It's fine. At least she knows her place." I said as a black figure rose from the ground.

"Great Avatar... Your orders?" The black creature spoke. Yang backed away slightly.

"Blake's parents. Find them and keep an eye on Xuria. If anyone tries anything... Get her and anyone she cares about to safety." I said.

"As you wish." He said before vanishing.

"Please... Be okay..." Blake mumbled.

"We'll make the bastard pay." I said.

"Master..." Ruby began.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you know who did this?" She replied.

"I had a Pestilence watch over Menagerie. A strong enemy attacked and he had to use a dangerous ability. He aided in the evacuation and injured the bastard gravely." I said sitting Blake down on her bed, "We'll find them and I'll bring them here." I said.

"Please..." She cried as I exit the room. I see Yang standing there waiting.

"Yang." I Began.

"Yes..." She snapped as I approached her.

"Watch over her. Make sure she's okay." I said.

"But... I..." She began but I grabbed her hair and pulled her close to me.

"Yang I still like you a bit. Let's not tarnish what little affection I have left. You still have to pay for betraying me." I glared at her, "What I have planned for you is far better than what I plan for Jake."

"Y-yes... Master." She said as I let her go.

"Like I said I still like you. Enough to protect you from harm, but not enough to see you any more than a dog." I said, "Try to keep it from going any lower."

"Y-yes..." She cried, "It's all my fault you became like this..."

"It is... partially, but it's also mine and Jake's. He'll pay far worse than you, but one day my time will come to suffer for Sera's death." I said, "Until then be a good dog and listen to your master."

"Y-yes master." She said.

I made it outside as I already know they weren't in the library. I made it to a secluded location where Shinbi and Elizabeth were talking.

"We couldn't hide it." Elizabeth said.

"I'm telling you we can if we are careful." Shinbi said.

"Then tell me how?" Elizabeth asked.

"I will, I just need to be sure you're willing to do anything." I said. She looked at me and then back at the ground. I waited as she thought for a moment, I noticed she gripped the grass tightly.

"...... anything." She mumbled. She then stood up and looked into my eyes, "I'll do anything to make them pay. They have been nothing but worthless pieces of shit and they deserve pain." She said. I grabbed her chin and leaned closer to her.

"I can give you that. You'll just have to listen to me and do everything I say." I said to her, "So I ask again... Will you do anything I say?" Elizabeth's eyes begin to blacken and her aura grew more powerful. She leans forward and commences a passionate kiss. She parted from me now fully converted.

"Yes." She said, "I'm done being passive."

"So am I." I said patting her head.

"Wait what about me! I did help!" Shinbi said.

"You're right. It's only fair." I said grabbing her waist and pulling her to me. She smiled and blushed deeply as she ran her hands across my face. We kiss and our tongues swirled against one another. We parted as she gave a light laugh.

"Master... What's the plan?" Elizabeth asked.

"Act normal. Don't expose yourselves, but know that the tournament won't begin. It will be cancelled as Vale will fall." I said, "I'm going to make a call. Shinbi watch over Phase. Elizabeth come with me."


I began to dial my scroll and put it up to my ear.

"My master what is it you need?" Winter asked.

"Everything. I'm done waiting." I said.

"Isn't it too..." She began.

"Winter." I said.

"As you wish." She said hanging up.

"My only regret is not getting Orias. I'll have to do that later." I mumbled as I turned to Elizabeth, "Open a gate to Salem."

"But I haven't been there." She said.

"I connected you to my army. Where ever they have been you can go." I said.

"I see... Then." She opened a rift leading me to the throne room of Salem. Elizabeth followed me as we saw Salem sitting there patiently and guarded by two of Fenrir's hounds.

"My king what brings you here and who is this?" She asked.

"Elizabeth. Don't worry she's loyal to me... I want to your Grimm to attack Vale." I said.

"I see, but the plan is still incomplete." She said.

"We don't have time. Menagerie can no longer support life." I said.

"What... What happened?" She asked standing up.

"It appears that a very powerful entity is out to destroy everything." I said.

"Though if we destroy Vale..." Salem began.

"Who said we are destroying Vale? I just want to cover up some loose ends and turn the focus onto the one who destroyed menagerie." I said.

"Turn the whole world against this monster... But aren't they focused on you?" Salem said.

"Simple fix... All I have to do is earn their undeniable trust." I replied.

"And how will that work?" Salem asked crossing her arms.

"I got a few ideas. If news of Pestilence's death isn't leaked then I can say I killed him." I said. Salem gripped her arms tightly.

"And if it is leaked?" She asked approaching us.

"Then I just wipe the armies out." I said, "That should show them I can be relied on and earn their trust by saving lives." She turned around and leaned on the table in front of her.

"Well I want to be safe." Salem said, "Watts developed a virus giving us control of Atlas's forces. Cinder has it." Salem said.

"We won't ne..." I began but was cut off by her banging the table. Elizabeth jumped from the sound.

"I won't lose you again!" She shouted. Salem turned to me, "Centuries of being alone... Unable to save you... I can't do that again." She fell to the ground. Despite not being her old lover I still look like him. The fact that I'm pushing this plan to be accomplished sooner must terrify her. I kneel down to her level and lifted her face to gaze at mine. She was beginning to cry.

"I won't die." I said.

"How can I be sure?" She asked, "You said it yourself. Your clone is dead... What if you... I don't want to be alone again..." I pulled her into a hug.

"I won't leave you alone." I said.

"That's what he said..." She cried.

"Elizabeth... Mind giving us some time alone?" I asked.

"Yes master... Just call me when you need me." She said.

"What are you..." Salem began.

"Something he should have done." I said as Elizabeth went back to Beacon.

"Leave us. Makes sure nobody disturbs us." I waved and the hounds vanished.

"What do you..." She began but I carried her much to her surprise, "My king..." I placed her on the table and pinned her down.

"Win this little game of ours." I smiled. She chuckled through her tears. I rose up and lifted her black dress past her waist.

"Defiling a queen... You willing to commit such a heinous crime?" She asked as she spread her legs.

"Aren't I your king?" I asked, "Besides we waited long enough."

"I waited longer." She said.


Alistair punched a nearby tree as his body still had the black veins covering his body, "The pain... It won't stop!" He shouted. He began to cough and puke a black substance on the floor. He reeled in pain and smashed his fist into the ground, "You two find that man. I want him bound and gagged at my feet now!!"

"As you wish my half brother." Viribus said spitefully.

"Actually... Viribus. You get our dear sister and I want you to break her before you bring her." He said.

"What?" Viribus spoke.

"You heard me." He said standing up and approaching Viribus, "I want her here crying and begging for forgiveness. I want you to make her beg for death. I want her smug arrogant smile to be nothing but a memory." He said grabbing Viribus by the neck, "Or I'll do it myself and right now I can't guarantee her survival if I go." He said.

"As... You... Wish..." Viribus coughed and was tossed away.

"Now get out if my sight before I take my anger out on both of you." He spat, "I need to relax... Let's burn a nearby village and have some fun." He mumbled as the two walked away, "A few new toys should be fine."

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