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No I'm not cancelling this story. The chapter is legitimately titled this.


A small Grimm slithered through the vents of the school. It passed by room after room looking for it's intended targets. It gazed into one room, it's mistress saw a very interesting sight, "Hold on what was that?" She said to it. It gazed back through the room and sees an image with F/N and his team, though the picture was torn, "Change of plan. I'm curious to know about that image. Sneak in and see if you can learn anything." Xuria spoke. The Grimm complied and made its way down and into the empty room. It slithered up to the table where the picture sat and gazed at it, "He looks... Happy. It's kind of a turn on..." She said, "The torn part... The other member was male..." The serpent gazed at the room noticing the scent of the room, "Though there is only one male scent in this room." She noticed. The serpent then saw an image of someone else. A woman she has never seen before, "Who is she?" She questioned.


"Hey Ruby." Xuria said.

"Yes?" She replied.

"Can I meet your friends. I feel like I want to get to know the type of people a girl like you hangs around with." She said.

"Sure, let me just send a message to them. I'm sure they would all like you." She said.

"Of course they will." She said looking to the left, "Oh!" She took out her scroll and snapped another picture, "That's a good one..." She said.


I walked through Vale with the others and felt my scroll vibrate, "It's Ruby. She wants us to meet a new friend she made." Shinbi said looking at me from her scroll.

"But we made plans." Coco said.

"True, but I can't just leave Ruby hanging." I replied, Especially since our relationship is probably know to many of our friends.

"I mean we can take a rain check..." Shinbi said.

"That's rude." I said.

"But..." Shinbi began. I noticed Velvet was a bit disappointed and a tad bit relieved. What were they planning... Curious. I wonder if I can make use of this moment.

"Girls relax. We can do this at a later time. Like later in the evening." I said.

"T-true..." Velvet said.

"Of course I may be busy later..." I said.

"What! But you can't leave us hanging!" Shinbi said.

"True..." I said walking up to the two. I pulled them into a gentle embrace, Velvet was beet red while Shinbi had a slight blush, "Maybe if you two answer my questions I may reconsider." I said.

"Wh-what questions?" Shinbi began.

"What are your feelings for me?" I asked. They were too focused on me to noticed what I was really doing. My hands radiated a dark aura as it began to latch onto them.

"What... What do you mean?" Shinbi began.

"Come on. I'm not stupid, what were you three planning to do this evening?" I asked.

"Nothing." Velvet quickly said.

"Ladies let's not start lying." Coco said pressing up against my back.

"Now now. No need to force it out of them." I said letting them go and walking away.

"Wait!!" Shinbi said. My power has begun to take control of their thoughts.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I..." Shinbi began.

"What is it?" I asked. I couldn't help but smile at her expression. She pondered on what she should say, she looked to be conflicted. She looked at me and in one swift move she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. To be honest I was surprised, this affection can rival Weiss and Ruby's. Though I'm not wasting this moment, I began to transfer as much of my energy into her. I gazed towards Velvet who was looking dejected.

"You just going to let her get ahead of you?" Coco whispered to Velvet, "Come on show him how you feel. Don't be shy." Shinbi didn't ease up one bit as she continues to make out with me. I was able to break the kiss despite my desire.

"Please a little longer..." Shinbi whined. Before I could say anything Velvet leaped onto me and smashed her lips to mine, "H-hey!" Shinbi yelled. These girls are becoming insane... Kind of a turn on. Velvet's kiss was more vicious than Shinbi's, it's as though this was going to be the last time she will see me. I also began to transfer my energy into Velvet, "Vel can I have a turn?" Shinbi begged. I was able to push Velvet away and off of me.

"We have somewhere to be." I said.

"But..." Velvet whined.

"Can we continue this later?" Shinbi asked.

"Depends... What are you willing to do for me?" I said gazing at their eyes.

"Anything." Velvet said.

"Would you kill for me?" I asked.

"Anything for you." Shinbi said.

"You two are willing to be enemies of Remnant with me?" I asked.

"Yes." Velvet said.

"You two are just precious." I said patting their heads.

"Indeed, they really are adorable." Coco said. The two began to blush again.

"Now my revenge is getting more interesting." I said to her.

"What about the rest of our team?" Shinbi asked.

"Phase and Elizabeth are under my protection. I have grown fond of Elizabeth and Phase is too kind to not care for." I said. I heard Shinbi give a light sigh, "Let's go can't keep Ruby waiting."

"You haven't turned Ruby to our side have you?" Coco asked.

"She's to kind and caring. I have trouble corrupting her, I will eventually but not now. I'm too vulnerable to her personality." I said. Though these two were a lot easier to corrupt than the others. Is it getting easier the more I corrupt?

"Do you need help, master?" Coco asked.

"It would be appreciated, but we have to be subtle." I said, "Also no harm is to come to Ruby. She's the second kindest individual I have ever experienced."

"The first was your sister." Velvet said.

"Mhm." I hummed as I made my way to Beacon. Normally I'd be upset at the mention of Sera, but they cared for her as well. Like me they were upset with her death, not as much as me but they did suffer a bit.


I made my way to the school and felt an unnerving presence, "Strange..." I said.

"Hey F/N!" Ruby yelled as she tackled me to the ground.

"Ow..." I said.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"Sorry had to borrow him for a bit." Shinbi said, "Needed his help with studying and getting some supplies."

"Velvet and I went out shopping and decided to tag along." Coco said.

"Oh okay." She said not asking anything else, "So I made a new friend."

"That's good. I remember when you were complaining about struggling with that." I replied.

"Shut up." Ruby said punching my gut.

"Ow." I mumbled.

"My my. You two seem close." Said a very unnerving voice, "Please to meet you, my name is Xuria." She said.

"Is this..." I began.

"Yeah she's my new friend. Gave her a tour of the school and she took pictures for the children in her orphanage." Ruby said.

"Orphanage?" I asked.

"I own an orphanage. Take care of children and ensure they are safe. Any child is welcome be it Faunus or Human." Xuria said. The way she looked at me was very uncomfortable. She was gazing at me as though she was evaluating every part of my being.

"Are you a little young to own an orphanage?" I asked. Finally standing up.

"Am I? Should I care?" She asked.

"Depends what do you plan for the kids?" I asked giving her a questioning look.

"Why do you care?" She asked.

"Just human nature." I said.

"Ironyyy." She sang. I began to glare at her.

"Woah F/N what's wrong with you? She's my friend and you need to get along. This isn't like you." Ruby said.

"Oh Ruby it wasn't his fault. I made a bad joke that went too far. I really don't mean the kids any harm. What kind of mother would hurt her children?" She asked.

"They exist." I said.

"Those aren't mothers. They aren't even human." She spat.

"So are you saying your human?" I asked.

"F/N!" Ruby yelled.

"I like him." Xuria said.

"What?" We asked.

"I'm a bit of a masochist." She shrugged.

"That's... Good to know..." We said.

"Hey Ruby can I speak with him alone. I promise I won't do anything you don't approve of." She said. Ruby latched on to my arm.

"You promise?" She asked. My face started getting hot.

"Of course. You're my friend." She said.

"Okay..." She said, "Hey Shinbi since you got some studying done mind helping me?"

"Sure." Shinbi replied. I looked at Xuria who smiled at me.

"Let's go somewhere more private." She said.


Once we made it to a secluded location I grabbed Xuria by the neck and pushed her to a wall, "What are you planning?" I asked.

"You're cute when your angry." She said. I tightened my grasp around her neck.

"What are you planning to do with Ruby?" I asked.

"Nothing. I've grown quite fond of the girl." She said.

"Then why are you here?" I asked easing up my grip.

"Well for one, you. I meant it when I said I like you." She said.

"Why?" I asked letting her go.

"Everyone either fears me or wants to do anything to be with me. You, you don't. You challenge me, you are the first to ever pin me to a wall, you were the first and only one to threaten me." She said.

"Strange reason to like someone." I said.

"Like... No I love you." She said getting closer to me, "The children in the orphanage call me mom. Though they don't have a father yet. I also want a child, one with my blood." She said.

"And you want me to be the father?" I asked.

"Of course. I want a strong child, of course if it isn't strong I'll still love it and care for it. The child being strong will just be icing on the cake." She said.

"Any other reason why you are here?" I asked.

"I need your help." She said.

"Really? Someone like you?" I asked.

"My father seems to have learned that I want nothing to do with his plans. He sent an annoying prick after me and my brother. Normally he'd be dead in minutes, but my father gave him the ability to defeat us." She said.

"What do you plan to do if not follow your father?" I asked.

"I want to create a paradise for all children. Raise them as my own away from the Corruption of these hateful adults." She said.

"You do know they will be adults themselves one day." I said.

"But they won't be corrupted like the ones that are alive. They will be pure and everything will be united and peaceful." She said.

"You're insane." I replied.

"Says the guy who brutally murdered villages and displayed them for the world to see." She said.

"Fair point, and what makes you think I'd be helpful?" I asked.

"You were given power by my grandfather. An entity that even the Creator can't slay." She said.

"Touché, but why would I help you?" I asked.

"I helped create an opportunity to corrupt the bunny." She said.

"If you did anything to Velvet..." I began to yell.

"I just gave her a little emotional push. Everything else was either you or her own freewill." She said, "Also I noticed you corrupted those three yet not Ruby. Why?"

"None of your concern." I said.

"I think you emotionally can't. Her innocence and purity is very infectious, I even took more pictures than I planned." She said.

"Your point?" I asked.

"Her purity is a danger to both of us. How would you feel if I helped you turn her? It may be a problem for one of us, but if we both attempt to corrupt her..." She began.

"You won't hurt her?" I asked.

"Of course not. Seeing you two fucking in the hospital, I thought animals were rough." She said.

"You are one sexually frustrated woman." I said.

"I mean I never even kissed anyone." She said leaning closer to me.

"Hold on what?" I asked.

"I know, strange. A woman like me, able to seduce anyone and anything just by the mere sight of me a virgin." She said, "Would you like to take my first kiss?" She asked.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested." I replied.

"Your master and my father despise each other. Imagine what he would say if you fucked his favorite daughter?" She said.

"Piss off a god... You have piqued my interest." I said. She stood close to my face as she closed her eyes, "I'm not fucking you though. Not until Ruby joins me."

"Of course. I'd be interested in losing my virginity in a threesome." She said.

"You are insane. I'm kind of turned on." I said pulling her into a kiss.


"Hahaha... I knew I chose the right person. This boy is truly the best mortal to inherit my power. Far more worthy to be the heir than my own son. Your loyalty and servitude will not go unrewarded."


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