Fallen Snow Angel

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Crashbexpert: "Alright so I'm gonna warn you guys, this chapter gets kinda fucked Sooo read at your own discretion."


I layed in bed after having my date with Coco. Of course we cleaned the blood of those idiots off before we returned. My team has fallen asleep as I thought what I should do next.

I think it's about time I cause Yang some emotional issues, but first I need to get Weiss on my side so my relationship with Ruby can become known. As I layed there an idea came to mind. That will work perfectly. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


The sun shines through the window as I woke up from my rest. Today is the day the other schools would be arriving to Vale. I received a message from Ruby inviting my entire team to go with them to Vale, I actually declined saying I had something important to do today...and the next four days.

"So you heading out again?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah have to do something else. You guys have fun." I said as I walked out. I pull out my Scroll and see a message from Cinder.

"So who is going first?" I replied saying she would be since I haven't actually spent time with her.

"Oh this is gonna be fun." She replied. I head out towards Vale to meet with Cinder.


I made my way and found Cinder sitting alone at a park. I sat down next to her and looked at the people passing by.

"I'm curious..." She said.


"What made you join Salem?" She continues to look at the walking pedestrians.

"I killed my sister when I found my ex and so called best friend fucking. I wanted to kill my best friend but my sister tried to stop me. I didn't want to kill her but I was blinded by rage. Her death is not only my fault but theirs as well."

"So you want revenge is that right? How will you do that?"

"I want to break my ex emotionally and I am going to kill that traitor brutally." She looks at me.

"Do you need any help?" I look at her.

"Today I'm supposed to do whatever you want..."

"I want to help, so tell me what do you plan to do?" I smiled as I remembered my plan to break Yang mentally.


I called Weiss to see if she was available to help me with some shopping, being a Schnee and all. Apparently a small altercation between her and Blake occurred, she didn't want to do anything but I convinced her that this might help her ease up a bit.

"Hey F/N!" I looked at Weiss as she ran up to me.

"Yo!" She stopped rather close that she got a bit embarrassed.

"So... You need help with shopping?" She had her hands behind her back as she looked at me.

"Yeah, I figured you might help me out." I said.

"I'm surprised, you usually don't ask for help." She begins walking as I followed her.

"Well the Vytal Festival has a dance, I thought that I should get my suit ready now than later." I said following her. We spent time going through numerous shops looking at multiple suits that would look good on me, according to Weiss. Her tastes are good, probably not as good as Coco's but still better than mine.

"Oh this black one would look nice... Bowtie or tie?" She said holding two suits with different ties. I look at them and point at the tie.

"I like ties better." I said.

She smiled at me, "Yeah, you would look great in this." She seems to realize what she just said and got embarrassed, "Not that I l-like you or anything... I mean your my friend and your nice and sweet and cute... I mean not cute but handsome, wait wait wait, I don't mean it like that... I-I..." I pat her head slightly.

"I like you too Weiss, you're always nice to me." She smiles at me and looks down for a moment.

"F/N would you like to... Would you like to have dinner?" I look at her as she stood there fidgeting a bit.

"Yeah, sounds like fun." She gets slightly excited and quickly makes her way to the front.

"Come on then let's hurry and get going." I walk to catch up to her to pay for the suit.

It was rather empty in this part of town and the moon was out. Weiss looked excited for the plans we made that she was beaming. As we walked outside I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

"Well hello there." We turned to see Cinder walking up to us, "Hey handsome want to spend time with me?" She places her hands on my chest and leans in close.

"Hey, he and I are going to have dinner soon so leave him alone!" Weiss stood between us causing Cinder to back away slightly.

"Really, Her?" She laughed, "Why don't you spend the night with someone more mature, and not someone who is three inches above being a Loli."

"How dare you!" Weiss retorts, "F/N come on let's leave." She grabs my hand and tries to drag me away but Cinder grabs my other arm. "Hey let him go!"

"Come on cutie, I'm sure she isn't going to do anything after you two have dinner. Come with me and we'll get more intimate." Weiss hears this and gets more frustrated.

"F/N! You don't need her, you can...you can..." She got embarrassed rather quickly all of a sudden.

"He can what, princess?" Cinder teased.

"You can have my body!" Weiss yelled.

Damn Cinder you are good at this. I thought to myself.

"I love you, I always have... I'll do anything if you come have dinner with me." I looked at her with a surprised look. I can feel Cinder getting excited.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Y-yes..." I place my hand on her cheek causing her to blush.

"Will you stay by my side?" My hand was protruding some black energy, not enough for her to notice.

"Yes, I won't leave you like Yang." She said holding my hand. Seems like she forgot I technically don't know what happened.

"Can I trust you?" The mist began to seep into her ears and nose.

"I'll never betray you like she did..." She began to inch closer to me.

"Are you willing to help me?" She smiles at me.

"With anything."

"Will you follow my orders no matter what is asked of you?" I asked the energy now noticeable, but she didn't care.

"I'll kill Jake for you if you asked me to." This surprised me, the fact she said this means she has deep hatred for him, just as much as I do. I grab her chin and kissed her to complete corrupt her. With this one member of Team Rwby is under my influence. We separated and she looks as though this day was her greatest, "Are we still going to have dinner master?" Seeing her like this, I couldn't bring myself to say no.

"Yeah, you wanna join Cinder?" I looked at her.

"No I think you two should enjoy yourselves, don't take to long I still have a few hours left on my time." I look at her and decided to ask her...

"What is it you want to do?" She just smiles at me and I felt her hand insert something in my pocket.

"Make sure to bring the heiress with you." She winked at me and left.

"Come on, while the night is young." Weiss said. I turn to her and smile.

"Alright let's go."


POV Pestilence

I made my way through the woods of a certain territory. Making contact with them now and it will be simple to corrupt her later. I walked around while my loyal beast, Strife flew above.

"A little lost, buddy?" I turned to see a bandit standing behind me. I stand there eyeing him through my mask, "Hey you mute or something?" A black tendril latches itself around his neck and hoisted him up. As he gasped for air he looked at me with fear.

"Where is Raven Branwen?" I said as he struggled. I noticed him smiling a bit and I sighed. I turn and grabbed a female bandit by the throat, she tried to do a sneak attack but failed, "You shouldn't have done that..." Another black tendril wraps around her and holds her in the air. I look at the scene out of curiosity and I develop an idea, "How much do you care about the girl?" I said looking at him.

"Let...let her go!" I look at the woman and see her struggle.

"Where is Raven Branwen? Tell me and no harm will come to her." I said raising my hand up.

"I don't know."

"Sorry but I can sense you're lying..." I clenched my fist and the tendrils tore her clothes off leaving her underwear intact. "I'm sure you can guess where I'm going with this... Normally I don't like this, but I know a lot of people don't." I looked at him.

"You don't have the balls to do that, no human can..." I laugh at him.

"I'm not human, not anymore..." I lowered my hand and the woman was now being fondled, "I'm losing patience, refuse to answer and I won't hold back... Where. Is. Raven?" He remains silent, I look at the woman her eyes pleading for him to do something, "I guess he doesn't care about you." Before I could do anything however.

"She..." I look at him, "I'll take you to her, please don't do anything to her." I put the girl down and she began to huddle on the ground.

"Better keep up your end or she dies." I said to him as he falls to the ground, "Get going." He walks towards the girl and picks her up.

"Those... those things bit me." I heard her say, I look at the ground and see blood drip down.

"Come on this way." He said as I followed him and the girl.

We were walking for a long while as I looked at our surroundings. The woods were thick and it was getting difficult to see through. I look at the bandit and see that he stopped.

"Where is Raven?" I said to him getting irritated.

"Not here, this is where you pay for what you did." More bandits appear and begin to surround me, "He made Lavender suffer kill him!"

"What did I say?" He looks at me, "Can't kill her if she's in my arms safe."

"That's what you think." I raised my hand towards the woman and she began to scream in agony.

The man looked at me and began to panic, "What are you doing?"

"Keeping my end of the deal." In that moment her body exploded. The male looks at his hands in shock, "She would have been alive if you just took me to Raven."

"K-kill... Him... K-kill him, Fucking Kill Him!!!" I placed my hand on the ground.

"Too slow." Black liquid escapes from my hand and spreads out. It stopped short of the man who held Lavender, but everyone else was standing in it, "Live with your mistake." In that moment my army emerges and begins to tear everyone apart and drag them into the liquid. Their screams fill the sky causing the one lone survivor to dread his decision. He looks at me with fear and despair, "All this could have been avoided if you took me to Raven." He looks behind me and sees my minions devouring some of the bodies while the rest were gone.

"I-I'll take you... to Raven." I look at him.

"No, you go to Raven and tell her how you killed these people, tell her how you failed to follow simple instructions, tell her that I am not someone you mess with... Do you understand?" He nods at me, "Good, now get out if my sight." He runs off and I stand there in the darkness.

"So much for that idea, well I should head out and help the Roman." I said to myself. I then felt a dark energy coming from Vale, "So the Ice Queen has fallen. I wonder who is next on the list?"


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