Family Reunion

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We made it to a chamber where evidence of torture could be seen. At this point Elizabeth was clinging to my arm. She had fear plastered over her face.

"Are we there yet?" Ruby squeaked. Xuria ran her hands through the table in the center. She rubbed her fingers together and looked at the door.

"Yep." She said as it opened. A woman with long black hair walked in and made eye contact with Xuria. Her face was full of fear. She glanced at me and her face was full of disgust.

"You." She growled at me.

"Sup." I said. I slowly gripped Elizabeth's crossbow and kept my eyes on her. What I found revolting is she looked similar to Sera, but her eyes, they were nothing like hers.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"You know say hi, see how you been, and smother your life to dust." I pulled out Elizabeth's crossbow and fired. She ducked back into the hall and began to scream.

"We've got Intruders!" Without thinking I ran after her dropping Elizabeth's weapon.

"F/N wait!" I heard Ruby yell. Though I didn't care I wanted this bitch dead.

"It's him! The bastard son! Kill him!" The woman yelled. This woman was fast and was definitely leading me somewhere.

"Get back here!" I yelled.

"Sera had such a promising future ahead of her!" She screamed.

"A cum slave to an evil God! That's not a promising future!!" I yelled.

"She would be the mother of gods! Who wouldn't want that!" She yelled running around a corner.

"She wanted a normal family!" I yelled.

"Why? When mothering deities would have been better. Children who would kill for her approval!" She yelled, "Stupid girl was unable to see the beauty in that!"

"Don't call her stupid!" I yelled.

"Why? She was stupid to love you! Even more to fall in love with you! Look where that love lead her! A worthless death to a worthless daughter!" She yelled.

"Don't you dare speak about Sera like that!!" I yelled running after her more, "You don't deserve to be her mother!"

"You're half right! She isn't worthy of being my daughter! Our first born is the true pride of our family! She's a disgrace and she died as she lived! A stupid, worthless girl!" She yelled.

She ran into a room and closed the door behind her. I break down the door and was in a large arena like room where she vanished, "Where are you!" I yelled. I had my sword ready to slice her. I felt a presence behind me and I was able to block her claws, which were drenched in blood. I pushed her back and tried to cut her. The moment my blade touched her she exploded into a sea of blood.

"Oh no you don't." I said releasing black tar into the ground.

"What!" She yelled as the black substance pulled her out of her blood abilities.

"Seems my God is stronger." I said as I raised my sword to cut her in two.

"Kill me and you'll never find those whores." She said. I stopped right above her head. This moment of hesitation allowed her to pull me into a wall and began to cover me in the red liquid. She began to laugh as she freed herself from my powers grasps, "Such a foolish child. Not worth my time." She said as some men and women appeared wielding different weapons, "Find those girls and get them ready to be the next sacrifices."

I was enraged and used all my power to break out. I ran at the bitch and my hand which was covered in black tar and took the form of a claw grabbed her face and smashed her to a wall, "Touch them and I will make you suffer for eternity." I said.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" She yelled pushing me back, "Kill him!"

"Go ahead and try." I said as more of the filth began to cover my body.


Elizabeth and the others ran through the hallways, "Damn it where did he go?" She asked.

"Hey stick together." Xuria said, "This place is not safe to be alone. At least for you three."

"But F/N." Ruby began.

"He'll be fine. Though you three that's a different story." She said.

"My love you have returned." A voice said. Xuria turned to face the direction of the voice.

"You three need to leave." She said.

"What why?" Yang asked.

"If you don't you will die." She said.

At the end of the hallway Vermic approached Xuria, "So beautiful as always and I see you brought more cattle for our God."

"Who's that?" Yang asked.

"Sera's older brother." Xuria replied.

"Don't mention that traitor here. She isn't even worthy as being labeled my sister." He said.

"You three run!" Xuria yelled.

They complied and ran down the hallway, "Mmm one on one. I knew you would come around." He said.

"You are revolting and I can't wait to see my beloved bury you in the ground." She replied. His smile faded.

"How dare you.speak of another man in front of me. I'll make you.forget him even if I have to beat the memory out of you." He said as his eyes glowed red.

"How pathetic." Xuria said her body radiating a black aura.

Yang lead Ruby and Elizabeth through the halls hoping to find F/N. They took a turn and entered a room with a floor that was covered in a thick layer of blood. A man stood at an altar where a fountain of crimson liquid spilled to the floor.

"Ahh a fresh group of young women. Everyone prepare the sacrifices." He said as a group began to come out of the doors with weapons. They way they came in was closed shut with a heavy metal gate.

"Damn..." Elizabeth said.

"We have no choice." Yang said loading her gauntlets.

"No mercy." Elizabeth said loading her crossbow.

"But killing them?" Ruby asked.

"We don't have to, just hurt them really badly." Yang said.

"Yeah you're can't hurt anyone if they don't have any functioning legs." Ruby said getting her scythe.


I grabbed onto an acolyte and launched them to a wall. My body began to radiate black mist which will eventually fill the entire arena, though I can't rely on that.

"Kill the bitch's favorite toy." Sera's mother said.

"Don't you dare insult Sera!" I yelled flying at her and smashed her to the ground. I began to bash her head onto the floor, but was stopped when something grabbed my arm and pulled it away. I get pulled off her and thrown at the other end of the arena.

"You're outnumbered. You will die here and join thelat useless girl in hell." She said standing up. I began to chuckle as I slowly got up.

"Outnumbered, Me? No you are outnumbered." I said as a black tar began to expand where I stood, "Fenrir." I called as my first hound rose from the liquid. He howled summoning thralls, hounds, arachnids, and wraiths.

"Take them down." I said. My small army ran at her group. They took a defensive line in front of her and began to fight them. As I expected these were their top fighters as they were having very little trouble fighting my endless horde, "Fenrir." My hound turns to me, "Find the girls. Protect them. You cannot die, but they can." In an instant he vanished and went off. I pressed my hand on the ground.

"Your army is weak!" The woman said.

"That's because I'm not involved yet." I said as black tendrils rose behind me and pushed towards them. She raised her hand releasing a fair red wave. My attack froze and began to wither away. Though it was just a distraction as I was already in front of their line. Using my clawed hand I rammed it into the head of her guards and dug them into the ground, "Check." I said as an explosion of black energy radiated out pushing everyone but her mother back.

Her hair was dangling in front of her face. If I had any emotion other than rage, I probably would have been slightly scared... Slightly.


Xuria gets tossed through a wall and had an unamused expression, "As I thought... my beloved is far more of a man than you. His glare alone can get me so hot, I wonder how he would be if we had some rough sex?"

"You fucking whore!" Vermic yelled grabbing her hair and lifting her up.

"Eh probably feels better with him." She mocked. He glares at her and punched her to a wall, "Not daddy material." He walked up to her and began to grip her throat with heavy force, "So boring." She said as her eyes darkened and pushed him out the hole in the wall. Her body began to heal as she stood there, "Not even one thousandth of a percent man."

"You say that... But you can't defeat me. I can feel your fear." He said.

"And? I fear my lover? Though his is more of a... Mmmm I want him to pound me against a wall. You... I'd sooner set myself on fire than even come in contact with your skin." She said.

"Then why don't you take me down?" He said as he began to radiate such an overbearing aura. Xuria began to feel his eyes glare at her and she knew behind those eyes, her father was looking at her. She took a step back and clenched her fist.

"Man. Where is my knight when you need him?" She asked.

"No one will save you." He said. Though as he took a step forward he was tackled by a large muscular figure.

"Little brother..." Xuria asked.

Viribus brought him to the ground and began to punch Vermic with enough force to begin caving the floor in. Vermic gabbed one of his fists and glared at him with his red eyes.

"Are you standing against your father!!!" He yelled.

"The only thing I fear is failing my purpose. Father's eyes mean nothing to me!" He said and punched his head again. Vermic sprouted red spider legs and pushed Viribus off and tossed him back. He stands up and glares at Viribus who's muscle mass began to grow.

"Viribus." Xuria said.

"Sorry I'm not your knight." He said.

"I could never be disappointed in seeing my little brother." She replied.

"Let me protect you, like I was born to do." He said.

"Don't die, that's an order." She said.

"I'll try." He said and ran at Vermic. His fist reeled back and he goes for a left hook, but Vermic caught it. Though he didn't expect his other hand to grab his face and smash him to a wall, "She goodbye to my sister you obsessive shit." Viribus said and began to drag his face across the wall away from Xuria.

"No!" Vermic yelled and pushed him to the other wall. He began to run back towards Xuria, but Viribus grabbed his spider limbs and tossed him deeper into the hallway. Viribus ran at him and with all his might punched Vermic in the gut, "That all you got!" Vermic said and began to beat Viribus to the ground. Viribus grabbed his leave and began to smash him through any surface he could. Vermic's spider limbs moved towards Viribus. He instantly raised his arm blocking the piercing attack by having his thick muscles get impaled.

Vermic uses his red limbs and begins to toss Viribus about, "Your father doesn't give a shit if you die!" He said.

"Good thing I'm willing to die for my sister." He said. Vermic was enraged and pushed him through a wall.

"Then I'll kill you here and now."


Ruby fires her sniper and Yang fires her gauntlets. Elizabeth opened rifts guiding the rounds where ever they were needed. They tried fighting them in close combat bit their skills are to much for them. They could only keep a line and make sure they don't get close.

Elizabeth gets shot in the arm, bit fights through the pain still opening and closing rifts, "We need to get out of here!" She yelled.

"Open a way out!" Ruby said.

"She can't. Remember long distance requires a lot of concentration. She won't be able to keep them back." Yang said, "I'm almost out of ammo."

"Elizabeth is reaching her limit." Ruby said looking at Elizabeth who was panting and bleeding from her nose. To their despair Elizabeth lost focus and started to fall. She was about to keep herself standing, but that delay was enough to get them closer. It would have been over for them had Fenrir not fazed through the gate and maul the closest man to them. Fenrir would have bursted through the gate but the girls were too close to do that. Once he took a stance in front of the three Elizabeth passed out from exhaustion.

"Elizabeth!" Yang yelled grabbing her before she hit the ground.

"Is that..." Ruby began looking at the hound in front of them.

"He seems more interested in them. We need to find a way out." Yang said. Though that was easier said than done since there was no way out. Fenrir let out a roar summoning more hounds to his side.


I was tossed to the end of the arena and felt something heavy impact my chest. It began to drill into me and I grabbed it forcing it back.

"You are not worthy to face me!" She yelled.

"Really? Then how about him?" I asked. She turned around and saw Pestilence.

"Sup." He said and punched her face. I was released and charged at the two. I reached and grabbed a rifle and began to fire it at her. She shielded herself with a wave of blood, but Pestilence grabbed his mace and hit her skull. She moved the blood to stab him, though he shifted out if the way and I got close enough to smack her with the buttstock of the rifle. Pestilence revved up his saw and slashed her side. She keeled forward and I brought my knee up impacting her face. I hip fired the ride to her chest and when I emptied the clip Pestilence detached his saw and with his mace sweeper her leg and brought it down her left leg causing a loud crack to be heard.

"Wait... You wouldn't kill Sera's mother will?" She asked raising her hand to me.

"No. Of course not... but didn't you say she wasn't worthy of being your daughter?" Pestilence said.

"That's right. You said it yourself. She's not worthy of being your daughter." I said, "But killing you is too easy. So instead..." I said raising my hand. Pestilence smashed his mace into her other leg and one of her arms. I looked at my army and saw they defeated hers through the endless numbers.

"What are you!" She began, but stopped when she saw some of her former guards rise up.

"You called Sera a whore. Im going to show you what a real whore is." I said. She glanced at them and saw they were rabid and drooling.

"What did you..."

"You didn't notice the black mist? I heightened their libido and noticed all of them are males. I'm sure you can guess where this is going?" I said.

"N-no... You coward! You won this because you used cheap tricks!!" She yelled.

"There are only two types of fights. The ones you win and the ones you lose. There is no such thing as a fair fight. Besides you should focus more on pleasing your followers." I said as I began to walk away.

"No... Please... Don't leave me like this..." She cried. I walked out the arena and began to hear her screams become muffled and the tearing of cloth being heard. I looked at a wall and saw a torch. The black tar can be flammable, so I grabbed the torch and looked back at the room. I was the place was drenched in black tar and a horde of men huddled in one location. Sera... No that creature's legs were the only thing visible. They were having their way with her body. I looked at the torch and then tossed it into the room setting it ablaze.

"They either burn alive or die of exhaustion. Either way. I don't care." I turned to Pestilence, "Find Xuria keep her safe. I'm going to the other three." He ran off leaving me alone.


Xuria ran through a long corridor, "I got to find them or he won't forgive me." She mumbled, "Please be okay. Please be okay... Please." She prayed.

"Turn left." A voice spoke. She glanced around and saw no one. Though she didn't care she took anything she can to find the girls. She rounded a corner and saw a gate. She quickly ran to it and saw the three girls, but Elizabeth was unconscious.

"Ruby!" Xuria called out.

"Thank god... Get us out pleased!" Ruby yelled.

"Stand clear!" Xuria yelled. As she raised her hands. An unknown force pushed the gate out with ease opening an exit for the three.

"Ruby go I got Elizabeth!" Yang yelled.

"Come on!" Xuria yelled her hand reached to Ruby.

"No body shall escape!" The man yelled at the altar. He summoned three spears and launched them at the door. Fenrir ran to take the hit, but only received two of the three. The third pierced Ruby in her stomach.

"No!" Yang screamed. Fenrir dissipated as Ruby fell to the ground clenching the spear.

The man began to raise his arms again to summon more, but was hit with an arrow that exploded on impact.

Xuria turned around her face had a guilty expression as she rubbed her hands together, "My love... I can..." She began.

"Shut up." He said coldly as he approached Ruby. Xuria bit her tongue and stood there. Hoping he'd forgive her. He kneeled beside her and held her in his arms.

"F-f/N..." She said. He looked at her wound and knew nothing would heal her. He failed to save her.

"So naive. You can save her. All you have to do is give her your power." The void spoke. He looked at Ruby's eyes as she began to breath slowly, "You couldn't turn her before, but now is your chance. Do it or she dies." He said.

"Ruby... Do you want to live with me?" I asked.

"Y-yes..." She said.

"Then be mine." I said pressing my lips to her and transferring my power to her weak body.

The spear vanished and I moved my hand to her abdomen. The wound began to seal shut, "No! I won't let you!" Someone yelled I glanced over without stopping what I was doing and saw a man with his sword raised at us. He began to float in the air and get smashed to a wall.

"Then you better be ready to get through me." Xuria said. I stopped kissing Ruby and looked at her. She was breathing normally and asleep, though her aura was different. Instead of red, it was black.

"Sera's father hurt Ruby and nearly killed her. What will you do?" The void asked.

"I'm going to skin him alive." I said as I felt my rage consume me, "I failed to protect Ruby... I should have turned her when I had the chance... She nearly died because if me... That weakness dies today."

The black tar began to cover my body and a mist swirled around me. I heard the void laugh, "Excellent."

I began to radiate a large aura of hatred which made everything stop. Xuria fell to her knees, trembling. Yang was frozen still. My minions cowered along with the people they were fighting. Sera's father backed to a wall as he trembled where he stood.


Shade felt the aura and chuckled, "So... You inherited our aura... Brother... Your grandson would have been a great hero."


Vermic stood over Viribus as he was exhausted. He was able to end his life when the frightening aura reach them, "What... What is that..." He mumbled.

"My sister's lover." He said.

"No... That can't be... That thing is a monster..." He cried.

"What will you do? Champion of my father?" Viribus asked. Vermic backed away and ran out of the area, "Coward." He said getting up, "Sister... Be safe." He said walking down towards the source of the frightening aura.


The mist cleared and where my beloved stood was a demon. I never knew fear until today and I was excited. I felt my body crave him more and I couldn't help but breath heavily from the ecstasy, "Please... Please embrace me..." I begged as I felt his blood thirst aimed at the remaining enemies.

"You will pay for hurting my girls." F/N said. His hand extended popping with every move.

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