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POV Pestilence

I sat at the usual table with Salem and her subordinates. They were discussing about my actions on the village.

Hazel: "Numerous innocent have been killed pointlessly."

"A bit hypocritical coming from someone who joined a group lead by the Queen of Grimm."

Tyrion: "My only problem is that you didn't invite me. If that was for our Queen I would have gladly joined."

"Maybe next time."

Salem: "I got to say that was a very open display of power."

"Don't you like power your highness?"

Salem: "All I'm saying is that I'm impressed with your actions."

Cinder: "What do you plan to do next?"

"Everyone is feeling great fear and despair, though it's a bit too soon for them to feel that."

Tyrion: "Too soon?"

"Indeed I originally planned to project myself as a villain that demands immediate attention allowing everyone here to do their tasks with no interruptions. Also I wanted to elevate my true self into a person where they pin all their hopes on."

Arthur: "And crush it when they least expect it."


Arthur: "And how will you do that?"

"Simple I'll fight myself." I look at Cinder who began to lean on her wrists.

Cinder: "Then let us in on your plan."

"That would ruin the surprise."


I looked out the window of my room and saw the sunset. You always did enjoy sunsets huh sis. The door opens and I see Shinbi walk in.

Shinbi: "Oh F/N you're here."

"Yeah just wanted to see the sunset."

Shinbi: "It's lovely isn't it."

"It truly is." I continue to look out the window as she begins to stand next to me.

Shinbi: "I remember your sister would invite us to watch a sunset." She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah I enjoyed those memories. How are you feeling by the way?"

Shinbi: "A little better just hope that I never see him again."

"I think everyone wishes that." She lifted her head from my shoulder and sits on a bed.

Shinbi: "Well hopefully the Vytal festival will get our minds out of that."

"Right that's coming up isn't it?"

Elizabeth: "That's right and we definitely have to qualify."

Phase: "That sounds fun doesn't it?"

"Well we should rest since we have been through a lot today."

Shinbi: "Sure sleep sounds good actually." We all agreed to turn in early tonight and get some rest to prepare for tomorrow. I look back at the sunset one more time before I go to the restroom to change into comfortable sleepwear. After changing I head to my bed and lied down. I think what my next move should be. Guess I should visit Melanie and Miltia haven't seen them in a while, Neo might be with them as well. I close my eyes and try to rest.


It felt like a minute of rest when I hear screaming coming from one of my team members. I get up and noticed it was Phase who woke up sweating. I get out of bed and made my way to her since I still have concern for her well being. I noticed Elizabeth and Shinbi we're also out of bed.

Elizabeth: "What happened?"

Phase: "Nothing just a nightmare."

"Seemed more than just a nightmare."

Phase: "I'm fine don't worry about me." Elizabeth and Shinbi begin to walk away but I stayed there with her. "I said I'm fine."

"I know but that doesn't mean I have to leave your side." She turns to me looking a bit irritated. "I'll stay up till you fall asleep." She lays back down looking irritated but I was able to sense her feeling of relief from my statement.

Phase: "Th-thanks." I sat down on the floor with my back leaning on her bed as I thought to myself. Man I really fucked her head up. I wonder if anyone else is going through this. I hear her breathing lightly signifying she has fallen asleep. A problem for tomorrow. I close my eyes again and lean my head back to rest. The reason why I slept next to her bed is so I can read her thoughts and prevent her from screaming herself awake again. I still care deeply for my friends even if they would side against me if they knew who I really was. I send my subconscious to her dreams so I can see what she sees.

I look around and see Phase sitting in the woods with Sluggo. She seems to be waiting for something as she holds her companion close. Despite how you look you're quite vulnerable. I look around and try to think what will happen. I noticed the floor and trees begin to turn black as if I corrupted them. I see Phase look up and she begins to look terrified. My creatures appear from the edge of the trees looking at her as she stands up ready to run. Before she could even run off she is held down by a tendril that wrapped around her leg. My beasts appear from behind and hold her to the ground. I can feel her fear overpowering her conscious I continue to observe and see myself or at least Pestilence appear. He walks towards her as she is held to the ground. He motions away the beast and Phase was able to get on her knees before the tendrils wrap around her entire body constricting her movement. Pestilence crouches down in front of her as she begins to fear for her life. He begins to remove his masks to reveal a monstrous face covered in the black liquid he creates. Alright that's enough observation. I wake myself and noticed she was stirring in her sleep. I gently nudge her to try and wake her up. Her eyes open and she shoots right up from the bed breathing heavily.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a dream." I noticed she had tears in her eyes.

Phase: "It felt so real, I could feel my death approaching."

"Don't worry nothing will happen to you."

Phase: "How can you be so sure after all that has happened? How can you be so calm?"

"Because I'm not the same person. I am stronger now and I won't let anyone else I care about die. I will protect you don't worry."

Phase: "But he isn't something we are training to fight."

"I already fought him once remember. In that fight I can tell I am able to stand against him."

Phase: "You sure about that."

"I'm certain of it." She hugs me and I can sense her emotions beginning to shift into a calmer state. "Now get some sleep we might have a lot to do tomorrow." She still held on to me, I was able to tell she wanted to say something but couldn't seem to get the words out.

Phase: "Would you mind sleeping with me? I'm scared if having another nightmare."

"Sure thing." She let's me go and shifts slightly to the side as I layed on her bed. She places her head on my chest and attempts to sleep. Well didn't expect this.

Phase: "Thanks F/N you are always kind to me." She begins to fall asleep with a slight smile on her face. I then try to fall asleep myself, but before I did I could sense another emotion. Jealousy? The feeling was coming inside the room and my only thought as I drift to sleep was, which of the two were projecting the emotion.

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