Reverse Experience

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Xuria and Viribus made it back to the village where the orphanage was located. They gazed at the orphanage as it burned to the ground, "Father." She said visible angry.

"Sister..." He began.

"Let's go introduce ourselves to father Viribus." She said walking down towards the burning building. The two walked through the empty village as the smoke thickened. They made it to the base of the building and looked at the flames. A figure approached them from the flames. Xuria gazed at the man who had wings made of a red thick liquid. His arms were covered in blood that continuously flowed up his arms. His eyes were a deep crimson red with blood flowing down his cheeks, "Of course it's you." Xuria said.

"Vermic, this is getting annoying." Viribus said.

"My dear, to betray your father... I am disappointed. He gave me specific orders, my love for you cannot save you." Vermic said.

"I don't want protection from a disgusting creature." Xuria said, "Besides someone else gain my affection."

"What! Xuria I'm the only one worthy of you!" He demanded, "Who is he? Tell me so I may skin him alive!"

"How dare you demand anything from her!" Viribus shouted.

"Brother stand down. I'll handle this." Xuria said. He bowed and stepped back, "The identity of my love is none of your concern."

"You still act like that after I destroyed you're precious children!" Vermic said.

"Do you really believe I would leave my children defenseless and alone?" Xuria said with a wicked grin.


"Instead of developing your looks you should have developed your brain." Xuria said as the village began to turn to dust, "I'm the most intelligent Spawn of the Scarlet King! I have already anticipated my father's actions against me. This place was nothing more than an illusion. The children are safe and moving away, I just thought it would be best to meet the one who betrayed me." She shrugged.

"And yet you stand before me alone with your little brother your only protection." He said to her.

"Your point?" She asked.

"Your father gave me power to kill Viribus and you. Though he said that you now belong to me, body and mind. He tasked me to give him a proper heir and to use you as I see fit." Vermic said.

"So it appears we may not be able to kill you today. Oh well we we're planning on that anyways, right brother?" She said turning to Viribus.

"They you willingly gave yourselves to me..." He began.

"No... We aren't actually here." Xuria said.

"What?" He questioned.

"This was a distraction to buy us time to reunite with the children. Like a said, such a fool. My love wouldn't fall for such a simple trick." She said raising her hand towards her face, "I wonder how much would it hurt you if he had his way with me. How much pain would you feel if I gave him my first kiss and my virginity? How much pain would you be if I gave birth to his child?" She said licking her finger.

"You are mine!" He yelled running at her with his hand turning into a blade. He slashed at the two only to pass through them.

"My sister was right. You are such a fool." Viribus said.

"I may not be able to to challenge you alone... That just means I'll need some help. I know just the man to ask." She said as the two dissipated into dust.

"No! You're mine damn it! I'll kill him! I'll tear him to shreds, I'll make him suffer eternal pain. You will bear my child, not this weak mortal! Mine!!!" He yelled sending a pulse of red energy out. Everything it touched turned to blood and drenched the ground.


(Alright you know the drill, lewd warning etc. Etc. FBI go away.)


I was asleep on something comfortable. I assumed I was in a bed in some hospital. I mean where else would I be, though the strange thing was I felt pressure down on my lower half. It also was paired with a strange sound, I was slowly waking up and noticed this feeling. Something warm and moist was wrapped around my dick. I fully awakened and looked down and saw, "R-Ruby?" I asked seeing her stop sucking and move to licking my member.

"Oh, your awake..." She said looking at me while jerking me off.

"What... What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I can't hold back anymore. We haven't done it since Christmas, I want to do it again." She said moving closer up to me. She moved her leg and wrapped her knee around it, "I read this in a novel. Been looking into different ways to please you." She said as she moved her leg up and down my shaft, "So, do you think we'll do it as long as we did last time?" She asked.

"Ruby... Can't... Can't this wait?" I said through the pleasure.

"I want you now." She said grabbing my hand and placing it on her chest, "I know you can't hold back with me. It was obvious in Christmas." She said. She was right I'm about to snap and have my way with her.

"What if someone comes?" I asked her. She kisses me as I begin to massage her breast. I felt my end coming as she held my dick between her thigh and calf. Before I climaxed however, Ruby broke the kiss and quickly made her way back to my member. The moment she took it into her mouth I released, she drank every bit as it entered her mouth. My lust took over and I grabbed Ruby pinning her to the bed. I pressed my knee against her entrance earning a slight moan from her.

"See you can't hold back with me." She smiled at me as she rubbed herself against me. I felt her underwear was soaked, she was probably playing with herself while she had her way with me. I moved my leg back and began to remove her underwear and stockings. She spread her legs as she smirked at me.

"You don't mind if we skip the foreplay?" I asked her with smirk.

"Please." She said. I began to penetrate her as she gripped the sheets. I begin to thrust in and out of her as she began to pant. She began to untie her cincher as quickly as she could. Once she removed it I lifted her up and had her sit on my legs as I was still inside her. She embraced me in a tight hug and began to grind on my dick. I grabbed her ass and began to help her move. She pulled me into a kiss. Our drive was high we began to french kiss. I felt her walls tightened as she moaned into the kiss.we separate and she got off and raised her ass towards me, "I haven't had enough yet."

I grabbed her waist and slammed my member into her. She arched her back from the pleasure and I grabbed her arms and held her up. I begin to pound into her as she goes limp trying to fall onto the bed. I continue to hold her up as I felt her walls sucking me in every time I try to pull out. I felt my end coming so I pulled her up and embraced her as I released in her. Her walls tightened around me with every twitch from my member. She began to remove her dress and pushed me down on my back. She positioned herself over my still erect member and began to lower herself onto it. After talking my full length she removed her bra and bounced up and down my member. I grabbed her breasts and began to massage them, she reacted by grabbing my hands following my movements. I begin to pinch her nipples causing her to moan between her breaths. She leans in and we begin to kiss again as I thrust in and out of her, "So... Good..." She said as pounded her. She gripped my shirt tightly as we continue to kiss. I felt her walls tighten as she came again, the extra pressure caused me to release as well. My member was still hard inside her as she panted heavily.

"You... You still want another... Another round?" I asked her. She looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Yeah... I'm not... Satisfied yet." She said sitting up. I tried to get up with her but she pushed me down and held her hands on my chest. She began to grind against me, I grabbed her ass again and began to message it causing her to moan with pleasure. She began to moan my name as she moved her hips faster and faster as I felt her walls tighten around me again. As she climaxed again the door opened. I turned to see Yang standing there, alone, looking at us. Huh Deja Vu.

"Ruby... What... What are you doing?" She asked.

"Enjoying... the embrace... of the man I love." Ruby replied.

"But... But..." Yang began, "But I love him!" She said clenching her fists.

"You have a strange way of showing it when we found you on top of Jake. Actually was it in this very position we found you and Jake in? Talk about a twist of Fate." Ruby said.

"Not a day goes by I don't regret it." Yang said as tears begin to stream down her face.

"Can we talk about this later... After we finish here." Ruby said. Yang was visibly upset as she tightened her fist.

"Fine..." She said closing the door and leaving us.

"I don't know what that was about..." I began.

"We can keep going right?" She begged. I grabbed her and pulled her to the bed, I pinned her down on her stomach and leaned into her ear.

"I can't resist you when you beg like that." I said to her as I thrusted into her opening. To be honest seeing that play out turned me on strangely.

"Y-yes... Pound me... Pound me like you did on Christmas." She said.


Xuria stood on a nearby building watching the two embrace one another, "Oh such a lucky girl... How I wish that was me." She said as she massaged her breasts. She was about to begin fingering herself when her brother arrived.

"Sister." He said kneeling to her. Xuria was a bit upset to be interrupted but she needed to make sure everything went smoothly.

"Yes Viribus?" She asked. Still looking at the room.

"The children are safe and we have claimed an orphanage as their new home. The children already living there are safe and the ones who took care if them were dealt with. The Grimm that are under your control are hidden away in the woods ready at your beckon call." He said not looking at her.

"How many joined us?" She asked not removing her gaze from F/N and Ruby.

"All but one. She called us Demons and Eve personally silenced her." He said.

"I knew that girl was special. Viribus, I think it's time we made ourselves independent from father. Eve shall be the one in charge while we are away, she will be granted abilities to protect the children and show her authority." Xuria said.

"Sister what will your stance be in the secret conflict of this world?" He asked. Xuria cared for her brother but right now she wants to be left alone as she began to rub her legs together.

"I don't care. The children are my priority. Though if I were to choose... Neither, I can't trust any of them to keep the children safe." She said, "Is that all?"


"Alright, you may go. Ensure nothing harms the children. I'll be sitting her for a bit."

"As you wish sister." Viribus said before he left leaving Xuria alone watching the two. She began to pleasure herself as she watched the two continuing to embrace one another.

"I... Never felt this way before... I never longed for someone so strongly... This man... I want him... I want him so badly." She said as she continues to stimulate herself.

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