The List Grows

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I was placed in the infirmary at Atlas Academy where many sensors were hooked up to me. Easily manipulated.

Orias: "How is he?"

Doc:"He seems stable but there is a bit of that weird substance still lingering inside him."

Elizabeth: "Is it fatal?"

Doc: "No for the time being it seems to be inactive."

Shinbi: "That's good."

Orias: "Is there anything we can do?"

Ironwood: "I would have suggested that Jake should be able to cleanse him but clearly this unknown enemy knows of this and has created countermeasures."

Orias: "So what we just leave him like this?"

Ironwood: "How did he get infected with that substance anyways?"

Phase: "He left Beacon for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if he encountered him before but can't remember."

Ironwood: "So for all we know he can be a threat."

Shinbi: "No he's not I have full faith that he is still the same person we know!"

Ironwood: "I understand but I need to be sure." Damn Ironwood and his cautious nature. I wouldn't have mind it but it's just a discount paranoia.

Weiss: "Well the doctor said he was stable for now we should be grateful."

Orias: "How did this happen?"

Elizabeth: "He was fighting Cardin so maybe he said something to trigger the corruption."

Orias: "Corruption?"

Elizabeth: "Really we are just gonna call it black liquid forever? Corruption is easier to say and nothing good comes from it." I new three women who beg to differ. It all depends on whether I give you my energy or the liquid.

Orias: "That's actually a very good reason. Anyways she is right we should leave him be until we know how to safely extract this corruption."

Ironwood: "If he even wants it gone."

Orias: "Ironwood!!"

Ironwood: "You have to admit there is a possibility." Orias just have Ironwood an annoyed look.

"Bring Jake to heal me."

Elizabeth: "Are you sure about that? Remember what happened yesterday."

"Yes I'm sure." I need to know how much he has progressed.

Ironwood: "Okay wait here a moment." Ironwood leaves the room and heads to get Jake. Maybe I'll meet Elizabeth's old team as well. The two were team leaders.

Orias: "Elizabeth send Miss Rose, Miss Schnee, and myself back to the school."

Weiss: "What?"

Ruby: "But we helped him get here."

Orias: "I know but his team is here so we don't need to worry about him, they can watch over him."

Phase: "Yeah you guys should head back, we will make sure he gets back safe."

Ruby: "Okay......let's go Weiss."

Weiss: ".....okay.....get well soon."

"Get back to class princess." I joked at her making her a smile.

Elizabeth: "Come on, through the rift."

Ruby: "Bye F/N."

Weiss: "See at school." I waved at them as they left.

Orias: "Give me a call if there is any trouble."

Elizabeth: "Yes headmistress." She leaves as well

"Sooooo how do I look?"

Shinbi: "What do you...."

"Well a bunch of black liquid came out of me soooo how do I look?"

Phase: "Like you took a bath in tar."


Shinbi: "You feeling okay?"

"Man that must be a sight." I hear the door open and see a girl with red hair and a green dress walk in. The energy inside her told me it was Penny.

Penny: "Salutations!"

Elizabeth: "Hello?"

Penny: "I'm Penny and I heard someone was here and had to meet them. Hic"

"Word travels fast." She's lying I can tell from her energy. Though she hiccuped maybe she does that when she lies.

Penny: "What's your names?"

Elizabeth: "I'm Elizabeth, the girl in pink is Shinbi, the one in purple is Phase, and he's F/N."

Penny: "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Likewise so is there anything you need?"

Penny: "Nope just wanted to meet this group of students who came by. Why are you all here?"

Shinbi: "Well F/N here had an incident as you can see the black liquid on him."

Penny: "Oh I just thought he took a dip in motor oil."

Phase: "That works too." The door opens again and in walks three males whom I don't recognize. Elizabeth backs away slightly as they drew near.

Elizabeth: "Alex."

Alex: "Hey Elizabeth been a while hasn't it? So your teammate needs help from our leader. If you finally share a bed with us then maybe he'll come and help him." Elizabeth looked very worried at the statement. Oh he's going on the list. I may not know you much but you have shown me kindness for that I will protect you.

"Tell Jake he can stay in his room. I'm not letting my leader sell herself for my well being."

Alex: "Nobody asked you cunt."

Shinbi: "Take that back you little shit."

???1: "Back off girl or you and I might get a little more intimate." I'm gonna skin these bitches alive or better yet castrate them.

Elizabeth: "Edward stay away from her."

Edward: "Why should I?"

Winter: "What's going on here?"

Alex: "Specialist Schnee what are you doing here?"

Winter: "Escorting your leader here per the General's orders, the real question is what are you three doing here?"

Alex: "Just saying hi to an old friend right Elizabeth."

Elizabeth: "That's no......"

"Yes he was just saying hi there isn't anything going wrong here."

Elizabeth: "Huh?"

Winter: "You three get out now." The three little shits leave the room and I see Elizabeth was angry at my choice of words. I can use this hatred of hers.


Jake finished cleansing me rather poorly I might add. There was an awkwardness in the air as he stood there.

Jake: "There your cleansed." Really that's all you progressed? That isn't even the proper way to cleanse this no wonder you failed saving that Hunter.

Winter: "You may go now."

Jake: "Yes ma'am." Jake exits the room which I'm sure he was glad of.

Winter: "The General says you are free to head back to Beacon when you're ready."


Elizabeth: "Well let's go then." She opens a rift. "F/N can I speak with you alone for a bit." Boy she's angry. Good.


Winter: "Miss Polendina let's step out a bit. If you need anything we'll be out here."

Shinbi: "See you back at Beacon." Phase and Shinbi walk into the rift while Winter and Penny walk out the door.

"What's up?"

Elizabeth: "Why were you thinking?! Those three were harassing us and you let them walk!"

"Elizabeth you hate them right?"

Elizabeth: "Of course I do."

"Would you like to get revenge on them right."

Elizabeth: "I want to make sure they never try this on anyone else." I lean close to her ear.

"Would you kill them?"

Elizabeth: "What?"

"If you had the chance, would you kill them?"

Elizabeth: "That's a bit extreme."

"Why the best way to make sure they don't do this to anyone else is by ending their lives don't you think?"

Elizabeth: " that's not right. That's way to extreme."

"It was only a suggestion between us. Also I was mostly thinking about the Vytal festival. Say what you will about Jake, but he is a good leader. He'll probably take them to the tournament where we can fight them and make them pay, right?"

Elizabeth: "I guess you're right about that."

"Now I want to speak with Winter a bit before I leave."

Elizabeth: "Why?"

"I owe her a favor for escorting me to Beacon."

Elizabeth: "Okay I'll wait here then." She closes the rift and sits on the bed as I walk out the door.

Winter: "So she resisted you."

"It looks that way but she actually considered it and didn't threatened to report me."

Winter: "So you want to corrupt her as well?"

"Yes her semblance is useful and she has been kind to me."

Penny: "How will you do that?"

"Got to somehow grow her hatred for them. I'm sure they will do something to piss her off if they get to the Vytal festival."

Penny: "Will you be in the festival?"

"Yes and since Jake cleansed me there is no reason for me to be removed from the tournament for safety reasons."

Winter: "You planned this moment right from the start?"

"Yes, before I forget there is a cat Faunus here I have an interest in. Her name is Neon, keep an eye on her and make sure those three don't do anything to her."

Winter: "Yes master."

"Good, now Penny your an android right?"

Penny: "Yes."

"I'll see if I can turn you human."

Penny: "You'd do that for me?"

"You have served me well as of now so I have to reward you somehow. I'm sure you wish to be human don't you?"

Penny: "Yes."

"Alright I'll try to find a way. I should be going now you two take care."

Penny: "Bye have a wonderful time at Beacon." I head inside and wave at the two.

Elizabeth: "Ready to go now?"

"Yep." We head back to Beacon and walk towards the dorm.

Elizabeth: "I already let Orias know we are returning."

"Good good."

Elizabeth: "About what you said earlier."


Elizabeth: "Don't do anything drastic okay. Stay the way you are and don't think like that."

"Okay sure."

Elizabeth: "Thank you. Now let's go before the rest of the team get the wrong idea and think I'm getting a headstart on them."

"Head start?"

Elizabeth: "oh.....uh nothing..... forget what I said.....ha ha ha ha." She was giving a nervous laugh and rubbing her arm. So they were both jealous about last night. Corrupting my team might be easier than I thought.

"So about the tournament."

Elizabeth: "Oh we are good to go. Now that you aren't you know corrupted anymore Orias is letting us participate still."

"That's good, when is the tournament?"

Elizabeth: "Soon." I look at the doors

"Oh right don't we have a dance coming up as well." She stops walking.

Elizabeth: "Right there is a dance."

"Something wrong?"

Elizabeth: "Nope nothing."

"Okay anyways I have to help Coco with something."

Elizabeth: "Really? Your going off on your own again."

"Sorry she asked for help with something in Vale and I said yes."

Elizabeth: "Alright don't stay out to late." I was quite for a moment, that phrase reminded me of her. "Huh? F/N what's wrong?"

"You remind me of Sera."

Elizabeth: "I'm sorry."

"Don't be trust me it's a good thing."

Elizabeth: "Really? Well then your welcome." I walk away from her as I think to myself. Your definitely going on the list of people I will protect.


I knocked on team CFVY's door and Coco answers it.

Coco: "Oh F/N is there something you need?"

"Yes I need some help. I was going to go get new clothes and thought maybe you could help."

Coco: "Oh okay, Guys I'm heading out for a bit!" She yells at her team and exits the room. "So what are we really going to do?"

"Go on a date."

Coco: "Date?"

"Don't want to go?"

Coco: "It's not that master I just expected something else."

"I told you it isn't what you were hoping for. Coco I'm not a horny bastard who would stick his cock into anyone."

Coco: "I know I was just hoping....."

"Get me Velvet and I'll reward you however you like."

Coco: "Okay, so what date are we having?"

"I know a club we can go to, I have some people to talk to."

Coco: "Okay let's go." She was getting excited about the idea of spending time with me. This was all genuine affection she had for me. I just altered their morality, their personalities and the love they have for others is not changed. Maybe if I had someone else like Coco or Ruby as a girlfriend I might not have turned out like this. Oh well no sense in looking at the past. I have some revenge to accomplish.

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