Chapter 1: A child on an unknown world!

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Space the deeper darkest part of the galaxy where there is nothing but stars and emptiness but there is also life beyond the stars as well as world that is teaming with life itself as well as people who live on it. The world was known as Pandora. Pandora is a treasure world filled with nature and lots of different species of animals that thrive around the world including the natives known as the Na'vi who blue humanoid beings who have spent the years living on the world of Pandora and there are many species of them growing. Each Na'vi have clans and leaders that protect their home from threats or those who appose them. Life on Pandora was great until something happen that will change the course of Pandora, a portal appeared out of nowhere.

The portal opened from another world but a world that was being destroyed and forgotten until a space pod in a shape of a metal ball appeared out of the portal and was heading towards the planet of Pandora in high speed.

Inside the pod itself laid a small child that was slumbering peacefully and not knows of what is going to happen next. Until then that pod carrying the child within was making its way towards Pandora itself.

On Pandora a female Na'vi of the water clan known as the Metkayina Clan was looking up at the stars at night with her two friends of which they were the clans leaders. The female watching the stars was known as Mira who is a clan healer and next to her was Ronal and her husband Tonowari.

Mira: The night is quite beautiful out today isn't it Ronal.

Ronal: Sigh..yes indeed, this is one of those days when you just want to look up and watch the stars goes by and just drift off.

Tonowari: Ronal is right, even us leaders need time to enjoy life itself. Mira how is your training to become a healer.

Mira: I am doing quite well Tonowari, thank the goddess Eywa that my skills are improving. I also have to Ronal for giving me lessons.

Ronal: You are most welcome, you are one of my best students.

Mira: I wonder what lies up there in the stars, I wonder if there are other beings from beyond our world.

Tonowari: Life works in mysterious way young one, who knows maybe there is life beyond our world or I could be wrong.

All three of them went back to look up at the stars until Mira saw what looked like a bright star moving past their world but then all of sudden that star was moving close and it got all three Na'vi startled of what the star they were seeing until all of sudden the star itself mades its way towards the planet and crashed nearby a small island that had no life except for trees and sand while surrounded by water.

Ronal: What was that?

Tonowari: I do not know, best to go see for ourselves but be on guard in case something happens.(Tonowari saids while grabbing his spear as well as Ronal and Mira)

All three of them headed towards the crash site of where the falling star landed and once there they saw what looked like small crater but it didn't cause any damage to the surroundings. Tonowari held his spear up while moving towards the crater while Ronal and Mira stayed behind.

Tonowari looked down towards the crater and what he found was not a falling star but something that was in the shape of a ball that he does not know of or how or why it came to be here.

Tonowari: What is this?

Ronal: Tonowari whats wrong?

Mira: Did you find the falling star?

Tonowari: It's no falling star Mira, it's something I cannot say what it is. Its shaped like a stone ball.

The female Na'vi looked at Tonowari in confusion until they both looked down into the crater and saw what the male Na'vi mentioned about a stone like ball.

Ronal: Goddess of Eywa, what is this thing?

Tonowari: Patients Ronal we will know once we get a closer look at it.

Ronal: It could be dangerous.

Tonowari: We will not know until we see for ourselves.

Tonowari and Ronal went down to inspect the strange object that came out of the sky while Mira studies of what it is and why it came to their world.

Mira: What do you think it is?

Tonowari: It is hard like stone, though it is warm probably when it crashed and it doesn't seem to have no damage but unfortunately I cannot identify what this object is.

Ronal: This is unknown to us.

Mira: You think it could know life like beyond the stars.

Tonowari: It could be because this is definitely not something you see in our home. Though the question is how did it get here and where did it come from?

Mira: Wait I hear something.

Ronal: I don't hear anything.

Tonowari: Probably just your mind playing tricks on you.

Mira: No I really hear something and it's coming from that thing.

Mira moved towards the pod itself and near the red circle orb and placed her ear onto pods glass and where she did she heard something and it sounded like a cry, a cry of a child.

Ronal: What do you hear?

Mira: It sounds like a child's cry. There is a child inside this thing.

Tonowari: A child how is that possible?

Mira: I am not sure but it might not be one of ours meaning it could be a being from somewhere very far from our world.

Ronal: What do we do?

Tonowari: Let's get the child out and see what breed it is.

Tonowari and Ronal took out their spear and try to open up the pods door until all of sudden the pods door opens on its own and inside was a crying baby that Mira looks to find but she stares at the baby in awe that she has never seen a baby like this before. The baby had black skin color as well as what looked to be white armor and red marks on both cheeks.


Mira: Ronal come look at this. I have never seen a child of this breed before.

Ronal comes over to Mira and looks inside the pod to see the child with her own eyes and she too has never seen such a creature like this though felt bad for how scared the poor thing was.

Ronal: I never seen a child with black skin nor features such as this. Though it looks so small.

Mira: I think he looks adorable, aw poor thing must of been so scared after the crash.

Mira goes in and picks up the child that was still crying but stops when the baby opens up its eyes in which both Mira and Ronal looked to see that baby stopped crying and had such beautiful crimson eyes like no other as well as making such an adorable baby like face.

Mira: Shh.there there little one everything is all right.

Tonowari walked over and saw the child in Mira's arms and he was speechless of what he was seeing and couldn't believe that he was seeing another being for the first time and it was a child but why he wonder why was a child inside the pod.

Mira: It's okay young one, you're safe now. There is no reason to cry.

Ronal: He's so tiny and yet so cute.(Ronal saids while tickling the babies tummy that made the child giggle)


Mira: He is the cutest little being I have even seen!

Tonowari: I wonder why he was put in the object?

Ronal: Maybe he was sent here by his own kind.

Mira: But we do not know that for sure. Maybe he got lost up there and couldn't find his way back.

Ronal: What should we do Tonowari?

Tonowari: We can't abandoned this child, he wont last that long in the outside world. Best to take him back to our home and inform the people. I will have my warriors take this object and hide it for the time being.

Ronal: Are you sure it would be wise to bring the child back to our home.

Tonowari: Until we learn more about what he is, he will stay with us.

Ronal: Very well.

Mira: Hear that little one, you're coming home with us.(Mira saids while holding the baby up while it brought more giggles and a smile on its face)

Giggle! Giggle!

Soon after a while Tonowari rallied his warriors and informed them of what happened in which they too were speechless and would want to see the child too but for now they got their duty to hide the pod that the child was in and never let it been seen by others. As for Ronal and Mira, both of them took the child back with them to their home where many of the clans people were gathered to hear the news of this mysterious child.

(Think of it as night time)

The child was in the arms of Mira who was sleeping peacefully in which Mira was smiling that the baby decided to slumber nicely before herself and Ronal arrive back home to their village. Many of Na'vi people were questioning about the child while some like the women were gushing over how cute it was especially when it is sleeping. Tonowari then came back with his warriors and went to give his announcement to his people about the child.

Tonowari: My people some of you may wonder why this unknown child is with us. To answer that well myself and my mate along with our new healer Mira discovered the child from a falling star and our doing we couldn't abandoned him because we know that if we have left the child he would not survive on his own out there beyond our boarders. So by doing so we decided to take him back home to our village and learn what he is so he can become one of us even though he is not Na'vi and doesn't know our ways, we will teach him our ways.

Ronal: The boy has no one else, he was all alone when we found him, so it will be our responsibility to look after him. It is the way of Eywa.

Tonowari: Treat him as one of our own, think of him as your new brother, a brother of a new species. When he grows older we will tell him of his origins.

Ronal: Mira seems he likes to be with you, would you do the honor of raising him.

Mira: It would be my pleasure, I always wonder what it feel like to be a mother and this could be my chance.


Mira: Oh I see someone is awake. Hello little one and welcome to our home.(Mira saids to the child while the baby looks around and saw so many Na'vi people looking at him that made the baby giggle and smile)


Many of the female Na'vi gushed over the cuteness that the baby was making while the men want to know what the baby would be like when it gets older.

Tonowari: It is decided, Mira you will raise this child with your life and teach him our ways when he grows up. You will be his adoptive mother while the people will treat him as their own kin.

Mira: You hear that I am going to be your new mommy doesn't that sound amazing to you.!(The baby saids that left everyone even Mira in shock as well as happiness)

Mira: He just said his first words....he called me mommy.

Tonowari: Very impressive for a child of this age. Who knows he might surprise us more once he knows of our culture.

Ronal: I think some time he will learn to be good friends with our daughter in a couple years.

Tonowari: Yes for now let us all rest and continue with our lives in the morning. Mira, take your new adoptive son to your home and treat him well.

Mira: I will Tonowari thank you. Come on by boy let us head to your new home.

Mira took the child back to her place where the baby looked to see where he will be living at for the rest of his life along side his new mother.

Mira: Welcome to your new home. Here is where you will grow up and learn to be one of us. But for now you will enjoy your life here with me as my adorable son.


Mira: I think I should give you a name, you might have one where you came from but we don't know it so hows about I give you a new name would you like that.

Giggle! Giggle!(The baby giggled twice meaning yes)

Mira: All right let me see hmm....hows about I call you Reito yes I think that would be a suitable name for you wouldn't you agree.


Mira: Hehehe I take that as a yes. For now on you are known as Reito adoptive son of the Metakayin Clan.

Now named Reito, the baby smiled at his new mother until the baby was starting to feel sleepy once more in which Mira took the her son to her room where she laid on her bed with Reito next to her and soon the baby known Reito journey will begin a new.

Mira: Sleep dreams my darling son.

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