Chapter 4: Sisters of The Omatikaya Clan!

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After discovering about some information of the Sky People and what they are as well as what their base looks like, Reito decided to head into the forest to avoid being seen by the beings at that dangerous place but couldn't help but think about those Na'vi impersonators that he saw in which they look like Na'vi but their aura's are off and mixed with Sky People so he doesn't know how something like that was possible but he will figure it out soon enough.

In the forest now Reito was admiring the beauty of the area as well as the animals that live in it. The creatures from both prey and predator didn't pay no mind too strange being entering the forest and when Reito saw them looking at him they just thought of him as a neighbor and just continue on with their nature lives. The predators of the forest though he would be prey but for some reason they started to back off from Reito and Reito though maybe they can sense that they are no match for him being that fact that Reito is incredibly strong and could obliterate them with some of his Ki blast but Reito isn't someone for that so he left the creatures at peace and continue on his site seeing.

Reito: Wow....everything about the forest is beautiful. The creatures, the vegetation, the landscapes as well as the floating mountain above me. Such beauty. The stories that my mother told me when I was younger are true. Great Goddess Eywa, your forest is truly a blessing and the creatures that live in it are remarkable.


Reito: Hmm..I should find a place to rest and get some food in my belly, I am sure I can find some fruit somewhere around the area and maybe some fish in small pond.

Reito was able to find himself some fruit from the tree's but had to make sure they were good enough to eat and not poison in which he found almost ten fruits that had acid juice and four poison but luckily after a hour later he found some fruits that were good to eat as well as catching some fish he found in a stream, he caught like six of them. After he finished his food and got enough rest, he continued on with his site seeing.

Reito walked through the forest for many great miles until he was picking up something and it was close by. He walked through the forest and looked to find some kind of wooden structure within the tree lines.

Reito: I wonder what that is?

Reito goes towards the structure of the place and to see if there was anyone around or inside. He uses his Ki to sense anyone was near but so far there was no one inside or around the area. He goes into the place and saw a lot of stuff, he started to see things that look something like he saw in the images from his pod. After looking around the place, he figured that the little wooden place he is in was a school for children.

Reito: This is a school. All the way out here? I think the Sky People are the ones who built this place for the Na'vi to teach them their ways. Everything looks nice in here and the objects look brand new, so I am guessing that teachers as well as the students are not here yet.

Reito took his time exploring the school until it was time to take his leave but then all of sudden he sensed an energy signature that was close and it was moving fast. Reito ran out of the school and into the forest to see where the energy signature was coming from. Reito arrived where he felt the energy signature and looked to see a small group of Na'vi warriors who were running for their lives and then looked to see those Sky People firing their weapons at them.

Reito: So the Sky People are a threat. Can't allow them to harm those Na'vi.

Two of the Na'vi warriors that were both female told the warriors to run into the forest and don't stop until they get home. The two females ran towards the direction of where the school was while being chased by the Sky People. Unknown to them that Reito was following them because he would not allow those two Na'vi girls be harmed by these people with the weapons. The girls arrived back at the school and looked to find somewhere to hide but they were caught when the Sky People spotted them and pointed their weapons at them.

Na'vi girl 1: Stay close sister.....

Na'vi girl 2: What do we do?

Sky People Soldier: Hey stop talking! Ready your guns, on my mark.

Na'vi girl 1: HISS!

Soldier 1: Ready aim......f.....ARGH?!(Soldier saids then stops when something gets blasted into his chest)

The Sky People looked confused of weapon until they saw their comrade with a blast hole in his chest and fell to the ground dead.

Soldier 2: What the hell?!

Then all of sudden some more energy blast came towards the soldiers and basically half of them were shot and killed that left the Na'vi girls in shock of what just happened. The remaining inside those metal suits were now alarmed and stood their ground.

Soldier 3: What the fuck is going on here?!

Soldier 4: How the heck should I know. How did our guys just end up dead in a matter of seconds.

Soldier 5: Hold position I am picking some movement two meters away and it close.

Soldier 3: How many? 10? 50? 100?

Soldier 5: Just 1.

Soldier 3: Just 1?

The soldier prepared their weapons where they saw movement coming from the trees, they pointed their weapons and saw what was coming for them where their eyes widen at the site they were seeing and not just them but the two Na'vi girls who looked upon the strange being coming out of nowhere in which was none other than Reito himself.

Reito: These Sky People's energies are weak, though those machines and weapons are a threat.(Reito saids in thought while glaring at the Sky People)

Soldier 3: What the hell is that thing?!

Soldier 5: Whose gives a shit light him up!

The soldiers in the machine suits opened fired at Reito who uses his speed to catch the bullets being aimed at him in quick speed.

The Na'vi girls were in shock and awe of what they were seeing and never in their lives seen such a being like this before makes them wonder who he was and what he is. The soldiers mouth were hanging down after what they saw Reito do and some of them were able to shoot him but their bullets didn't penetrate him one bit.

Reito: Metal shells, so this what they use to kill. These Sky People are more dangerous then I realize.(Reito saids in thought)

Reito dropped the bullets and summons his Ki energy and pointed it towards the Sky People, after making his targets, Reito fired his energy blast at the soldiers killing each and everyone of them.

(Replace metal cooler with Reito)

Na'vi girls were speechless of seeing what their savior has done and didn't know what that power was but it saved them. Reito looked to see that the soldiers are defeated then turn his attention towards the two Na'vi girls.

Reito(Navi): Are you two all right, they didn't harm you did they?

Na'vi girl 1: You saved us.....why?

Reito(Navi): I sensed something was wrong and I went to check it out until I saw these beings chasing you and some warriors, you told your friends to run into the forest but you and the other girl here were surrounded so I stepped in and helped. I helped because it was the right thing to do.

Na'vi girl 2: Who are you? How do you know our language?

Reito(Navi): My name is Reito, warrior and adoptive son of the Metkayina clan. I raised by the Na'vi of the sea since I was a small child. I am the last of my species since my birth world was destroyed. I was taken in my the Na'vi of the sea and raised as one of them. I spent years learning all there is to know about the Na'vi as well as the goddess Eywa. I raised by my adoptive mother Mira, she's a healer of our clan, she took me in and raised me as her son.

Na'vi girl 1: Why are you here?

Reito: My clan leader as asked one of us warriors to spy on this beings called the Sky People, I only heard about them over weeks ago. The clan kept it secret from me until I was old enough to know who the Sky People are. I been hearing rumors about what they do in the forest, I didn't believe it ask first but when I saw the destruction as well as how they treat you by using those weapons on you, I can see that the Sky People are not to be trusted.

Na'vi girl 2: Seems like word has got out from far away sister.

Na'vi girl 1: It would appear so.

Reito: May I ask what your names are since I told you mine.

Na'vi girl 1: I am Neytiri and this my sister Sylwanin.

Reito: Very beautiful names you both have, honorable to our goddess Eywa.(Reito saids to the girls that made them both blush for the comment)

Sylwanin: Thank you for saving me and my sister.(Sylwanin saids and hugs Reito)

Reito: It was my pleasure, no Na'vi deserves to die in the hands of those who wish to destroy life. By the way why were those Sky People chasing you?

Neytiri: They destroyed half of our forest as well as ruin the tree of souls.

Reito: I heard about the the tree of souls from my clan. They said the trees contain the souls of all the Na'vi from the past, they are very sacred to the Na'vi. We have a tree of souls as well but it's underwater, it's very beautiful.

Sylwanin: I couldn't bare to see them destroyed so myself and some warriors took our bows and try to stop them from destroying what we care for but I made things worse.

Reito: Don't blame yourself, you were only just trying to protect something very sacred to the people. You did a brave thing but it would be wise not to encounter an enemy without coming up with a plan and know how to defeat them.

Neytiri: He's right Sylwanin, what you did was very dangerous. But I am happy that you are safe.

Sylwanin: I am sorry Neytiri.

Reito: It is also very wise for a sibling to look after their other sibling to make sure that they are kept safe and away from harm.

Neytiri: You said that you were raised by a Na'vi clan of the sea but you are not Na'vi.

Reito: Like I said before I am adopted, I arrive on this world from a metal ball that crashed landed in their clan, I was a baby at the time. My real family sent me off from my birth home because he was being destroyed, they put me in the metal ball and sent me away to avoid being killed by the worlds destruction. I spent years living among the Na'vi of the sea and they all treated me like family.

Sylwanin: Are you Sky People?

Reito: No I am not. I arrived here before those people arrived, I didn't know about them until weeks ago. My mother and the clans leader kept it secret until I was ready to know the truth. After finding out about the Sky People do and saw their land and destruction they caused to the forest I see that they are demons, demons who like to destroy for their own doing.

Neytiri was thinking the same thing as Reito and he too doesn't appreciate what the Sky People have done and after seeing him saved her and her sister, Neytiri knows that her savior was someone to trust and he was raised and taught by the Na'vi.

Sylwanin: But there are some Sky People who are good, like Kireysi.

Reito: Who is that?

Sylwanin: She's a dream walker who built this school for us Na'vi to learn about the Sky People culture and language.

Reito: And what is dream walker?

Neytiri: Sky People who are in false bodies.

Reito: Oh so that is the reason why those Na'vi I saw at the Sky Peoples land looked different from you. They contain the souls of the Sky People and they use those false bodies to move and think like you.

Neytiri: Yes.

Reito: Best to leave, I sensing some energies signature that match these soldiers here. Is there a place to hide?

Neytiri: Sylwanin we're leaving.

Sylwanin: What about Reito? We can't leave him, he saved us.

Reito: I better go with you two, it's not safe to walk around the forest alone not with those Sky People around with those weapons they have. I swore an oath to protect any Na'vi clans from possible threats and that is what I am going to do. I made this world my home and I do not want to see it burn or its people die.

Neytiri: Very well, but I will see what my father will think about this. He is the clans leader.

Reito: Understood.

Sylwanin: What was that you did with your hands? That glowing.

Reito: I will tell you on the way to your clans home. Keep close and watch your surrounding, I will alert it there is any danger.

Soon both Reito along with Neytiri and her sister Sylwaninin left the area to go back to the forest clans home while Reito keeps the girls protected at all times. Meanwhile at the Sky Peoples base, reports got in about a squad of soldiers being taken down but an unknown cause but were able to get video footage of what attack them.

Inside the was the operation center where the people send out troops and monitor the area. Then soon a group of soldiers came in and told the news about what happened to the squad that was in the forest area and found them dead and their metal suits completely destroyed. A man who owns the place was listening to what the soldiers were talking about and he too was confused. The man was called Parker Selfridge and next to him was a man in charge of the military of the base named Miles Quaritch.

Parker: Okay from the top, what happened out there?

Soldier: We found some of our men on ground dead sir. We checked their ruins and none of them had injuries caused by the Na'vi it was something else.

Soldier 2: That's not the only thing, the amps suits as well as the driver were destroyed like something blew them up. There is like pieces everywhere.

Parker: Do you at least see what it was?

Solider: No sir, by the time we arrived there was nothing there but a bunch of dead soldiers.

Quaritch: Guess the blue monkeys are changing tactics.

Soldier: Sir, I don't think this was done by them. We checked the injuries of the bodies and they have this like hole in their bodies and when I touched it, it felt hot like the guy just blasted by something.

Parker: Do we at least have some video footage.

Soldier: We were able to get some video off a badly damaged amp suit sir.

Quaritch: Well let's see what you got. Play the video.

Parker had a worker play the video that soldiers have and when they played it all of sudden both Parker and Quaritch as well as the soldiers gasp in what they saw and didn't know what they were looking at until they saw the being on the video.

Parker: What the fuck is that thing?

Quaritch: Is that a Na'vi?

Worker: Species unknown.

Quaritch: Never seen something like this before. Could this be what killed the troops.

Worker: Hang on let's play the video and see.

They all watch the video and it made their mouths hang down of what they saw in which they saw the creature was impervious to their weapons as well as catching the bullets with such incredible speed but what drove them in shock was that the creature fired some kind of light out its hands and destroyed the driver in the amp suit.

Soldier: Holly shit....

Worker: Whoah...did you guys see how that thing caught the bullets with such speed and none of the bullets penetrated it. Parker I think this is a whole new species and I don't think it's from this world.

Parker: Wait so we got ourselves another alien living on this planet.

Quaritch: An alien that can do things no human being or Na'vi can do. This is a whole new threat to us.

Parker: Actually this thing could be something interesting, that speed, that power, now that is something very valuable. Get me Doctor Augustine, I got a new assignment for her.

After a while a young woman in her twenties came into the operation center to meet with Parker who was in the middle of her studies but now has to see what her boss wants. The young woman name is Grave Augustine, and the same woman that Reito saw in Na'vi body.

Grace: What is it now Parker? I was in the middle of something important.

Parker: Well that can wait because I got a new assignment for you and I think you might like this one.

Grace: And what could that be besides damaging the sacred places where the Na'vi protect.

Parker: Right, but no it's not that. I want to you do some research on a new species that was discovered.

Grace: New species? What are you talking about?

Parker: Found this video from an incident that took place and lets just say this creature is something bizarre as well as something that would be interest to study and learn from.(Parker saids and shows the video of Reito)

When Grace looked at the being as well as what it can do, she was left in awe and shock that a whole new species was in the forest and it didn't share any Na'vi relations. The way she saw it fought and defend itself and fired those light beams at the soldiers was nothing she has ever seen before.

Grace: I have never seen such a specimen like this. Where did you find this?

Worker: It was found on a damaged amp suit, this thing cooked it with the light blast or whatever it was.

Parker: Yup and I want you to study it, found out what it is and report it back to me. Also if you happen to get a DNA sample that would be most appreciated.

Quaritch: If bullets don't work on this son of bitch, I am using heavier fire power. Have the troops alarmed in case our new friend here tries to come here.

Soldier: Yes sir!

Grace looked the image of the being she was seeing and she actually would love to know more about it and where it came from though she needs to know where it is and how to find it. Though she had to admit for a totally new species, this one was quite handsome and very muscular that caused the doctor to blush of the idea but shrugged it off and headed back to her lab to get ready to find out who her mystery friend is.

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