Chapter 6: The DreamWalker Encounter!

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Morning came the next day at home tree where Reito was up and early before the other Na'vi can wake up to start the day. Reito was always a morning person who always does his dally routine with a quick work out followed by testing out his Ki powers and then finally some meditation to help calm the minds of the warrior. While he was meditating peacefully, unknown to the a group of young Na'vi children were walking up to him quietly but Reito can sense their presence.

Na'vi Child: You think he can hear us?

Na'vi Child 2: I don't think so, it looks like he is sleeping.

Na'vi Child 3: Why is he sleeping like that though?

Na'vi Child: Maybe thats how he likes to sleep.

Reito: You know I can hear what you little ones are saying and to answer your question no I am not sleeping.(Reito saids with a smile and gets up from his meditation to greet the young Na'vi)

Reito kneeled down to the girls level to meet them eye to eye where the three were admiring Reito for being new to their clan while Reito himself didn't mind the girls talking about him. The girls reminded him of how he first met the love of his life at that age and seeing the girls brought back find memories.

Na'vi Child(Navi): He is so strong.

Na'vi Child 2(Navi): You think Kireysi would like him?

Na'vi Child(Navi): You know we haven't seen her since you know with the sky people.

Reito(Navi): Who was she? Who was this Kireysi that you mentioned. I only heard so little from Sylwanin.

Na'vi Child 3: Mother.

Na'vi Child: She was like a mother to us when we went to her school. She taught us how to translate her languages as well as her history. Her sky people name was Grace but we like to call her Kireysi. She wanted to bring peace between of clans but the sky people they...

Reito: You don't have to keep going I understand young one. I see what the sky people do to your world and what they try to do. Though I wish not to talk about them but I would like to know more about Kireysi since you girls have a strong connection with her.

All the girls smiled at Reito in which they took him to a nice spot where they like to spend time together and once there they began to tell Reito all about Kireysi or Grace is her name and about how they met her and how she enjoyed the bonds between the Na'vi and its people. Reito smiled that there was a sky person who treated the Na'vi with such kindness and cared deeply about this world. Reito started to think and maybe that Na'vi or DreamWalker that the clan talks about was Kireysi/Grace, because he sense a strong spiritual connection within the person he looked upon. Before Reito could speak, he heard his name called and he looked to see it was Neytiri coming over to him.

Neytiri(Navi): Good morning Reito.

Reito(Navi): Good morning to you too Neytiri. The girls here were telling me great stories in which I enjoyed listening too thank you girls.(Reito saids to Neytiri then the girls who smiled and went off to play)

Neytiri: Where have you been? When I woke up you weren't in bed.

Reito: I was doing my morning routines. It's always good to wake up early in the morning to some quick work outs followed by training in Ki and some calm meditation.

Neytiri: How long have you been up?

Reito: Since the sun started to rise over home tree. What can I say I am early kind of guy who is filled with energy.

Neytiri: Hehehe. Come, you must join us for breakfast.

Reito: You don't have to tell me twice, I could use some food right about now.

Neytiri grabbed Reito's hand and took him to the gathering where everyone was having their food which were fruits and vegetables and some fish that were caught by some warriors. Reito sat down with Tsu'Tey and his warriors who all greeted him and Reito did the same for them and enjoys the company of other warriors. Mo'at looked at the interaction between Reito and the warriors and it made her smile that Reito was already starting to bond with the people.

Mo'at(Navi): He is strong like warrior and is already interacting with Tsu'Tey and his young warriors. I can see much greatness and kind hearted in this one.

Neytiri and Sylwanin: And so handsome....💙.

Mo'at: What was that?

Neytiri and Sylwanin: Nothing!(Both said while blushing with embarrassment)

Mo'at: What's going on with those two?(Mo'at saids in thought but decided to shrug it off and continue to eat with her mate)

Both Neytiri and her sister were eying Reito who was laughing and having fun time getting to know Tsu'Tey and his warriors who were telling stories both amazing and embarrassing. Reito was already starting to like this clan a lot though despite getting along with them he can't help but ponder about the sky people and fears that if those guys tried to harm the Na'vi of the forest he will do what he must to keep them safe. After breakfast was finished, Reito was told that training will be held tomorrow because Neytiri wants to take him a tour on the forest but Sylwanin decided to but in.

Sylwanin: Reito, would like to see what the forest is like. I can show you the most beautiful places that have great spiritual connections.

Reito: That sounds....

Neytiri: I already promised Reito that I will show him around the forest.

Sylwanin: I asked first.

Neytiri: No you didn't I did.

Sylwanin: Maybe you should get your ears checked sister.

Neytiri: I am showing him the forest!

Sylwanin: Over my dead body!

Neytiri: HISS!

Sylwanin: HISS!

Reito: And I am out of here. Geez what is up with those two.(Reito saids and thought then walks away from the two sisters who are still fighting)

Mo'at: Going for a walk in the forest I see.

Reito: Yea something like that. Also due tell the girls that I decided to go on my own because well....

Neytiri and Sylwanin: I AM TAKING HIM!/NO I AM!

Mo'at: Sigh..what am I going to do with those two.

Reito: Were they always like this when they were small?

Mo'at: Not at first but this is new to me.

Reito: Well whatever the case, I am sure they will come to their senses...eventually.

Mo'at: If not?

Reito: Then you gotta show them some tough mother love. Trust me it works, even my own mother did couple times.

Mo'at: Your mother raised you well.

Reito: I appreciated your kind words Mo'at. I will be back by night fall. Also don't worry about the creatures in the forest they wont harm me because they can probably sense that I am stronger then them. I wont bring any harm to them either.

Mo'at: I trust your words Reito. Stay safe.

Reito: I will.

Reito took off into the forest and began his journey of seeing the rest of life created by Eywa. He still had to admit the forest was beautiful and filled with such wonders all around it. From plants, the trees, and the animals that live there. Reito only which to share this with his family back home. Though he will tell them stories about his adventures once his task in finished.

Reito: Even though I only been in the forest for a short time, I still get over how amazing this place looks though I still do miss the oceans and the islands back home. I just mother and Tsireya will be all right. I promised them I will come back and I will.

Reito spent hours walking through the forest as well as having some fruit to eat that were not poison and some fresh water to drink. Though while walking he encountered a herd of SturmBeest walking through a small lake area having a drink and eating vegetations.

Reito: Incredible these creatures are. Awe they even have a little cafe with them. I can see that big one is the bull and the others are juveniles. Best to leave them to their own thing cause I don't want the bull to get startled.

Reito took off to the sky and decided it's been a while since he did any flying so he took to the skies and flew around the area and towards the floating mountains hovering above him. He landed on the edge of the floating mountain and got a sweet view of the whole area and it was breathtaking. Reito then continued on with his journey into the forest but then he heard some commotion coming from a couple miles from he was and went to see what it was. When he arrived he hid between the trees and looked to see what it was and it was one of the sky people's flying vehicles and out came a soldier along with three DreamWalkers a male, and two females while one was holding a weapon.

Reito: Sky people....wait it's her again. She must be the one that the girls told me about Kireysi or Grace either one would sound nice. Though I do not know the other two DreamWalkers, I think the male is a friend to Grace though the other not so much and I don't trust her especially with that weapon as well as the soldier.

Reito saw went to listen to the conversation that Grace and the others were talking about where Reito discovered the name of male DreamWalker called Norm which sounded like a good name. Then heard that Grace told the pilot to shut down the vehicle because they were going to stay a while. Reito can sense that both Norm and Grave do not pose a threat but the others not so much so he kept his guard. He hid in the trees to listen to the conversation happening below him.

Grace: Stay with the ship. One idiot with a gun is enough.

Reito: That I could agree on.(Reito saids in thought)

Soldier: You the man doc.

Reito watches the three DreamWalkers walk into the forest while the one of them, the female with the gun was getting startled until she pointed her weapon at some Prolemuris passing by getting fruit. Reito rolled his eyes at how stupid the female thinks that these little guys can be dangerous.

Grace: Prolemuris. They're not aggressive. Relax, Marine. You're making me nervous.

Norm: So, how will they know we're here?

Grace: I'm sure they're watching us right now. Though I don't think they are not the only ones watching us.

Reito looks to see them heading towards the same area where he met Neytiri and her sister as well as where he took out the soldiers. He watches them go to the school that the girls talked about. Reito floated to the top of the school and listened.

Grace: This was our school. Now it's The kids were so bright. Eager to learn. They picked up English faster than I could teach it.

Reito: Now I can see why the children loved her so much, she even acts like a mother as well as good teacher.(Reito saids in thought)

Grace: So, we'll take a couple of these Ph monitors..and a soil probe. That little yellow case back there. The old microscope.

Norm: Oh here.(Norm saids and hands Grace a book)

Grace: Oh, yeah. I loved this one. The stingbats knocked them down. Sometimes I keep hoping someone will come back in and read them.

Norm: Why don't they come back?

Reito: I know the reason.(Reito saids in thought)

Grace: The Omaticaya..learned as much about as they needed to.

Female DreamWalker: What happened here?(She asks while looking at the bullet holes in the wall)

Grace: Are you going to help us with this gear? We've got a lot to do.

As soon as they got their gear and left they headed back into the forest with Reito still in the trees following them. He followed them until they stopped and looked to see Grace and Norm taking what looks like samples of the vines. Reito smiled at seeing the DreamWalker Norm gasp in amazement while seeing Grace smile and teach him. Reito then looked towards the other female who decided to wonder off which was reckless.

Reito: This female is walking to somebody else's territory. If she doesn't look where she is going things might turn ugly.

Reito watches the female who walks away from Grace and Norm and comes by a group of large plants sticking out of the ground. When she went to touch one of them it went into the ground so quickly. The female couldn't help by giggle at what she was doing while Reito was shacking his head because the female doesn't know whats near her. After the female DreamWalker touched another plant, all of sudden every one of them went to the ground and the next thing the female saw was a Hammerhead who got startled from seeing the DreamWalker.

Reito: And...she's dead. Though it's stupid to point a weapon at him due to the fact that hide looks too thick to penetrate.(Reito saids in thought while seeing the DreamWalker point her weapon at the creature)

Grace: Don't shoot, don't shoot you'll piss him off.

Female DreamWalker: Uh it's already pissed off?!

Grace: Zhina that armor is too thick trust me.

Reito: So the other female goes by Zhina. Heh and for once someone agrees with me that the armor is too thick. Not only kind hearted but also smart too. I like this Grace as well as the Norm guy they're ok.(Reito saids in thought)

Grace: It's a territory threat display, do not run or he will charge.

Zhina: So what am I suppose to do, dance with it?

Grace: Just hold your ground.

Reito looked to see the hammerhead charge at Zhina and out of stupidity she did the same and yelled like a crazy person but the hammerhead stopped because it senses something else and it was dangerous.

Reito: Oh boy here comes more trouble.

Zhina: Hahaha yea come on! Show me what you got! Oh yea whose bad now you little bitch! That's right get your little behind back to mommy. Yea you keep running, you got nothing and bring back some of your friends huh.

Reito: She doesn't realize that there is vicious predator behind her.

Zhina heard some growling and hissing behind her and when she turned around she got spooked and looked at the beast known as a Thanator who let out a roar towards a group of hammerheads protecting the cafe. The Thanator lost it chance but then turned its head towards Zhina.

Zhina: What about this one? Run, don't run what?!

Reito: Definitely runaway from that one.(Reito saids in thought)

Grace: Run! Definitely run!

Zhina started to run with the beast behind her. It almost got her but thanks to the trees and the bamboos in the forest it was making impossible to catch the DreamWalker but that wasn't going to stop the creature from getting its prey. Zhina takes cover inside a tree but it wasn't going to hold the creature who was digging its head trying to grab Zhina. Zhina with the weapon still in her hands began to fire at the Thanator.


Zhina fired but was missing the shots and Thanator grabbed the weapon with his jaw and threw it far away leaving Zhina nothing to defend herself. She made a run for it but not before the beast knocked her down and grabbed the backpack and began shaking her all over the place until Zhina unstrapped the pack and continued to run. Without knowing of where she was going she jumped off what appears to be a cliff and looked down to see a waterfall. The Thanator couldn't catch her without avoiding injury from a large fall. Zhina dropped into the water and grabbed out a branch to hang on. Reito who saw everything from the trees shoot his head at how crazy this female was but survived.

Reito: Sigh...thats what she gets for being reckless and stupid. I might as well leave....but if I leave this DreamWalker alone in the forest she wont last that long out there. Might as well as keep an eye on her for the time being.

Reito watches the female known as Zhina head into the forest and cut down a large stick and sharpen it with a knife to make it into a spear. Zhina now armed with a spear walks into the forest while keeping her guard up to make sure nothing can surprise her. While he watching the DreamWalker move through the bushes, he picked up someone nearby in which was none other than Neytiri.

Reito: Psst.

Neytiri: Reito? How did?

Reito(Whisper): Shh...keep quiet. Don't want alert her of our whereabouts.

Neytiri: I'll handle this.(Neytiri saids and takes out her arrow and aims it at Zhina)

Reito was about to say something else until he looks to see what appears to be a seed from the sacred trees created by Eywa. It was floating down towards both Neytiri and Reito. Reito see's it going towards Neytiri's bow and it made young archer stop what she was doing.

Reito: Bizarre? What does it mean?

Neytiri: It's a sign.

Reito: For what exactly?

Neytiri: We will soon find out. Come lets follow the DreamWalker and stay hidden.

Reito: That's what I was doing all this time.

Neytiri: You were following the DreamWalker?

Reito: Yea before she was getting chased by a hungry Thanator who chased her all over the forest. I have to admit she is both childish and completely reckless.

Neytiri: She's like a baby.

Reito: Heh that's something we both agree on.

Neytiri: Sorry I didn't get to show you around the forest.

Reito: Hey don't worry about it, you can still teach me your peoples ways tomorrow. I look forward to knowing much as I can.

Neytiri: Thank you.

Reito: Better move, little miss DreamWalker is moving further away from us. Keep to the trees so she will not know we are spying on her.

Night soon approached and Zhina was getting reckless due to the sounds she's been hearing in the forest in which she started to hear what sounded like a group of hounds eyeing her from the forest. She found herself what looks like a tree sap and used piece of cloth to wrap around the spear because tends to light a fire to lore the creatures away from her. When the creatures were moving closer and closer, Zhina made a spark with a lighter she used and burst the cloth with the tree sap into flames and revealed the creatures surrounding her. The creatures were smaller than her but dangerous and in numbers, they were known as ViperWolves.

Zhina ran into the forest again and was swinging the flame torch but the ViperWolves were still not leaving her alone and were getting closer by the minute. As much as she tried to get them to leave her alone it was still not enough.

Zhina: I don't have all god dam night. Come on! Come on!

Th ViperWolves charged in and attack, Zhina was able to stable a couple of them and hit one of them but more were coming at her and another tackled her to the ground and tried to bite her while she was struggling to get the creature off her until something grabbed the ViperWolf.

What grabbed the ViperWolf was known other than Rieto himself who lifted the ViperWolf to his eyes and when the creature looked into the eyes of Rieto it startled it as well as the others. Zhina gasp of who she was looking at and didn't know who saved her and why. Zhina looked to see if the being in front of her was going to kill the ViperWolf but instead Reito put down the animal and brought out some meats that belong to some fishes. Reito offered all of them the meats in which the ViperWolves decided to take the fish meat and go back into the forest.

Reito(Navi): Eat well little hunters of the night.

Soon Neytiri came in and looked to see some of the ViperWolves dead and decided to pray to it for being killed as did Reito who said a prayer and wished the dead ViperWolf to rest and be with Eywa. Why they were praying to the fallen creatures Zhina got up to greet the two and thanked them for saving her.

Reito(Navi): You all have fought bravely but know this little hunters of the night, your spirit will live on in the ways of Eywa. You will find your brothers and sisters among the souls in the afterlife. Know this our goddess Eywa will protect you.

Zhina: Look you probably don't understand this..but um..thank you. Thank you..that was impressive of what you did though I could have done better. I would have been screwed if you didn't come along. Are you a Na'vi? I never seen one like you before?

Neytir(Navi): We should go now.

Reito(Navi): Right.(Reito saids and leaves with Neytiri)

Zhina: Hey wait a minute! Where are you two going? Wait up, just slow down. I just want to say thanks for getting rid of those things.

WHACK!(Neytiri wacks Zhina with her bow)

Reito: Could have done that myself.(Reito saids in thought)

Zhina: Ah?! Dam!

Neytiri: Don't thank. You don't thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only.

Zhina: Whoah geez girl okay okay I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry.

Neytiri: This is your fault, they didn't need to die.

Zhina: What? My fault. How could it be my fault they attacked me how am I the bad guy?

Neytiri: Your fault!

Reito: They were just hungry nothing more.

Zhina: What are you? And hungry seriously well they almost ate me, what was suppose to do?

Reito: Doesn't concern you DreamWalker and it never will. You could have offered them food but instead you slain their brothers and sisters. Foolish! So I agree it's your fault.

Zhina: Okay okay..

Neytiri: You're like a baby. Making nose, don't know what to do.

Zhina: All right easy. Fine if you both love your little forest friends. Why not let them just kill my ass? What's the thinking?

Neytiri: Why save you?

Zhina: Yea why save me?

Reito: Tsk...whose said I was saving you. I care about the creatures and the people of this forest nothing more. Though I did however see something in you that caught my interest.

Zhina: What would that be?

Neytiri: You have a strong heart. No fear.

Zhina: What do you see in me?(Zhina saids to Rieto)

Reito: An idiot whose is both stupid, acts like a child, whines a lot and not to mentioned a moron who doesn't pay attention to nothing and gets herself killed.

Zhina: Ouch.

Reito: And you smell like the back of a Sturmbeest behind like literally. And your aroma disgusts me.

Neytiri: Pffff.....

Zhina: Oh that's very kind of you to say.(Whisper)Duchbag.

Neytiri: Let us leave.

Reito: Right behind you.

Zhina: Heh well if I am so much like a child, well maybe you can teach me.

Neytiri: Sky people cannot learn which they cannot see.

Zhina: Then teach me how to see.

Reito: Just avoid the stranger and she might go away.

Zhina: You know I can hear you right!

Neytiri: No one can teach you how to see.

Zhina: Well come on, can't we just talk like where did you learn how to speak English. Doctor Grace's school.

Reito: You really do act like a baby.

Zhina: What about you? I mean you don't look like Na'vi are you new around here. Where did you come from? Are there more like you?

Reito: I do not like to share anything about who I am especially to a DreamWalker whose people are nothing but demons. Your kind brings destruction and death.

Zhina: Okay okay I wont ask sorry. But please I need your help.

Neytiri: You should not be here.

Zhina: Take me back with you.

Neytiri: No go back.

Zhina: No.

Neytiri: Go back.

Reito(Navi): Neytiri look, more of the seeds of Eywa.

Zhina: What...what are they?(Zhina saids as the seeds were coming on her whole body)

Neytiri: Seeds of the sacred tree. Very pure spirits.

Zhina: Huha.

After a while the seeds flew off Zhina and back into the forest that left both Reito and Neytiri in question while Zhina looked confused of what just happened.

Zhina: What was that all about?

Neytiri: Come, come.(Neytiri saids and takes Zhina's hand)

Reito: Her father is not going to like this one bit.(Reito saids in thought then goes to follow the girls)

Zhina: Where are we going?

Reito: I sense some energies near by and I think I know who they are. I will probably get a good laugh out of this one here.(Reito saids in thought)

While they were running into the forest Zhina wanted to ask both her savior and the female Na'vi their names when all of sudden Zhina's legs get tangled up and falls to the ground.

Zhina: Shit...

Out of the forest came the warriors of the Na'vi clan armed and pointing their spears and arrows at Zhina and riding on the DireHorse was Tsu'Tey. Reito smirked at seeing his new friend and his warriors. Zhina put her hands up to surrender since there is no point of running.

Neytiri(Navi): Calm people, calm.

Reito(Navi): I see you Tsu'Tey.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): I see you Reito. Neytiri.

Neytiri(Navi): What are you doing, Tsu'Tey?

Tsu'Tey(Navi): These demons are forbidden here.

Neytiri(Navi): There has been a sign. This is a matter for the Tsahik.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): Does she speak the truth Reito?

Reito(Navi): Tsk..hate to break it to you Tsu'Tey but it's true though like you I don't trust this DreamWalker one bit.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): Indeed, bring her.

Zhina: What's going on? Whats happening?

Reito and Neytiri along with Tsu'Tey and his warriors took Zhina all the way back to home tree where the Na'vi clan are gathering. Zhina looked at where she was being taken and went inside the large tree where she looked upon the clan that Grace talked about and many were staring at the DreamWalker before them. Zhina was soon brought to the front of the clan where standing before her was Neytiri's father Eytukan and Tsu'tey who informed him of what was discovered.

Neytiri(Navi): Father I see you.

Reito(Navi): I see you Eytukan.

Eytukan walks towards Zhina who looks nervous but keeps her cool and once finished Eytukan spoke.

Eytukan(Navi): This creature. Why do you bring her here?

Reito(Navi): I found Neytiri in the forest where I saw her and she was going to kill the DreamWalker when she stopped all of sudden.

Neytiri(Navi): It's true I was going to kill her..but there was a sign from Eywa.

Eytukan(Navi): I have DreamWalker will come here.

Zhina: What's he saying?

Eytukan(Navi): Her alien smell fills my nose.

Reito(Navi): You and me both Eytukan, she's smells worse than the back of a Sturmbeest.(Reito saids that got everyone smirking and giggles)

Zhina: What is he saying?

Reito: Her father is deciding rather to kill you or not.

Zhina: Father? Well its nice to...

Reito: Stay where you are and don't say a word.(Reito saids with a glare that made Zhina stay put)

Zhina listened though felt a little pale under the glare of Reito who didn't care until he heard Mo'at voice calling.

Mo'at(Navi): Step back! I will look at this alien.

Neytiri: That is Mo'at, my mother. She is Tsahik. The one who interprets the will of Eywa.

Zhina: Who's Eywa?

Reito: Does she even know anything honestly.(Reito saids in thought while rolling his eyes at the female moron)

Mo'at: What are you called?

Zhina: Zhinarisk though I go by Zhina for short.(Zhina saids then gets cut by Mo'at whose tastes her blood)

Mo'at: Why did you come to us?

Zhina: I came to learn.

Mo'at: We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.

Zhina: Well, my cup is empty, trust me. Just ask Dr.Augustine. I'm no scientist.

Mo'at: What are you?

Zhina: I was soldier, a warrior of the JarHead clan.

Reito(Whisper): She lied about the clan, there's no JarHead clan.(Reito whispers to Neytiri)

Neytiri(Whisper): How did you know she lied?

Reito(Whisper): I can sense it with my Ki energy. Best to watch her.

Neytiri: Mhm.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): Heh I warrior, I could kill her easily!

Eytukan(Navi): No! This is could be the first female warrior DreamWalker we have seen. We need to learn more about her just like we are doing with Reito.

Mo'at(Navi): My will and your sister will teach her our way. To speak and walk as we do.

Sylwanin(Navi): What?! Mother we already promise to teach Reito our ways this isn't faire.

Neytiri(Navi): I agree, why can't someone else teach her.

Mo'at(Navi): You will both teach both him and her together and that is final.

Neytiri and Sylwania: Argh......

Mo'at: It is decided. My daughters we teach you our ways and Reito will be also be joining them to learn. Learn well, Zhina. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured.

Zhina: Thank you.

Reito(Navi): Mo'at I wish to speak with this DreamWalker alone.

Mo'at(Navi): Very well.

Reito: Follow me Zhina.

Zhina followed Reito to a quiet area where they can be alone to talk and once alone Zhina was going to speak until Reito beat her too it.

Zhina: So your name is Reito, nice to meet you and just want to say thank....

Reito: Look here DreamWalker! This is a warning, I will find you dead quickly if you bring any of these good people to harm or worse if you so called Sky People cause anything that will hurt the trust and love of the Na'vi I won't hesitate to destroy you. I seen what your kind has done and I will not allow any Na'vi from either clan be harmed. I am very strong and powerful and I can easily kill you in a second. Heed my warning girl, you think the Na'vi are scary but me I am far more worse. I care deeply about the Na'vi and if you ever deceived them or do anything behind my back, your history.

Zhina: Gulp!(Zhina pales white under the glare from Reito)

Reito: I also can tell that you lied about the JarHead clan and don't deny it because I know rather you are lying or not. I sensed it. Now do you understand what I just said.

Zhina: Y...yes......

Reito: Good, and I will destroy you and your Sky People if you do the wrong idea. Also try to get information about me knowing that your kind wants it well I am not saying anything because I do not trust you nor do I like you. So watch your back because I will be stomping on it when you make the wrong choice.

Zhina: I...I....I wont say anything.

Reito: Make sure that you don't. And get rid of those clothes you reek.

Zhina: Hey!

Reito: Good luck with the training, your gonna need it.(Reito saids then walks away)

Zhina: Jesus that guy was something else. That glare he made almost gave me a heart attack and want to run for my life. Though I do have to admit for an alien of unknown, he's kind of hot. Wait what the hell am I thinking?

After a while Zhina strip off the dirty clothes and decided to keep on her tank top and shorts that she had underneath because she didn't feel comfortable wearing those cloths like the Na'vi wear. Neytiri took her to the gathering where everyone was having dinner though Reito decided to sit with Tsu'Tey away from Zhina who still doesn't trust her even if she is willing to learn.

Zhina: You know I never got your name.

Neytiri: Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite and my sister name is Sylwanin te Tskaha Mo'at'ite.

Zhina: You have a short name?

Neytiri: Neytiri.

Sylwanin: Sylwanin.

Zhina: Neytiri and Sylwanin. It's nice to meet the both of you.

Reito was keeping an eye on the DreamWalker to make sure nothing happens along with Tsu'Tey who doesn't trust the female as well.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): These aliens try to look like people..but they can 't.

Mo'at(Navi): She seems dim to me.

Reito and Tsu'Tey: Pffff...

Reito(Navi): What else do you know?

Mo'at(Navi): Her eyes are too small.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): I give the alien a week.

Reito(Navi): Hehehe. I give her three months. That if she last that long.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): Three months you say, hmm I guess I could agree to that.

After dinner was done Reito returned back to his sleeping quarters that was next to Neytiri but looked to see Zhina sleeping next to the bed Reito stays. Reito rolled his eyes and headed to bed while avoiding to look at Zhina who looked to see Reito coming to bed.

Zhina: Hey.

Rieto: Hmph.(Reito saids and goes to sleep)

Zhina: Wow rude as much.

Rieto: Get used to it. I only care about the Na'vi nothing more and you better be ready for the lessons and do pay attention.

Zhina: Yea yea whatever.

Reito: Why did I get stuck with this one is beyond me.(Reito saids in thought they goes to sleep)

Zhina: Good know what never mind.

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