chapter 10

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After some time Jake Neytiri and Neteyam went on Patrol giving YN Miles Kiri Lo'ak and Spider to go exploring and also Tuk was there with them

The scene shows of YN Miles Kiri Lo'ak Tuk and Spider running giant vines as they were having fun YN and Miles started web swinging around

Lo'ak: bro

Kiri: go monkey boy

YN: this is awesome

Miles: yeah I'm having a great time

Tuktirey: guys wait up

The scene shows of YN Miles Kiri Lo'ak Tuktirey and Spider walking through the forest then Tuk stops as she plays with a plant

Lo'ak: Tuk keep up

Tuktirey: okay okay

Spider: bro why'd you bring her anyway

Lo'ak: she's such a cry baby she's all I'm telling you're not supposed to go to the battlefield I'll tell mom if you don't let me come

Kiri: don't pick on her

Tuktirey stick her tongue out at Lo'ak

YN: besides Lo'ak Tuk here is just bord being stuck at home all the time

Miles: she's got nothing to do at home besides just stay there

YN petted Tuk on her head she's always like when he petted her head the scene shows of the group seeing a old abandoned gunship in vines

Lo'ak: come on

Spider: oh sick

Tuktirey: are there any dead bodies up there

YN: if there is they're probably skeletons by now Tuk

Miles sees two skeletons wearing RDA outfits

Miles: yup there are two skeletons in here

Spider: image if this thing still works

YN: Pffff if it did Spider there's no way in hell you can fly this thing

Spider: I bet you I can

Miles: I don't think so Spider because monkeys can't fly

Spider: shut up dude

Tuktirey: hey guys where's Kiri

Everyone looked around and sees Kiri nowhere to be seen

Lo'ak: yeah where is she

Spider: I don't know I thought she was behind us

YN: I'll go look for her Tuk stay close to Miles and those two idiots

Lo'ak&Spider: hey

YN starts searching for Kiri he calms on a tree to get a high ground to look for for Kiri faster then he spotted Kiri laying on the ground sleeping as the seeds of the sacred tree were around her YN used his web shooters and hold on to the web as he was upside-down and he started to wake up her

YN: Kiri Kiri wake up

Kiri wakes up and she saw YN upside-down

YN: you okay

Kiri: I was doing that thing again wasn't I

YN: yeah you were I found you here sleeping on the ground

YN looks around and sees it was very peaceful here while listening to the sounds of the forest

YN: I can see why your fell asleep here it very peaceful and you look cute while sleeping

Kiri: you were watching sleeping

YN: yeah but only for a few seconds

YN offer her a hand which she accepted then she and him started looking into each others eyes YN looked into her yellow eyes and Kiri looked into his eyes even through he was in his Symbiote suit then Kiri slowly starts to reach for his mask and pulled it down only to see his mouth then they kissed

They actually kissed and it was their first kissed they stayed like that for a few seconds until Kiri pulled back

Kiri: wow

YN: yeah wow

Tuktirey: there you ar- what are you two doing

Kiri quick pulled up YN mask to cover his mouth and they see Miles Lo'ak Tuktirey and Spider

Miles: yeah what were you two doing

Kiri: nothing YN just woke me up

Spider: yeah sure

YN jump down

YN: enough we should go back before dad and mom see we're gone

YN Miles Kiri Lo'ak Tuk and Spider started going back home in Lo'ak saw something

Kiri: what is it

Tuktirey: we're always supposed to be home by eclipse

YN notice a footprint in the mud but they were way to big for a human and it was a boot

Lo'ak" it's way too big for a human

Spider: Avatars

YN: no this is a boot print and none of the Avatars we know don't wear boots they're ain't ours

Lo'ak and Spider started following the footprints

Kiri: what are you doing

Lo'ak: I'm tracking

YN grabbed Lo'ak arm

YN: no Lo'ak we should go back and tell dad what we found

Lo'ak: it's better if we find out about them

YN: fine

YN Miles Kiri Lo'ak Tuk and Spider followed the footprints and it leads to the old base that YN fought against Quaritch with Jake years ago

Kiri: we are never supposed to come here dad is going to ground you

Lo'ak: can you stop

Kiri: for life

YN: okay we should go back

Lo'ak: bro we have got to check this out

YN: are you crazy and get caught by whoever they no we should definitely go back and tell dad

Lo'ak: come on bro don't he a Wuss

Lo'ak and Spider go to get closer

YN: Fuck

YN looks at Kiri Miles and Tuk

YN: I'm gonna go with them Tuk stay with Miles and Kiri okay

Tuktirey: okay

Miles: I'll keep an eye here

Kiri: YN be careful

YN: I'm always careful

YN followed Lo'ak and Spider and they see Avatars but they were wearing full came and had ARs

Spider: bro that's where your dad YN and my dad fought

YN: this is a place that I would never see again

Lo'ak: that's your dad's actual suit

Spider: holy shit

???: Lyle sees if you can pull some date off that dash cam

Lyle: that's thing dealer than shit Colonel

Lo'ak: I gotta call this in

Spider: no bro we're gonna get in trouble

YN: fuck getting trouble do you really want to fight them no Lo'ak call dad

Lo'ak nodded and he contacted Jake

Lo'ak: Devil Dog Devil Dog this is Eagle eye over

Jake coms: Eagle eye send your traffic

Lo'ak: I got eyes on some guys they look like Avatars but they're wearing camo and carrying ARs there's six of them over

Jake coms: what's your pos over

Lo'ak: Umm we're at the old shack

Jake coms: who's we

Lo'ak: me Spider Kiri YN Miles and Tuk

Jake coms: Son you listen to me very carefully you pull back right now do not make a sound you get the hell out of here move copy

Lo'ak: yes sir moving out

YN: let's go

Kiri: see I told you

YN Miles Kiri Lo'ak Tuk and Spider started going back home quietly as possible making sure the avatars don't hear or see them

Kiri: you're going to be in so much trouble

Lo'ak: Kiri stop

Spider: guys

YN: stop or they'll hear us

Miles: so be quiet

Tuktirey: it's almost eclipse come on

Then suddenly a Avatar come out of the bushes and grabbed Tuk then more of them come out of the bushes and aimed their weapons

Avatar: Down down

Avatar 2: put it down or I'll shoot you

Lo'ak and Spider aimed their bows YN and Miles get ready but then something was thrown on the ground and it played a loud sonic sound making YN yell in pain as the Symbiote was roaring in pain

Miles: YN

Then a red electricity rope was on Miles making him go on his knees and he felt his powers weaken and then Miles saw Vulture and Prowler

Prowler: sorry kid

The Avatars grabbed everyone Prowler put a red electricity rope around YN making his power weak

Vulture: hello Spider-Man

Then more Avatars arrives

Leader Avatar: what do we have here

One of the Avatars grabbed Kiri hand showing her five fingers

Avatar: hey Colonel check it out four fingers we got a half breed

The leader Avatar go to Lo'ak

Leader Avatar: show me your fingers

Lo'ak rises his hands and gives him a double bird

Leader Avatar: you're his aren't you

Lo'ak hissed at him

Leader Avatar: you're his all right

He grabbed Lo'ak Queue and pulled really hard making Lo'ak go in plan

Leader Avatar: where is he

Lo'ak in Na'vi: sorry I don't speak English to buttholes

Leader Avatar in Na'vi: where is your father

Tuktirey: YN I'm scared

YN: it's okay Tuk just stay calm

The leader Avatar looks YN

Leader Avatar: YN is that you

YN: do I know you

Leader Avatar: I knew you look familiar still wearing that suit aren't you don't you remember me

YN starts picking the pieces together and he realizes that it's Quaritch

YN: Quaritch

Quaritch: ahh you remember now

YN: how you're dead Neytiri killed you

Quaritch: let's just say I've been brought back to life now where is Jake

YN: I ain't telling you shit

Quaritch looks at Miles

Quaritch: what's your name

Miles: Miles Morales

Quaritch: you're Jeff kid I thought they send you back to Earth

Miles: I was chosen to stay because I got bite by radioactive spider

Quaritch: huh tell me where is Jake

Miles: I ain't telling you where is he

Quaritch: really you both want to play it this way

Quaritch grabbed his knife and goes over to Kiri

YN: Kiri


Quaritch looks at Spider

Quaritch: what's your name kid

Spider: Spider Socorro

Quaritch: Miles

Miles: huh

YN: I don't think he means you

Avatar: shut it

Spider: Nobody calls me that

Quaritch: well I'll be damned I figured they send you back to Earth

Spider: they can't put babies in cruo dipshit

Avatar: what are we doing boss

Kiri: let us go

Avatar2: shut it

Prowler: Quaritch let them go

Quaritch: why would I do that Prowler

Prowler: because you're here to kill Jake Sully not goddamm children I didn't come out of retirement to kill children

Quaritch: you better shut your damn mouth Prowler you're wanted criminal and you'll be in cell or dead right now if you take this job so do me a favor and shut the hell up

Vulture: why don't I kill Spider man right now

Quaritch: not yet Vulture


It was night time and raining YN saw name in their vents it was said RECOM they hold them hostage then they heard a familiar calling it was Neytiri meaning Jake is here too YN looks at Miles and they nodded Kiri started mumbling in Na'vi a RECOM told her to shut up Kiri continued to mumble in Na'vi the RECOM told her to shut up again then Arrow hit him in the eye killing him

Quaritch: contact rear

They fired at where Neytiri was


Lo'ak set off the smoke grenades on the RECOM vest Miles does a Venom blast knocking the RECOMS Vulture and Prowler back

YN: Go go

Everyone started running and split up

Miles runs off looking for Jake or Neytiri then RECOMS surround him

Miles: Looking for a fight I'll give you a fight

Female RECOM: watch out for his powers

Miles started fighting the RECOMS while dodging their bullets Miles swing around and kick a RECOM

Miles continued fighting the RECOMS and he uppercut a one of them and blast him with his Vemon

Miles does a Vemon jump and does air combo's to the RECOMS defeating them all

YN was swinging by looking for Jake or Neytiri but mostly Kiri as he swing his spidey sense goes off and he goes to dodged but the Bullet got him in the shoulder and he landed on the ground in pain he growls in anger and he heard a voice in his head

???: Kill them all

The RECOM walks over to YN

RECOM: end of the line Spider man

RECOM grabbed him and saw this YN mask was no longer a mask it was a actually face with razor sharp teeth and he roared

RRECOM: what the hell

YN slash his face and then he used his claws to slash open the RECOM stomach as his guts were out YN stick hand inside his guts and ripped off his face killing him

The RECOM drop dead on the ground YN was almost to eat the body until he heard Kiri scream and he roared

YN runs on all four and he looked for Kiri and he found her on the ground with a RECOM and it looked like he wS undoing his pants YN growls and grabbed the RECOM by the throat and he used his claws to rip his throat and drop the body of the RECOM

Kiri watch YN ripped the RECOM throat and she noticed he was different the mask was actually a face with razor sharp teeth

Kiri: YN

YN looks at Kiri and his goes back to normal the face goes back to a mask

YN: Kiri

YN hug Kiri and she hug back

YN: thank Eywa you're okay

Kiri: you killed him

YN: i had to Kiri

YN and Kiri meet with Jake Neytiri Miles Lo'ak Neytiri Neteyam and Tuk

Jake: are you two okay are you hurt

YN: I'm fine

Then a massive ship was seen and they hide make it doesn't see them and it flew away

Jake: okay we're clear

YN noticed that Spider wasn't here

YN: Kiri where's Spider

Kiri: they took him they took him

YN hug Kiri

YN: it's okay Spider tough he'll be okay


Back at home base YN Miles Kiri Neteyam Lo'ak and Tuktirey where listening to Jake and Neytiri conversation

Jake: this thing this Quaritch whatever he is he can walk right in here he can walk right under Eywa nose

Neytiri: this is our family this is our home

Jake: this is about our family this is about our little ones

Neytiri: I cannot you cannot ask this I cannot leave my people I will not

Jake: he's hunting us he's targeting our family

Neytiri: you cannot ask this the children everything they've even known the forest this is our home

Jake: he had our children he had them under his knife

Neytiri grabbed her father ceremonial bow

Neytiri: my father gave me this bow as he lay dying and he said protect the people you're Toruk Macto

Jake: this will protect the people Quaritch has Spider and that kid knows everything he knows our whole operation and he can lead them right in here if the people harbor us they will die do you understand look I got nothing I got no plan but I can protect this family that I can do

Neytiri had tears going down her cheeks and Jake placed his hands on Neytiri shoulders

Jake: I know one thing whatever we go this family is our fortress

Jake and Neytiri hug and Kiri looks at YN

Kiri: what do we do YN

YN looks down and he really doesn't know what do to do Lo'ak Neteyam Kiri and Tuktirey always trust of YN plan since he is the first adopted children of the family they always follow his plan but this time he doesn't have a plan

They wait for a while until Jake and Neytiri come out of their Hut

Jake: how much did you heard

YN: everything

Jake: listen start packing your things we leave tomorrow morning

They nodded YN was seen kneeling down against a rock and thinks about what happened of that power it felt good with that type of power nothing can stop him then he heard footsteps and it was Kiri she sit down next to him and lay her head again YN head as she wrap her tail around him and they fall asleep

To be continue

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